Bone Regeneration and Synthetic Materials Lindsey Dougal The purpose behind tissue engineering is to replace dead dysfunctional tissue with new synthetic tissue to alleviate pain and disease. There are three types of treatments used for tissue regeneration: autogenous grafts, allografts, and synthetic materials called alloplasts. In this paper, we will be analyzing bone regeneration using synthetic materials by describing different types of bone tissue engineering, how these tissues are applied, and why we use certain materials over others. First, we will analyze the bone, and how it repairs itself. There are three phases in bone repair as seen in figure 1.1 (PEMF Bone Growth Stimulation). The first phase is the reactive phase. The site of the injury will get flooded with blood, and then blood vessels constrict. This leads to restriction of blood flow in to the area, which causes a hematoma (a big scab) to form around the injured site. The next phase is the reparative phase. A cartilage callus forms where the break is. Once it has filled in the injured site, the cartilage is replaced by lamellar bone which is formed from osteoblasts. The last phase is the remodeling phase. In this phase, osteoclasts absorb abscess formations and model the new bone to the shape the bone had before. There are many causes that can lead to defects in bone repair. Some examples are disease or illness and complex fractures. Also, bone density can be an obstacle to conquer when it comes to repair. Procedures involving autogenous grafts, allografts, and synthetic materials help heal bones that are impossible to heal on their own. A 1 majority of tissue engineering involve dental implants through enhancement surgeries. Some people have problems or defects with their teeth causing them to need to be replaced with implants. Another use of bone tissue engineering has to do with complex fractures that are too large to heal by itself. This is where the three types of bone tissue engineering come to play. The first of the three bone tissue procedures are autogenous grafts. Basically, you take your own bone tissue from another part of your body (usually your hip in cases of larger bone replacement or from the jaw for smaller bone replacement for teeth) and insert it in the place in need of repair. The benefit is your body is less likely to reject your own tissue. However, the cost is having an extra surgical site and more pain during the recovery. The second of the three bone tissue procedures are allografts. This procedure involves taking the bone tissue from a donor whether it be a cadaver or a live donor. It is perfectly safe because the Food and Drug administration screens for potential risk factors for the person that receives the bone transplant. They check for HIV and Hepatitis A and B. They also check the spleen or lymph nodes of the donor to make sure there are no impending diseases in the tissues. A benefit of this procedure is there are no extra surgical sites, but the costs are that you have a higher chance of your body rejecting the tissue, and donations are limited. Since donations are limited there is always a chance one might not receive a donation in a timely manner. 2 The third of the three bone tissue procedures are regeneration through synthetic materials. A cost would be your body rejecting the material. However, the benefit is there is always a shortage of donors of tissues. Thankfully, synthetic materials help solve this problem. There are no limitations on synthetic materials used for bone tissue regeneration. This means there is virtually less waiting time for a patient whom originally would have had to put their name on a list for a donor. Finally, this procedure also does not require an extra surgical site, so recuperation from surgery is not as uncomfortable or painful. The basic procedure of bone regeneration through synthetic materials is to start out with a bone graft. This is basically a matrix that will hold our synthetic material in place. Next, the synthetic material is inserted. The point behind synthetic materials is to stimulate bone regenerating cells while also to provide nourishment for the bone. A lot of these materials are usually Calcium or Phosphate based, and have ceramic characteristics. As the bone heals, the synthetic material gets reabsorbed leaving brand new bone. With this procedure, there are a lot of variables that are currently being manipulated and experimented with in order to enhance or speed up the procedure. “Key problems with synthetic scaffold materials are shrinkage and fast degradation of the