Whitchurch Primary School IMPACT OF PUPIL PREMIUM Annual Report to Parents & Guardians for 2014-2015 The Pupil Premium is an element of school funding aimed at narrowing the gap in attainment between certain disadvantaged groups of pupils and those who are more well off. In 2014-2015 funding was calculated on the basis of £1300 for each pupil who has been eligible for free school meals in the past six years, and £1900 for looked after children in care for more than six months. There is a related Service premium of £150 for children of families in the armed services. The funding is provided to schools, which decide how best to spend this according to local needs. Our school budget included a total Pupil and Service Premium of £ 12500 (approx. 2% of our delegated funding from the local authority), and below is a summary of the way we have used this funding to support our pupils’ learning. (Note: information related to individual pupils remains confidential). Actions taken Target pupil group Impact on learning outcomes Evidence: pupil attainment & progress Extension Maths Sessions Enabled pupils to reach the higher standards in Maths and made above average yearly progress Evidence of APS points progress/ attainment levels 1:1 Tuition for Literacy and Maths Pupils’ confidence levels in Maths, Writing and Reading increased. Increase in National Curriculum levels. Evidence of APS points progress/ attainment levels Wrap around care support. Pupils arrive/leave school positively. Pupils access homework and engagement with curriculum Attendance data, reports from staff of pupil well-being. Educational trips and visits Enables pupils to access the entire curriculum. Reports from staff of pupil well-being. Social skills groups To develop pupils social skills and friendships/relationships with other pupils. Reports from staff of pupil well-being. Observations of play. Extension Writing Sessions Enabled pupils to reach the higher standards in writing and made above average yearly progress. Evidence of APS points progress/ attainment levels Resources to support individual needs Staff more confident and effective in supporting pupils specific needs. Staff feedback. Observations of pupils. KS1 Maths Booster resources Pupils’ confidence levels in Maths increased. Increase in National Curriculum levels. Evidence of APS points progress/ attainment levels Attachment training and family support Staff and families were able to target support to children’s needs leading to improved outcomes for pupils. Pupil observations. Parent and staff feedback. 1:1 Classroom support Allowed pupils to access the curriculum and improve focus skills. Observation, Teacher records, Behaviour checklists.