Title: Measuring the Efficiency of Diffusion In Agar Cubes Question: What does the length of a cube determines the efficiency of diffusion in cells?use iv and dv in q, hypoth and title Abstract: In this Experiment, I explored and investigated one of the most important cellular processes called diffusion. By measuring the distance of diffusion in agar cubes and transforming the data, I found results that explained what determined the efficiency of diffusion. The efficiency of diffusion is determined by the size of a cell in particular its surface area to volume ratio and was clearly reflected in my results and graphs. Put numerical results, conclusion and eval here. Introduction: In this experiment, I explored and measured the efficiency of diffusion. Diffusion is one of the most important processes of a cell as it is used to transport materials such as molecules, nutrients, water, oxygen, and cellular waste through the cell membrane of a cell. In this experiment we used gelatin blocks called agar cubes to represent the cell, and measured how much distance Sodium Hydroxide could diffuse in the cube after a set time. Our experiment investigated the relationship between surface area/volume and efficiency of diffusion in the model cells. Write something here about why cells are small – the theory about surface area to volume ratio Hypothesis: The efficiency of diffusion is determined by a cell’s surface area and volume. Therefore, materials in a cell that is smaller in size will diffuse much faster as the distance to the center of a cell that has a smaller volume and surface area is much shorter than larger cells that have corresponding larger surface areas and volumes. Independent Variable: The independent variable in this experiment is the length or size of the agar cubes. Dependent Variable: The dependent variable in this experiment is the amount distance of Sodium Hydroxide that diffuses into the agar cube. Controls: Our controls were the total time in which the cubes were submerged in Sodium Hydroxide, the gelatin substance, and the materials used in conducting the experiments such as the scalpel, ruler, beaker, sodium hydroxide, phenolphthalein, gelatin etc., and the method for measuring the diffusion. Materials: Scalpel Ruler Beakers Spoon/tongs O.1M Sodium Hydroxide Indicator: phenolphthalein Procedure: See attached Results: Cube Size (cm) Total Cube Volume (cm3) Total Volume that was not pink (cm3) Total Volume that was pink (cm3) Percentage of Diffusion (%) Surface Area of cube (cm2) Surface Area to Volume Ratio 1 2 3 1 8 27 0 1 8 1 7 19 100.00% 87.50% 70.40% 6 24 54 6 3 2 Distance Travelled by NaOH in diameter (cm) 0.5 0.5 0.5 Distance NaOH diffused (cm) Length of Cube vs. Distance NaOH diffused (cm) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Length of Cube (cm) 2.5 3 3.5 Percentage of Diffusion Length of Cube vs. Percentage of Diffusion 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Length of Cube (cm) 3 3.5 Percentage of Diffusion Surface Area/Volume Ratio vs. Percentage of Diffusion 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% 0 1 2 3 4 5 Surface Area/Volume Ratio 6 7 Analysis: Equations and Calculations: Volume: L x W x H Volume of Cube Undiffused: (L - (2 x 0.5))3 Volume of Cube Diffused: Total Volume – Volume Undiffused Percentage of Diffusion: Volume Diffused/ Total Volume x 100 Surface Area = L x W x # of sides Surface Area/ Volume Ratio I transformed my raw data, which was the distance the Sodium Hydroxide diffused, by using all the equations listed above. In doing these calculations I successfully expanded and elaborated my raw data into data which could be graphed and further analyzed. Discussion: The first graph shows that the length of the cube did not affect the distance diffused by the Sodium Hydroxide as expected. As the length of the cube increased, the distance of diffusion by the Sodium Hydroxide stayed the same. The second graph shows that as the length of the cube increases, the percentage of diffusion decreases, showing a negative correlation. This confirms that as the efficiency of diffusion decreases as the length of the cube decreases. The third graph shows that as the surface area to volume ratio increases so does the percentage of diffusion, showing a positive correlation. This confirms that a larger surface area to volume ratio leads to more efficient diffusion. Graphs one and two both show linear relationships while graph three displays a positive curve.is it an exponential relationship???? What happens as the cube gets even smaller? Even bigger? Conclusion: The results of our investigation clearly prove my hypothesis was correct. I predicted that a decrease in the length of a cube would increase the efficiency of diffusion, which is clearly depicted by the data table and graphs. The higher the surface area to volume ratio was in the model cells, the more efficient its diffusion and vice versa. In conducting this experiment I experienced firsthand how diffusion occurs in cells. I learned that the efficiency of diffusion does in fact depend on a cell’s size, giving smaller cells great advantages, which explains their microscopic size. Evaluation: Our overall procedure was not very effective. The main reason was that the Agar Cubes’ consistency was very fluid and extremely difficult to work with. It was extremely difficult to cut reasonably accurate cubes out of the gelatin mass. The gelatin would melt and break apart with the slightest touch. After soaking the gelatin in the sodium hydroxide, the gelatin would be even more fluid and would break apart when trying to get it out of the beaker to measure the distance of diffusion. The actual measuring was also very difficult as the gelatin had almost completely melted and had no shape. In conclusion, The quality of the gelatin caused our data to not be very precise. Improvements: The only improvement I would make would be to improve the quality of gelatin. I would add much less water to the gelatin mix so that the consistency of the gelatin would be much harder and easy to use. This in turn would streamline our whole procedure and provide very accurate results. Extensions: Possible extensions would be to collect more data and conduct the experiment with more varying sizes of cubes. Another extension could be to try the experiment with different shapes of gelatin to see if it plays a role in the efficiency of diffusion. Another extension could be to conduct an experiment investigating Osmosis and Osmotic pressure. A possibility would be to extrapolate and extend the lines of the graphs to get a better understanding of my results.maybe use real cells such as onion skin or eggs