Animal Science Course Curriculum Outline

CASE Components
Attend an institute- intense 2 week instructional program that covers a year’s worth of curriculum in 10 days
- Covers selected lessons, activities and projects within the course from student view
- Aligned to national AFNR, science, mathematics and English language arts standards
Major focus of course is to expose students to the world of agriculture, animal science and career options.
Students participating in ASA course will have experiences in various animal science concepts with exciting
“hands-on” activities, projects and problems. Students’ experiences will involve the study of animal anatomy,
physiology, behavior, nutrition, reproduction, health, selection, and marketing.
 Course Description
 Detailed Course Outline
 Lesson Template: Preface; SAE, FFA & LifeKnowledge Connections; Concepts; Standards &
Benchmarks Addressed; Performance Objectives; Critical Thinking & Application Extensions; Essential
Questions; Key Terms; Day-to-Day Plans
 Instructional Resources: PowerPoint Presentations; Student Support Documents; Teacher Resources;
Equipment & Supplies, Answer Keys & Assessment Rubrics; References
 Animal Laboratory Safety Manual
APP Modalities:
 Activities, Projects and Problems
 Template Instructions: Purpose, Equipment, Procedure, Conclusion
Agriscience Notebook:
 Every student needs one
 Where they keep notes, experiences, thoughts and other important information they acquire during study
of animal systems. Also keep activity sheets and records of work in notebook.
Producer’s Management Guide:
 Students select specie and create a management guide throughout course.
Some Interesting Activities:
 Activity 1.2.1: Animal Business - find information around room about animal industries and careers
related to it, share with class and take notes on other group’s reports.
 Activity 2.1.2: Animals Then & Now- research an animal with group, create a timeline with question
answers, present to class or gallery walk.
 Activity 2.2.1: Tasty Taxonomy- classify snack foods using taxonomy
 Activity 2.3.2: This Land is Our Land- map out United States animal production
 Activity 3.2.1: Response to Environment- pillbug experiment
 Activity 3.3.1: Animal Needs- research needs of specie for PMG
 Activity 3.3.2: Biosecurity: Managing Risk- scenario contamination lab
 Project 3.3.4: What Makes a Home?- research, design and model housing facility for specie in PMG
 Activity 4.1.2: Cell Analogy Collage- create a collage of a given cell part
 Activity 4.1.5: Just Passing Through- diffusion and osmosis lab
 Activity 4.2.3: Inside Investigation- fetal pig & virtual pig dissection lab
 Activity 4.3.4: Raising the Beat- respiration rate, heart rate & blood pressure lab
 Activity 4.4.1: Mapping Reactions in the Body- use Inspiration software to create concept map
 Project 5.1.4: Digestion Murals- create a model of a digestive system
 Activity 5.3.1: Energy in Feed- feed energy lab
Activity 5.5.3: Snack Time- use Pearson Square to create a snack ration
Activity 6.1.3: Find That Part- female reproduction tract dissection lab
Activity 6.2.2: Evaluating Viability- semen viability lab
Activity 7.1.2: Drosophila Genetics Simulation- fruit fly lab using software program
Activity 7.2.2: Playing the Average- class ratio lab
Activity 7.2.4: Pedigree Detective- use scenario to fill in 4 generations of dog pedigree
Activity 8.1.1: What was infected first?- disease spread simulation
Project 8.2.3: Mystery Diseases- evaluate scenario to determine disease
Activity 8.3.2: Eggs Afloat- fecal evaluation lab
Project 9.1.1: From Field to Fridge- prepare 30 min presentation following specie from production to
Project 9.2.2: Storybook Selection- create storybook guide on animal confirmation & selection
Problem 9.3.3: Finding a Niche- create & present potential agriculture business scenario
Lisa Hoefs/June 2012