PHYS 1210/1310: Physics I – Mechanics General Information Instructor: R. Michalak, TAs: N/A Office 215 PS E-mail Office hours (RM): W4pm, F11am, F4pm or via email or by appointment Expect that email inquiries may not be answered before the following day. On exam days I hold office hour from 9-12. This course fulfils university program requirement USP03 ‘SP’ and USP2015 ‘PN’ for 4 credit hours Lecture: MTR 2:10 to 4:00 Laboratory & discussion: WF 2:10 to 4:00 Text: PS239 PS133 Sears & Zemansky’s University Physics, 13th edition by Young&Freedman (older editions may vary substantially! second hand books often come with expired homework key) MasteringPhysics : use picture link for 13th ed Go to University of Wyoming and choose class RM1210SUM15 Webpage: You will find lecture templates and other course related information on my website Supplementary Reading Suggestions: On your request I am happy to name some useful texts, which adopt different teaching approaches than Young Friedman. Course Content and Course Pre-Requisites: This course is an introduction to the physical phenomenon of gravity and the field of mechanics. We will approach the material from theoretical and applied angles. Our course is part of the suite of experimental physics courses. Consequently, significant emphasis is put on developing laboratory skills. Most physics courses differ from engineering courses in that we pay much more attention to where laws and equations come from (‘derive’ them) and what their range of applicability is. ALL laws of physics have significant limitations as to when and where they apply. It is important for any deeper understanding that the student develops an insight into these aspects of physical law. Mechanics builds the foundation of classical physics and many disciplines, which build on it. We will deal with the so-called Newtonian Mechanics and will concentrate on an understanding of the concepts of force and energy as cornerstones of the theory. We will formulate the principles of Newton’s Laws, Energy Conservation, Momentum Conservation, and Angular Momentum Conservation. These do all apply, too, in a bigger context than just Mechanics of Classical Physics, but their foundation lies in this field. We will then extend our understanding of Newtonian Mechanics to periodic motion and wave motion (Mechanics of Waves). A working knowledge of calculus is required. Calculus I is a pre-requisite for this course! Calculus II is a co-requisite! Note, that the systematic of the science of physics does not follow the systematic of mathematics! We will have to use concepts like differentiation, integration, and vectors from week one on. Also, good success in this course is unlikely without a solid grasp of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. All of the following information is tentative and I reserve the right to change any of it as seems necessary to keep the class average on course. If such changes are made, they will be announced in class: Lecture Our course consists of a large amount of information in terms of concepts and problems. I have arranged the content into five major sections: Kinematics – the study of motion; Dynamics – the study of the causes of change of motion; Laws of Conservation – how to set up other equations for solving problems; Rotational Motion- ibid., Special Cases - Law of Gravity & Periodic Motion and Mechanical Waves. Some technical notes: The lecture will in part be presented in power point and in part on the white board. Demonstrations, videos, and web-applets will be used wherever helpful in illustrating a complex or new phenomenon or principle. You need to write down the information on the black board as your lecture notes, or it will be lost. You are expected to take notes about videos and demonstrations. The content of both may be part of exam questions. I employ group work techniques during lecture. Our department’s record has shown that the use of modern teaching techniques deepens understanding and reliably improves the outcome of standardized tests of knowledge retention. You will see this at work when you do the FCI benchmark bonus test. Our brain has only so much capacity to deal with new things in a short amount of time. To help you with that aspect of learning, I break lecture down into actual lecture blocks and interactive activities. Some activities deal with videos, others with web applets (bring an internet device to class, if you can), others with in-class demonstrations, and yet others with active problem solving. They are designed to clear your brain’s short term memory and make it susceptible again. This help will only be effective, if you actively participate in the assignments. Discussion Sessions and Laboratory Participation in discussion is mandatory. Discussions are integrated with the lab sessions. Your participation will only count if you sign the signup sheet during discussion. Participation in all laboratories is mandatory for the successful completion of this course. There is no time for makeup labs. Each pair of students submits a streamlined single lab report. The report consists of: The lab book with original data and pertinent information necessary to reproduce the results. A summary statement about the main result(s) within error. Tables with the main data analysis. Graphs with proper error bars and appropriate fitting curves. A self-evaluation of your own pre lab answers (pre lab submitted together with the report). Active and thoughtful lab participation is part of the lab grade. As the term progresses, my expectations will increase: During the first few labs, it is mainly your active participation that is assessed. By the week of exam 1, we will operate at full expectation level. At that time, thoughtful work will include the anticipation and correction of systematic errors, your decision to adapt the experiment plan to the factual situation in the lab, and other such proactive contributions. The competence of your contribution will include such factors as the correct use of measurement equipment and the identifying of and timely correction of obviously wrong results. Think of this as a skill you need to master for future job performance. In professional life you do have to display professional conduct and appropriate reflection on your work. Look at our lab rules as training toward honing that professional competence. A ‘good’ lab group consists of four students (you will need to build two pairs), who share in all aspects of the experimental work, the note taking, and who are all reasonably prepared for the tasks. The latter requires coming to lab prepared. Plan ahead to work at least half an hour on the lab manual before lab, and, before the first lab, work through the data and error treatment sections. Exams The exams will contain