Essential Questions

Measuring in Science (Lab: metallic sphere, conservation of mass, Law of definite
proportions.) Refer to section 2-3, 3-1 in your text.
Essential Questions:
“What is the difference between 43g, 43.0g, 43.00g and 43.000g?”
“Why is it that if there are 10 million more people in the world the reported Earth
population does not change?”
“Was Antoine Lavoisier more concerned with accuracy or precision?”
Determine the correct number of significant digits in a measurement.
*Report measurements to the correct number of significant digits.
*Select the most appropriate lab equipment for the needed precision.
*Report answers to calculations to the correct number of significant digits.
Differentiate between accuracy and precision.
Give examples of and identify the three laws of Chemistry
Law of conservation of mass
Law of definite proportions
Law of multiple proportions
Atomic Theory or “How do they know…?” (Lab: Identifying an Element from
Emission Spectra.) Refer to all of chapter 3 (section 3-1, 3-2, 3-3)
Essential Questions:
If you could see an atom, what would it look like?
How do we know so much about atoms if no one has ever seen one?
How are the electrons arranged in an atom?
Explain where color comes from
Know the basic points of atomic theory including atomic structure
Calculate average atomic mass for any element
Differentiate between atomic number, mass number, atomic mass and average atomic
Describe the works of scientists who contributed to the Atomic Theory
*Write electron configurations and orbit diagrams for any element/Identify an
element from its electron configuration or orbit diagram.
 Calculate values for energy (E) frequency () and wavelength () for any value of
electromagnetic radiation.
The Periodic Table of the Elements (Lab: Grouping Elements, Read Articles Making
New Elements, And The Periodic Table From Scientific American) Refer to articles and
4-1, 4-3, 4-4.
Essential Questions:
How does the Benfey table follow periodic law?
What are the chemical and physical properties of osmium?
Where did all the atoms, of the elements on the periodic table, come from?
Identify family names and properties
Identify and explain trends in the periodic table
Define periodic law
Describe how elements are created in nature and in the lab
Write nuclear equations
Chemical Bonds or Form Follows Function (ID unknown substances.)
Essential Questions: Refer to Chapter 5 (5-1, 5-2, 5-3)
Crossed out subjects have not been covered yet and will not be covered on the midterm.
How does the shape of a molecule affect its function?
If potassium is a soft silvery metal that reacts violently with water, how is it that I
can eat a banana without harm?
Use energy to explain how atoms form bonds
Show how an ionic bond forms from elements
Calculate bond energies.
Define the various types of bonds
Show how a covalent bond forms from elements
Identify a substance as ionic or covalent based on physical and chemical
*Draw Lewis structures for covalently bonded substances
*Write formulas from organic structures
Predict the shape (geometry) and bond angles for simple compounds.
Identify organic functional groups and write formulas from organic structures.