Minutes Nov 9th - Holy Trinity Primary School

Holy Trinity Primary School, Yeovil
Monday 9th November
In Attendance
Mrs Wheeler
Mrs Best
Hannah Chapman
Max Chorley
Sophie Camp
Neve Mumford
Michael Collins – Class 14
Stuart Handyside – Class 14
Jessica Cook – Class 13
Mariam Manimalla – Class 13
Chloe McGill – Class 14
Ellie Towell – Class 14
Luke Matakitoga – Class 14
Seline Silkatyte – Class 13
To meet with the Junior Governors for general discussion
Thank you
Mrs Wheeler thanked the children for coming to the meeting, welcomed the Junior Governors and handed out
the ‘yellow’ star badges to everyone.
Mrs Wheeler said there were 2 topics which she wanted to discuss today if time allowed. They were:
The Junior Governor office and the display board
3 Step Rule – Worship today (9th November)
Weather Station
New Holy Trinity Treasure Book
Mrs Wheeler explained that teachers were now in receipt of the Treasure Book master and that children
would now being to put these together over the coming weeks.
Weather Station
Mrs Wheeler asked the Junior Governors how they were monitoring the weather station readings. Stuart
Handyside confirmed that they went in pairs to take the readings from Mrs Wheeler’s office.
Mrs Wheeler explained that Adam Freeman would now be including Excel into our IT training and that this
would help the children to record their information from the weather station. They would then be able to
provide charts etc to see the weather station activity over a period of time. She also confirmed that she
would provide a laptop for the Junior Governors to allow them record this information as soon as they took
the readings.
How can we monitor our Teaching/Learning
Mrs Wheeler asked the children to talk amongst themselves to think about anything we’ve done since
returning to school, a subject maybe that we could learn from. She gave the example of the ‘tickled pink’
system being used in another school and how successful this was.
Maybe we could do a questionnaire about this year so far
What subjects could we monitor since September?
After 5 minutes of consideration the children made the suggestions below:
1. Jessica Cook – to do a questionnaire to see how much the children enjoyed school
2. Neve Mumford – is the way we teach fun? E.g. she recalled the Beep Boops and the Dragon Footprints
that she did whilst in year 1 and what fun that was.
3. Stuart Handyside – monitor the different activities we do as a school in subjects like P.E. and ICT.
Sit in on a lesson to receive feedback
4. Michael Collins – Are we enjoying our responsibilities we have?
5. Ellie Towell – can we do Art more often. Mrs Wheeler did explain that art is incorporated into
different activities such as the recent solar system the children built.
6. Jessica Cook/Hannah Chapman – What do you want to be when you’re older? Maybe have a ‘day of
jobs’ at school. She gave an example – I would like to be an Author because I like literacy. Mrs
Wheeler thought it was a good idea and maybe something for the teachers to consider.
7. Neve Mumford – Buddies – some children are not aware of who their buddy is. She also said that the
Buddies don’t get to see the younger ones very often. Mrs Wheeler explained that this wasn’t very
easy because the older ones would have to come out of class to spend time with them.
8. Miriam Manimala – Can we have more contact with our American school – could we put together a
questionnaire for them to answer. Mrs Wheeler explained that we are in contact with them but
perhaps we need to share this more with the children. She also asked why the children were taught
differently in upper and lower school.
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9. Stuart Handyside – we could ask the children in reception what they would like to be when they are
older and then ask them again in year 6 to see if this has changed.
Reviewing our thoughts
Mrs Wheeler told the children that we had not really answered the question. However there has been a lot
of important issues that have been raised.
She confirmed that we were still in contact with our American school Currey Ingram. Miss West was
managing this communication.
Mrs Wheeler also confirmed that we have established contact with a school in Japan through Maya Burgoine.
A Japanese day will take place during January at school to run along the lines of the one we did for our
American day. However our ways of communication may be slightly difficult because they don’t speak any
Buddy System – this is being looked at because they feel it doesn’t work as well as it should it. The younger
children find it quite hard to interact with the older buddies. It maybe that year groups are kept together.
Mrs Wheeler also confirmed that Year 6 find it hard to commit the time because they have a lot to get
through this academic year with their SATS coming up.
Enjoyment – this is a very important word we must always remember this.
ICT – Year 1 & Reception – the Junior Governors would like to sit in on their classes to watch what they do.
It is also important that we have fun ways to learn subjects/ways of inspiring the children to learn.
Educational skills/what you have learnt.
‘3 Step Rule’
Mrs Wheeler said that in Worship today they would be discussing the ‘3 Step Rule’. She explained that
people generally pay more attention to the body language of others rather than the voice. In Worship she
explained that she would be talking about this and how important it is to think about how we say
something/the way in which we speak to one another.
Mrs Wheeler then asked Max to step forward. She asked him to ‘Stop it’ but said it in such a way she
shouted at him (she did confirm not her usual way of dealing with things!). She then showed the children how
to speak to other children. She asked Max in a calm manner to ‘stop it’ with her body at an angle. This is
the way a situation should be dealt with and others agreed.
Stop it I don’t like it!!!
(Said in a very cross manner)
** WRONG **
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Please stop it I don’t like it
(said in a very calm manner)
** RIGHT **
She asked for two volunteers for Worship so that she could show this example to the whole school. Neve
Mumford and Jessica Cook will be showing this example of poor behavior and then shown the correct way to
ask someone to ‘stop it’. It is very important that we all deal with things in this correct manner.
Next Meeting
Monday 16th November @ 10.30am Trinity Meeting Room
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