COURSE SLO ASSESSMENT REPORT, SAC Department: Dance Course: Dance 206A Modern I Semester: Fall Year: 2013 Faculty Member: Jeremy Hahn Semester: Fall Year: 2013 Semester: Spring Year: 2014 Institutional SLO Course SLO Method of Assessment Outcomes Assessment Plan for Implementation Reassessment Outcome Plan for Implementation 1. Communication Skills a. Listening and Speaking Students will listen actively and respectfully to analyze the substance of other’s comments. Students will speak in an understandable and organized fashion to explain their ideas, express their feelings, or support a conclusion. Analyze and critique your own and other dancer’s technical skills Informal and formal assessments of in-class course content driven exercises as well as point based movement quizzes, self assessment handouts and papers administered prior and post midterm and final examinations covering beginning modern dance course content. In-class peer observation feedback opportunities and group discussions. The use of visual aids, lectures and handouts. Write a dance critique of a live dance performance that employs descriptive, interpretive and evaluative criticism as well as an effective use of an appropriate dance vocabulary. Based upon informal and formal assessments by the completion of the semester only a quarter of students exceeded and met standards for self and peer analysis. A majority of students exceeded and met standards earlier in the semester however post midterm assessment the students were absent during class critiques and did not turn in critical thinking writing assignments based on self assessment and concert critique. Incorporating more inclass viewing and peer feedback opportunities as well as showing examples of the work of historical modern dance choreographers in order for students to develop the critical thinking skills so that they may describe modern dance terminology and articulate the dynamic qualities of movement while applying feedback to peers. Devising healthier study habits inclass by implementing assignments that directly ask students to verbalize knowledge and creating activities that directly engage student’s critical thinking skills. Stressing the importance of turning in course work. Classes incorporated various methods of informal and formal viewing and peer responding assignments utilizing proper technical terminology pertaining to beginning modern dance course content preparing students for writing a dance critique and providing an opportunity to assess themselves verbally and via writing. Emphasis was placed on viewing dance during lectures, developing critical assessment abilities and using short in-class writing assignments as further preparation for concert critique. Based upon informal and formal assessments by the completion of the semester about half of students exceeded and met standards for self and peer analysis. A majority of students exceeded and met standards for in class viewing and assessment however many students did not turn in critical thinking writing assignments based on personal selfassessment. However, three quarters of students exceeded and met standards utilizing content from class into a formal concert critique. Incorporating more inclass individual and group peer analysis opportunities and the development of further movement and writing based assignments upon viewing and responding to live and video dancing. Developing cohesive methods preparing students for formal critical analytical writing and breaking down parts of a college level paper i.e. introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, analysis and support, and conclusion. Stressing the importance of speaking and writing about dance and turning in course work. Understand and apply verbal instructions and correction to improve dance technique. Informal and formal assessments of in-class content driven exercises in the form of written and movement based quizzes and examinations as well as compositional group creative projects incorporating course content based upon beginning modern technique. Based upon informal and formal assessments of students dancing abilities a majority of students exceeded and met standards however all students showed technical improvements while dancing. However some technical accuracy from the most beginning students only met standards. Repetition of exercises covering beginning modern dance technique, in-class viewing and peer feedback opportunities, and personalizing individual student feedback in order to differentiate my instruction to cater to all levels of ability in the class. Technical and improvisational based movement exercises, informal and formal assessments of in-class content driven exercises in the form of written and movement based quizzes/examinations as well as written and movement compositional solo Based upon informal and formal assessments of students dancing abilities a majority of students exceeded and met standards however all students showed technical improvements while dancing. Approximately half of students excelled beyond beginning modern technique while b. Reading and Writing Students will read effectively and analytically and will comprehend at a college level. Students will write in an organized and grammatically correct fashion to explain their feelings and support a conclusion. 2. Thinking and Reasoning Student will identify and analyze real or potential “problems” and develop, evaluate, and test possible solutions using creative thinking, analysis and synthesis, quantitative reasoning, and/or transfer of knowledge and skills to Repetition of exercises covering beginning modern dance technique and using in-class assessments to determine when to progress with class material. Stronger use of in-class viewing and peer feedback opportunities for movement activities, and personalizing individual student feedback in order a new context as appropriate. a. Creative Thinking Students will develop the skills to formulate original ideas and concepts in addition to integrating those of others in the creative process. some technical accuracy from the most beginning students only met or approached standards many due to absences. to differentiate my instruction to cater to all levels of ability in the class. Understand ballet terminology, basic anatomy, dance injuries, and stage terminology both written and verbally. Practical application within written and performance based creative projects containing terminology specific to beginning modern dance technique, in-class review session as well as essay portions of exams and quizzes graded on factual accuracy, use of appropriate vocabulary, and clearly expressed ideas. Note taking from