Supporting Information C: Invertebrate taxa comparisons Table S6. Benthic invertebrate taxa found at ≥4 of the biodiversity sites and the number of sites these taxa were detected in each land use category. Associated life-habit and primary functional feeding groups are highlighted. Codes refer to the shortened names of the taxa highlighted in Fig. 4. Order Family: Sub-family Taxon Plecoptera Nemouridae Nemoura trispinosa Claassen, 1923 Sprawler Shredder Nem Number of Sites Present (For, Ag) 8 (4, 4) Plecoptera Nemouridae Amphinemura wui/nigritta Sprawler Shredder Amp 7 (4, 3) Plecoptera Leuctridae Leuctra ferruginea (Walker, 1851) Sprawler Shredder Leu 4 (1, 3) Plecoptera Chloroperlidae Sweltsa naica (Provancher, 1876) Clinger Predator Swe 8 (4, 4) Trichoptera Lepidostomatidae Lepidostoma vernale/sommermanae Climber Shredder Lep 8 (4, 4) Trichoptera Thremmatidae Neophylax aniqua Ross, 1947 Clinger Scraper Nep 5 (3, 2) Trichoptera Limnephilidae Hesperophylax designatus (Walker, 1852) Sprawler Shredder Hesp 7 (3, 4) Trichoptera Limnephilidae Onocosmoecus unicolor (Banks, 1897) Sprawler Shredder Ono 4 (3, 1) Coleoptera Dytiscidae Hydroporinae n.det Swimmer Predator Hyd 5 (3, 2) Diptera Pediciidae Dicranota Burrower Predator Dic 4 (1, 3) Diptera Pediciidae Chironomidae: Podonominae Chironomidae: Chironominae Chironomidae: Diamesinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Pedicia margarita Alexander, 1929 Burrower Ped 5 (1, 4) Parochlus kiefferi (Garrett, 1925) Sprawler Par 5 (3, 2) Tanytarsini n.det (Primarily Micropsectra) Climber Tanyt 8 (4, 4) Pseudodiamesa Sprawler Predator CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer Pse 4 (3, 1) Brillia parva Johannsen, 1934 Sprawler Bri 5 (3, 2) Corynoneura Sprawler Cor 7 (4, 3) Eukiefferiella Sprawler Euk 6 (3, 3) Heterotrissocladius marcidus (Walker, 1856) Sprawler Heterotr 6 (2, 4) Hydrobaenus Sprawler Hydrob 7 (4, 3) Metriocnemus Burrower Met 7 (3, 4) Orthocladius/Cricotopus Sprawler Ort 7 (4, 3) Paraphaenocladius/Parametriocnemus Sprawler Parap/Param 5 (2, 3) Platysmittia/Psilometriocnemus Sprawler Pl/Ps 6 (3, 3) Rheocricotopus Sprawler Rhe 6 (3, 3) Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Diptera Life-Habit Functional Feeding Group Code Shredder CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer Scraper CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer Table S6. (cont.) Order Family: Sub-family Taxon Life-Habit Functional Feeding Group Code Number of Sites Present (For, Ag) Trombidiformes Chironomidae: Orthocladiinae Hydryphantidae Trombidiformes Hydrovolziidae Hydrovolzia Climber Predator Hydrov 8 (4, 4) Trombidiformes Lebertiidae Lebertia Climber Predator Leb 7 (4, 3) Trombidiformes Sperchonidae Sperchon Climber Predator CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer CollectorFilterer CollectorGatherer CollectorGatherer Spe 8 (4, 4) Ori 8 (4, 4) Cyc 4 (1, 3) Har 5 (3, 2) Ost 4 (1, 3) Pis 7 (3, 4) Mega 6 (3, 3) Micr 6 (3, 3) Diptera Thi 8 (4, 4) Climber CollectorGatherer Predator Pan 7 (4, 3) Thienemanniella Sprawler Panisopsis Oribatida - Oribatida Burrower Copepoda - Cyclopoida Planktonic Copepoda - Harpacticoida Ostracoda - Ostracoda Planktonic Pisidium Burrower Bivalvia Sphaeriidae Climber Oligochaeta - Megadriles Burrower Oligochaeta - Microdriles Burrower Table S7. Benthic invertebrate taxa found at at ≥4 Biodiversity sites and their contribution to explaining the differences between the two land use types using Similarity of Percentages analysis (SIMPER) in PRIMER-E. Taxa that made a contribution of less than 0.5% are indicated by a dash (-), bolded values indicated the value is one