Spanish IV – Interpersonal Speaking

Name of Teacher:
HCPSS Student Learning Objective for Content
World Languages –Spanish IV – Interpersonal Speaking
Student Learning
Objective (SLO)
100% of students will demonstrate growth toward proficiency in
Interpersonal Speaking on Spanish IV content as measured on
rubric scores for a range of HCPSS-approved and/or teamgenerated performance tasks.
Spanish IV, Period 2 (30 students)
Learning Content
HCPSS Spanish IV Essential Curriculum
Instructional Interval
School year 2012-2013 (one year)
Evidence of Growth
1. First administration of district-approved and/or
team‐generated, performance-based Interpersonal Speaking
2. Second administration of district-approved and/or team-generated, performance-based Interpersonal Speaking
3. Third administration of district-approved and/or team-generated, performance-based Interpersonal Speaking
4. Fourth administration of district-approved and/or team-generated, performance-based Interpersonal Speaking
Performance on the first administration of district-approved
and/or team-generated, performance-based Interpersonal
Speaking assessments was as follows: 10% of students received 5s,
30% of students received 4s, 30% of students received 3s, 20% of
students received 2s, and 10% of students received 1s. Five
students receive support services in reading through seminar
classes and/or direct intervention. Three students are heritage
speakers of Spanish.
Rationale for Student
Learning Objective
Growth in Interpersonal Speaking in Spanish IV will be measured
by district-approved and/or team-generated, performance-based
assessments. Spanish skills are based on the Maryland State World
Language Curriculum. These standards, indicators, and objectives
increase in rigor and complexity each year and are designed to
prepare students for advanced level proficiency in the world
Students will participate in a fourth administration of a districtapproved and/or team-generated, performance-based
Interpersonal Speaking assessment. Improvement targets are as
 3 students received a 1 on the baseline; all will receive at least a
Name of Teacher:
Criteria for
3 on a similar assignment in the fourth administration.
6 students received a 2 on the baseline; all will receive at least a
3 on a similar assignment in the fourth administration.
9 students received a 3 in the baseline; all will receive at least a
4 on a similar assignment in the fourth administration.
9 students received a 4; all will maintain a 4 on a similar
assignment in the fourth administration.
3 students received a 5; all will maintain a 5 on a similar
assignment with more complexity in the fourth administration.
Full Attainment of
More than 90% of
students meet agreed
upon learning targets.
Attainment of
Between 75% and
90% of students
meet agreed upon
learning targets.
Attainment of
Less than 75% of
students meet
agreed upon
learning targets.
Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their ability
to exchange information orally in Spanish on a variety of topics.
Have students engage in a variety of interpersonal speaking
situations, such as asking and answering questions, expressing
opinions, expressing emotions, and describing people and
events. Work samples include skits, interviews, telephone
conversations, surveys, and debates.
Provide opportunities for formative checks on student learning
through a range of performance tasks.
Have students review their own performance data and develop
individual targets for improvement in identified areas.
Have students collect work samples throughout the school year
for a portfolio that will demonstrate their growth in
Interpersonal Speaking.