AP BIOLOGY SYLLABUS Mr.Radsick jradsick@duarteusd.org I. Course Description Advanced placement biology is designed to be equivalent to a yearlong introductory college biology course. By taking and doing well on the AP Biology exam, a student has the opportunity to receive from 4 to 8 hours of college credit, depending on the score and college. Because this is a college level course, it will be taught with college level difficulty. This course is very rigorous and challenging, but also very interesting and exciting. The class is conducted at the college level and students are expected to work accordingly. AP Biology differs significantly from a traditional high school biology course due to text content, depth of material covered, lab work, and time and effort required to achieve mastery in subject area. This course is designed to be taken by students after successful completion of high school chemistry (or AP chemistry). In this course the student is presented opportunities to increase skills in advanced laboratory technique, to increase knowledge about biology in the rapidly changing world, and to deepen their existing understanding of the critical relationships between organisms and the environment. This course is a laboratory science and consequently is lab-oriented. Therefore it is to the student’s advantage to be present at each and every class meeting and work diligently. The ultimate goal of this course is to prepare and do well on the AP exam on the second Monday of May at 8:00 am. That being said, we have a monumental task ahead of us! We have to prepare to ACE the AP biology exam. If you become lazy you will not be prepared by the end of April. We do not have 180 days before the exam. Take away the days in lab, the days for tests and exams and any other things that may come up (bad weather, fire drills, etc.) and we have about 100 days to cover 55 chapters. That is A LOT! Hence, the reason I stress attendance so much. This is a laboratory course in which students are expected to use collected data to solve biological problems. Approximately 25 percent of the time will be allocated to laboratories. II. Course Objectives Demonstrate skills in using various types of biological instrumentation and scientific methodologies. Learn how to read and critique papers written by scientists in the field of biology. Practice finding and using patterns in collected data to solve scientific problems. Exhibit mastery of the major principles of biology. Apply biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns. III. Goals and Expectations INSTRUCTIONAL GOALS Take and PASS the AP Biology Exam on the second Monday of May at 8:00 am. Students will gain a greater understanding and respect for the complexity of life. Students will apply their knowledge of the nature of science to problems and activities in biology. Students will master fundamental biological concepts in the areas of biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics, ecology, and evolution. Students will improve process skills and critical thinking. STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Students should make every effort to attend each and every class meeting. If a student is to be absent, he/she should notify me in advance. The schedule for the year is very tight and I can make only minor adjustments. If you should miss class, it is YOUR responsibility to obtain any notes missed. AP labs are difficult to make up. All tests and projects are made up at lunch. Students should pay attention in class. Do not do work for other classes in my class. I expect you to devote yourselves to AP Biology. You will have homework EVERY night. Most of the homework is reading and studying. By reading the book, information presented in class will be more easily understood. Reading a science textbook is not like reading a novel, it requires a slower pace and attention to detail. Your text is excellent and you have to read it! There are several good review guides but they are not a substitute for your book. Students should review each night. Do not wait until the night before a test to try and learn everything. Cramming for a biology test will not be advantageous and will most certainly NOT prepare you for your AP exam. Students are expected to learn the vocabulary. Each unit has numerous vocabulary words that each student will need to learn in order to understand what the instructor is discussing and what questions on quizzes and tests are asking. Students should ask for help when needed. If you do not understand the topic being discussed, ask questions, ask for help, and ask for clarification. I will be happy to help you any time I can. I will be available for help every day before school and during lunch. This course is college level and I run my course as such. Therefore, I run my labs like a college lab – you do the work – all of it. I do not do things for you except make up solutions and I only do that to save time. You’ve had chemistry and I expect that you can make up solutions if you had to. Also, AP labs are very difficult to make up!! Make sure you come to each class meeting that we have labs!! The AP exam is on the second Monday