Press Release 21 October 2013 The Inauguration of the Committee

Press Release
21 October 2013
The Inauguration of the Committee of Cultural & Arts of The Y.Elites
Association and “Our Cultural Heritage: Tea, Wine and Agarwood Forum”
inviting experts Henry Tang, Paulo Pong, Jose Yu Sunsay, Wong Man
Yuen, Chang Liang Wei and Yuan Renguo to share their insights into the
cultures of tea, wine and agarwood
In the globalised 21st century, in what ways can we pass on our traditional
cultures to our next generations? With “Focal Point of Young Elites, Promoter
of National Studies, Carer for Social Issues, and Think Tank for Current Affairs”
as its founding principles, The Y.Elites Association is a youth group that is
concerned with this important issue. On 21 October 2013, the Committee of
Cultural & Arts of The Y.Elites Association joined hands with the Youth
Committee of the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Associations and the Youth
Committee of the Hong Kong Moutai Club to host “Our Cultural Heritage: Tea,
Wine and Agarwood Forum”, inviting experts of the titled areas to share their
insights in order to serve as a starting point to strengthen the knowledge and
enhance the interest in art and culture while broadening the vision of the Hong
Kong youth.
“Our Cultural Heritage: Tea, Wine and Agarwood Forum” was held at Room
S421 of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 21 October 2013.
Before the Forum begins, an inauguration ceremony was held for the
Committee of Cultural & Arts of The Y.Elites Association, starting with
speeches from Mr. Jaime Sze, Founding and Honorary Chairman of The
Y.Elites Association and Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Fujian
Associations and Ms. Candy Chuang, Chairperson of the Committee of
Cultural & Arts of The Y.Elites Association. The officiating guests then
participated in the officiating ceremony to celebrate the inauguration of the
Committee of Cultural & Arts of The Y.Elites Association as well as its founding
principle of promoting art and culture of both the East and the West.
The Forum began immediately after the inauguration ceremony. The first
session invited two renowned wine experts: Mr. Henry Tang, GBM, Standing
Committee member of the CPPCC and Mr. Paulo Pong, Managing Director of
Altaya Wines to share their experience in the collection and appreciation of red
wines; the second session invited Mr. Jose Yu Sunsay, Standing Committee
member of the 10th and 11th CPPCC and President of the Chinese Tea Culture
International Exchange Association and Mr. Wong Man Yuen, Founding
President of The World Tea Culture Communication Association to share the
historical Chinese tea culture; the third session invited renowned Taiwanese
agarwood expert Mr. Chang Liang Wei to introduce the culture of agarwood;
lastly, the final session returned to the topic of wine, with Mr. Yuan Renguo,
master Chinese winemaker and President of the Kweichow Moutai Group and
Mr. Jose Yu Sunsay, Chief Supervisor of the Hong Kong Moutai Club to share
their expertise in the appreciation of Chinese wines. Interactive sessions were
available after each session with guests actively participating in inquiring the
speakers on stage. A video interview with Mr. Shan Jixiang, Director of The
Palace Museum in Beijing was also shown between the sessions, examining
the importance of passing on our traditional cultures. After the Forum was
concluded, many guests reported they had gained an in-depth and enriched
knowledge in the topics covered.
Mr. Jaime Sze, Founding and Honorary Chairman of The Y.Elites Association
and Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Associations remarked,
“As the Founding Chairman of The Y.Elites Association as well as the
Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Associations, I am
delighted to see that the ‘Our Cultural Heritage: Tea, Wine and Agarwood
Forum’, jointly hosted by the two parties, has successfully played its role in
promoting our traditional cultures and benefit its attendants. I sincerely hope
the Forum will be a first step in promoting traditional Chinese cultures to the
youth of Hong Kong.”
Ms. Candy Chuang, Chairperson of the Committee of Cultural & Arts of The
Y.Elites Association expressed, “Exploring cultures that we encounter on a
regular basis, such as wine, tea and agarwood, allow us to have a glimpse of
Hong Kong’s unique status as the hub where East meets West in the past
hundred years. In order for the young generation to get the best from both
advanced cultures, they must first have a firm understanding of the traditions
of their own Chinese culture. The ‘Our Cultural Heritage: Tea, Wine and
Agarwood Forum’ today serves the purpose to raise the awareness and
interest of Chinese culture within youth groups to further our mission of
inheriting and promoting Chinese culture.”
For media enquiries, please contact Miss Helena Hui at +852 9534 0813 or
email to or contact Miss Jackie Liu at +852 9197 6791 or
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