Generalized-Painting Innovations-Updated

Painting Innovations: The number associated with each
box corresponds to the more detailed explanation of each
innovation listed below.
Self Cleaning
Paint (#4)
Solvent Based
Paint Shop Robot
Upgrade (#2)
Paint Shop Robot
Upgrade (#2)
Water Based
Primer (#5) (#7)
Powder Coat
Primer from
Liquid based (#1)
Based Paint
Paint Shop
Power Coat
Paint Shop
Clear Coat
Paint Shop
Solvent based
Innovation 1
UNIT(S): All
TITLE: Powder Coat Paint to Replace Liquid Based Paint
DESCRIPTION: The use of Powder Paint allows and excess paint that has not been applied to the surface of your
product to fall to the floor of the paint booth and be collected and reused again in the painting process. This
eliminates any wasted paint and reduces any emissions/gases that can be released into the air during the painting
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: For each car produced after the innovation is put in place, the player’s green score
will be increased ½ a point. While initial costs will increase for the first 25 cars produced by $200.00 per car. After
the 25 cars the cost will decrease back to the original price.
UNIT(S): All
AREA AFFECTED: Production and Waste
TITLE: Paint Shop Robot Upgrade
DESCRIPTION: A typical paint shop will have an annual energy cost of about $200,000 and emit about 660 tons of
CO2. Investing in new paint robots, like the FlexPainter IRB 5500, can improve the electrical efficiency of the
painting process, thus reducing the cost of production, as well as decrease CO 2 emissions. These robots are mounted
on the wall instead of on the floor, which can reduce the footprint of the paint workshop by 50%. The reduction of
energy consumption and CO2 emissions is roughly the same as the reduction in floor area.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: This innovation would have an initial upfront cost, maybe $5,000 per machine
(but again dependant on the game’s scale of monetary value). The benefit of the innovation would be a reduction of
utility costs and the waste generated which could translate into money savings in the product manufacturing and/or
waste disposal fees. Savings could be realistic in that it saves approximately 50% of the electricity costs of a typical
paint shop, however the percentage of the paint shop’s expense compared to the whole operation is not known. This
innovation could also increase the green and social score by about 2/100 th of a point.
UNIT(S): All
TITLE: Change to Water Borne Clearcoat (WBCC)
DESCRIPTION: The clearcoat is the coating layer that forms the last interface to the environment. It
carries the biggest part of the technological performance and must be able to resist all environmental
elements such as, car wash machines, thunderstorms, etc. The driving forces for clearcoat development
are cost of material and process, appearance, etch and scratch resistance and the environmental footprint.
Environmental pressures lead to an intensified development of waterborne clearcoats (WBCC).
Waterborne Clearcoat (WBCC) are durable to environmental stresses, are compatible with all waterborne
and solvent-based paints. A very important feature of WBCC is it has lower Volatile Organic Compound
(VOC) emissions. VOCs are a collection of chemical that has been proven to be human health hazards
which cause medical conditions from asthma to cancer.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: For each car produced after the innovation is put in place, the player’s
green score will increase (which occurs each turn through waste produced in the factory) by 2 points,
while the cost of production for each car will be increased by $200.00 as WBCC is more costly than
traditional clearcoats. However, the cost for waste removal will decrease by $130.00 as WBCC does not
produce as much hazardous waste as traditional clearcoats for disposal. The cost for investing in this
innovation is $500. (This can be taken as the initial purchasing price for switching to WBCC). The
player’s social score increases by 3 points in the turn that the innovation is played, as WBCC has both
human health and environmental benefits.
Reference for Innovation Card:
“Water Borne Environmentally Friendly Clear Coat Automotive Paint Hits the Market”
Accessed March 16, 2009.
DuPont “Paint & Coatings for Metal Exterior” Accessed March 16, 2009.
Innovation Event: All
Area Affected: Production
Title: Self Cleaning Paint
Description: Using nanotechnology, a company called “Nanovere” has developed a scratch
resistant, self-cleaning exterior coating for vehicles. It is stated that this material is 53% less
likely to scratch and an average car remains 60% cleaner. The product is called “Zyvere 2K
Nanocoating”. It repeals common contaminants such as oil, dirt and water and it has been shown
to be effective for five years after initial application.
Functional Description:
social score: I believe that the general public will view this as a very innovative and
forward thinking idea and because of this, they will react in a positive way to it.
Therefore, for every product coated with the paint, the social score will increase by
one point.
green score: I would assume that this coating is more environmentally friendly than
the paints presently used which are typically very harmful to the environment. Due to
this, the green score should also increase by one point for each product that uses this
financial score: Although this material is priced in line with other OEM coatings, the
current painting process would have to be modified and this would involve an
additional cost. Therefore, many companies will be reluctant to make this change.
The financial score will have to be deducted by one point to account for this.
Motor Authority, “Self-Cleaning Paint Likely to Enter Production”,, last accessed
March 15, 2009.
Innovation Event: All
Area Affected: Production
Title: Water Based Primer
Description: If this innovation is used there will be a significant reduction of air emissions as the
water based paint does not contain any VOC’s. It will also be safer for the employees who are
exposed to this product on a routine basis. The reduction will be measured in grams VOC’s
emitted per square meter of total painted surface and this information will be tracked and
reported on a quarterly basis. Related to the overall painting process, this innovation improves
the way in which your products are coated which results in less overspray resulting in less waste.