of May at 8:00am. We will take a practice exam sometime at the end of April / first of May. TEACHER EXPECTATIONS I will respect all students and their opinions while, at the same time, following and enforcing school policies and procedures. I will be available for help by appointment as needed, should it be during or after the scheduled class meeting time. I will come to class each day prepared to facilitate learning and provide a positive environment to encourage success in biology. I will ensure that each student has every opportunity to succeed and will provide a variety of instructional strategies to reach various learning styles. III. Textbooks and Materials Textbook: Biological Science 2nd Edition , Scott Freeman (2005) Pearson Prentice Hall AP Biology Cliff notes Composition book Graph Ruled devoted solely to data recording and laboratory reports Composition book College Ruled devoted solely to AP for homework assignments IV. Grading Policy 90-100=A 80-89.9=B 70-79.9=C 60-69.9=D 0-59.9=F Tests/Quizzes=50% Laboratories=40% Homework=10% ASSESSMENT: A variety of assessments will be used in this course, but the majority of your grade will be determined by quizzes and tests (to prepare you for the AP exam.) Periodic quizzes (vocabulary or reading/content-based) will be given to ascertain student understanding; they may be announced or unannounced. A unit test will be given upon completion of each unit of study. Unit tests may cover one or several chapters in the book and will require considerable time. Questions on quizzes and tests will include material covered during class, in assigned readings and from laboratories. Projects may also be given for various units of study. You may retake a test; however the highest grade afforded is 70 percent. Projects will require that students do the bulk of work out of class. Additionally, since labs are a major part of the AP Biology course, laboratory reports will be graded. EVALUATION: Evaluation criteria include participating in and completing classroom activities, working cooperatively in group assignments, correctly answering questions on quizzes/tests, completion of assigned projects, communication laboratory data in a correct and complete manner, and demonstrating proper lab techniques and safety. Note: Grading rubrics will be provided ahead of time for all major projects, essays, and lab reports. GRADING SYSTEM: Grading is based upon a total points system whereby each assignment is given a number of possible points. Grades are calculated by dividing your total score by the total points possible, which gives a percentage. Students are expected to keep track of their own grades on ed-line. LATE WORK: YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TURNING IN ALL ASSIGNMENTS ON TIME AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS. The highest grade on late work is 70%. However, all assignments need to be current to receive credit on any work past the last assignment. MAKE UP WORK: According to district policy, students must have the ability to make up any missed work for verified absences. A student is required to bring an excuse to the Attendance Office and is required to make up work immediately upon arrival. If work is not made up then the resulting grade will 70% at best. It is your responsibility to make arrangements to get the work that you miss when you are absent. If you miss a quiz or test, you will be given a different quiz/test than the class. Labs are particularly difficult to make up so, make every effort to attend all classes where we will be conducting a lab. V. Behavior and Personal Performance In order to maintain a positive and enthusiastic learning environment, rules and daily practices must be understood and followed. Everyone has the right to learn. No one has the right to hinder others from learning. Advanced Placement students should be exemplary in their attitudes and behavior. They are subject to the rules and consequences of Duarte High School on campus and field trips as outlined in the student handbook. Students are held accountable for their personal performance. This includes cooperation, participation, and professionalism both in and out of the classroom. Big Idea 4: Interactions Big Idea 3: Information Big Idea 2: Energy Processes Big Idea 1: Evolution § 7. connect & relate knowledge§ 5. perform data analysis & evaluation of evidence § 6. work with scientific explanations/theories 4. plan & implement data collection strategies 3. engage in scientific questioning 2. use mathematics 1. use representations and models VI. Big Ideas/Science practices Matrix Unit 1. Molecules of Life and Nature of Science Science as a Process: Measurement Lab Origin of life Lab Osmosis and Diffusion Lab Enzyme Catalysis Lab Toothpickase and/or Paperase Activity § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Unit 2. Cell Structure and Function Cellular Respiration Lab § § § § § § § Photosynthesis Lab § § § § § § § Cellular Energetics Poster board Activity § § § § § § § § § § § Unit 3. Cell cycles and Genetics Classical Genetics of corn Genetics of Brassica rapa Mitosis and Meiosis Lab § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Big