Topics 6, 7, 8, 9 Study Guide

Planet Earth
Topics 6, 7, 8, 9 Study Guide
Volcanoes, Mountains, Fossils, Geologic Time
Topic 6- Volcanoes
- vent- opening of a volcano
- dormant- not active
- Ring of Fire- volcanoes located around Pacific Ocean
Topic 7- Mountains
- cordillera- Spanish for mountain range
- anticline- upward or top part of a folded rock
- syncline- bottom of the folded rock
- thrust faulting- rock is squeezed, form s slabs and moves up and
over each other like shingles on a roof
- fault block mountains- old rock ends up on top of younger rock
- mountains form when plates push on each other and rock breaks
through the Earth’s surface
- young mountains- jagged at the top
- old mountains- rounded at the top
Topic 8- Fossils
- decayed remains of dead plant and animal matter are fossils
- petrified- rock like
- carbonaceous film- carbon residue forms an outline of organism
- original remains- actual or part of organism is preserved
- trace fossils- evidence of animal activity (ex. footprint)
Topic 9- Geologic Time
- principle of superposition- oldest layers of rock are always on
the bottom and youngest layers are on top
- strata- layers of rock
- relative dating- used to find the order in which events occurred
- looking at their position in the strata
- index fossils- fossil used to determine relative age of a rock
- radiocarbon dating- used to find out when events in history
- measuring the amount of carbon up to 50,000 years old
- eons- large time period
- eras- what eons are divided into
- periods- what eras are divided into
- Precambrian- first life forms, little fossils
- Paleozoic- ancient life
- Cenozoic- recent life
- Pangaea- one supercontinent
- Triassic- first dinosaurs
- Jurassic- first birds, plants, mammals