Glen Weyl Academic CV 7.18.11

E. (Eric) Glen Weyl
Microsoft Corporation
One Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142
(857) 998-4513
Born May 6, 1985 in San Francisco, CA and married to Alisha C. Holland August 21, 2010.
M.A., Ph.D. in Economics (2008)
Dissertation “Essays on Industrial Organization and Economic Methodology” advised by José A.
Scheinkman (chair), Hyun Song Shin, Roland Bénabou and Jean Tirole.
A.B. in Economics, Valedictorian (2007); certificates in Finance and Applications of Computing
Senior Researcher (≈tenured Associate Professor), Microsoft Research, New England Lab (MSRNE)
 Researcher (≈untenured Associate Professor) (2014-5)
Associate Research Scholar and Visiting Lecturer, Department of Economics, Princeton University
(anticipated in 2016-7)
Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics and the College, University of Chicago (U of C)
(2011-present; on leave 2014-present)
Junior Fellow at the Society of Fellows, Harvard University (2008-2011)
Associate Member, U of C Law School (UCLS) (2013-present; on leave 2014-present)
Member, Committee on Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, U of C (2012-present; on leave
Member, Chicago Center for Jewish Studies, U of C (2011-present; on leave 2014-present)
Affiliate, Center for Latin American Studies, U of C (2011-present; on leave 2014-present)
Fellow, Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2008-2013)
Profesor, Escuela de Verano, Universidad de Los Andes (UniAndes), Bogotá, Colombia (2012)
Visiting Expert, INDECOPI (pan-industrial regulator), Lima, Perú (2011)
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Economics, Harvard University (2008-2011)
Visiting Scholar, Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2007, 8)
Price Theory Scholar and Visiting Graduate, Becker Center on Chicago Price Theory (2007-8)
Research intern at the Economic Analysis Group of DOJ Antitrust Division (EAG) (2006)
Quantitative analyst at New York hedge fund Blue Mountain Capital Management (2005)
Product Design in Selection Markets with André Veiga, conditionally accepted at the Quarterly
Journal of Economics (QJE) in August 2015.
The First-Order Approach to Merger Analysis with Sonia Jaffe, American Economic Journal:
Microeconomics, 2013, 5(4): 188-218.
Pass-Through as an Economic Tool: Principles of Incidence under Imperfect Competition
with Michal Fabinger, Journal of Political Economy (JPE), 2013, 121(3): 528-583.
Market Power Screens Willingness-to-Pay with Jean Tirole, QJE, 2012, 127(4): 1971-2003
A Price Theory of Multi-Sided Platforms, American Economic Review (AER), 2010, 100(4): 1642-72.
Walrasian Equilibrium in Large, Quasilinear Markets with Eduardo Azevedo and Alexander
White, Theoretical Economics, 2013, 8(2): 281-290.
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Financial Regulation with Eric Posner, AER: Papers and Proceedings (AER:
P&P), 2013, 103(3): 393-397.
Curriculum Vitae for E. Glen Weyl
p. 2
 To be reprinted in the Economics of Financial Law, Geoffrey P. Miller ed., Edward Elgar.
Holdout in the Assembly of Complements: A Problem for Market Design with Scott Duke
Kominers, AER: P&P, 2012, 102(3): 360-365.
Linear Demand Systems are Inconsistent with Discrete Choice with Sonia Jaffe, B. E. Journal of
Theoretical Economics (Advances), 2010, 10(1): article 52.
Monopoly, Ramsey and Lindahl in Rochet and Tirole (2003), Economics Letters, 2009, 103(2): 99100.
Voting Squared: Quadratic Voting in Democratic Politics with Eric Posner, Vanderbilt Law Review,
2015, 68(2): 441-499.
Let the Right ‘One’ Win: Policy Lessons from the New Economics of Platforms with Alexander
White, Competition Policy International, 2014 12(2): 29-51.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulations: Criticisms and Responses with Eric A. Posner,
Yale Law Journal Forum, 2015, 124: January 22.
Benefit-Cost Paradigms in Financial Regulation with Eric Posner, Journal of Legal Studies (JLS),
2014, 43(S2): S1-34.
Quadratic Voting as Efficient Corporate Governance with Eric Posner, U of C Law Review (UCLR),
2014, 81(1): 251-272.
An FDA for Financial Innovation: Applying the Insurable Interest Doctrine to 21st Century
Financial Markets with Eric Posner, Northwestern University Law Review, 2013, 107(3): 1307-1358.
Concordance Among Holdouts with Scott Duke Kominers, Proceedings of the 12th ACM Conference on
Electronic Commerce (EC ’11), 2011: 219-220.
Economic Contract Theory Tests Models of Mutualism with Megan E. Frederickson, Doug W. Yu
and Naomi E. Pierce, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010, 107(36): 15712-6. Featured as
cover story and reviewed as “must read” by the Faculty of 1000.
