R&R Zone Attack - plymouthgirlsbasketball

- Layer 1 Pass and Cut
- Layer 2 Dribble At
- Layer 4 Dribble Penetration Circle Movement
- Layer 14 Pin and Skip
- 5 on 0 until they get the movement
- Add shell defense
- Go live 5 on 5
You are using the same movement against the zone as you would attacking Man to
The R&R turns trick dogs into hunting dogs.
Adjusting Layer 3 – Pass and Cut
- Basket cuts are modified into Banana cuts
- Cutter needs to stop in the open spots of the interior of the zone.
- Pass and cut becomes Hook and Look
- The cutter will hold the spot until the next pass is made and caught. They can then
fill to another interior spot or fill out to the perimeter.
- You do not want any more than 2 post players on the interior.
- In a 4 OUT look, the cutters hold for 1 pass and then just get out. Do not go to a
second spot.
- In a 5 OUT look, hold then move to a second spot, then get out. Hunt your shot for
two passes.
- In a 3 OUT look, just pass and cut. Look for the ball but do not stay in because of the
two posts.
- 6 interior spots to hook and look into
a. elbows, mid posts, short corners
b. don’t have to be married to these spots.
- Cut into the seams of the zones. Basket cuts won’t work. They have defenders right
- There is no magic formula for beating zones
- Keep people on pass away on the perimeter spots.
Why hold the spot until the next pass?
- When the zone shifts, you will be open as the defense bumps you off.
Stretching the zone
- Short corner spots stretches the zone from baseline to free throw line
- Playing SC to SC plays behind the zone. The zone can’t see you.
- Flash from behind the zone from SC to ball side mid post.
Layer 3 Read Line still applies. You will not cut all the way to the basket but you will
hook and look.
You have to have a little different mindsets in your cuts. You are not going to Lightning
Cut you are going to slow down and Banana Cut.
5 OUT vs 23 zone – Start corner people in the short corners
The toughest part of selling the R&R is that it will take time to implement it. Unlike a
patterned offense, you will not teach this in 2-3 days.
4 OUT Formation
- Hook and look but then do not go to another spot after the next pass. Get out.
- Post is looking to move throughout the post spots and set pin screens. Look to flash
from behind the zone to seams.
- Vs a 1-3-1 zone, put the post at the FT line/ Everyone else hunt the front of the rim
on your cuts.
3 OUT Formation
- After you pass and cut, you can hook and look but not for long. There is no spacing
for this.
- Hook and look right in the middle of the lane if the posts are SC.
The Read Line Still applies to the zone offense.
More Short Corner Action
FATZS – Flash after the zone shifts
Action tip for some cutters. Particularly for a weak side post in a 32 or 41 set.
After the zone shifts, they are blind to this person.
Look for a hole in the zone to flash into.
Watch out for other cutters. Do not cut to where they are.
Adjustments to the Dribble At (Layer 2)
- Lay up cut is now a Banana Cut
- Dribble at test the zones coverage.
a. How far will the top go with the dribbler before they bump them off to the wing?
* Dribble At adjustment when you have a shooter in the post.
You do not always have to stop at one of the interior spots. Sometimes, you can just cut
through looking for the ball. This especially true when you have two posts.
Pin and Skip (Layer 14)
- Pin screen the defender who has the shortest recovery to the receiver.
- Who you pin really depends on where the shooter is.
- Zones beg to be pin screened. It is what this layer in made for.
- When you pin screen the bottom wing, after the skip pass, screener will roll to the
SC. This opens up the mid post area for a flash. You can also hit the SC and then look
for a flasher to the mid post area.
Pin and Skip/SC/Laker Cut
You do not have to set a pin screen to skip it, sometimes you can just skip it.
Just like with a zone press. If you catch the ball in the middle of the floor, turn and face
the basket and look opposite.
Top Guard Pins the Zone
When you are receiving a Pin Screen, you as the shooter need to line yourself up so that
there is a straight line between you, the screener and the ball.
- This way the screener needs to fight all the way around the screen.
- The best people to pin are the ones who are in extreme help positions, deep into the
- If you have a permanent pass, you might even get double pins.
Run a 3 OUT vs a 1-3-1 zone and look to set double pins.
Keep in mind that when a 1-3-1 shifts, it looks just like a 2-3. The same is true for a 1-2-2
Pass/Cut/Double Pin vs a 23 Zone
Dribble At/Double Pin vs 23 zone
Hit the pin screener after they shape up.
Pin Screen/Cross Screen Combo out or 3 OUT
- Designate one post to be a permanent pin/cross screener.
- This person in constantly setting pins then setting center screens on the bottom
middle of the zone.
- Great if you have one good post and one post that is not very skilled.
Double High vs 23 zone
- Both post look to set pins(flares) on the top two people of the zone.
Vs a 1-3-1 zone, pin screen the weak side wing.
- In a 4 OUT set you could use your post as the screener or a wing.
Designate a pin screener on one side of the lane in 4 OUT
- After you set a pin screen at the mid post area, you will shape up then slide to the SC
or the elbow
- This will open up the mid post area for a cutter.
- The post player owns the 3 spots on their side of the lane.
Dribble Penetration Circle Movement (Layer 4)
- The safety will be open a lot on dribble penetration.
- Circle movement works just as well vs zone as Man to Man
- Any ball caught in the short corner must be thought of as baseline dribble
After you penetrate and pitch, you will cut and hook and look then get out.
41 High vs a 23 zone – Shooter at the High Post
41 Short – Shooter works SC to SC and Corners
Power Dribble The Zone
- This will drag the person guarding the ball out of their area. After the hand-off. They
will have a hard time getting back their area. Attack the open spot.
Half Court Traps
- Attack the same as a full court press
- Pass and cut to the middle of the floor (Hook and Look)
* Combo Layers vs trapping zones
- Pass and Cut along with Dribble Penetration
* Never change a winning game but always change a losing game.
- You must adjust if what you are doing is not working.
* Ownership
- The players must realize that they are only going to get better if they push each other in
- The offense will only be good if the defense working against them in practice is going hard.
- You can’t let teammates do something wrong and not say something. If you don’t say
something, they will do it wrong in the game and them we will all suffer.
Common thinking is that the zone offense needs to set up in the gaps of the zone
initially. This is true but it does not always have to be that way. The movement along
with the dribble penetration will make it difficult on the zone. When you dribble attack,
attack those gaps.
- Sometimes setting up initially in the same spots as the zone makes them match up
as in a man to man. It can be confusing for them and to the offenses benefit.