C1 6216 Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. STEM CELL BIO-INK AND ITS POSSIBLE USE IN 3D PRINTED KIDNEYS Julia Saams, jks55@pitt.edu, Bursic 2pm, Meara Sedlak, mms201@pitt.edu, Bursic 2pm Revised Proposal — The topic of 3D printed organs is not a new technology, nor is it a simple, straightforward task. Within 3D printing organs, many aspects of the process must be created, tested and advanced to create a functional organ. Some major problems that arise involve vascularization, structure, and materials. Without a successful and sturdy bioink as printing material, the 3D printed organ would not be viable off the printer. Within biomaterials, our focus is the use of various stem cells from the human body and the methods involved with these cells in order to create bio-ink. With this stem cell bio-ink, we will specifically focus on its use in 3D printed kidneys. Progress in this research on 3D printed organs has the potential to change the current system and state of organ transplants internationally. Stem cells are unique in their nonspecialized nature; however, they can, through a process called differentiation, become specialized, taking on the form and function of the chosen cell and serve as a prime source for bio-ink. They are able to produce enough cells to print the tissue while also able to become the specific cells needed for said tissue, such as the nephron in the kidneys [1]. The cells are then able to adhere to each other in the bio-ink, fusing and forming the tissue [2]. With advances in integrating vascular and filtration structures, entire fully functional organs may be able to be printed and used for not just drug testing, but fullscale transplantation. The progress and research in stem cell bio-ink and its use in 3D printed kidneys is a topic that is important to not only engineers, but to all people around the world. As the demand for organs and death by organ failure steadily increases, the amount of organs available for transplants has held constant. Currently, 133,765 people are on the organ donation waiting list [3], but only a small number will receive the transplant they need. Organ donations from others require in-depth health screenings for transplantation. These screenings are conducted in order to ensure that the organ will not be rejected from the patient’s body. With 3D printed organs from stem cell bio-ink, however, the organ would run a minimalized risk because it is made from the patient’s own cells. With continued research and advancements in the area of stem cell bio-ink, as well as advancements in 3D printing all organs, but specifically kidneys, the number of organ transplants needed will significantly decrease and could possibly eliminate the need for organ donations altogether. University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1 January 29, 2016 The approval of this technology, once it has proven successful, would drastically change the face of medicine. Lastly, research in 3D printed organs affects everyone because in their life they are likely to need an organ transplant or know someone that needs an organ transplant. In order for our paper to be well organized, we intend to use the following plan as a guideline when writing. First, we will introduce the types of stem cells. Along with basic descriptions about these stem cells, we will discuss how they are transformed into bio-ink. If applicable, depending on sources, we will compare how the different types of stem cells hold up as bio-ink and which will be the best biomaterial. After this, we will describe how bio-ink is made from stem cells, explaining the different processes. Then, we will go into detail about the printing of organs using this bio-ink. For example, we could cover what materials the printer needs to ensure that the organ will be viable. Finally, we will discuss the printing with bio-ink in relation to advances in research with 3D printed kidneys REFERENCES [1] R. Morizane, A. Lam, B. Freedman, S. Kishi, et al. (09 June 2015). “Nephron organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells model kidney development and injury.” Nature Biotechnology. (Online Journal). http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v33/n11/full/nbt.3392.htm l#affil-auth [2] A. Faulkner-Jones, S. Greenhough, J. King, et al. (4 February 2013). “Development of a valve-based cell printer for the formation of human embryonic stem cell spheroid aggregates.” Biofabrication. (Article). Vol. 5, Number 1. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/17585082/5/1/015013/meta [3] (25 September 2015). “Waiting List: Overall by Organ.” Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network: Data Reports. (Online Report). http://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/converge/latestData/rptData.as p ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Julia Saams Meara Sedlak (February 2004). “Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics.” BMES. (Code). http://bmes.org/files/2004%20Approved%20%20Code%20of %20Ethics(2).pdf This code, from the Biomedical Engineering Society, lays out the ethics that bioengineers are expected to follow in their career. It discusses obligations in a professional, research or training field in order to insure that morals are upheld. This code of ethics will be useful information when discussing the ethics involved with stem cell bio-ink technology in bioengineering as well as 3D printed kidneys. E. Pagès, M. Rémy, V. Kériquel, et al. (29 September 2015). “Creation of Highly Defined Mesenchymal Stem Cell Patterns in Three Dimensions by Laser-Assisted Bioprinting.” Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine. (Article). Vol. 6, Issue 2. DOI: 10.1115/1.4031217 This article, from an American Society of Mechanical Engineers published, peer-reviewed journal, discusses the success of a laser-assisted bioprinter (LAB) with stem cell bio-ink. It discusses precision achieved with this printer and its use in skin, cartilage, bone vasculature and kidneys and the preparation of the bio-ink. This information will be useful in our comparing of printing techniques and stem cell bioinks. (25 September 2015). “Waiting List: Overall by Organ.” Organ Procurement & Transplantation Network: Data Reports. (Online Report). http://optn.transplant.hrsa.gov/converge/latestData/rptData.as p This data, from the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network, a partnership that links professionals to the transplantation network, puts number values and statistics to claims made about organ transplantation. It gives current numbers about those waiting for transplants, divided up by organ, as well as yearly reports about transplants needed and transplants received. The information from this source will be useful to explain the need for research in the field of 3D printing. J. Ritz. (2012, May/June). “Magic from Human Regenerative Technologies – Stem Cells.” Technology and Engineering Teacher. (Article). Vol. 71, Issue 8, pp. 4-9. http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?sid=f20945dd9bea-4603-9a4b585d4de9a540%40sessionmgr111&vid=0&hid=102&bdata= JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLHVpZCZzY29wZT1zaXRl#AN=749 71847&db=aph Initially published in journal for technology and engineering education, this article discusses the process of differentiating stem cells and their applications in tissue engineering, as well as the ethics behind it. It contributes to our understanding on the role of stem cells in the normal human body, and how this role can be developed for use in manufacturing. Its discussion of the ethics involved in obtaining stem cells is also helpful, in that it clarifies the ethical issues we must face when working with stem cells. A. Faulkner-Jones, S. Greenhough, J. King, et al. (4 February 2013). “Development of a valve-based cell printer for the formation of human embryonic stem cell spheroid aggregates.” Biofabrication. (Article). Vol. 5, Number 1. http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/17585082/5/1/015013/meta The research in this paper, from a professional journal focusing on the use of biomaterials for manufacturing biological systems, was concerned with engineering a printer capable of printing stem cell bio-ink in aggregates in specific patterns, while not overheating and damaging the cells or printer. The progress made in this research will allow us to expound on the actual application of the bio-ink in the printing process. C. Schubert, M. van Langeveld, L. Donoso. (28 November 2013). “Innovations in 3D printing: a 3D overview from optics to organs.” British Journal of Ophthalmology. (Online Article). http://bjo.bmj.com/content/early/2013/11/28/bjophthalmol2013-304446.full This overview of recent developments in additive manufacturing, in a research article published in a professional medical journal, discusses both the viability of current bioprinting and the potential for continued advances in manufacturing. Although it focuses primarily on optics, the information provided on the growing industry behind 3D printing and on the prospects of 3D printing organs gives us a perspective on the future of the technology we’re researching. R. Morizane, A. Lam, B. Freedman, S. Kishi, et al. (09 June 2015). “Nephron organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells model kidney development and injury.” Nature Biotechnology. (Online Journal). http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v33/n11/full/nbt.3392.htm l#affil-auth This research article, published in a peer-reviewed biotechnology journal, lays out the process undertaken to differentiate human pluripotent stem cells into nephron structures, those cells found in the kidney. It outlines the difficulties in developing functional nephron cells, and how researchers have overcome these obstacles. This process is a key part of producing the bio-ink for organ printing, and this article provides us with the current methodology for doing so. S. Wüst, M.E. Godla, R. Müller and S. Hofmann. (2014, February). “Tunable hydrogel composite with two-step processing in combination with innovative hardware upgrade for cell-based three-dimensional bioprinting.” Acta Biomaterialia. (Article). Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 630-640. DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2013.10.016 This article, from a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by Elsevier that covers biomaterial research, discusses the process of cell encapsulation as well as the use 2 Julia Saams Meara Sedlak of hydroxyapatite hydrogel with human mesenchymal stem cells as printing material. The article explains how different concentrations of hydroxyapatite affected multiple characteristics of the hydrogel encapsulating the stem cells. It goes on to discuss long-term success with the hydrogel and the methods use to obtain this. Information from this source will be useful to discuss different approaches with stem cells in bio-ink. T. Xu, W. Zhao, J. Zhu, M. Z. Albanna, J. J. Yoo, A. Atala. (January 2013). “Complex heterogeneous tissue constructs containing multiple cell types prepared by inkjet printing technology.” Biomaterials. (Article). Vol. 34, Issue 1, pp. 130-139. DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2012.09.035 This article, published by Elvesier, is from a peerreviewed scientific journal that publishes information about the physical, biological and chemical sciences. This article discusses using multiple cell types in a single printing structure in methods outside of the body and within the body. Information from this article will be useful when discussing the 3D printed kidney due to its multiple cell types as well as methods for stem cell bio-ink. 3