of the ten highest contributors to similarity or dissimilarity (Table 3). Taxon Nemoura Amphinemura Leuctra Sweltsa Lepidostoma Neophylax Hesperophylax Onocosmoecus Hydroporinae n.det Dicranota Pedicia Parochlus Tanytarsini n.det Pseudodiamesa Brillia Corynoneura Eukiefferiella Heterotrissocladius Hydrobaenus Metriocnemus Orthocladius/ Cricotopus Paraphaenocladius/Parametriocnemus Platysmittia/Psilometriocnemus Rheocricotopus Thienemanniella Panisopsis Hydrovolzia Lebertia Sperchon Oribatida Cyclopoida Harpacticoida Ostracoda Pisidium Megadriles Microdriles % Similarity Forest sites 2.74 1.31 2.55 2.12 0.6 1.04 0.64 0.75 3.94 6.35 0.99 0.91 5.5 2.52 0.48 3.26 1.5 6.26 0.84 4.35 22.78 7.35 1.82 1.72 9.76 2.67 0.82 1.61 1.05 0.8 % Similarity Agr sites 4.16 1.88 1.62 4.55 4.44 0.64 2.68 1.02 1.83 0.97 10.16 1.01 2.06 1.87 3.51 2.02 4.86 3.17 1.82 1.81 1.91 6.77 1.13 2.61 1.65 5.17 3.43 1.17 0.56 9.6 3.99 1.18 1.92 % Dissimilarity 1.14 2.15 0.93 1.08 2.42 0.71 0.64 0.64 0.79 0.55 4.71 5.97 0.71 1.11 3.2 3.64 1.42 4.11 1.93 4.97 2.25 0.87 2.82 10.27 4.24 1.93 0.67 3.96 0.85 4 1.26 8.05 2.34 0.97 - Table S8. Median and mean (±) densities of invertebrate taxa found at ≥4 Biodiversity sites in forested springs (n=4) and agricultural springs (n=4). Land-use comparisons were made with a one-way ANOVA or a Mann-Whitney U test (indicated by ǂ). Statistically significant differences (p≤0.05) are bolded Taxon Nemoura Amphinemura Leuctra Sweltsa Lepidostoma Neophylax Hesperophylax Onocosmoecus Hydroporonae n.det Dicronata Pedicia Parochlus Tanytarsini n.det Pseudodiamesa Brillia Corynoneura Eukiefferiella Heterotrissocladius Hydrobaenus Metriocnemus Orthocladius/ Cricotopus Paraphaenocladius/ Parametriocnemus Platysmittia/ Psilometriocnemus Rheocricotopus Thienemanniella Panisopsis Hydrovolzia Lebertia Sperchon Oribatida Cyclopoida Harpacticoida Ostracoda Pisidium Megadriles Microdriles Densities in Forested Sites Median Mean ±SE Densities in Agricultural Sites Median Mean ±SE 180.95 25.60 0 179.76 163.69 27.98 66.67 23.59 32.74 0 0 2464.29 1178.95 46.37 61.90 1154.76 523.81 43.23 186.72 102.38 232.14 88.99 19.05 269.83 961.8 42.56 82.21 26.08 35.42 28.57 4.76 3172.62 2053.76 35.09 66.67 1739.29 1529.76 99.00 3236.22 86.90 106.18 65.65 19.05 143.25 848.59 25.14 45.29 12.26 16.60 28.57 4.76 1905.74 1228.55 11.71 29.86 1013.56 1202.81 73.08 3080.14 30.64 315.79 158.11 109.62 168.76 516.1 47.62 94.24 0 7.52 36.9 30.49 142.86 2928.57 0 119.05 238.10 142.86 285.71 357.14 476.19 423.4 646.94 107.19 367.01 487.63 61.90 83.63 4.76 47.93 59.81 28.94 285.71 8083.33 35.71 154.76 476.19 142.86 285.71 583.33 702.38 210.44 544.04 43.25 208.01 195.96 37.60 19.54 4.76 43.07 36.26 3.52 202.03 6154.88 35.71 93.99 331.63 61.48 137.46 377.15 396.21 0.499 0.388 0.130 0.693 0.879 0.951 0.640 0.152 0.858 0.376 0.010 0.241 0.427 0.556 0.757 0.261 ⱡ0.686 0.240 ⱡ0.686 0.130 2674.19 4469.24 2870.83 452.38 940.48 649.55 0.307 23.81 705.95 690.17 166.67 357.14 250.85 ⱡ0.686 47.62 39.29 13.52 142.86 119.05 45.59 1330.95 12919.05 1010.71 122.48 70.18 1913.78 152.38 0 76.19 0 124.81 47.62 38.78 1236.90 14864.29 1582.60 708.86 66.64 2854.51 299.53 638.39 99.70 3955.36 298.12 42.61 54.21 473.21 5748.55 762.17 622.35 20.79 1391.81 180.35 638.39 57.09 3955.36 216.96 16.09 30.72 119.05 523.81 85.21 245.11 112 226.07 141.19 64.16 76.19 3723.28 314.57 77.54 183.43 428.57 1357.14 1750.08 316.87 105.37 361.60 156.92 3292.89 253.56 6296.73 1069.98 186.39 179.43 351.54 947.91 1693.60 179.22 41.07 150.98 53.39 3250.17 205.92 3918.11 852.31 137.30 80.20 p-Value 0.333 0.294 0.002 ⱡ0.342 0.747 0.778 0.051 0.553 ⱡ0.342 0.757 0.467 0.408 0.436 0.322