Idea 4: Interactions § Big Idea 3: Information 6. work with scientific explanations/theories § Big Idea 2: Energy Processes 5. perform data analysis & evaluation of evidence § Big Idea 1: Evolution 4. plan & implement data collection strategies § 7. connect & relate knowledge§ 3. engage in scientific questioning § 1. use representations and models 2. use mathematics Big Ideas/Science practices Matrix Unit 4. Molecular Genetics Microvolumetrics and pipetting Restrction Analysis of pARA and pKAN-R Producing a Recombinant Plasmid p-ARA-R Confirmation of Restriction and Ligation Transforming E. coli with a Recombinant Plasmid Purification of mFP Genomic DNA Extraction from Buccal Epithelial Cells using PCR § § § § § Unit 5. Evolution Population Genetics Lab § § § § § § § § Natural Selection Lab § § § § § § § § Artificial Selection Lab § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 4. plan & implement data collection strategies 5. perform data analysis & evaluation of evidence 6. work with scientific explanations/theories 7. connect & relate knowledge§ Big Idea 1: Evolution § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § Big Idea 4: Interactions 3. engage in scientific questioning § Big Idea 3: Information 2. use mathematics § Bioinfomatics Lab using BLAST Big Idea 2: Energy Processes 1. use representations and models Big Ideas/Science practices Matrix § Unit 6. Plant Form and Function Transpiration Lab Electron Microscopy Lab Leaf Disc Assay Lab § § § § § Unit 7. Animal Form and Function Circulatory System Lab Sensory System Lab Spirometry/VO2max Lab § Unit 8. Ecology Primary Productivity/DO Lab Animal Behavior Lab Biome Survey Experience § § § § § § § § § Unit 1. Molecules of Life and Nature of Science (10-15 days) Reading: Chapters 1-6 Lecture Topics Introduction to the four big ideas and enduring understandings. Essential questions are presented here to demonstrate how the big ideas cross the entire curriculum. How have scientists worked together to investigate the science behind the concepts of biology? How have scientists built upon the discoveries of other scientists to develop a more complete picture of the world around us? How are scientists able to test the validity of their ideas? What is the significance of structural and chemical adaptations to the resilience of living organisms? How do individual species, populations, and biomes impact evolutionary change? How does energy transfer occur at the molecular level within cells? What are some examples of the relationship between evolution of organisms and energy transfer? How can continuity within a species be controlled while still allowing for gradual change over time? How does structure control function at the molecular/cellular level? How does structure control function at the organism level? How is the movement of molecules into and out of cells regulated? How is homeostasis maintained by an organism? How can interdependence in nature be seen at the molecular level? How do cells of one organ/tissue rely on the existence of cells in other organs/tissues? How are all organisms interdependent on each other; how does this relate to evolution? What advances have been made in laboratory technology to allow scientists to simulate the natural world? What is the effect of scientific research and technological innovations on society? Process of science reviewed: Scientific method, with emphasis on the fact that there is not ONE way to do science Explain what is meant by scientific theory Practice with data collection, analysis, and presentation Evolution established as foundational theme: Lamarck vs. Darwin; students will illustrate the difference using several examples Define mechanism of natural selection and briefly describe what is occurring when a population is said to evolve Compare/contrast natural and artificial selection; students will identify what these process have in common Chemistry of Life: Identify basic elements of living organisms Distinguish between inorganic and organic compounds List and describe water’s unique properties; relate properties to structure; describe importance of these properties to living organisms Contrast condensation reactions (dehydration synthesis) and hydrolysis Ground Rules for Metabolism: Apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to biological systems and how evolution conforms to, and does not violate, these laws Explain how the world of life maintains a high degree of organization (continuity and change) Investigate enzyme structure and function, and the relationship between enzymes and energy use, through analysis of data and graphs Model the role of the participants (substrates, intermediates, enzymes, cofactors, energy carriers, and products) in a variety of metabolic pathways Activities: Measurement lab Origin of Life lab Osmosis and Diffusion lab Enzyme Catalysis Toothpictase, and paperase enzyme activity These laboratory experiences encompass nature of science in which students analyze data, create and revise hypotheses, draw conclusions; understand that conclusions are often tentative and may be changed with the discovery of new data. Also, students