First Quarter Lesson Plans
Second Grade
Project One:
Zentangle Fish
Time Frame: Six 30-minute Sessions
Students will follow simple instructions to complete project
Students will be demonstrate an ability to use a variety of line within their projects
Students will be incorporate closed and open shapes in their designs
Students will be introduced to an art log/reflection tool to be used throughout the year
Pencil, Sharpie marker, watercolor
Drawing, painting
Day One: Directed drawing activity to create large fish drawing. Students will add scaled areas by tracing a provided template.
Day Two-Three: Students will use Sharpie
Marker to carefully trace over their marker lines. Students will fill in areas with a variety of shapes, patterns and lines.
Day Four: Students will use watercolor paints to fill in areas with self-selected colors. Each area is to be ONE COLOR only.
Day Five: Students will cut out their turtles and glue them to black paper. Teacher will use white pencil to create a ‘bubble’ and students will cut on that line as well.
Day Six: Students will complete art log/reflection using help sheet. This will be done together, as process is new to them.
18 x 24 project paper
20 x 30 teacher cut black butcher paper
pencils, Sharpies, watercolor, scissors, glue
Other Resources: Teacher Prepared Art Journals
Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
Zentangle Handout
First Quarter Lesson Plans
Second Grade
Project Two: Clay Fish
Time Frame: four 30-minute Sessions (Split time frame, 1/3)
Objectives: Students will follow simple instructions to complete project
Students will be introduced to slab technique
Students will use a variety of incised lines, shapes to create actual texture
Students will complete a simple art log/reflection tool to be used throughout the year
Incised slab construction
Day One: Students will cut a teacher prepared paper template, place on prepared slab and cut out basic shape. Students will use pencil tips to create texture. Using a straw, holes will be punched in top fin BY
(Split time frame to allow for drying/firing)
Day Two: Students will glaze their fish using a variety of colors.
Day Three: Students will use wire and beads to create a hanger for their fish.
Day Four: Students will complete art log/reflection using help sheet. This will be done together, as process is new to them.
Prepared clay slabs, approximately 6 x6, one per student
Teacher prepared template for fish
Pencils, scissors
Tempera paint
Lightweight wire
Other Resources: Teacher Prepared Art Journals
Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
First Quarter Lesson Plans
Second Grade
Project Three: Colorful Circles
Time Frame: six 30-minute sessions
Objectives: Students will follow instructions to complete project
Students will review color mixing techniques for combining primary colors to create secondary colors
Students will refine their control of paint within
Example: defined areas
Students will complete a simple art log/reflection tool to be used throughout the year
Painting (brush, stamping)
Day One: Students will create an abstract pattern of overlapped circles in a variety of sizes by dipping a variety of circular container rims into black paint and stamping them on paper.
Day Two: Using primary colors, students will select areas to paint. They will need to plan ahead to leave spaces for secondary colors.
Day Three-Four: Students will review color mixing techniques for secondary colors and begin filling in additional areas with the goal of leaving no paper showing.
Day Five: Students will complete art journal/reflections.
18x28 inch project paper, one sheet per student
Tempera paint in primary colors
Pencils, brushes
Styrofoam plates for color mixing.
Other Resources: Teacher Prepared Art Journals
Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
First Quarter Lesson Plans
Second Grade
Project Four: Woven Alligators w/Painted Paper
Time Frame: Six 30-minute Sessions
Objectives: Students will follow instructions to complete project
Students will be introduced to simple weaving technique
Students will create virtual texture using painted paper techniques
(paint combs, stamping with bottle caps, etc.)
Students will apply measurement techniques to prepare background for weaving projects.
Students will complete a simple art log/reflection tool to be used throughout the year
Construction paper, tempera paint
Woven paper, assemblage
Example: Procedure:
Day One: Students will create patterned paper for weaving by using blue and yellow to mix directly on the page. They will create virtual texture using paint combs and use bottle caps to stamp black circles on the paper.
Note: Teacher will need to cut these prepared papers into 1.5 inch strips, clip and label for students.
Day Two-Three: Students will follow teacher directions to prepare backgrounds for weaving.
Students will weave their strips into background papers. Optional: Students may use cotton swabs and black paint to further enhance plain squares in the weaving.
Day Four: Students will cut out prepared shapes for tail/head and use tempera paint to add designs/shapes. As time allows, students will need to trace and cut out four handprints (including some wrist) to be used for legs.
Day Five: Students will assemble their alligators.
Day Six: Art Journals/Reflection
Green construction paper cut to 11x 17 inches.
12x 18 white construction paper
Teacher prepared 11x17 inch green construction paper with templates for head/tail
Precut 6x9 inch green paper for tracing hands (four sheets per student)
Black tempera paint, Various shades/tints of green tempera (premixed)
Scissors, glue, brushes, bottle caps, cotton swabs
Other Resources: Teacher Prepared Art Journals
Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
First Quarter Lesson Plans
Second Grade
Project Five: Scarecrow in a Field
Time Frame: Five 30-minute Sessions
Objectives: Students will follow simple instructions to complete project
Students will be introduced to the use of converging lines and size to create depth/perspective
Students will the use wax resist method
Students in identify the horizon line in viewed artwork and create a horizon line in their own landscapes
Students will complete a simple art log/reflection tool to be used throughout the year
Crayons, watercolor wash
Wax resist, painting
Day One: Teacher will show students examples of landscape paintings and ask students to point out the horizon lines in these paintings. Teacher will guide students in the creation of their own horizon lines. In a directed drawing activity, students will draw a scarecrow in the lower left hand corner.
Day Two: In a directed drawing activity, students will draw a barn and silo on their horizon lines in the upper right quadrant of the paper. Students will create a point on the horizon near their barn doors and use a ruler to create radiating lines (rows in field) from this point.
Day Three: Students will add pumpkins to their field, placing the largest pumpkins in the foreground.
Student will begin tracing all pencil lines with construction paper crayons. Barn, scarecrow and pumpkins will all be colored in with crayons.
Day Four: Students will use water color wash techniques to paint sky and field.
Day Five: Journal/reflection
Teacher provided templates for tracing leaves
12 x18 project paper
Pencils, craypas, watercolors
Other Resources: Teacher Prepared Art Journals
Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner
First Quarter Lesson Plans
First Grade
Project Six:
Figures in Motion
Time Frame: Three 30-minute Sessions
Students will follow simple instructions to complete project
Students will use basic shapes and bits of pipe cleaners to explore figure drawing
Students will demonstrate an understanding that bodies are jointed and have form (no stick people)
Students will complete a simple art log/reflection tool to be used throughout the year
Construction paper, pipe cleaners, markers
Collage, tracing
Example: Procedure:
Day One: Teacher will introduce lesson and demonstrate how to represent about bodies in motion using rectangles, squares and pipe cleaners. Students will begin to create 3-5 small figures on 9x6 pieces of construction paper in various colors.
Day Two: Students will finish their figures and cut them out. They will arrange them in
Teacher provided templates for tracing leaves
12 x18 project paper
Pencils, craypas, watercolors playful ways on 12x18 black construction paper.
Day Three: Journal/reflection
Other Resources: Teacher Prepared Art Journals
Content Standard #1: Understanding and applying media, techniques, and processes
Students use art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner