SRJC Scholarship Committee - Santa Rosa Junior College

SRJC Scholarship Committee
September 12, 2014
2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
Plover Hall, Room 526
Rachael Cutcher, Linda Close, Kasia Fortunati, Galen George, Karen Brooks,
Katie Parrish, Freyja Pereira, Jim Ryan, Kris Shear
Rachael called the meeting to order at 2:05. She welcomed new members and introductions were made.
The April 10, 2014 minutes were approved as presented.
Discussion Items:
Rachael provided a brief update on the Scholarship Office staffing and invited the committee to welcome
the new Scholarship Technician, Melissa Peterson, when they have an opportunity. Rachael presented a
copy of the Scholarship Committee’s function, committee roster, and committee structure. The committee
discussed the role and function of the committee and its alignment with the District’s mission.
Rachael reported that she and Kris Shear presented the committee roster request change to the College
Council. College Council approved the Scholarship Committee’s recommendation to update the “Public”
member position to “Public – Doyle Trustee.” This change will be presented to the Board of Trustees
towards the end of this academic year. Jim Ryan will serve as the Doyle Trustee representative for this
The 2014-15 Scholarship Programs were reviewed with the committee. The 2014-15 Doyle Scholarships
were awarded to 873 members of the high school class of 2014. Of those, we expect to distribute awards
to about 55% of the recipients. Doyle Trustee awards will be advertised and awarded this fall. We
anticipate offering 35 awards at $1,000 each.
Rachael provided information on some of the larger scholarship funds including the various Anonymous
Donor programs, the F & C Lahm Family Scholarships and the Osher & Osher/Lahm Awards. She
reported that new scholarship awards are added to the overall program on a regular basis.
Rachael asked committee members to save the date for the high school counselors Doyle Kick-Off event,
which will be held on Friday, January 9, 2015.
Kris Shear presented preliminary information on the 2015-16 Doyle Scholarship Program. She reviewed
the 2013-14 ending fund balance, the projected balances for 2014-15 and started a discussion on
planning for the 2015-16 awards. The committee will meet again in October to further plan for next year.
Action Items:
Next Meeting: October 24, 2014 – 2:00 p.m.
Committee Members: Rachael Cutcher, Linda Close, Kasia Fortunati, Galen George, Kate McClintock
(Karen Brooks as designee), Katie Parrish, Freyja Pereira, Jim Ryan, Hakeem Sanusi, Kris Shear, Jerry
Thao, Don Zumwalt,
c: Dr. Chong
Ricardo Navarrette
Joshua Pinaula, President, AS
Robert Petersen, Committee Specialist, SEIU