the use of visual aids, lectures and handouts. Based upon informal and formal assessments a majority of students met and exceeded their understanding and articulation of terminology when tested however many predominately met and approached standards during essay portions of quizzes and examinations. Practical application of terminology. Devising healthier study habits inclass by implementing assignments that directly ask students to verbalize knowledge and creating activities that directly engage student’s critical thinking skills. Practical application within written and performance based creative projects containing terminology specific to beginning modern dance technique, in-class review session as well as essay portions of exams and quizzes graded on factual accuracy, use of multipart assignments incorporating terminology into movement exams and peer review worksheets. Note taking from the use of visual aids, lectures and handouts. Based upon informal and formal assessments a slight majority of students met and exceeded their understanding and articulation of terminology when tested however many predominately met and approached standards during essay portions of quizzes and examinations particularly during the cumulative final examination. Practical application of terminology by connecting content directly to movement exercises and the viewing of modern dance during lectures. Devising healthier study habits inclass by implementing assignments that directly ask students to verbalize knowledge and creating activities that directly engage student’s physical comprehension of terminology and critical thinking skills. Acquire physical dance skills appropriate to the level of Modern1 Informal and formal assessments of in-class content driven exercises. In-class point based assignments based on accurate use of technical modern vocabulary to describe actual dance experience. Based upon informal and formal assessments of students dancing abilities a majority of students exceeded and met standards however all students showed technical improvements while dancing. However some technical accuracy from the most beginning students only met and approached standards. Variation of exercise sequencing in which technical dance concepts are built upon the prior. Differentiated instruction in order to teach multiple levels of students possessing various degrees of technical dance experience within singular beginning level class. Continue to provide a learning environment stressing the importance of punctuality and physical and mental dedication necessary for the whole dancer to preform and embody the skills of beginning modern technique. Informal and formal assessments of in-class content driven movement exercises. Variation of exercise sequencing in which technical dance concepts are built upon the prior. Differentiated instruction in order to teach multiple levels of students possessing various degrees of technical dance experience within singular beginning level class. In-class point based compositional assignment based on accurate physical performance of technical modern vocabulary that was used to create the structure of the movement material. Based upon informal and formal assessments of students dancing abilities a majority of students exceeded and met standards however all students showed technical improvements while dancing. However some technical accuracy from the most beginning students only met and approached standards. Variation of exercise sequencing in which technical dance concepts are built upon the prior before and after the midterm examination. Differentiated instruction in order to teach multiple levels of students possessing various degrees of technical dance experience within singular beginning level class. Continue to provide a safe learning environment stressing the importance of attendance, punctuality, health and physical and mental dedication necessary for the whole dancer to learn skills presented in class in order to preform and embody the criteria of beginning modern technique. b. Critical Thinking Students will think logically in solving problems; explaining their conclusions; and evaluating, supporting, or critiquing the thinking of others. 5. Life Skills a. Creative Expression Students will produce artistic and creative expression b.Aesthetic Appreciation Students will respond to artistic and creative expressions creative projects incorporating course content based upon beginning modern technique. An ongoing process, develop personal expression and performance ability in modern dance technique. Informal and formal assessments of in-class content driven exercises. The use of improvisational scoring in order to give students the critical thinking skills necessary of beginning modern. The viewing of live performance and recordings of historical modern dance choreographers providing students access to the range and diversity of the vernacular of Modern dance. Based upon informal and formal assessments a majority of students exceeded and met levels of personal expression during improvisational explorations as well as during performance based portions of movement quizzes, midterm and final examinations. Continuing discovering methods to link content from improvisational scores to the material of tested movement combinations. Informal and formal assessments of in-class content driven exercises. The use of breath to connect basic physicality to the complexities of modern dance technique. The use of improvisational scoring in order to give students the critical thinking skills necessary of beginning modern. The viewing of live performance and recordings of historical modern dance choreographers providing students access to the range and diversity of the vernacular of Modern dance. The assessment of solo and group performances of movement material covering fundamental criteria of beginning modern dance technique and performance. Creative compositional project grounded in a historical context of modern dance for the creation of solo performance material. Based upon informal and formal assessments a majority of students exceeded and met levels of personal expression during, in-class exercise, compositional projects, performance based portions of movement quizzes, midterm and final examinations. Stronger use of improvisation and continue discovering methods to link content from improvisational scores to the material of tested movement combinations, creation of comfort while moving, more performance based compositional projects, and the promotion of individual rehearsal in preparation for movement exams. Variation of exercise sequencing in which technical dance concepts are built upon the prior.