both quantitative and conceptual problems. The exams will be closed books and closed notes. I will provide you, however, with a formula sheet. The use of any electronic equipment is not allowed during the exam. All exams are mandatory and none of the grades will be dropped or replaced. The exams will be held at the following times and cover the following chapters in Young & Freedman: Exam 1, midterm, PS237 – Exam 2, final, PS237 – F June 12th 410 – 550 pm Chapter 2-8 F July 3rd 410 – 550 pm Chapter 9-12, 15-16 Homework We use the Mastering Physics online homework system (see course webpage). The online homework must be submitted by each student individually but you are allowed to work together on the solution as long as everyone contributes an equal share and contributes to all problems. The deadline for each homework is indicated in the tentative schedule below but is subject to change as announced during lecture and in Mastering Physics. Be advised not to work last minute on the online submissions. The system tends to be busy at times and the internet connection could be down. It is your responsibility to work and submit before the deadline. I set the online hw system up to accept post deadline submissions for a penalty. The penalty builds up over two hours. The system will close for late submission on the Saturday after final exam at 11pm. The MP syntax requires some experience. I provide a no penalties training hw, which does not count toward the grade, but which gives you opportunity to learn the language syntax to avoid penalties in the actual hw. It is called ‘HW 0 - Introduction’. You should strive to use the training hw tonight because regular hw will be due soon. A short list of common sources of grade loss in MP: - Wrong spacer between multiple entries - Wrong rounding of final or intermediate results - Multiple attempts used up for the same wrong answer (note also: MP has a 2% answer tolerance criterion for grading) Some problems have hint boxes. Opening hint boxes is not causing any penalty, except when you enter wrong answers into answer boxes within hint boxes. On the other hand, you can earn partial credit for a correct answer in a hint box. Special accommodations If you have a physical, learning, or psychological disability and require accommodations, please let me know as soon as possible. I will try to accommodate your condition as best as circumstances allow. You will need to register with University Disability Support Services (UDSS) in SEO, room 330 Knight Hall, 766-6189, TTY: 766-3073. If you choose to notify me late about such circumstances you forfeit your right for special accommodation for that instance. Academic honesty Don’t cheat. In the long run you are only hurting your chances at succeeding in college. The actual university rules: Academic dishonesty is defined in University Regulation 802, Revision 2 as “an act attempted or performed which misrepresents one’s involvement in an academic task in any way, or permits another student to misrepresent the latter’s involvement in an academic task by assisting the misrepresentation.” and there is a well-defined procedure to judge such cases and serious penalties may be assessed. A shorter common sense interpretation could sound something like this: If it’s not your work, don’t pretend that it is. Note that collusion and complicity are also punishable under this rule. For our work the following is of particular relevance: HW is group work in the sense explained above. Exams are not group work and must be entirely your own work and must be performed without consulting any help (no books, notes, electronic media, etc. other than what is being handed out to you). You may use solution CDs and other sources, which provide answers to practice questions for MP, but using such sources for the actual hw problems is fraud. Anyone, who will be caught committing such fraud, will receive an F as course grade and the Dean of Students will be formally notified of the incident to take it on record. Grading - The average final grade in the course has historically been a B (~2.6). This is right on target for College of A&S and College of Engineering grade averages for 1000 and 2000 level classes. Some courses have often significantly lower grade averages (for example, Calc I, II, III or Statics and Dynamics, and Phys 1210). Details of grading Exams: Homework: Labs: (subject to revision): 2 (60%) 11 (20%) 9 (20%) _____ 100% Scale: A B C D F > 90.0% 80.0-89.99% 70.0-79.99% 60.0-69.99% < 60.0% I reserve the right to curve the final grade and each exam. I will discuss grades for hw, labs, exams, and all other grades only for up to one week after the work has been handed back to class (not one week after you have collected it). General Rules of Conduct during class time: No electronic devices No taping of any kind without prior permission No unrelated activities that interrupt class. Read your university email account at least once daily. Schedule Phys 1210 Summer Course ‘15 M May 16-29 T Intro K1 W K2 K3 R K4 K5 Proj Motion + disc 1 HW0, 11pm June 1-5 D1 D2 D3 D4 Newton’s Law + disc 2 F HW1/2, Sun 11pm D5 D6 disc 3 + C1 HW3/4, Sun 11pm June 8 – 12 C1 C2 C3 C4 Energy + disc 4 C5 C6 HW5/6, Sun 11pm June 15 -19 June 22-26 R1 R2 R7 PM1 R3 R4 PM2 PM3 Ramp Race, Atwood + disc 6 Pendulum + disc 8 R5 R6 Momentum + disc 5 midterm AngMom + disc 7 HW7/8, Sun 11pm W1 W2 StdgWave + disc 9 HW9/10, Sun11pm June 29-July3 W3 W4 W5 W6 Kundt/Sound + disc 10 W7 G1 G2 G3 final exam HW11, Sat! 11pm HW12, Sat!11pm K – Kinematics PM – Periodic Motion D – Dynamics C – Conservation Laws W – Mechanical Waves G- Gravity R – Rotational Motion Tentative lecture plan (use reading guide on webpage to come prepared): Intro K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 PM1 PM2 PM3 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 G2 G3 G4 Syllabus, ch 2: velocity and acceleration, vectors ch 2: examples ch 3: examples, more on vectors ch 3: examples ch 3: relative motion ch 4: Newton Laws, forces ch 4: examples, more on forces ch 4: examples ch 5: examples with friction ch 5: examples ch 5: examples ch 6: work and energy ch 7: energy conservation ch 7: examples ch 8: impulse and momentum, momentum conservation ch 8: examples ch 8: center of mass, examples ch 9: translation key, radians ‘unit’ ch 9: rotational kinematics ch 9: moment of inertia ch9/10: torque ch10: rotational dynamics ch10: angular momentum ch10: loose ends ch14: period and equilibrium, displacement eqn ch14: examples ch14: pendulum, damped and forced PM ch15: transverse waves, wave velocity ch15: standing waves, wave eqn ch15: examples ch15: examples ch16: longitudinal waves ch16: intensity, beats, Doppler Effect ch16: examples ch13: Law of Gravitation, examples ch13: grav. Energy, g(r) ch13: Kepler etc.