will have the opportunity to design an experiment, emphasis on development of testable hypothesis, identification of independent, dependent and controlled variables, procedure development, and data analysis using mathematics and graphing. Assessment: Unit 1. Test on Molecules of Life Pop quizzes Free response essays Lab reports Unit 2. Cell Structure and Function ( 10-15 days) Reading Chapters 7-11 Lecture Topics Demonstrate proper microscope techniques Cell Structure and Function Review basic cellular components focusing on structure and function and their evolution Calculate surface-to-volume ratios in comparing cells of different sizes Construct models comparing key differences between prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cell structure A Closer Look at Cell Membranes Create representations of the fluid mosaic model Explain the concept of selective permeability as it applies to cell membrane function Distinguish between passive and active transport Compare cell communication processes in different types of organisms Plants and Animals—Common Challenges Define homeostasis in relation to the internal environment of an organism Compare negative and positive feedback processes in a plant and an animal Illustrate, with examples, how a cell uses diffusion and active transport to maintain an internal environment Evaluate data that are suggested to indicate circadian rhythms in organisms Explain the process of apoptosis as a normal process Cell membrane, Organelles and compartmentalization, Nuclear pore regulation Cell comparisons, Cell signaling, Cell to cell connections Cell respiration (Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain, and Fermentation) Angiosperm/gymnosperm leaf anatomy Chloroplast structure and function Light reactions/light-dependent reactions Light-independent reactions/Calvin cycle C3 and C4 cycles The role of photosynthesis and respiration in global warming Labs/Activities/Projects Lab 4. Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis Lab 5. Cell Respiration Cellular respiration Project Philosophical Chair (Should Insurance Companies have access to your genome) Cell microscopy experience Assessment Unit 2 Test on Cells, respiration and photosynthesis Pop quizzes Free response essays Lab reports Unit 3. Cell Cycle and Genetics (15-20 days) Reading Chapter 11-16 Lecture Topics How Cells Reproduce Compare each stage of the cell cycle in normal versus cancerous cells Explain the difference between mitotic division and cytokinesis; compare differences in the processes between animal and plant cells Discuss the process by which cancers form Review experimental data about cell differentiation Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction Distinguish between the processes of mitosis and meiosis; distinguish between somatic and germ cells Explain why meiosis is important for survival of a species and relate to evolutionary processes Illustrate the cellular events that occur during each phase of meiosis I and meiosis II and explain the biological implication of each Communicate to fellow students the importance and mechanism of crossing over and how one would recognize if crossing over occurred Reproductive Mechanisms Discuss mechanisms that increase genetic variation; relationship to evolutionary fitness Revisit alternation of generations in the context of evolution of organisms; sexual vs. asexual; viral replication Describe the double fertilization that occurs uniquely in the flowering plant life cycle Report on modern biotechnological techniques and parthenogenesis, vegetative propagation, and tissue culture propagation Differentiate between growth and development; discuss regulation mechanisms Observing Patterns in Inherited Traits Discuss the significance of the work of Mendel Collect and analyze data related to several different inheritance patterns Construct and interpret Punnett squares; apply product rule Construct and interpret pedigrees Chromosomes and Human Inheritance List several examples of human inheritance patterns Discussion: What are some benefits of genetic screening and genetic counseling? Would you want to know if your child had a genetic disease? Labs/Activities/Projects Lab 3. Mitosis and Meiosis Lab 7. Genetics of Organisms Genetics Problems, family tree City of Hope Scientist Principle Investigator Dr. Kane will visit and discuss her labs research on effects of Herceptin in breast cancer Assessment Unit 3. Test on Genetics Pop quizzes Free response essays Lab reports Unit 4. Molecular Genetics (20-25 days) Reading Chapters 17-20 Lecture Topics How do Scientist use micro-pipetting and gel electrophoresis to separate molecules? How did the Meselson-Stahl experiment help explain how cells reproduce? How are plasmids used in molecular biology? What has to be part of a recombinant DNA molecule for selecting purposes? Use of restriction enzymes, ligase and bacterial transformations. Purification of mutant fluorescent protein from cell lysate through column chromatography. Genomic DNA extraction from buccal epithelial cells (ALU element) using PCR. Use of Taq polymerase in a thermal cycler. Central dogma, Genetic code, Chargaff