scaffolds, a lack of blood supply and nutrition in the central scaffold volume and the absent or the scarce development of bone tissue along the scaffold to bridge the bone defect”(Endes, 2011). In the paper, Laser processing of ormosils for tissue engineering applications, Matei speaks about how he experimented on grafting 3 for tissue engineering. “Cells morphology, adhesion, and alignment were studied on polymeric structures with different shapes, obtained in various experimental conditions”(Matei,2012). Matei was observing different shapes with different tissue types to see which tissues respond to certain types of grafts. “Grids of 20 × 20 lines and 20 lines systems with different distances between lines were built. Such simple structures can be promising scaffolds for cell cultures, since compact structures without defects can be processed over large areas” (Matei,2012). One of the bigger variables he looks at is the distance between each line in a scaffold. This is important because this could mean bigger structures that can cover larger areas of injured tissues like bone tissue. Endes also researched different grafts to solve some of the key problems listed above. He used “composite scaffolds made of biopolymers like polylactidglycolid acid (PLGA) coated and loaded with calcium phosphates (CaP) revealed promising therapeutical options for the regeneration of critical sized bone defects.” Unlike Matei, Endes used polymers that basically made up the grid and added calcium phosphates to these polymers which provide nutrition to help stimulate bone growth. These two findings are substantial because they allow for larger scaffolds, which allows greater success in repair of larger and more complex breaks. Another variable that is manipulated is the synthetic material that is used. In his paper, Teixeira describes how he experimented on the synthetic materials, and how adding a chemical changes the effect of the synthetic tissue. “The incorporation of heparin leads to a reduced initial burst phase when compared to the non-heparinized 4 materials” (Teixera,2012). The heparin controls the rate of growth in tissue. This is beneficial because one can isolate tissues and speed up or slow down tissue growth. Chaudhari also experiments with different materials. Chaudhari used three different types of synthetic materials and analyzed how efficient each was. The three materials used were titanium, silica and glass. In this experiment, Chaudhari used twenty rabbits and he and randomly implanted one of these three materials in each of the rabbits. After two to four weeks the rabbits were put and down and analyzed for results. Chaudhari found that” glass is highly osteogenic at a distance from the implant. The porous titanium coatings didn’t stimulate bone regeneration, but allowed bone growth into the pores. Although the Silica didn’t stimulate higher bone response, it has a potential of faster bone growth in the vicinity compared to further away from the surface. Bone to implant data was inconclusive to understand the bone adaptation” (Chaudhari, 2011). The benefit of this experiment was Chaudhari found an agent (Silica) that has potential in expanding how large a graft can get. Even though some of Chaudhari’s results were inconclusive, they paved way to new experiments. Both Teixera and Chaudhari have benefited patients by helping minimize recovery time and being able to heal larger fractures through the use of different materials. A material that is commonly used in tissue engineering are stem cells. Nair whom wrote a paper that involved experimentation with rats analyzed two procedures. One procedure was with stem cells and the other procedure was without. Some variables they wanted to analyze were the osteogenesis and vascular growth. As a result, the procedure that had stem cells showed “the implantation site was well vascularized with 5 profuse in growth of blood capillaries in Stem cell groups, with preference for tissueengineered Stem cell groups. Similarly, neo-osteogenesis studies were shown only by tissue-engineered Stem cell groups” (Nair,2009). This means Nair saw that the use stem cells were very beneficial. The stem cells help promote growth and repair where they were applied. This is important because stem cells could very well be the next most efficient material to use in bone regeneration. Another variable is the different dosages of growth factors that are applied depending on the health status of a patient. In the paper, PDGF-B gene therapy accelerates bone engineering and oral implant osseointegration, Chang