Request For Proposal Yard Waste Site Maintenance

Request For Proposal
Yard Waste Site Maintenance and Operations
The City of Denison, Iowa (City) maintains a yard waste disposal site accessible by exiting west
(right) from South Main Street immediately past the Union Pacific tracks in the southern area of
the city. The city wishes to contract with a private entity (Contractor) for the yard waste site
operations. Privatizing these operations is deemed to be in the best financial interest of the city,
ensuring the continued operations of the yard waste site in the most fiscally sound and
operationally efficient manner for the citizens and taxpayers of Denison.
All RFP responses should contain:
1. A brief history and description of the Contractor submitting the proposal. This
description should include other similar contracts or work undertaken by Contractor.
2. Identification of the Contractor’s management staff who will be assigned to this
engagement if the Contractor’s proposal is selected. This description would include staff
numbers and a description of likely management routine.
3. Identification of the equipment and tools to be employed in the yard waste site
management. This description should include the manner of material shipping to be
employed in removing all materials from the site.
4. The total price for yearly contract.
5. Copies of Contractor insurance, meeting or exceeding the included City insurance
The following operational rules, regulations, and stipulations will apply to the yard waste site
management and a contract attesting to such will be required from the successful respondent
(Contractor) to this RFP for yard waste site maintenance and operations:
1. Materials – The yard waste site will accept grass clippings, leaves, and wood debris. All
wood debris must be less than 8” in diameter.
2. Enforcement – The City will take all reasonable steps in order to enforce its rule banning
commercial tree businesses from using the yard waste site, banning wood in excess of
eight inches (8”) in diameter from being left at the site, and prohibiting contamination
from non-vegetative materials being left at the site.
3. Lawful Management and Conduct – Contractor shall be required to remove all grass,
leaves and other debris at the compost site on an as needed basis at the reasonable
direction of the CITY. Debris processed from the yard waste site shall be the property of
the Contractor. Yard waste site management, to the satisfaction of the City, shall be
entirely the responsibility of the Contractor and Contractor’s staff, without assistance
from City staff. Contractor must guarantee the operation of his/her equipment and shall
be responsible for any downtime and/or repairs if equipment fails. Any lost time due to
breakdown shall be made up by Contractor at no additional cost to the City. From time to
time, City staff will monitor the yard waste site, enlisting Contractor response to any and
all deficiencies requiring prompt Contractor action. Repeated failure to respond to City
staff requests may be cause for cancellation of the contract without thirty days notice.
The Contractor shall dispose of all materials left at the yard waste site in a manner
compliant with all best conservation practices and local, state, and federal mandates,
laws, rules, standards, and regulations. Any evidence to the contrary may be cause for
cancellation of the management contract. Wood debris may be chipped and left on-site
for use by City residents in order to facilitate this disposal, at the discretion of City
staff. Any wood chips left on site will be removed when their condition deteriorates to
prevent use by residents. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all licenses and
permits required by State or Federal law or by City ordinance.
4. Natural Catastrophe – In the event of a natural weather occurrence, resulting in
significant wood debris being deposited at the yard waste site, the Contractor shall be
responsible for properly disposing of all materials at no cost to the City.
5. Remuneration – All payments for the Contractor will be based on monthly invoicing.
The Contractor will receive monthly payments upon receipt of invoice.
6. Contract Term – The management contract will begin on January 5th , 2011 and will end
on December 31st, 2012, subject to either termination or renewal. Either party may
terminate contract with 30 days advance written notice.
7. Insurance –The Contractor shall provide a certificate of insurance showing workers
compensation insurance, automobile liability and general liability insurance in a form and
amounts reasonably acceptable to the City prior to commencing work under this
agreement. Said certificate shall provide evidence of endorsements that require thirty
(30) days written notice before material alteration or cancellation of coverage and shall
require ten (10) days advance written notice before cancellation for non-payment of
premium. The workers compensation insurance shall provide for waiver of subrogation.
Acceptable insurance coverage limits are provided in this RFP as addendum.
8. RFP Deadlines and Contract Award – All responses to this RFP will be publicly
opened on January 3, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. The City of Denison reserves the right to accept
or reject any and all proposals in whole or in part, to waive any and all informalities, and
to disregard all non-conforming, non- responsive or conditional proposals. The City
reserves the right to award the contract work, in whole or in part, to one or more
contractors and or individuals as appears to be in the best interest of the City. The
successful contractor shall be required to execute the contract and provide certificates of
insurance within 10 days after notification of award of contract. All respondents to this
RFP should deliver their proposals no later than December 30, 2010 at 4:30 p.m. to:
The City of Denison
Attn: Kevin C. Flanagan, City Manager
111 North Main St.
Denison, IA 51442