rules Exons and introns Transcription and translation Control of gene expression in bacteria and eukaryotes Biotechnology Labs/Activities/Projects Bruce Wallace AMGEN biotechnology program Lab 1. An introduction to microvolumetrics and pipetting Lab 2. Restriction analysis of pARA and pKAN-R Lab 3. Ligation of pARA/pKAN-R restriction fragments producing a recombinant plasmid, pARA-R Lab 4. Confirmation of restriction and ligation using agarose-gel electrophoresis Lab 5. Transforming Escherichia coli with pARA-R Lab 6. Preparing an overnight culture of Escherichia coli with pARA-R Lab 7. Purification of mFP from an overnight Culture Lab 8. Genomic DNA extraction from buccal epithelial cells City of Hope PI Dr. Kane Brest cancer research presentation/molecular biology lab Group project and presentation on methodology and instrumentation of Biotechnology Assessment Unit 4. Test on Molecular Genetics Pop quizzes Free response essay Lab reports Unit 5. Evolution (10-15 days) Reading Chapters 23-26 Lecture Topics Evidence of Evolution Describe and justify the evidence Darwin used to develop the theory of natural selection Microevolutionary Processes Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution Relate differences that occur in gene pools, alleles, and allele frequency to each other Calculate allele frequencies in populations in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium selection Distinguish the founder effect from a bottleneck Distinguish between an adaptation and an evolutionary adaptation Evolutionary Patterns, Rates, and Trends Discuss the biological species concept; and how pre/post-zygotic mechanisms; allopatric and sympatric speciation contribute to this concept Explain the relationship between gene flow and genetic divergence Evaluate phylogenetic trees to see how taxonomy reflects evolutionary history Create a model illustrating mass extinctions Life’s Origin and Early Evolution Summarize and compare current hypotheses for how and where life began Explain how we know that DNA is the hereditary material, as opposed to other molecules Describe how the endosymbiosis theory may help explain the origin of eukaryotic cells; describe the modern evidence supporting this theory Understand the basic timeline of the evolution of life and the key events along the timeline Discuss and compare the kingdoms in relation to evolution of structures, metabolism, and cellular organization; classification (systematics, phylogeny, cladograms); role in the biosphere (niche); life cycles. Labs/Activities/Projects Lab 8. Population Genetics and Evolution Organismal analysis of natural selection Socratic Seminar (religion and science) Natural selection lab Brine Shrimp Artificial selection lab with Brassica rapa BLAST bioinformatics lab Assessment Unit 5. Test on Evolution Pop quizzes Free response essays Lab reports Unit 6. Plant Form and Function 10-15 days Reading Chapters 29 and 35-40 Lecture Topics Plant Homeostasis & Transport Explain how plant cells regulate the movement of water and organic materials (bulk flow, translocation, and cohesion-tension theory) Explain how plants interact with virtually every other terrestrial organism. How do plants adapt to environments that are dry? Compare and contrast the form and function of the root and shoot system of plants Analyze growth of and development of plants and green algae Investigate plant nutrition through experiment. Model the experiments leading to the understanding of the role of each class of plant hormones Create time-lapse movie of tropisms and explain how each is regulated Interpret data collected about the activity of organisms with circadian cycles and biological clocks and compare to organisms without photoperiodic responses Describe the action of phytochrome and the role it plays in long-day, short- day, and dayneutral plants. Differentiate between sporophyte and gametophytes pertaining to plant reproduction. Labs/Activities/Projects Lab 9. Transpiration Field trip to City of Hope Hospital/Biomedical Research center Electron Microscopy Lab Dr. Miller and Dr. Manthey Leaf disc assay to investigate photosynthesis Limiting nutrient in plants lab Botany morphology activity Conifer reproduction lab Philosophical chair (Landfill wastes and human population) Assessment Unit 6. Test on Plant Form and Function Pop quizzes Free response essays Lab reports Unit 7. Animal Form and Function (20-25 days) Reading Chapters 41-49 Lecture Topics Body size and its influence on diffusion mediated processes, such as gas exchange, nutrient absorption, and waste exchange. Homeostasis, regulation and feedback mechanisms Water and electrolyte balance in aquatic environments, terrestrial insects and terrestrial vertebrates Digestive system and nutritional homeostasis for nitrogen balance, calorie balance mechanisms Gas exchange and circulation as a mechanism of transportation of wastes, heat, and nutrition Explore how electrical signals in animals occur due to resting membrane potential. Explain the role of the sodium potassium pump, sodium leak channels, and potassium leak channels. Describe the events of an action potential by means of ion influx and