Recycle Paper Recycle Paper Reuse old newspapers and Reuse old newspapers and magazines as bedding for your cardboard boxes for art class pets Fact: Recycled paper produces 60% less Fact: If all our newspaper was recycled, we pollution than when made from raw materials. could save about 250,000,000 trees each year! Recycle Glass Recycle Glass Bring bottles and jar to the Reuse jars and bottles as recycling bank and storage containers separate them by colour Fact: Recycling one glass jar saves enough Fact: A glass bottle would take 4000 years or energy to watch T.V for 3 hours. more to decompose Recycle Plastic Recycle Plastic Reuse plastic tubs and Reduce the amount of plastic containers by decorating them packaging that you buy and reuse plastic bags when you go shopping Fact: Plastic waste kills up to 1 million sea birds and 100,000 fish each year. Fact: In 2002 the Irish government introduced a 15 cent levy on all plastic bag sales in shops Recycle Wood Recycle Wood Reuse timber by making Reuse wood shavings and saw furniture and wooden dust as bedding for your pets ornaments Fact: The average person uses seven trees a Fact: Wood from the ash tree is used to make hurls year in paper, wood, and other products made from trees. Recycle Clothing Recycle Clothing Donate old clothing to Mend your clothes that are charities and pass down your slightly damaged and cut up old clothes to younger children clothes to use as rags Fact: Buy only what you need. Buying fewer clothes means less to throw away. It also means that fewer clothes needs to be made by Fact: We don’t have to stop using the earths resources but we do have to stop wasting them factories and less energy used to make them. Reduce Paper Waste Reduce Paper Waste Place used paper into a Use both sides of the recycling bin photocopying paper and reduce And reuse cardboard boxes the amount of toilet paper for storage and shopping used Fact: Fact: A child uses 5,850 disposable nappies in the first few years of their lives. This weighs the same as an average family car. Fact: For every tonne of paper used for recycling 17 trees are spared Reduce Energy Waste Reduce Energy Waste Switch off lights when they Make sure the dishwasher and are not needed or when it is washing machine is full before bright outside turning it on And use energy saving light bulbs Fact: By hand washing clothes and dishes you could save energy, water and money Fact: Most homes still use the traditional bulbs invented by Thomas Edison. These bulbs only produce 10% light, the other 90% is converted into heat. What a waste!! Reduce Energy Waste Reduce Energy Waste Don’t leave your phone charger Don’t leave your TV and and other electrical products computer on stand-by when plugged in when they are not in they are not in use use Fact: Some appliances use energy 24 hours a Fact: If electrical appliances are not used day, even when they are turned off. safely they could start a fire Reduce Energy Waste Reduce Water Waste Turn off the heat when it is Don’t waste water by flushing warm enough and keep doors the toilet for no reason and windows closed. Fact: Much of this energy is not put to use. Heat pours out of homes through drafty doors and windows, and through ceilings and walls that aren’t insulated. Fact: One-third of the water used in most homes is flushed down the toilet. Reduce Water Waste Reduce Water Waste Don’t leave the water running Collect and reuse rain water and fix leaking taps for animals, car washes and immediately watering plants…..etc Fact: Leaks are the biggest water waster around the home. A leak of one drop per second wastes 2,400 gallons of water per year! Fact: Water covers over 75% of the Earth’s surface, and it is the most valuable of all the Earths natural resources. Without it there would be no life on earth: it is essential for everything and everyone on our planet to grow. Reduce Water Waste Reduce Water Waste Take a shower instead of a Don’t pollute our rivers, lakes bath and seas by throwing away your as it uses less water rubbish Fact: Water heating is the third largest energy expense in your home. Heated water is Fact: 1 gallon of used motor oil can ruin approximately 1 million gallons of fresh water. used for showers, baths, laundry, dishwashing and general cleaning. Reuse Compost Waste Reuse Food Wastage Put fruit and vegetable skins, Use left over food to feed the egg shells, wood shavings, animals and birds grass and tea bags into a compost bin Fact: Only 5.6% household waste was recycled in Ireland in 2001. Fact: Every year, each person throws out about 1,200 pounds of organic garbage that can be composted. Reduce Air Pollution Reduce Air Pollution Share lifts and use public Throw your rubbish in the bin transport and walk or cycle to and protect our animal, fish school and plant habitats from as often as possible pollution Fact: High smoke levels increase health and Fact: over 11,000 species of plants and lung problems. animals face extinction in the near future Reduce Air Pollution Reduce Air Pollution Use solar and wind energy Don’t burn toxic rubbish and instead of using fossil fuels to avoid using aerosols and CFC heat your homes and schools products Fact: Coal is a mineral that was formed from the remains of plants that died millions of years ago. Fact: Burning household rubbish is against the law and if you are caught you could be fined Recycle aluminium Reuse paper Bring aluminium cans and Collect old postage stamps and containers to the recycling reuse wrapping paper and bank as they can be melted envelopes down and made into a new product Fact: Enough energy is saved by recycling one aluminium can to light a 100 watt light bulb for 20 hours. 350,000 aluminum cans are produced every minute! Fact: About one fifth of a household dustbin consists of paper and card. This is over 4kg of waste paper per household each week. Recycle Reduce air pollution Collect and recycle used Help our environment by batteries, planting more trees which mobile phones and ink produces oxygen and gives us cartridges fresh air to breathe Fact: Up to 80% of our waste can be reused, Fact: Trees are being cleared on development recovered or recycled. sites to make way for new houses, industries and roads.