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English Department, HASANUDDIN UNIVERSITY, Indonesia
PusatBahasaUnhasKampusUnhasTamalanrea, 90245 Makassar
Attitudes towards language learning is paramount important. Learners with positive
attitudes, who experience success, will have these attitudes reinforced. In contrast,
learners’ negative attitudes may be strengthened by lack of success. Attitudes are learnt,
not inherited or generally endowed (Baker, 1988, in Ellis, 2003: 198 - 199).
Two research questions are raised in this study. 1. How are the attitudes of freshmen of
English department towards learning English, and 2. How are their impacts on their
Reading Comprehension 1 achievement. This subject is compulsory for all freshmen and
it is offered at the first semester with four credits.
The population of this research were 74 students in the two study years: 2012 - 2013 and
2013 - 2014 Academic Year. Qualitative descriptive method was applied to answer the
two research questions (RQ). The participants completed one questionnaire with 29
questions related to RQ 1, using a scale of 1-5 (Likert’ Scale) to measure their attitudes.
The impacts of their attitudes could be seen in the results of their pre and post-test using
Reading Scale by Brown (2004). Classroom observation was also done as a
complementary of other instruments.
The results reveal that their positive attitudes towards learning English significantly
improve their Reading 1 achievement.
Keyword: Attitudes, Impacts, EFL Learners, Achievement
1. Introduction
In Indonesia where English is as a foreign language, English is getting more and more
popular. People tend to think that learningEnglish at schools or any other educational
institutions is not enough. Therefore, parents send their children to the centers of English
learning or send them overseas to get better English. Situation like this is common in
Indonesia. It is because nowadays, learning and becoming proficient in English language
become a demand for everyone who wants to be successful inhis/her life.This is in line
with what Gomleksiz (2010: 413) points out in his research that fluency in the English
language is a key to success in life. There are many ways to success in improving one’s
English.One way to achieve this is by reading as reading is the window of the world. It is
said that the more you read the more knowledge you will gain. Verma (2005) gives an
example of the youth of India that they are aware of the importance of English in getting
a good job with good salary. This proves how important it is for everyone to master the
language, especially in this globalization era.
I think everyone knows that reading is important, particularly for students at tertiary
education as they are demanded to read a lot for academic purposes.Prior to discussing its
importance is what is actually meant by reading. One definition states that it is the process
of constructing meaning through the dynamic interaction among the reader’s existing
knowledge, the information suggested by the written language, and the context of the
reading situation (Anthony, Pearson, & Raphael, 1993, p. 284). Now, comes the next
question: what could be the reason that makes reading is so important. One article written
by Wongis to convince readers that there are eight reasons why reading is so important,
hoping that readers can get a brand new desire to explore the world of reading. The
following is the explanation of the eight reasons.
One is Exposing Yourself to New Things. This means that reading can direct you to learn
new things, get new information,find new ways to solve a problem and to achieve one
thing. This may lead you to find your career and success in the future. Two is Self
Improvement where through reading you can improve yourself because you understand
what you read. Say for example, how to build self-confidence, how to make plan better
before taking action, how to memorize things better and more. All of these will improve
yourself and it is through reading you gain this.Three is Improving Understanding. It is
said that the more you read the more you understand one thing. It is true because you
keep training yourself through reading. You can be easily gained the gist of what you
have read. For example, if you want to play well in a game, you need to read and
understand the rules well.Four is Preparation to Action. Before you take action on
anything, you need to seek for help and guidance.The best way of helping you out is
through reading. In this globalization era, everybody can get help from others, and can
bring a significant impact on your next decision. In this case, the author gives some
simple examples: reading about how to cook a meal, how to play chess, how to read the
menu before ordering the food, etc. These all can help you become more prepared before
you really get into it.
Furthermore, Gaining Experience from Other People.When you read, you actually gain
knowledge and experience of someone. You can learn how other people can be success,
fail in their lives. So that, you do not need to repeat the same mistakes because you have
learnt from others. Six is Tools of Communicating. Communication is the most important
tool which can be transmitted through reading. It means that when you read you
communicate and you can also communicate better with people. If you are
knowledgeable, you can share your knowledge to others. Through reading, you build a
more solid foundation for communication. Seven is Connecting Your Brain.
Whenreading, you are in full silence because reading connects directly to your brain. In
silence, you seek for moreunderstandings, your brain is clear and focuses. Thus, you learn
and grow, and therefore, you connect to the point of view of the author. As a result, you
shave a better self. Finally, Reading is Boosting Imagination and Creativity. When you
read, you expose to a world of imagination, show you nothing is impossible in this world.
By reading, you are exploring a different angle to see a thing you’ve known, on how
different action leads to different results. This directs you to become a broad-minded
person. The above explanation opens our mind that to be knowledgeable, reading is one
vital skill for people (learners) to know as a tool to success in life, particularly in their
academic life.
Another vital skill which has a direct effect on learning a language is attitude. Attitude is
an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event (the attitude
object). Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once described attitudes “the most
distinctive and indispensible concept in contemporary social psychology
Categories).”Attitude can be formed from a person’s past and present, and it is also
measurable and changeable as well as influencing the person’s emotion and behavior.
A number of research on attitude has been conducted. One of them is Gomleksis (2010)
who investigated university students’ attitudes towards learning English in Turkey. One
of his findings indicates that sophomores tendency towards learning English is higher
than freshmen’s. Hall (2009 in Gomleksiz) states that one way of predicting a student’s
success is by analyzing his/her attitude toward learning the language. From the same
source, Ellis (1994) confirms that negative attitude can impede learning a language.