efflux. Describe how an electrical signal transfers to a chemical signal through events at the presynaptic membrane and postsynaptic membrane. Explain how neuron summation is the result of excitation and inhibition. Describe the function of the Central Nervous System and how it transmits information to and from the peripheral nervous system. Explore how sensory receptors detect environment changes through interaction. Explain how motor proteins enable movement and how structural systems support movement and homeostasis. Differentiate between chemical and electrical signals in animals. Differentiate between peptide and steroid hormones in their response to environment. Explain reproductive strategies for animals like external vs internal fertilization, placental, amniotic eggs, sexual, and asexual. Discuss developmental processes prezygotic, zygotic, and postzygotic, cleavage, gastrulation, and organogenesis. Differentiate between the innate and acquired immune system in its response to a pathogen or assault. Compare and contrast cell-mediated immunity with humoral immunity. Labs/Activities/Projects Citrus College Field trip (Cat dissection, EKG, and Muscle myogram lab) Vision lab Sensory perceptions lab Action potential activity Reflex activity Class debate (designer babies) Lab 10. Circulatory Physiology VO2 max activity The Nephron game Salivary amylase lab Mammalian dissection Assessment Unit 8. Animal Form and Function Pop quizzes Free Response essays Lab Reports Unit 10. Ecology (10 to 15 days) Reading Chapters 50-55 Lecture Topics Population Ecology Analyze and interpret logistic and exponential growth curves Convert data tables into different survivorship curves and age structure diagrams Community Structure and Biodiversity Contrast types of symbiosis Relate community interactions to coevolution Compare succession within different communities Ecosystems Compare biogeochemical cycles in terms of the role of different organisms Analyze trophic levels and calculate flow of energy through food chain/web/pyramid Biosphere Students report on different biomes Discussion topic: Impact of humans on the biosphere. What can we do? What should we do? How do our decisions/actions affect other species? Behavioral Ecology Compare animal behavior in different environments and to different stimuli Compare/contrast the role of the environment and genes on behavior with both animal and plant examples Explain how adaptive behavior, social behavior, selfish behavior, and altruism can all promote an individual’s reproductive success (fitness); what are the costs/benefits of each behavior? Labs/Activities/Projects Lab 12. Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary Productivity from Biome overview project Philosophical chair (nuclear waste, and human impact) Class debate (global warming/alternate fuels) Assessment Unit10. Test on Ecology Pop quizzes Free response essays Lab reports Student Name: ______________________________________________ Student Email: _______________________________________________ Title of Course: ______________________ Class Period:__________ To the Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s): STUDENT AGREEMENT I, ______________________, have read the syllabus for AP Biology and agree to abide by the rules and consequences set by Mr. Radsick and Duarte High School. I acknowledge my responsibilities in undertaking such a rigorous and challenging course. I am aware of the AP Biology testing, grading and make-up / late policies. I agree to ask for help if necessary and attend the required number of afterschool review sessions to prepare myself for the AP Exam. _______________________________ ______________________________ Student signature Date STUDENT SAFETY CONTRACT I, ______________________, a student in science at Duarte High School, do hereby agree to follow all safety rules and regulations as set forth by the instructor. I realize that compliance with these rules is necessary to assure the safe operation of the school laboratory and provide safe environment not only for myself, but also for my fellow students and teachers as well. I will, therefore, cooperate fully with the teacher and students to assure all of us the safest laboratory possible. I will act responsibly to look for possible safety hazards and will immediately point out these hazards to the instructor. I understand that violation of safety rules may result in the loss of laboratory privileges and possible disciplinary measures. ________________________________ ____________________________ Student Signature Date STUDENT AND PARENT COURSE CONSENT We have read and understand the expectations for AP Biology and will support Mr. Radsick in his effort to provide an effective learning environment. We also understand that this course is a college level course that will require a significant amount of effort on the part of the student. ____________________________________ Student’s Signature _________________________________________ Parent’s Signature Home Phone Number Parent E-mail Phone Number at which parent/guardian can be reached during school hours. Are there any requests that you have of the instructor?