Answers – Worksheets pp 1-8 FA 2015
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Um Saloom
160 cm
68 kg
Um Khammas
160 cm
70 kg
1. What does this chart compare? The chart compares two cartoon
characters named Um Saloom and Um Khammas.
2. When you compare the age of the two women, what do you see?
Um Saloom is older than Um Khammas. Um Saloom is 68 years old
but Um Khammas is 65 years old.
3. What about the height of the two women? What is interesting about this
information? Um Saloom is as tall as Um Khammas. They are both 160
cm tall.
4. What about their weight? Um Saloom is not as heavy as Um Khammas.
Um Saloom’s weight is 68kg while Um Khammas’ weight is 70kg.
5. Nationality? Both are Emirati
6. When you compare Um Saloom’s temperament to Um Khammas’, what can you
say about her (Um Saloom)? Um Saloom is kind but Um Khammas is
7. How about when you compare Um Khammas’ temperament to Um Saloom’s?
Um Khammas is not as kind as Um Saloom
8. When you compare the information of the two women, are there more
similarities or more differences? How many?
Overall there are more differences than similarities.
1. The compares Um Saloom named two chart cartoon Um Khammas characters and.
The chart compares two cartoon characters named Um Saloom and Um
2. Overall more similarities differences are than there.
Overall there are more differences than similarities.
3. We between differences three Um Khammas can there Um Saloom and that see are.
We can see that there are three differences between Um Khammas and Um
4. First, older Um Khammas Um Saloom than is.
First, Um Saloom is older than Um Khammas.
Um Saloom Um Khammas but years years is is old old 65 68.
In as as Um Khammas heavy Um Saloom is contrast, not.
Um Saloom’s Um Khammas’ while 68kg 70kg weight weight is is.
The temperament is difference final.
Um Saloom Um Khammas rebellious kind is is but.
There two two characters these similarities are between.
The nationality is first.
Both Emirati are.
The height second is.
Um Saloom Um Khammas tall is as as.
They tall 160 cm both are.
Um Saloom is 68 years old but Um Khammas is 65 years old.
In contrast, Um Saloom is not as heavy as Um Khammas.
Um Saloom’s weight is 68kg while Um Khammas’ weight is 70kg.
The final difference is temperament.
Um Saloom is kind but Um Khammas is rebellious.
There are two similarities between these two characters.
The first is nationality.
Both are Emirati
The second is height
Um Saloom is as tall as Um Khammas.
They are both 160 cm tall.
The chart compares two cartoon characters named Um Saloom and Um
Khammas. Overall there are more differences than similarities.
We can see that there are three differences between Um Khammas and Um
Saloom. First, Um Saloom is older than Um Khammas. Um Saloom is 68 years old but
Um Khammas is 65 years old.
In contrast, Um Saloom is not as heavy as Um
Khammas. Um Saloom’s weight is 68kg while Um Khammas’ weight is 70kg. The final
difference is temperament. Um Saloom is kind but Um Khammas is rebellious.
There are two similarities between these two characters. The first is nationality. Both
are Emirati. The second is height. Um Saloom is as tall as Um Khammas. They tall 160 cm
both are. They are both 160 cm tall.
Part D
Part D: Use comparison grammar and present simple tense to help you
write about what you see in the chart.
1. Um Saloom is older than Um Khammas. Um Saloom is 68 years old, but Um
Khammas is 65 years old.
1. Um Saloom is as tall as Um Khammas. Both are 160 cm tall.
Or : US and UK are the same height. Both are 160 cm tall.
2. Um Khammas is heavier than Um Saloom. (you can use the verb: weigh or
the adjective: fat). Um Khammas weighs 70 kgs, while Um Saloom weighs
Or: US is not as heavy as UK
3. Um Saloom is kinder than Um Khammas. Um Khammas is very rebellious.
Or: UK is not as kind as US. UK is…..
What is it?
Why ?
Net worth
Short essay
25 minutes
Task 1 on IELTS and L2 Exam
Charts can help you explain things quickly and easily
Comparison chart help prepare for “What is Better”
Pre-write (2-5 minutes)
Write Intro (2-5)
Body 1 = TS + SS (8-12)
Body 2 = TS + SS (8-12 min)
(no conclusion & no opinion)
168 cm
67 kg
$300 million
173 cm
55 kg
$120 million
The chart compares two famous people named Beyonce and Angelina Jolie.
