Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Final SATC Neighbourhood Plan
St Anne's Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan 2015 to
1) Do you agree that the key issues of the Plan are those listed below:
- meeting housing need, including specialist needs
- ensuring that housing is affordable
- ensuring that the right types of housing are available to meet the town's
( ) Yes
( ) No
- ensuring the availablitiy of employment land and adequate office
- protecting and improving the town centre*
( ) Yes
( ) No
Getting Around:
- improving public transport
- ensuring that car parking provision adequately serves the town's needs
- developing pedestrian and cycle networks and ensuring links across the
( ) Yes
( ) No
- adapting to climate change
- reducing surface water flooding *
( ) Yes
( ) No
Local Character:
- ensuring adequate protection of heritage assets
- ensuring the future preservation and enhancement of historic parks and
- improving the quality of design in new developments*
( ) Yes
( ) No
- protecting the moss area (at the rear of Heyhouses Lane) of open countryside
and improving recreational use of it
- making better use of the beach and the sea
- improving entrance routes to the town
- protecting the natural environment and existing green spaces and ensuring
there is adequate green infrastructure
- improving existing parks
- provide new green areas and improve the envirnonmental value of the
spaces around and ensure green areas are accessible (including new green
( ) Yes
( ) No
Community and Health:
- ensuring that adequate community health / recreation facilities are in place
to serve the whole community
- provision and support of 'community hubs'
- protecting community assets*
( ) Yes
( ) No
General Development Principles & Strategic Issues:
- maintaining the strategic gap between St Anne's and Blackpool
- addressing the needs of an elderly population
- addressing the potential impact of population growth
- ensuring beneficial development at Blackpool Airport*
( ) Yes
( ) No
- ensuring that the best use is made of funding from the Community
Infrastructure Levy (CIL)*
( ) Yes
( ) No
2) Are there any other key issues which you feel the Plan should address? *
( ) Yes
( ) No
Visions and Aims
3) Do you agree with the following draft Vision and Aims of the Plan?
- identify the future development proposals for St Anne's on the Sea and how
these can be enhanced to support the vision of the town as a 'Garden Town by
the Sea'
- bring forward proposals which will support the quality of life in St Anne's
on the Sea for future generations
- protect and enhance the distinctive architectural design within the town *
( ) Yes
( ) No
4) Do you agree with the objectives?
a) ensure that the town will have a sustainable and prosperous local economy
and support local business*
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) secure high quality sensitive design which recognises the importance of
local distinctiveness and enriches the landscape and built environment *
( ) Yes
( ) No
c) enjoy and utilise our natural landscape, green spaces and assets whilst
protecting these for enjoyment by future generations*
( ) Yes
( ) No
d) support high quality housing and other development that meets the town's
needs and encourage the reuse of existing and use of renewable resources*
( ) Yes
( ) No
e) seek improvements to transport and other infrastructure including high
speed broadband*
( ) Yes
( ) No
f) ensure that St Anne's remains a high quality year round visitor resort*
( ) Yes
( ) No
g) ensure that the town is safe, accessible and attractive to all its residents,
visitors and people who work in it*
( ) Yes
( ) No
h) protect the town's heritage assets whilst encouraging appropriate high
quality contemporary architecture*
( ) Yes
( ) No
i) improve health, social and cultural wellbeing for all residents, encouraging
and providing opportunities for an active lifestyle and ensuring high quality
local facilities for existing and new residents*
( ) Yes
( ) No
5) Do you agree with the proposed policies? *
( ) Yes
( ) No
Commenting on specific Policies
6) If you would like to support, object or comment on a specific policy please
give details below:
If you wish to submit detailed statements of support or objection, please insert “see
separate statement” into the comment box and send replies to
[ ] Policy Reference and Title: _________________________________________________
[ ] Support
[ ] Object
7) Delivery Strategy: the Neighbourhood Development Plan is accompanied
by a Delivery Strategy which sets out how policies will be implemented. It
also sets out complementary "non-spatial" actions. Do you have any
comments on this document?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
8) Sustainability Report? The Neighbourhood Development Plan is supported
by a separate Sustainability Report which explains how the Plan contributes
to sustainable development. Do you have any comments on this
( ) Yes
( ) No
About You
9) What is your association with St Anne's? *
[ ] I live here
[ ] I have family here
[ ] I have friends here
[ ] Clubs / Group membership
[ ] Work
[ ] Business Owner
[ ] Day visitor
[ ] Holiday visitor
[ ] Other: _________________________________________________
10) How long have you been associated with St Anne's?*
( ) I am a day or holiday visitor
( ) Less than a year
( ) 1 - 5 years
( ) 5 - 10 years
( ) 10 - 15 years
( ) Over 15 years
( ) Generations
11) What is your approximate age? *
( ) 5 - 10 years of age
( ) 11 - 16 years of age
( ) 17 - 21 years of age
( ) 22 - 30 years of age
( ) 31 - 50 years of age
( ) 51 - 65 years of age
( ) 66 + years of age
12) If you live in St Anne's or have a business here and would like more
information on the St Anne's Neighbourhood Plan then please supply your
contact details below (if not please just supply your postcode):
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________
Postcode: _________________________________________________
Email address: _________________________________________________
Business Name (if appropriate): _________________________________________________
Thank You!