8th - itslearning

8th Grade Science – 2nd 9weeks
Earth and Space
Unit 7: Weather - Students will study the interactions of land, water and the atmosphere.
Building Block 1: Global Heating and Circulation
Student Outcomes
I can explain where the energy that heats the atmosphere comes from.
I can explain how different patterns of circulation are created on the
Earth by the Sun.
I can diagram how global winds move.
I can explain convection currents in the atmosphere.
Building Block 2: Climate
Student Outcomes
I can list factors that affect climate in an area.
I can explain how and why latitude, nearness to water and mountains
affect climate.
Building Block 3: The Oceans and Weather
Student Outcomes
I can explain the difference between weather and climate.
I can explain how the ocean affects the atmosphere and how the
atmosphere affects the ocean.
I can explain how the atmosphere and ocean affects weather.
I can explain how radiant energy and the ocean contributes to the
formation of El Nino and hurricanes.
Building Block 4: Meteorology
Student Outcomes
I can explain the symbols on weather maps and explain what type of
weather that area should have.
I can list instruments that meteorologists use and what they measure.
Unit 8: Oceans – Currents and Convection - The students are introduced to currents and convection in
the ocean.
Building Block 1: Currents
Student Outcomes
I can discuss how ocean surface currents are created.
I can discuss how ocean deep currents are created.
I can list factors that cause density differences in the ocean.
Organisms and Environments
Unit 9: Human Dependence - Students receive an overview of the dependence humans have on the
ocean and how affect that relationship.
Building Block 1: Human Dependence
Student Outcomes
I can list at least three ways that man depends on the ocean,
I can list at least two ways man positively affects the ocean and two
ways man negatively affects the ocean.
Earth and Space
Unit 10: Satellite ad Topographic Maps - Students will learn to read satellite and topographic maps and
will predict the effects of weathering, erosion, and deposition on a land area and respective map.
Building Block 1: Weathering, Erosion & Deposition
Student Outcome
I can explain what weathering, erosion and deposition are.
Building Block 2: Satellite Maps and Landforms
Student Outcome
I can look at a satellite view and tell the type of landforms that are