Standard Operating Procedure Title: Department: Agronomy Created by: Danielle Dykema, Kendra Meade Laboratory: Crop Production & Physiology Lab Suite Supervisor: Bill Beavis Lab Supervisor: Whitney Bouma Date approved: Procedure Overview: This procedure describes transferring Arabidopsis thaliana plants from a media plate to a pot with soil. The soil mixture is a layer of potting soil and fertilizer over a layer of vermiculite. The filled pots are moistened with water before the plants are transferred. The protocol described here specifically addresses preparation of pots and transference of young Arabidopsis plants. Equipment and reagents necessary: Reagents: Vermiculite Potting soil – LC1 Fertilizer - Osmocote Water – 2.5L Equipment: Planting trays Plastic humidity lids Spray bottle Pots 2L container Spatula Forceps Autoclave Disposables: Nitrile gloves Biosafety bag Procedure: 1. 24 hours before transferring plants to soil, fill pots half with vermiculite and sprinkle 5-7 granules of Osmocote over the top and then half with dry soil. Place on white rectangular tray; make sure pots are full, but that soil is not packed. 2. Add 2 Liters of water to tray and spray with water using the spray bottle 3. Cover with plastic humidity lid and wait 2 hours then, add 500mL of water to tray ensuring that the soil is moist. 4. 24 hours later: when transferring plants, check that the soil is moist and then make a hole in the center of the pot using a metal spatula. revised 18 June 2008 me1 5. Unwrap plate containing plants, and transfer plants to soil by removing plant from plate using forceps (grasp the plant by its leaves/hypocotyl, NOT its ROOTS). 6. Cover root with soil. 7. After all plants have been transferred, cover the tray with the humidity lid and place in greenhouse. 8. Set plastic lid off-center after 3 days and remove entirely after 5 days. 9. Place plates into biosafety bad and autoclave. Personal Protective Equipment / Engineering Controls: Lab coat, eye protection and hand protection must be selected as required by Section D of the EH&S Laboratory Safety Manual. Check the box(es) next to the item(s) which are appropriate for your procedure. Nitrile gloves Safety glasses Face shield Dust mask Latex gloves Splash goggles Lab coat Fume hood Neoprene gloves Vented goggles Apron Biosafety cabinet Insulated gloves Eye wash station Safety shower Respirator Note: Open-toed and heeled shoes are NOT allowed. Other Control Measures: Handling & Storage Precautions: Store in a cool, dry area away from incompatible materials such as aluminium and magnesium. Store away from feed and foodstuffs. Waste Disposal Procedures: Waste Management/Disposal: Apply as fertilizer to field. If product is contaminated, dispose of in an approved landfill disposal facility, in accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations. GMO Plant Disposal: Place material in autoclave bag and autoclave all GMO plant matter. Spill/Release Containment and Clean Up/Decontamination Procedures: If material is uncontaminated, collect and re-use as recommended for product. If contaminated, put in appropriate container and dispose. Keep spills away from drinking water supplies. After cleaning up spill, flush area with water. Health & Safety Summary for Required Reagents: Brief description of associated hazards revised 18 June 2008 me2 C a r c i n o g e n T e r a t o g e n Chemical name Osmocote M u t a g e n R e p r o d u c t i v e E f f e c t s S e n s i t i z e r I r r i t a n t T o x i c H i g h l y T o x i c C o r r o s i v e Target Organ(s) Eyes, skin C o m b u s t i b l e C o m p r e s s e d G a s E x p l o s i v e F l a m m a b l e O r g a n i c P e r o x i d e s O x i d i z e r P y r o p h o r i c U n s t a b l e W a t e r H e a l t h R e a c t i v e Incompatibilities Strong reducing agents. Active metals such as aluminium and magnesium Insert rows as needed The above summary consists of guidelines for proper handling & disposal of chemicals used in this procedure. You must read and understand the contents of the entire MSDS(s) before starting this procedure. References: List references used in preparing this procedure. revised 18 June 2008 me3 F l a m m a b i l i t y R e a c t i v i t y