Spring Township Library Association

Spring Township Library Association
Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Meeting Minutes
Present Board Members: Sherry Auman, Lori Abou-Omar, Donna Bird, Michelle
Coldren, John Dallas and Carol Gardecki
Absent Board Members: Sharon Daly
Present Advisors: Judy Avella-Keller, Carol Coleman, Barbara Kline and Jestyn Payne
Absent Advisors: Kevin Bitz, Judy Druckenmiller and Patty Lowry
A. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 7 p.m. by President John Dallas
at the offices of the Twp. of Spring administration building.
B. Roll Call - Sign-In Sheet (Secretary) - Completed by the use of a sign in sheet.
C. Consent Agenda – Approval –
a. A motion to approve the consent agenda, June financial reports and June
minutes, was made by Sherry Auman and seconded by John Dallas. Motion
passed unanimously.
b. A motion to approve the May minutes was made by Michelle Coldren and
seconded by Lori Abou-Omar. Motion passed unanimously.
D. Spring Library – Carol Coleman –
a. Beth Ireland is no longer employed with the Spring Township Library.
i. Her replacement’s name is Karen Lacki.
b. The Best Kept Secrets Tour was successful. They received $132 from book
plate sales and $578 from the book sale.
E. WL/WH Library – Barbara Kline
a. Report received and reviewed.
b. Barb looks forward to more cooperative programs with STLA.
F. Friends Reports
a. Spring – Judy Avella-Keller
i. There were new visitors during the Best Kept Secrets Tour.
ii. The National Book Festival bus trip will be held again.
1. September 22.
2. $45 for Friends
3. $50 if not a Friend
b. West Lawn / Wyomissing Hills – Carol Gardecki
i. The Friends are gearing up for fall.
1. Spaghetti dinner is September 15, 2012.
2. Carol is checking with Al Wicks to confirm the price.
a. Tickets will be available next week
a. June Report – Carol, Lori
i. No news on book downloads
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 9, 2012 7 PM at Township of Spring Admin. Bldg.
Spring Township Library Association
ii. No meeting is scheduled for July.
H. Old Business
a. Author Panel – Oct. 12th
i. Sherry Auman feels we should keep the panel as we already have 4 of 5
authors booked.
ii. We should ask Sharon Daly to book another local author.
b. National Night Out August 7th – Activities/Schedule
i. Lincoln Park Swimming Pool
1. Sign up sheet
a. Plinko game
c. Spring Library – Flat Screen TV – update
i. Will be behind the circulation desk.
1. Will have a PowerPoint presentation with activities schedules etc.
2. Dave Roche will handle the electric
3. Ann Ludwig will provide a Toshiba donation from Best Buy in
memory of John.
4. Painting will be done later.
I. New Business
a. Policy Reapprovals for Spring and WL/WH Libraries
i. Block Vote: Child Safety, Collection Development, Compensation
Determination, Conflicts of Interest, Document Retention, Exhibits,
Inclement Weather, Internet, Library Standards of Patron Behavior, Public
Participation, Reference, Service and Whistleblower
1. Motion to reapprove above policies as listed made by Carol
Gardecki, seconded by Sherry Auman and approved by all.
Motion passed.
ii. Policy Changes: Personnel (Act 34 and Act 151) – Pending to next
month. We will discuss vacations and pay starting rates in an executive
session next month.
b. STLA By-Laws Reapproval
i. Motion to reapprove by Lori Abou-Omar, seconded by Carol Gardecki
and approved by all. Motion passed.
c. Mission Statement Reapproval
i. Motion to reapprove by Sherry Auman, seconded by Michelle Coldren
and approved by all. Motion passed.
d. Painting Spring Library – John Dallas
i. Troutman Painting – quote not received yet.
ii. Possible adds on TV in library.
e. Lincoln Park Elem. School Update – John Dallas
i. Received and reviewed documentation from John Dallas
ii. Possible use of building for STLA. Patty Lowry, John Dallas and Mr.
Bortz will meed to discuss.
J. Township of Spring Advocacy Program
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 9, 2012 7 PM at Township of Spring Admin. Bldg.
Spring Township Library Association
a. Jen went in June.
b. Patty will attend in August and discuss the reading program.
c. John Emerick will attend in September.
K. Other Issues/Concerns/Comments – Around the Table – Public Comment…
a. Lori Abou-Omar – She is happy with the cooler weather.
L. Actions (if needed) - Nothing
M. Adjourn Meeting – Sherry Auman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Bird
STLA Board Secretary
Next Meeting: Thursday, August 9, 2012 7 PM at Township of Spring Admin. Bldg.