November 12, 2015 BWNW Board Minutes

Minutes BWNW Board November 12, 2015
Present: Jim Anderson, Ann Cole, Martin Jones, Anne Millhollen, Anne O’Brien, Dave
Call to order: Ann Cole, president, called the meeting to order.
Minutes: Approval of August minutes which had not been previously approved. Dave
moved, Martin seconded and minutes of August 2015 Board were approved with
September minutes were approved at October meeting
October minutes Dave moved and Martin seconded and October minutes as attached were
approved with corrections.
AOB to send clean copies to Anne M for website.
Treasurer’s report:
Beginning balance: $1488: includes $688.87 in savings and $799.89 in checking. There are
2 outstanding checks at total of $161.92 so actual total is $1326.
Ann proposed $20 a month for snacks by O’Brien. We decided to that host of any BWNW
event or meeting may either ask board for reimbursement or make an in kind donation to
BWNW. Earmarking $20 per monthly meeting was approved
Nominating committee: 5 of 7 voting member approved the slate of officers.
Board co-Presidents: Ann Cole/ Martin Jones
Treasurer: Dave O'Brien
Secretary: Anne O'Brien
Board member: Jim Anderson
New members: Kara is interested for future, not right now. Will invite her to pot luck.
Marion Diermeyer is interested and has a special interest in violence in society. Martin will
meet with her. Checked bylaws re qualifications for board. Requires that the nominee have
a commitment to BWNW principles. Will invite her to next Board and potluck.
Anne M emailed Negina and Luke asking them to come to bd meetings. No response as yet.
Ann will ask Stan Turner to come to two meetings if he is interested in Board position
Last year’s UO board reps: Anne got email resignation from Erin . Unable to reach Kate.
Thoughts on Future for BWNW:
Ann asked how do we create the study groups and venues and make an impact or do we
want to expand our mission? Martin is thinks we should work on issue of violence how to
stem and how that plays out to world. Local action involves a sphere in which we can have
some influence. Ann proposed using Rivera Sun’s Dandelion Revolution study guide as
basis for board discussion re non violent action.
Where are we holding firm and how are we going to do that? All agree we are an education
group. .
1…how to get Study Series groups going? What’s our purpose, our strategy? Collaborate
with other groups to educate people re: violence. Proposing alternatives to violence?
Martin will work on language for this. Do we use old model? We are interested in what
Mike Rose has had to say about how to motivate change from Great Courses. Ann would
talk to NWEI as to how their Study Series groups -Simplicity and Seeing Systems- are going.
One way of taking action/addressing violence in the community has to do with building
community as Debra Kaufman at PSU does in her course. Want to have a clearly stated
initiative this year.
Goal could be to get an op ed into RG. Martin thinks presenting to groups is effective.
Brainstorm re direction at next board meeting, including: purpose, blue prints, specific
initiative for this year
Use Sun book for board. Collaboration partners? How do we Maximize our impact. How
our principles can be incorporated.
Next meeting: per Outreach.
Anne O’Brien