Overall there are more differences than similarities.
We can see that there are seven differences between Beyonce and Angelina.
First, Beyonce is younger than Angelina. Beyonce is 31 years old but Angelina is 37
years old. Angelina is also taller than Beyonce. Angelina is 173 cm while Beyonce is
168 cm. On the other hand, Beyonce weighs more than Angelina. Beyonce’s weight is
67 kg while Angelina’s is 55kg. They also have different ethnic backgrounds. Beyonce
is African-American, whereas Angelina is white. Furthermore, they have different
occupations. Beyonce works as a singer, while Angelina is an actress. in addition,
Angelina has a bigger family than Beyonce. She has 6 children, while Beyonce just
has one child. The final difference is that Beyonce has much more money than
Angelina. Beyonce has $300 million, while Angelina has $120 million.
There are just two similarities between Beyonce and Angelina. They are both
Americans and they are both married.
Abu Dhabi and Dubai - ANSWERS
The chart compares two emirates (1) named Abu Dhabi Emirate and Dubai
Emirate. In (2) general, there are more (3) differences than (4) similarities.
It is (5) clear from the chart that there are six differences between the two
emirates. The (6) first difference is that the area of Abu Dhabi Emirate is considerably
(7) bigger than the area of Dubai Emirate. The former is 67,340 km 2 while the latter
is 4,114 km2. The next difference is in total (8) population. Dubai Emirate’s total
population, at 2.2 million, is about two times as (9) big as Abu Dhabi Emirate’s total
population, at 1.4 million. In contrast, the Emirati population of Abu Dhabi Emirate is
larger (10) than that of Dubai Emirate. The Emirati population of Abu Dhabi Emirate
and Dubai Emirate (11) is / are 886,000 and 384,540 respectively. In terms of main
industries, they are (12) different for both emirates. Abu Dhabi Emirate’s are oil and
natural gas (13) but Dubai Emirate’s are tourism, property and financial services. The
(14) final difference is in trading partners. Whereas the trading (15)
partners of
Abu Dhabi Emirate are Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar, the trading partners of Dubai
Emirate(16) are India, Switzerland and Saudi Arabia.
It is noted that there are only four similarities between (17)
these two
emirates. The first is in (18) location. Both are located in the UAE. In addition, both
have the same climate, which is hot and arid. Furthermore, Arabic is the
language in both emirates. Finally, both share (20) the same official religion which is
Halima’s Essay
The chart compares two countries, South Korea and Mongolia. In general, we
can see there are only two similarities and four differences between the two
There are two similarities between South Korea and Mongolia. Both countries
are located in Asia and most of the population in each country is Buddhist.
On the other hand, there are four differences between these two Asian
countries. The first major difference is in population. South Korea’s population of
48.8 million people is a lot bigger than Mongolia’s population of 3.1 million. In
contrast, Mongolia’s area is larger than South Korea’s. Whereas Mongolia’s area
is 1.6 million sq km, South Korea’s is only 99,720 sq km. Furthermore, the climate
in South Korea is temperate while in Mongolia it is desert and continental. The last
difference is that Korean is the language of South Korea but Mongolian is the
language of Mongolia. (161 words)
Ahmed’s Essay
The chart compares two countries, South Korea and Mongolia. Overall, there are
more similarities than differences.
We can see there are many differences between South Korea and Mongolia.
First, the population of South Korea is bigger than the population of Mongolia. The
population of South Korea is 48.8 million but the population of Mongolia is only 3.1
million. On the other hand, the area of South Korea is much smaller than the area
of Mongolia. The area of South Korea is 99,720 sq km but the area of Mongolia is 1.6
million sq km. They also have different climates. The climate of South Korea is
temperate but the climate of Mongolia is desert and continental. The final difference
is language.
In South Korea they speak Korean but in Mongolia they speak
On the other hand, there are only two similarities between the two countries.
Both South Korea and Mongolia are in Asia and the main religion in both countries is
Buddhism. (147 words)