Whose Rights? A Critique of Individual Agency as the Basis of Rights, Politics, Philosophy and
Economics, 2009, 8(2): 139-171.
Après le Déluge: Finance and the Common Good after the Crisis, collection of essays that I am
editing jointly with Ed Glaeser and Tano Santos coming out of a conference in honor of José
Scheinkman in March 2013. The contributors are Aloisio Araujo, Patrick Bolton, Ed Glaeser, Lars
Hansen, Pete Kyle, Tano Santos and Wei Xiong. In addition to co-authoring the introduction, I
contributed an original essay, “Finance and the Common Good”. The book is under contract with
the University of Chicago Press and is scheduled to come out in 2015.
Jewish Economies: Development and Migration in America and Beyond, collection of Kuznets’s
unpublished work on the economic history of Jews co-edited with Stephanie Lo with introductory
analytical chapter, “Simon Kuznets: Cautious Empiricist of the Eastern European Jewish
Diaspora” by me. First volume, “The Economic Life of American Jewry”, was released by
Transaction Publishers of New Brunswick, New Jersey in November 2011; the second, “Jewish
Immigration in Comparative Perspective”, was released in January 2012.
Taxation and the Allocation of Talent with Benjamin B. Lockwood and Charles G. Nathanson,
under second round revision at the request of the JPE as of August 2015.
Price Theory, commissioned by the Journal of Economic Literature, summary approved and full version
submitted August 2015.
The Openness-Equality Trade-Off in Global Redistribution, under revision at the request of the
Economic Journal (EJ) for a feature on Normative Ethics and Welfare Economics as of June 2015.
Curriculum Vitae for E. Glen Weyl
p. 3
Insulated Platform Competition with Alexander White, resubmitted at the request of the JPE in May
Pricing Institutions and the Welfare Loss from Adverse Selection with André Veiga, submitted
August 2015 at the request of the Quarterly Journal of Economics (reject and resubmit).
Quadratic Voting with Steven P. Lalley, submitted August 2015 at the request of Econometrica (reject and
The Robustness of Quadratic Voting, prepared for a special issue on Quadratic Voting and Public Policy
of Public Choice to be published in 2017; current draft February 2015.
Raffles with Christina Lee, September 2015.
An Efficient Competitive Economy with Public Goods with Richard Zeckhauser and Aanund
Hylland, September 2015.
Ownership of the Means of Production with Anthony Zhang, September 2015.
A Quadratic Voting Solution to the Holdout Problem with Jerry Green, Scott Duke Kominers and
Steven P. Lalley, September 2015.
Sequential Search and Matching Market Design with Robert Kleinberg and Bo Waggoner,
September 2015.
The Average-Marginal Relationship and Tractability of Equilibrium with Michal Fabinger,
submitted September 2015.
The Efficiency of Quadratic Voting in Finite Populations, February 2015 (under revision jointly
with Bharat Chandar and Conor Mahany).
Imperfect Competition in Selection Markets with Neale Mahoney, submitted September 2014.
A Solution to the Collective Action Problem in Corporate Restructuring with Eric Posner,
September 2013.
System and Method for Convex Voting in Various Types of Research and Voting with David
Quarfoot, preliminary application filed March 2015.
Humans are Doing Democracy Wrong. Bees are Doing it Right with Rory Sutherland, The
Spectator, May 2, 2015.
Mutual Funds’ Dark Side with Eric Posner, Slate, April 16, 2015.
A Radical Solution to Global Income Inequality: Make the U.S. More like Qatar with Eric A.
Posner, The New Republic, November 6, 2014.
Competition Policy in Selection Markets with Neale Mahoney and André Veiga, 2014, CPI Antitrust
Chronicle 10(1): “Of Special Interest” article 2.
Thomas Piketty Is Wrong: America Will Never Look Like a Jane Austen Novel with Eric A.
Posner, The New Republic, July 31 2014.
Why and How the Government Should Assess the Costs and Benefits of Financial Regulations
with Eric A. Posner, Review of Financial Regulation Studies, 2014, 13: 4-5.
The Answer for Obamacare? Oligopoly with André Veiga, Slate, March 31, 2014.
The Case for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Financial Regulations with Eric A. Posner Regulation 20132014, 36(4): 30-34.
How to Make Sure the Volcker Rule Survives in Court with Eric A. Posner, Bloomberg View,
December 10, 2013.
How to Make Poison Pills Palatable with Eric Posner, New York Times Dealbook, July 17, 2013.
Shareholder Democracy Needs People to Pay for their Votes with Eric Posner, Financial Times,
May 13, 2013.
Curriculum Vitae for E. Glen Weyl
p. 4
Against Casino Finance with Eric Posner, National Affairs 14, Winter 2013: 58-77.
Not Worth the Gamble with Eric Posner, Slate, April 4, 2012.
An FDA for Securities Could Help Avert Crises with Eric Posner, Bloomberg View, April 2, 2012.