Functional Description:
social score: Any company that uses this innovation for their product will greatly
strengthen the view that they are a very socially conscious company. Therefore, every
product painted using the water based primer will result in an increase in the social
score of two points.
green score: Any company that is able to switch their primer to the water based
product at all their facilities, would have a huge impact in reducing their current
emissions of VOC’s. Due to this, every product painted with this primer will increase
the green score by three points.
financial score: I would assume that the cost of the two products are roughly the
same. However, there will be a cost involved with changing to the new innovation.
The old primer will either have to be used or returned to the manufacturer. The
equipment used in the spraying operation will have to cleaned or disposed of prior to
the introduction of the new paint. However, this is not considered a major change as
this type of modification is fairly common in industry and the deduction should only
be one point.
Toyota, “2008 North America Environmental Report”,, last accessed March 15, 2009.
TITLE: New Paint Formula for Application
DESCRIPTION: A new formula of wet paint can be applied to your product on the production
line to reduce the time of production. New painting technology allows paint to be applied
without the necessary drying time of pre-applied coats. Allowing multiple coats to be applied at
the same time reduces overall plant emissions.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: Product production time decreases and allows more of your
product to be produced per fiscal quarter after this innovation is played. Initial cost for five new
paint application sprayers required for the new formula is $679.25. This is the amount of
sprayers per factory. Production cost reduced from time not spent on the assembly line is
$100.00 per product in labor and equipment costs. The reclamation of paint for reuse and the
reduced overall plant carbon emissions results in a 4 point green score increase. Public
awareness of the new practice results in an increase in social score 1/2 of a point per fiscal
quarter the innovation is played.
“A Greener Way to Paint Vehicles”
Accessed March 15, 2009
“Wagner 0518023 Paint Sprayer” Accessed March
15, 2009
UNIT(S): All
TITLE: Paint Primer Switched From Solvent-Borne to Waterborne
DESCRIPTION: Switching the paint primer for your product from solvent-borne to waterborne is ideal
because the application is easier and more effective because waterborne primer has a greater resistance to
heat and abrasion in addition having excellent adhesion properties. Also, waterborne primers have an
extremely low VOC content (≤ 1.2 lbs/gal) and have no Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP).
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: For each product produced after the innovation is put in place, the
player’s green score increases by 5 points because waterborne primers are less toxic and have low VOC
levels. Production costs per product will increase initially due to the purchasing of new spray application
equipment. The cost to acquire this new machinery will be $200. However waterborne primer costs less
than solvent-borne because no additives are necessary. Less paint may also be needed to cover the same
surface area, therefore production scores will increase by 2. The company’s social score increases by 3 by
being seen publically as “environmentally friendly” due to fewer emissions from VOC’s and by making a
better product because of the paint quality.
UNIT(S): All
AREA AFFECTED: Production, Waste
TITLE: Improved Painting Techniques
New solvent based paints contain more color pigment and can be applied in multiple coats without drying
in between coats. Less paint is required and the process is faster and less energy intensive. The reduction
in energy use provides a reduction of the emission of CO2 and the formulation and reduction in paint time
reduces volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by 10 percent. The process also requires 15 percent less
paint shop space.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: For each pruduct produced after the innovation is put in place, the
company’s green score deduction (which occurs each turn through waste produced in the factory) will be
offset by 1 point and the cost of production will be decreased by $7. The cost for investing in this
innovation is should be set at a level appropriate for the minor capital cost of retooling the paint shops and
for research and development. A dollar amount would depend on the economic scale used. The
company’s social score increases by 2 points in the turn that the innovation is played, 1 point for
improvements in environmental improvements and 1 point for being acknowledged for developing cutting
edge manufacturing techniques.
UNIT(S): All
PREREQUISITES: Water-based paint is used, not solvent-borne metallic paint (distinction
because it affects cost in the functional description)
DESCRIPTION: In your product’s assembly plant the primary source of air emissions, including
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), is from the painting process (AAMA 1997). The paint
supplier has formulated a novel more environmentally-friendly water-based paint. The paint
produces 30% less VOC emissions than industry’s current water-based paints. The paint,
however, requires a new line of plant equipment, which is a major capital investment.
FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: For every product that uses this novel low VOC paint, the green
score increases by 4 points. The cost to implement the new equipment is $600/car, with a cap that
cannot exceed $2400. The social score increases by 1 per car, with a cap that cannot exceed 4.
Units: ALL
Area affected: production
Title: Water based paint vs. latex (oil) based paint
Prerequisites: None
Description: One is called oil paint and the other is acrylic emulsion. Based on the chemicals
used, oil paint will take more time to dry and give thick coating and finish will be good where as
emulsion paint will dry fast with thin coating and repeated coatings will give good finish. Good
emulsion paint will be used in repair shops. Few may use powders as paint.
Functional description: For each product after this paint conversion +1 to Financial score –
Repeatedly apply thin coats that will dry quicker will allow the operators to process more orders
in a shorter amount of time. Also, by apply multiple coats the car body manufacturer can more
easily optimize the minimum required paint to properly and acceptably coat an auto body.