analyzed Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-B) genes on rats. He realized with rats that are diseased, for example diabetic, these growth factors weren’t as effective in vivo (in the body). In Chang’s experiment, he analyzed the effects of different dosage amounts, and compares PDGF-B with Ad-Luc. “In summary, gene delivery of Ad-PDGF-B shows regenerative and safety capabilities for bone tissue engineering and osseointegration in alveolar bone defects comparable with rhPDGF-BB protein delivery in vivo” (Chang, 2012). So basically, Chang discovered that a higher dosage of PDGF has the desired effect of bone growth in vitro and is also safe for the patient. Another variable that we can take into the procedure is how we are going to stimulate growth. In the paper, Human dental pulp cells exhibit bone cell-like responsiveness to fluid shear stress, Evar Kraft’s purpose “was to determine whether human dental pulp-derived cells (DPC) are responsive to mechanical loading by pulsating fluid flow (PFF) upon stimulation of mineralization in vitro” (Kraft, 2012). 6 What this means is that they are pulsating fluid at the site to help stimulate tissue. This is important because stimulation is the initiative of the whole process. If there is no stimulation, bone regeneration will fail to occur. The results of this experiment were that “human DPC, like osteogenic cells, acquire responsiveness to pulsating fluid shear stress in mineralizing conditions. Thus DPC might be able to perform bone-like functions during mineralized tissue remodeling in vivo, and therefore provide a promising new tool for mineralized tissue engineering to restore, for example, maxillofacial defects.” Evar Kraft’s experiment showed us that you don’t always need chemicals to stimulate growth factors, but pulsating fluids are also influential. Aciole also stimulates bone regeneration without chemicals. Aciole wanted ”to evaluate, through the analysis of histomorfometric, the repair of complete tibial fracture in rabbits fixed with osteosynthesis, treated or not with infrared laser light” (Aciole, 2012). Unlike Kraft whom used pulsating fluids to stimulate bone regeneration, Aciole uses light in laser form. Aciole experimented on fifteen rabbits. He would surgically fracture the rabbit’s tibia. He divided these rabbits up into five groups. In groups three and five, Aciole used the normal technique of grafting to help repair their broken tibia. Groups one, two, and four received the laser light treatment. As a result, the rabbits that were healed with the laser, healed quicker than the rabbits that had grafts. This is important because some patients may be ill or may not be able to use these chemicals for stimulation, so the fact that there are alternatives benefits these people because it gives them an opportunity they didn’t have open to them before. 7 So far, all these variables were all involved in an in vitro (in the body) procedure. However, there are alternatives to in vitro procedures. These alternatives are called ex vitro procedures. These procedures are a lot alike except for the fact that tissue growth is stimulated outside of the body. The paper, Transcriptome Analysis of MSC and MSCDerived Osteoblasts on ResomerH LT706 and PCL: Impact of Biomaterial Substrate on Osteogenic Differentiation, gives a great example of this procedure. “Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) represent a particularly attractive cell type for bone tissue engineering because of their ex vivo expansion potential and multipotent differentiation capacity” (Neuss, 2012). Neuss points out that a common material in ex vitro procedures are stem cells. However, like in vitro procedures, “tissue engineering frequently involves three-dimensional scaffolds which (i) allow for cell adhesion in a spatial environment and (ii) meet application-specific criteria, such as stiffness, degradability and biocompatibility.” Neuss also describes how scaffolds have to fit certain parameters for tissue growth. The problem with so many parameters is that it makes it very hard to produce tissue. Neuss led an experiment to determine alternative scaffolds for ex vitro procedures. He “analyzed two synthetic, long-term degradable polymers for their impact on MSC-based bone tissue engineering.” In the end he found a new polymer that favored bone regeneration. Endes also worked ex vitro. As mentioned previously, Endes worked on the development of an enhanced scaffold that had increased success in larger bone fractures. He performed his experiment in two different manners. “Interconnectively 8 macroporous PLGA scaffolds loaded with microporous and coated with nanoporous calcium phosphates were either seeded in fixed bed bioreactors with allogenic osteogenically induced mesenchymal stem cells (ex vitro) and implanted or implanted unseeded into critical sized femoral bone defects (in vitro).” This is an advantage because this opens up options for patients. If the patient’s body doesn’t “take” to the in vitro procedure, the patient still has the option of the ex vitro procedure which involves stem cells that are grown outside of the body and then implanted into the patient. Having more options helps lead to customization of each procedure to each patient. There are many different choices when it comes to regenerating bone growth. Autogenous grafts and allografts are simple and are very limited in flexibility of their procedures. There is very little room for improvement for both of these procedures. However, alloplasts (synthetic material procedures) have many opportunities in the manipulation of the procedure to enhance outcomes. Variables looked at were different types of grafts, synthetic materials, different dosages of growth chemicals, different ways to stimulate bone regeneration, and where to apply initiation of growth (in vitro vs. ex vitro). These variables all enhance the procedure whether it be bigger scaffolds to treat larger fractures or different chemicals used to help control the rate of recovery. These variables also open up more opportunities to different patients. Some procedures can be done both in vitro and ex vitro. As a whole, all these modifications help customize bone regeneration for each patient. Not every patient has the same illness, bone density, size of fracture, or immune response. By having so many variables manipulated more patients will have successful bone regeneration. 9 Overall, we can still rely on allografts and autogenous grafts, but with further research, synthetic materials will soon become the dominant procedure through these enhancements. 10 Pictures and Charts Figure 1.1 (PEMF Bone Growth Stimulation). 11 Works Cited Aciole, Jouber Mateus Dos Santos "Bone Repair on Fractures Treated with Osteosynthesis, Ir Laser, Bone Graft and Guided Bone Regeneration: Histomorfometric Study." AIP Conference Proceedings 1364.1 (2011): 60-65. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Chang, P-C. "PDGF-B Gene Therapy Accelerates Bone Engineering and Oral Implant Osseointegration." Gene Therapy 17.1 (2010): 95-104. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. Chaudhari, Amol. "Bone Tissue Response to Porous and Functionalized Titanium and Silica Based Coatings." PLos ONE, n.d. Web. 2 Dec 2012. Endes, S. Hiebl, B. "Angiogenesis and Healing with Non-Shrinking, Fast Degradeable PLGA/Cap Scaffolds in Critical-Sized Defects in he Rabbit Femur with or without Osteogenically Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cells." Clinical Hemorheology & Microcirculation 48.1-3 (2011): 29-40. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Kraft, Evar, Christian, David "Human Dental Pulp Cells Exhibit Bone Cell-Like Responsiveness to Fluid Shear Stress." Cytotherapy 13.2 (2011): 214-226. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. Matei, M. "Laser Processing of Ormosils for Tissue Engineering Applications." Applied Physics A. Springer-Verlag, 30 2010. Web. 2 Dec 2012. 12 Nair, Manita B. "Tissue-Engineered Triphasic Ceramic Coated Hydroxyapatite Induced Bone Formation and Vascularization at an Extraskeletal Site in a Rat Model." Bulletin Of Materials Science 34.7 (2011): 1721-1731. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Neuss, Sabine "Transcriptome Analysis of MSC And MSC-Derived Osteoblasts on Resomer® LT706 And PCL: Impact of Biomaterial Substrate on Osteogenic Differentiation." Plos ONE 6.9 (2011): 1-12. Academic Search Premier. Web. 16 Sept. 2012. "PEMF Bone Growth Stimulation." Bone Growth Stimulation. Orthofix, n.d. Web. 21 Oct 2012.< Images/FractureHealing.jpg&imgrefurl= how_it_works.html&usg=__J3cT_Jwc9FaBDZlHlwNbUWzys8=&h=503&w=451&sz=95&hl=en&start=3&zoom=1&tbnid =l4jr9VpJupmdrM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=117&ei=mouDULH0Aum6yAH644DABQ&pr ev=/search?q=bone+repair+stages&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1T4SKPB_enUS39 5US402&tbm=isch&um=1&itbs=1>. Teixeira, S., L. Yang, Dijkstra, P.J. "Heparinized Hydroxyapatite/Collagen ThreeDimensional Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering." JPN J MED SCI BIOL 21.8 (2010): 2385-2392. Science Full Text Select (H.W. Wilson). Web. 16 Sept. 2012. 13