Draft Additional Harris Poll Survey Questions (Response= Agree – Disagree) * = Common Theme # Parents 1 *My child’s school provides an atmosphere and environment where every student can succeed. *The school’s handbook is clear and understandable. *Our school is a place where all students can succeed. *My child’s school provides adequate support for students and families that are new to Dunlap schools. *My child’s school provides adequate support for gifted and talented students. *My child’s school provides adequate support for struggling learners and lower-achieving students. *At my child’s school, student discipline is consistent and effective. *My child’s school focuses on continuous improvement through student goal setting and tracking of progress with charts and graphs. *Parents are encouraged to share ideas and provide feedback to improve the school. *This school is welcoming to new students. 2 3 4 5 6 7 Elementary Students *The school rules are clear and easy to understand. Teachers *Our school is a place where all students can succeed. *Our school provides an atmosphere and environment where every student can succeed. *The school’s handbook is clear and Our school’s Building Leadership understandable. Team effectively sets and communicates direction at our school. *This school is welcoming to new *Our school is welcoming to new students. families. *When I finish my work early, there are opportunities to continue my learning. *If I have trouble learning, my teacher provides extra help and support to help me learn. *Our school provides rigorous courses that are challenging. *Our school provides adequate support for struggling learners and lower-achieving students. *Our school adequately addresses the needs of gifted and talented students. *Our school provides adequate support for struggling learners and lower-achieving students. *In our classroom, the teacher deals effectively with students who don’t behave. *In our classroom, students set goals and track progress with charts and graphs. *There is effective and consistent student discipline at our school. *Our school provides consistent and effective student discipline. *At our school, students set goals and track progress with charts and graphs. *Students are provided opportunities to share feedback and ideas to help improve the school. *Our school is focused on continuous improvement through student goal setting and tracking of progress with charts and graphs. *Our school practices teamwork, collaboration and shared leadership. *I’m proud of my school. *I’m proud of our school. *Teachers at my school do everything they can to help me succeed. *Our school does everything it can to help all students succeed. 9 *I’m proud of my child’s school. *In our classroom, the teacher lets us share our ideas and opinion about how things are going in the classroom. *I’m proud of my school. 10 *My child’s school does everything it can to help my child succeed. *My teacher school does everything he or she can to help me succeed. 8 Secondary Students Open Ended Question: How can this school better meet your needs and expectations?