Retos para un Mercado de Libre Competencia: El Control de Fusiones y Carteles in
¿Competidores o monopolistas? edited by Jaime Delgado and published by the Instituto de Consumo of the
Universidad San Martín de Porres in Lima, Perú in 2011.
Price Theory and Merger Guidelines with Sonia Jaffe, 2011, CPI Antitrust Chronicle 3(1): article 2.
Put the Bankers Back to Work, Huffington Post, February 5th, 2009.
Financial Guidance from FDA, Boston Globe, December 3rd, 2008.
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Sloan) Research Fellowship (2014-2016)
Pacific Standard’s 30 Top Thinkers under 30 (2014)
Neubauer Collegium Grant to support Comparative Economics Working Group (2013-2015)
Becker Friedman Institute (BFI) Research Grant (2013-2014)
AER Excellence in Refereeing award (2009, 2010 and 2013)
Sloan Grant with Eric Posner to support conference on “Benefit-Cost Analysis for Financial Regulation”
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Junior Fellowship in Entrepreneurship Research (2012-2014)
Social Sciences Division Research Grant, U of C (2012-2013)
ANACOM Award for best paper (joint with André Veiga), “Multidimensional Product Design”, at the
3rd Workshop on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies (2012)
Research gift from Microsoft Corporation (2010-2011)
NET Institute Grant (2010, joint with Alexander White, and 2011, joint with André Veiga)
Sloan Research Grant with Charles Nathanson (2010-present)
Harvard Real Estate Academic Initiative research grant with Scott Duke Kominers (2009-2011)
Milton Fund research award, Harvard University (2009-2010)
ECON24210/40501 Price Theory and Market Design (joint undergraduate-graduate course, first of the
“Market Design” sequence, which I chair) at the U of C (2012-2013)
ECON20110 Elements of Economic Analysis II (intermediate microeconomics) Honors at the U of C
(2012-2014, co-listed as LAWS99305 with UCLS 2013-2014)
ECON-4527 Advanced Price Theory and Market Structures at UniAndes (2012)
ECON30100 and 30200 Price Theory (repeated guest lecturer) at the U of C (2011-2)
ECON20100 Elements of Economic Analysis II at the U of C (2011)
Lancelot de Frahan, PhD at University of Chicago (second-year paper advisor) in progress.
Miguel Espinosa, PhD at London School of Economics (member) in progress.
Bert Willekens, PhD at KU Leuven 2014 (outside jury member). Initial placement: post-doctoral
fellowship at KU Leuven.
André Veiga, PhD at TSE 2013 (co-chair). Initial placement: post-doc at University of Oxford.
Michal Fabinger, PhD at Harvard 2012 (member). Initial placement: Pennsylvania State University.
Currently: University of Tokyo.
William Weingarten, BA at Harvard (highest honors) 2011.
Scott Duke Kominers, PhD at Harvard 2011 (member). Initial placement: research scholarship at the
Becker Friedman Institute at the University of Chicago. Currently: Harvard Society of Fellows.
Alexander White, PhD at TSE 2010 (committee co-chair). Initial placement: post-doc at Harvard.
Currently: Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management.
Curriculum Vitae for E. Glen Weyl
p. 5
Co-organizer of Quadratic Voting and Public Policy, a conference at the U of C funded by BFI and the Law
School to be published in Public Choice (2016)
Co-organizer of Recent Advances in Price Theory, a conference at the U of C funded by BFI (2015)
Co-organizer of Designing the Data Economy, a conference at MSRNE (2015)
Co-organizer of Reverse AGT series of mini-conferences at Microsoft Research (2014-6)
Co-organizer of Normative Ethics and Welfare Economics, a conference at the U of C funded by BFI and to
be published in EJ (2014)
Associate Editor, International Journal of Industrial Organization (2013-present).
Co-founder and co-director, U of C Comparative Economics Working Group (2013)
Co-organizer and guest co-editor of Benefit Cost Analysis for Financial Regulation, a conference at UCLS
funded by Sloan and published in the JLS (2013)
Co-organizer of Revelation Mechanisms in the Law, a conference at UCLS published in the UCLR (2013)
Co-organizer of Après le Déluge: Finance and the Common Good after the Crisis, a conference in honor of José
A. Scheinkman at Columbia Business School.
More than a hundred presentations at universities, regulatory agencies, consultancies and conferences.
Referee at more than two dozen leading journals in economics, philosophy and biology; average load of
30 submissions per year.
Guest Editor, Antitrust Chronicle, Competition Policy International 7(2), Summer 2010.
Program Committee, Latin American Chapter of the Econometric Society Meetings 2012.
Discussant and session chair at more than a dozen conferences.
Advisor, (2015-present)
Co-Founder, Collective Decision Engines LLC (2013-present)
Advisor, Esopus Magazine and Foundation (2008-present)
Expert, Applico Inc. (2012-2014)