Name of Grant Program: Continuing Supplementary Support to School Districts
with High Concentrations of At-Risk Students
Fund Code: 320-C
Part III
Respond to each of the following using a maximum of one-half page per description/explanation
(for a total of no more than five and one half pages). Please use 10-point Arial font and one-inch
margins. Note: all of the items below will be aligned to a scoring rubric; therefore each proposal
should address all of the items.
1. Describe the continuing initiatives and interventions for at-risk students in your school district
that this grant funding began to support in FY12 and that will continue to support in FY13. If your
school district feels that FY12 funding did not fully accomplish expected goals and
outcomes, state how your plan will change in FY13.
2. Explain the research or known best practices upon which your initiative(s) is/are based.
3. Describe the student population(s) you intend to serve and explain what criteria you will use to
determine eligible students for this grant in your district and schools. Include in your description
the number and grade levels of the students you intend to serve. Note that funds may be used at
any school receiving federal Title I funds.
4. Describe the proposed connection to or collaboration with community or other organizations as
part of your proposal. If there is no proposed collaboration, please explain why this is the case.
5. Describe the role parents/guardians will play in the development of and/or implementation of your
initiatives. If there is no existing or proposed role, please explain why this is the case.
6. Explain how multi-faceted efforts to address the “whole student” will be included in your grant
activities. Activities may include, but are not limited to supporting physical, mental, social, health,
nutritional, and fitness habits for participating students.
7. Describe what success will look like for your district in this second year of the grant and how your
district will continue to use data to determine the impact and success of this grant funding.
8. Describe the system the district will use to record student participation in activities associated with
his grant and to keep track of the following:
a. number of students that benefit from the grant program;
b. attendance rate of students at program offerings; for example, “participation rate in after
school ‘at-risk program’ was 95% as recorded in attendance sheets”; and
c. other quantified ‘change rate’ of certain at-risk behaviors, such as suspensions,
truancies, disciplinary hearings, etc.
9. Describe your plan for coordination and oversight of this grant at the district and/or school level.
Include in your description the name and contact information for the primary point of contact.
10. Explain how the proposed grant services complement other funding and activities your district
may receive or participate in, including but not limited to: MassGrad Implementation or Planning
Awards, Academic Support grants, Dropout Prevention & Recovery Work Group, School
Redesign grant implementation, Race to the Top grant implementation (e.g., Mass Model,
MassCore), or teen pregnancy prevention grants (e.g. PREP).
11. Provide a month by month timeline for your grant implementation that includes benchmarks for
implementing key activities. Assume a grant start date of January 1, 2013.