M4 Curriculum Map

Curriculum MapHigh School Dance Level 4(Advanced Ballet 4/5, Advanced Modern 4, & Advanced Tap/Jazz 4)
1st Nine Weeks
GPS Standard: DHS4FD.1
Identifies and demonstrates movement elements, skills, and terminology in dance.
Essential Questions:
1. Does a warm-up prepare and condition your body for the rigors of more difficult work? (a)
2. How does the fine tuning of your dance technique allow for more freedom of movement?
(b, c, & d)
3. How does an advanced knowledge of dance vocabulary facilitate open communication
between the instructor and between dancers? (e)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Executes a technically based warm-up related to strength, muscular endurance, and flexibility
b. Executes advanced principles of dance technique with precision
c. Executes focus, control, and coordination in performing complex combinations through the
integration of dance elements
d. Refines the ability to transfer weight, change direction and maintain balance without losing focus
in a dynamic movement context
e. Synthesizes knowledge of dance vocabulary from multiple sources
Formative/Summative Assessment
Teacher observation
GPS Standard: DHS4FD.2
Understands and models dance etiquette as a classroom participant, performer, and observer.
Essential Questions:
1. How are dance and self control related in class, rehearsal, and performance
(attentiveness, initiative, etc.)? (a-c)
2. As an advanced dancer, how can you model leadership skills and etiquette in all aspects
of theatrical performances? (d)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Demonstrates attentiveness, focus, concentration, initiative, and self-discipline when
participating in the dance learning environment
b. Demonstrates concentration and focus and helps to maintain a respectful performance
environment for others
c. Exhibits ability to perform with focus, concentration, and attends rehearsals and classes in
preparation for performances
d. Exhibits leadership skills in modeling appropriate behaviors and skills as an audience member and
dance observer
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
 Teacher created assessment
GPS Standard: DHS4FD.3
Recognizes concepts of anatomy and kinesiology in movement.
Essential Questions:
1. How can understanding your musculoskeletal system aid in your technical
development as a dancer? (a & b)
2. What does it mean to be a thoughtful and expressive dance artist? (c)
3. What is the importance of applying injury prevention as a dancer? (d)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Exhibits use of self-monitoring methods to refine and improve alignment and technical skills
b. Defines and describes the physiological demands of different dance techniques and repertoire
and how to prepare for those demands within rehearsals and performances
c. Engages in self-directed learning strategies to increase accuracy, precision, artistry, and
d. Applies principles of injury prevention for dance to personal practices in preparing for dance class
and performance
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
 Teacher created assessment
GPS Standard: DHS4FD.4
Understands and applies music concepts to dance.
Essential Questions:
1. How does movement allow the dancer to interpret complex musical concepts?
2. Does dance dictate music or does music dictate dance? (b)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Synthesizes musical concepts with self-initiation in instructed and created dance movements and
b. Demonstrates self-initiative in phrasing movements artistically, aesthetically, and musically
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
GPS Standard: DHS4CO.1
Demonstrates and understands dance in various cultures and historical periods.
Essential Questions:
1. Can dance affect the attitudes of people in the development of their societies? If so,
how? (a.)
2. How have the 20th century master choreographers influenced the development of dance
styles? (b.)
3. Is it important to understand the similarities and differences between contemporary
forms of dance? Why? (c, d)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Analyzes the role and significance of dance in social, historical, cultural, and political context
b. Analyzes the dance style of important twentieth century choreographers
c. Understands similarities and differences between contemporary forms of dance
d. Evaluates the development of dance during the twentieth century and contemporary eras
focusing on the purpose of dance, dance genres and styles, artistic conflicts and resolutions,
significant contributors and innovations
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher created assessment
 Teacher created rubric
GPS Standard: DHS4CO.2
Recognizes connections between dance and wellness.
Essential Question:
1. How do your lifestyle choices affect your ability to achieve your personal potential as a
dancer? (a, c, d)
2. How has the image of the ideal dancer changed over time within dance genres? (b)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Communicates how life style choices affect the dancer
b. Analyzes the historical and cultural images of the body in dance and compare these to images of
the body in contemporary media
c. Discusses challenges facing professional performer in maintaining healthy lifestyles
d. Assesses consequences of personal actions, commitment, and discipline necessary to achieve
dance goals
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher created assessment
 Teacher created rubric
2nd Nine Weeks
The first nine weeks standards will be utilized in addition to:
GPS Standard: DHS4CO.3
Integrates the use of technology and new media.
Essential Question:
1. How does the use of technology and new media enhance the study of dance? (a & b)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Explores technological tools to create and communicate about dance
b. Understands how technology can reinforce, enhance, or alter the dance concept and
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher created assessment
 Teacher created rubric
3rd Nine Weeks
The first and second nine weeks standards will be utilized in addition to:
GPS Standard: DHS4CR.1
Demonstrates and understanding of creative/choreographic principles, processes, and
Essential Question:
1. When does movement become dance? (a, b)
2. What must happen to transform movement into dance? (d, e)
3. In your opinion, what might be the best way to document your dance creations? (c)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Manipulates the elements of choreography
b. Demonstrates various choreographic forms through both personal and group choreography
c. Demonstrates the use of choreographic form and notation using long combinations
d. Manipulates structured personal and structured group combinations to create a formal dance
e. Demonstrates a variety of structures or forms (e.g., AB, ABA, cannon, call-response, narrative)
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
 Teacher created assessment
 Teacher created rubric
GPS Standard: DHS4CR.2
Demonstrates an understanding of dance as a way to create and communicate meaning.
Essential Question:
1. How can a choreographer communicate meaning and themes through dance? (a, b, c)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Recognizes how the use of choreographic structure is used to communicate meaning in a dance
b. Identifies and demonstrates the use of theme through movement
c. Demonstrates the use of props as an extension of theme
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
 Teacher created assessment
4th Nine Weeks
The first, second, third nine weeks standards will be utilized in addition to:
GPS Standard: DHS4RE.1
Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in all aspects of dance.
Essential Question:
1. What do you learn through observation and evaluation of choreographic works? (a,
b, c, d, f)
2. How do aesthetic qualities differ in various styles of dance?
3. What are the pros and cons of observing live dance performances versus video
performances (g)
Why is it important to self-reflect on your work? (h & i)
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Critiques movement qualities and choreography using the elements of dance (e.g., spatial design,
variety, contrast, clear structure)
b. Observes and critiques the quality of dance performances using specified criteria and appropriate
dance terminology
c. Compares and contrasts multiple choreographed works
d. Analyzes and responds to dance compositions
e. Describes and demonstrates aesthetic qualities particular to various styles of dance
f. Proposes ways to revise choreography according to established assessment criteria
g. Defends or justifies the similarities and differences between observing live and recorded dance
h. Engages in self-reflection as creator and performer
i. Engages in self-assessment as creator and performer
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
 Teacher created assessment
 Teacher created rubric
GPS Standard: DHS4CO.4
Demonstrates and understands dance as it relates to other areas of knowledge
Essential Question:
1. How are dance experiences and training relevant to your general education?
2. How can your dance background prepare you for dance and non-dance professions?
Standards Based Skills and Concepts:
a. Understands and demonstrates how media and technology can reinforce, enhance, or alter the
dance concept and performance
Formative/Summative Assessment
 Teacher observation
 Teacher created assessment