
Sample Twitter Messages
Try to include the hashtag #DonateLife (can be used as
#DonateLife Champion) and the shortcut website
address for supporters to join their state donor registry.
To solicit ideas for nominees, and generate early interest:
We want to recognize athletes who promote organ, eye & tissue donation in their sport.
Share your #DonateLife Champion ideas with us!
Tell us about a local athlete who has helped spread the message of organ, eye & tissue
donation in your community! #DonateLife
Join the #DonateLife Champion campaign to award athletes with a link to organ donation
and living an active post-transplant life!
Be a FanforLife! Tell us which athlete inspires you to donate organs, eyes and
tissues. #DonateLife
Here are a few recognizable #DonateLife Champions: @erikcompton3, @CJKlug
#TomBrady #SeanElliot
A shout out to all the organ, eye & tissue donation supporters out there! Who is your
favorite #DonateLife Champion?
From the State Team or its member organizations:
[Name] is a #DonateLife Champion who supports organ donation. Plz congratulate
[name/pronoun] by becoming a FanForLife. []
[Name] is a champ on and off the [field/court/etc]. [S/He] is also a #DonateLife
Champion! Share the good news and register as donor at [].
[Athlete name] was just named a #DonateLife Champion! Go [Name]!!! Plz RT &
become a FanForLife at []
Join us in congratulating [Name], who is a #DonateLife Champion! Show your support
and become a FanForLife: []
From the award recipient:
Proud to be a [team name], which just got a #DonateLife Champion award! Join me as
a FanForLife by joining the [state donor registry] at []. Plz RT!
We know our fans are the best, so let’s show everyone by inspiring at least 100 people
to #DonateLife at []
Honored to receive a #DonateLife Champion award today! Join us in supporting organ,
eye & tissue donation by becoming a FanForLife at [].
So honored to receive a #DonateLife Champion award today! You can save a life by
joining your state’s donor registry at
From teammates, coaches, athletic institutions:
Proud of my teammate [Name], who got a #DonateLife Champion award today. Join
[me/us] as a FanForLife at [].
[Name] is a star on and off the [field/court]! [S/He] was named a #DonateLife
Champion! Become a FanForLife at [] and tell your friends and family!
Join us in congratulating [Name] who is a #DonateLife Champion! Click here to show
your support and become a FanForLife: []
So proud of [Name]! [S/He] received the #DonateLife Champion award today. In
[her/his] honor, please join the Donor Registry and become a FanForLife!
[Name] was recognized today as a #DonateLife Champion. We agree! Join the [state
donor registry] in [her/his] honor and be a FanForLife! []
[Name] named Donate Life Champion! So proud of [her/him]. Sign up as a
FanForLife in [her/his] honor at []. I did! Plz RT
From family, friends, fans:
[Name] is a star advocate for organ and tissue donation. Congrats for being named a
#DonateLife Champion! I’m a FanForLife. You can be, too! []
[Name] was recently awarded a #DonateLife Champion award! Share the good news
and register as donor at [].
I’ve been a fan of [Name] forever. Now I am a FanForLife because I joined the organ
donor registry. [] Congrats to my fav #DonateLife Champion!
So happy for my friend, [Name]! [S/He]’s a true #DonateLife Champion. I’m signing up
as a donor in [her/his] honor, 2B a FanForLife. []
#DonateLife Champion [Name] is my hero! I am a FanForLife b/c I signed up to be a
donor at []
[Name] named Donate Life Champion! So proud of [her/him]. Sign up as a
FanForLife in [her/his] honor at []. I did! Plz RT