Spring Township Library Association

Spring Township Library Association
Board of Trustees Meeting
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Meeting Minutes
"Through our libraries the people of our community will develop the literacies and connections
that support individual achievement and strengthen the power of the community".
Present Board Members: Lori Abou-Omar, Sherry Auman, Donna Bird, John Dallas,
Sharon Daly and Carol Gardecki
Absent Board Members: Michelle Coldren
Present Advisors: Judy Druckenmiller, John Emerick, Barbara Kline and Patricia
Absent Advisors: Kevin Bitz, Jestyn Payne
Guest: Denise Sticha and Susie Pelligrini
A. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President John
Dallas at the offices of the Twp. of Spring administration building.
B. Roll Call - Sign-In Sheet (Secretary) - Completed by the use of a sign in sheet.
C. Consent Agenda Approval - STLA Minutes May 9th , 2013, Financial Reports,
Director’s Report, Branch Manager Report, Friends Report(s)
a. Motion to approve as is by Sharon Daly, seconded by Sherry Auman.
Motion passed unanimously.
D. Welcome: Staff Advocacy Program – Susie Pelligrini –
a. Staff member at Spring Township
b. Loves the library
E. Discussion Topics:
a. Conversation (Q & A) with Denise Sticha, BCPL Administrator
i. Discussed the following:
1. Envisioning Excellence Guidelines
a. Standard operating procedures
2. Strategic plan
3. Committees
a. Funding formula is high priority
b. State tax and county money
b. National Night Out – 8/6/2013
i. We will have packets of information to hand out
ii. Bookmark coloring contest, Donna Bird will handle
1. Separate contest at ST and WL
2. Age groups and prizes not determined yet
3. Voting may determine the winners
c. Draft Volunteer Policy –
Next Meeting: Thursday, July 11th 7 PM at Township of Spring Admin. Bldg.
Spring Township Library Association
i. Reviewed and edited
ii. Jestyn Payne will review
d. Portable Signs – Price is $275
i. Friends’ boards will discuss with Patty Lowry and Barbara Kline.
Old Business
a. Summer Reading Program
i. Patty Lowry and Barbara Kline feel it is going well without the toy
handouts of previous years.
ii. Patty is working on the grand prize and we have $550 for end of the
program prizes.
New Business
a. Policy Revision Procedures
i. John Dallas handed out the revision procedures.
ii. We will vote on these at the July meeting.
Action Items – None discussed
BCPL - Next meeting – 7 PM Wed. June 19th – Sharon Daly will attend.
a. Sherry Auman attended the May meeting.
i. They discussed:
1. Funding formula
2. Credit card, ATM for fines etc.
3. On line fine payments
4. Joint audit contract – not reviewed yet
5. Tax program with school districts where we can be the
Twp. of Spring Advocacy Program: Mon. June 24th @ 7p.m. - John D. – Judy
Druckenmiller will try to attend.
Other Issues/concerns/comments – Around the Table – Public Comment
a. Carol Gardecki – Handed out Constitution books she is using in her talks
b. Sharon Daly – Sharon liked Carol’s handout
c. Sherry Auman – No comment
d. Susie Pelligrini – No comment
e. Lori Abou-Omar – Likes the books from Carol
f. Barbara Kline – No comment
g. John Emerick – The Friend’s Pig Roast had a profit of $2,205.
i. It was moved inside due to the wind.
h. Patricia Lowry – Distributed STL personnel schedule
i. Donna Bird – No comment
j. John Dallas – Envisioning Excellence comments
k. Denise Sticha – Enjoys her job. She is not getting lost as much.
Next Meeting: Thursday, July 11th 7 PM at Township of Spring Admin. Bldg.
Spring Township Library Association
L. Adjourn Meeting - Motion to adjourn by Sherry Auman at 8:47 p.m.
a. Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Bird
STLA Secretary
The basis of every board decision should always be
how that decision helps better serve the people of our community.
Next Meeting: Thursday, July 11th 7 PM at Township of Spring Admin. Bldg.