managers report - Fish & Game West Coast

Meeting commenced at 7.00pm with a welcome to members.
PRESENT: Jan Derks, Rob Roney, Dean Phibbs, Mark Smith, Bruce Erickson, Andy Harris
(Chairman), Jean Willis, Dave Heine,
In attendance: Dean Kelly (Manager), Rhys Adams (Officer), Leanne Johnson
(Administration Officer), Shaun Burnett (DOC), Sean Climo (Ngai Tahu)
APOLOGIES: No apologies were received.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST REGISTER: No conflicts of interest were noted.
Mr Willis noted an incorrect figure1.5 rather than 1.3 in the NZ council report. Mr Heine noted
the location was Kamaka not Ahaura.
(D Phibbs/M Smith), carried
That the Minutes of the June 2013 meeting, as circulated, with amendments
noted, be approved as a true and correct record of that meeting.
Mr Roney commented that it was not requires to have a summary of the NZ council report
recorded in the minutes. Mr Kelly acknowledged this and stated that he would leave it out of
future minutes.
CORRESPONDENCE: (as per pre-circulated schedule)
R Roney enquired about ranger activity sheet only being recorded when it comes in by mail.
A discussion ensued regarding recording of email correspondence. Mr Kelly and Mr Harris
were asked discuss a process on this between meetings.
Resolved: (B Erickson/J Derks ), carried.
That the inwards correspondence be received.
Letter from Neil Hayes - Non-toxic gamebird hunting.
Mr Harris discussed a couple of issues about it resulted in more wounded birds. Motion
decoys act as a magnet, harrier hawks is a bit of a nonsense. Mr Harris thinks our bag limits
are very liberal. Mr Roney said about shooting lead into the wetlands, we would have a
problem there if we went back to lead.
(J Willis/R Roney), carried
That the letter from Neil Hayes be received.
Letter from Cecil Teasdale.
Mr Harris read out a letter of appreciation from MrsTeasdale.
(J Derks/D Heine), carried
That the letter from Cecil Teasdale be received.
Late correspondence – Contribution to the Mallard Research Project
Mr Kelly presented a letter from the Southland Council seeking additional research funds
from the regions. Mr Kelly and Mr Willis both stated that this appeared to breach Fish and
Game budgeting policy and was poor management of the research project. Mr Heine
enquired about Southland’s involvement in the research fund. Mr Kelly informed the council
about the background of Southland’s involvement of the research project. Mr Heine stated
that considering the perceived decline in North Island hunting it should have been
researched there.
(R Roney/D Phibbs), carried
That the manager write to the Southland Council declining the request for
further funding and state that the West Coast region is concerned that
budgeting and the regional review process has not been followed.
Mr Kelly informed the council that it is likely that revenue targets will not be met this year.
Resolved: (J Derks /R Roney), carried.
That the Financial Report be received.
Mr Kelly presented the pre-circulated bimonthly operational report. Expanding on;
Lake Ianthe Lagarosiphon incursion. Mr Kelly provided an overview of Lagarosiphon
in the region.
RMA consultation. Mr Kelly stated that he had attended meetings with WestPower (re
Waitaha Hydro) and Pacific Minerals (Illmenite mining at Barrytown) regarding their
Health & Safety. Mr Kelly informed that council that the Eastern Region had done an
excellent job in combining our two H&S manuals. A review of the draft against the
ACC WSM assessment has also been completed and the policy and processes were
now being implemented.
2013/14 Licence fees are still to be approved by the Minister. Mr Kelly stated that if
approval of the new fees is declined than we would probably be able to make do on
the existing fees but that this is not sustainable in the long term.
Mr Adams presented the Backcountry Angler Surveys Report. Mr Adams stated that it was a
West Coast survey but from the responses some generalisations can be made about South
Island backcountry rivers.
Mr Adams presented the Sports Fish Spawning Surveys Report. Mr Roney queried the
value in releasing Rainbow Trout.
(D Heine/J Derks), carried
That the council receive both the Backcountry Angler Survey Report and Sports
Fish Spawning Survey Report and commend Mr Adams on a thorough
Mr Phibbs enquired about the viability of the Kawatiri Salmon Angler’s Association proposal
to establish a salmon fishery in the Buller River. Mr Kelly provided an overview of information
provided to the association and his thoughts on the merits of the proposal.
(M Smith/J Derks), carried
That the Managers Operational Report be received.
Mr Willis provided a summary of the NZ council meeting held on the 19th-21st July.
(B Erickson/J Derks), carried
That the NZ Council Report be received.
SUPPER: The meeting was adjourned for supper at 8:15pm. The meeting recommenced at
Complaints Policy.
Mr Kelly outlined the review he had conducted and provided a recommendation to adopt the
precirculated amended governance polices.
(J Derks/M Smith), carried
That Council adopt the pre circulated amended Governance polices.
Councillor Service Recognition.
Mr Kelly presented a review of councillor service recognition. Mr Smith thanked Mr Kelly for
the review. Mr Roney suggested extra recognition should be provided in the policy for the
chairman. Mr Kelly suggested that rangers should be included in any service recognition. Mr
Willis enquired about a recognition system F&G had in place some years ago. Mr Roney
indicated that this may have been an NZ council merits system not a regional initiative.
Discussion ensued regarding the specifics of the proposal with Mr Derks offering to finalise a
proposal for the next meeting.
DoC restructuring and overview.
Sean Burnett a partnership ranger from the department gave a brief overview of his
background and role in the restructured department. He provided an insight into the use of
social media such as Facebook as a vehicle to communicate with young anglers and
Sportsfish liberation and enhancement strategy.
Mr Smith presented a revised strategy and provided his comments on a way forward with a
policy. He suggested a fishery assessment matrix combined with more rigorous monitoring,
and a review process to assess the validity of enhancement efforts. Mr Phibbs stated that he
would like to see some enhancement north of the Grey River. Mr Smith offered to take
feedback on the proposal and progress the policy further.
(R Roney/D Heine), carried
That the circulated draft enhancement policy be progressed by Mr Smith with
input from Mr Kelly and Councillors.
Lake Ianthe Salmon Fishing Regulations.
Mr Erickson stated that he thought the winter fishing regulations at Lake Ianthe were unclear
and hard to interpret. Mr Kelly provided clarity on the rules and suggested that a debate
about the rules would be better suited to the regulation setting meeting in June.
Meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Chairman……………………………………… Date…………………….