However,that is not the end asLennartsson (2006) in Gomleksiz (2010) optimistically
says that a student’s negative attitudes still can be changed into positive ones and
facilitate getting a positive result. This is supported by what is stated by Oroujlou and
Vahedi (2011) that an attitude is relatively enduring because it is learned, it can be
unlearned. Since it can be learned, it can also be taught. Therefore, it can be changed. In
addition, Gomleksiz quotes Kramsch’ statement (2006) to remind us, particularly
language teachers that “language learners are not only communicators and problem
solver, but whole persons with hearts, bodies, and minds, with memories, fantasies,
Another finding indicates that in order to get better result of learning the language, the
students need to have positive attitudes and motivation because language learning is
mainly affected by the two elements (Verma, 2005). Moreover, according to the author,
today English language learners want their teachers to fulfill their needs because their predesigned syllabus is not in line with their needs. This affects their attitudes of learning the
language.Ghazvini and Khajehpour (2011) also analyze attitudes and motivation in
learning English as Second Language in high school students. Although their samples are
high school students but the findings can be used as a reference to enrich this current
paper.They classified the sample based on gender: female and male. Their finding in
relation to attitudes reveals that the girls have more positive attitude toward learning
English as a second language than boys. In general both girls and boys have very positive
attitude to learning English as a foreign language.
Hubungkandgnpenelitianinishgmunculpertanyaan research.
In short, the crucial factor in language learning is the student’s factor.
In short, positive attitudes bring positive impact on their learning.
2. Design of the Research
In this classroom research there were 74 freshmen (2 classes) of English Department
Faculty of Letters Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, in the two study years:
2012 - 2013 and 2013 - 2014 academic year who took Reading Comprehension 1. It is a
compulsory subject and is offered at the first semester. All students (participants) in the
two classes were included in this research. The two classes were taught by the researcher.
2.2 Research Methodology
In order to collect data for this research, a questionnaire of 29 questions (Setiyadi, 2006)
using a scale of 1-5 (Liker’ Scale) was used to measure the participants’ attitudes toward
learning English. Other measurements used were pre and post-test. Classroom
observation was also done as a complementary of other instruments.
2.3 Procedure
The questionnaire was distributed to the 74 participants and the data were tabulated and
so as for the data collected from their pre and post-test for the two classes. The data taken
from the classroom observation were noted as the way they were. The researcher
observed what was going on in the two classes during the lecture. All data were
descriptively analyzed.
3. Research Findings
The findings of this research were based on the results of the questionnaire, pre-and posttest, and classroom observation. Each finding is presented separately in the following
tables and explanation for the classroom observation.
3.1. Questionnaire
The questionnaire in this research consisted of 29 questions with five options (SA:
Strongly Agree, A: Agree, U: Undecided, D: Disagree; SD: Strongly Disagree). The
following is the finding from the questionnaire.
Table 1. Distribution of the Participants’ Answers in the Questionnaire Students
Attitudes towards Learning English
English is necessary in the era of globalization
English is a language with standard rule
In Indonesia the use of English should be restricted
English is a popular language in Indonesia
Television programs shown in English in Indonesia
must be translated into Indonesian
English is less important than other foreign languages
for Indonesians
English is a very complicated language
English is a language of educated people
Listening to English songs is disgusting
English pronunciation is beautiful
If I have children, I would like them also to learn
English out of school hours
I prefer to be taught English at all school levels
Learning English is interesting
Learning English makes happy
I would rather spend my time on another language (if
any) than English
Learning English is dull
English class should be an optional subject
English is a language worth learning
Learning English can influence our way of life based
on Pancasila
Native speakers of English are friendly
Native speakers of English are generally well-educated
Native speakers of English feel too superior to other
Native speakers of English are money oriented
Native speakers of English are arrogant
Native speakers of English tend to intervene another
country’s domestic affairs
Native speakers of English are trustworthy
Native speakers of English are hardworking
Native speakers of English are considerate of the
feeling of others
Native speakers of English are selfish
SD Ttl
Table 2.
4. Discussion
Anthony, Pearson, & Raphael.1993.Reflecting on Teaching Reading. , The University of
Michigan Press, 284.
Brown, ….
Categories: Definitions.Attitude (psychology).Retrieved from Psychological
attitude.Last modified on 11 May 2014.
Ghazvini, S. Dabbagh., Khajehpour, Milad. 2011. Attitudes and Motivation in learning
English as Second Language inhigh school students.Procedia Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 15, 1209-1213.
Gomleksiz, Mehmet Nuri (2010). An evaluation of students’ attitudes toward English
Language learning in terms of several variables.Procedia Social and Behavioral
Sciences, 9, 913-918.
Oroujlou, Nasser.,Vahedi, Majid. 2011. Motivation, attitude, and language
learningProcedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 994-1000.
anKualitatif.Edisipertama, Cetakanpertama.GrahaIlmu.
Verma, Meeakshi H. (2005). Learner’s Attitude and Its Impact on Language learning.
Invertis Institute of Engineering & Technology, Bareilly 243 123 (Uttar Pradesh)
Wong, J.J. (2012). 8 Reasons Why Reading is So Important. An article posted by Wong,
A Co-founder of Inspiration Boost.