5global warming 9.12.12

Grade 11F Science Related Reading/Biology
Biology Gr11F
Global Warming
2010 Hottest Year on Record
Latest figures by both NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration confirm that the year 2010 was indeed the hottest year on record.
Interestingly, it was the wettest year on record too. 2010 witnessed record
breaking heat waves in many places, besides floods in many countries. All these
have been attributed to the effects of global warming on the earth due to the
release of heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. NOAA
scientist David Easterling said, "The climate is continuing to show the influence of
greenhouse gases."
Reading Check
What does NOAA found in the
first paragraph refer to ? What
is the name of the phenomenon
that caused the climate change
in 2010?
Simply put, global warming can be defined as an increase in the average
temperature of the Earth as a result of natural causes and man-made
destructions. While natural causes may include volcanic eruptions, exploding of
sunspots, release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands. Methane, a
greenhouse gas which traps the heat within the earth's atmosphere, is let out in
large quantities in the arctic tundra and wetlands. Even though nature contributes
to global warming, this contribution is very insignificant when compared to human
contribution for this hazard.
Man-made destructions include: deforestation, installation of power plants,
burning fossil fuels and generation of poisonous gases.
Grade 11F Science Related Reading/Biology
The most prominent cause being man-made pollution. A large part of this
pollution can be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. This includes burning
coal to produce electricity as well as burning gasoline to power internal
combustion engine vehicles. When these fossil fuels are burnt, they let out
carbon dioxide, which is yet another greenhouse gas which traps heat within the
atmosphere of the Earth and contributes to global warming. Secondly when the
Earth is dug to extract these fossil fuels in the process known as mining, the
methane inside the Earth's crust escapes into the atmosphere and adds to other
greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
Highlight the key vocabulary
terms contained in this
passage – some are in bold
you can add more. Copy them
in the space provided below.
The most important cause of global warming is the increasing population. More
population means more requirements, which includes food, electricity and
transport. In order to fulfill these requirements, more fossil fuels are consumed
and this, eventually leads to global warming. the amount of carbon dioxide we
breathe out also increases. Even agriculture contributes to global warming, due
to the extensive use of fertilizers, and the dung produced by cattle which is
another prominent source of methane.
Greenhouse effect is the key cause behind global warming. When the gas
concentration of the Earth's shield is increased due to trapped gases, global
temperature takes a hike, thus, leading to global warming.
Effects of Global Warming
As the temperature will increase, the ice cover on the planet will start melting.
The water from these melting glaciers will end up in the oceans, which will lead to
a rise in the sea level. Over the last century, sea levels have increased by 4 to 8
inches, and by 2100, it's expected to increase to 35 inches. Such a rise will
cause many of the low lying areas, such as the US Gulf Coast and Bangladesh
to submerge underwater
Global warming will alter the climatic patterns of the planet. As far as precipitation
is concerned, it will increase in equatorial, polar and sub-polar reasons, and
Grade 11F Science Related Reading/Biology
decrease in subtropics. This change in precipitation pattern will trigger a drought
in some regions, while floods in other regions. Overall, the planet will experience
extreme weather conditions, characterized by flood and droughts, heat waves
and cold waves, and extreme storms like cyclones and tornadoes.
Critical Thinking
Mention how can global
warming affect the water cycle?
A rise in global temperature will also hamper the rich biodiversity of various
ecosystems. An increase in global temperature by 1.5 to 2.5 degrees will make
20 to 30 percent of species vulnerable to extinction. Climate change will result in
loss of habitat for many animal species like polar bears and tropical frogs. More
importantly, any change in the climate patterns will seriously affect the migration
patterns of various bird species.
Changes in precipitation will affect basic necessities such as agriculture, power
production etc. Increase in the temperature of ocean waters will hamper
fisheries. The sudden change in climate patterns will have a hazardous effect on
the human body which won't be able to endure the extreme conditions, a hint of
which can be seen in form of frequent heat waves and cold waves. Increase in
natural calamities such as storms, will lead to heavy human casualties. Infectious
diseases will rise to a great extent as disease transmitting insects will adapt to
wet, hot conditions. Many people will die of malnutrition as food production will
decrease due to frequent droughts and floods.
Before it is too late, every human on planet Earth should take the responsibility of
guiding others with respect to the pros and cons of global warming. Recycling,
plantation of more and more trees, and reducing carbon gas emissions could be
some of the first few steps that every person in this world can take for the
purpose of contributing to the wellness of our planet Earth. Global warming is
enormous, however, even the littlest of contribution confirms hope within all. On
the side of contribution or destruction - you choose.
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/global-warming-causesand-effects.html
Grade 11F Science Related Reading/Biology
Key Vocabulary:
1. Define each of the following terms
Global warming
Greenhouse gases
2. Use an appropriate information from the passage to complete the
following sentences:
a. The two examples of greenhouse gases mentioned in the passage are ________________
and _________________________________________
b. The most prominent man-made cause of pollution is _____________________________
c. An average increase of ______________ inches is expected by the year 2100, which will
most probably affect _______________________________causing their submerge under
d. Extinction of some species can take place if the global temperature was raised by
e. Steps that can reduce the problem of global warming are
____________________________, _______________________________ and
Grade 11F Science Related Reading/Biology
Read each question, and write your answer in the space provided.
1. Explain why was the year 2010 considered to be the hottest and wettest year ever?
2. What are the possible natural causes of global warming?
3. Mention three possible man-made causes of global warming?
4. How do greenhouse gases lead to global warming?
5. Why is the increase in the world population a very important cause of global warming?
6. What are the climatic changes caused by global warming?
Grade 11F Science Related Reading/Biology
7. Predict how deforestation contributes to global warming.
8. Outline the impact of global warming on Human life.