Common Core Lesson Planning Template Grade Level 5th Subject Language Arts/Writing Teacher/Room: K. Elrod/Room 119 Week of: October 21-25, 2013 Unit Vocabulary: Day 1 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5L1, 2, 3, 6 ELACC5W2.a, b, d ELACC5W4, 7, 8, 9, 10 Day 2 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H2 CCGPSL1, 2, 3, 6 CCGPS5W2.a, b, d CCGPS5W4, 7, 8, 9, 10 Day 3 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H2 CCGPSL1, 2, 3, 6 CCGPS5W2.a, b, d CCGPS5W4, 7, 8, 9, 10 Day 4 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H2 CCGPSL1, 2, 3, 6 CCGPS5W2.a, b, d CCGPS5W4, 7, 8, 9, 10 Day 5 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H2 CCGPSL1, 2, 3, 6 CCGPS5W2.a, b, d CCGPS5W4, 7, 8, 9, 10 EQ Question: How do I take notes when I am researching a topic? EQ Question: How do I take notes when I am researching a topic? EQ Question: How do I take notes when I am researching a topic? EQ Question: How do I take notes when I am researching a topic? EQ Question: How do I take notes when I am researching a topic? What was the South’s plan for Reconstruction? What disagreements were had by leaders on Capitol Hill during Reconstruction? How did Congress handle Reconstruction? What Constitutional Amendments were made during Reconstruction? Grammar: Check DLR homework Mini Lesson: Using Soc. Studies textbook (p. 67) & document camera, model how to read & gather fact fragments to answer the research question posted above. Students will copy notes into their note taking sheets. Students note taking sheets will be color-coded informing them of how many facts they must gather per research question (varies from 2-5) based on reading & writing abilities. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy E: Quad Cluster: dialogue, sensory details, character actions, fact fragments Review how to take notes using fragments. Resource/Materials: Grammar: check DLR homework Mini Lesson: Using Soc. Studies textbook (pp 68-69) & document camera, model how to read & gather fact fragments to answer the research question posted above. Allow for more student input today as to what should be written into the answers section on the note taking sheet. Students note taking sheets will be color-coded informing them of how many facts they must gather per research question (varies from 2-5) based on reading & writing abilities. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy A: What I Thought You Taught about the South’s plan for Reconstruction. Grammar: Check DLR homework Mini Lesson: Divide students into cooperative groups to read Soc. Studies text (pp70-71) & gather fact fragments to answer the above posted question. As students are working, teacher will use observation to assess who can read & gather facts & who is struggling. Students note taking sheets will be color-coded informing them of how many facts they must gather per research question (varies from 2-5) based on reading & writing abilities. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy B: Acrostic: Johnson Resource/Materials: Social Studies textbooks, Grammar: Check DLR homework Mini Lesson: Students will be divided into groups to gather fact fragments today. Students will work independently, in a small cooperative group, or in a scaffold, teacher led group based on teacher’s observation of individual students’ needs from the previous day. Students will read Soc. Studies text (pp 7273) & gather fact fragments to answer the above posted question. Students note taking sheets will be colorcoded informing them of how many facts they must gather per research question (varies from 2-5) based on reading & writing abilities. Activating Strategies: Journal strategy C: Would Mini Lesson: Choose one of the fact fragment topics & model how to grab just the fragments. Students will rotate through 4 at a time to use the computers to practice gathering facts on their own. Print. Students will continue to publish Unspoken narratives. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy D: Focused Free Writing: The Civil War makes me… Fact Fragment Frenzy demo on Show on LCD projector. Resource/Materials: LCD projector, student computers, classroom printer, LA journals, resources/interactives/factfrenzy/ opening.html Common Core Lesson Planning Template Social Studies text books, document camera, LCD projector, Informational Writing note taking sheet, LA journals Resource/Materials: Social Studies textbooks, document camera, LCD projector, informational writing note taking sheet , LA journals informational writing note taking sheet, LA journals you have preferred to have been a Union or Confederate Soldier? Write at least 5 sentences telling why. Students may refer to their SS notes taken earlier in the week. Resource/Materials: Social Studies textbooks, informational writing note taking sheet, LA Journals Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Content/Process/Product: varied topics for gathering facts on fact fragment frenzy site Grouping Strategy: Whole group, small group in a center Assessment: Journal/Fact Fragment frenzy practice Content/Process/Product: varied amount of facts/answers per research question Grouping Strategy: Whole group Assessment: Journal/note taking sheet Content/Process/Product: varied amount of facts/answers per research question Grouping Strategy: Whole group Assessment: Journal/note taking sheet Content/Process/Product: varied amount of facts/answers per research question Grouping Strategy: cooperative groups Assessment: Journal/teacher observation of note taking ability/note taking sheet Content/Process/Product: varied amount of facts/answers per research question/independent, cooperative group, or teacher-led small group Grouping Strategy: independent, cooperative group, or teacher-led small group Assessment: Journal/note taking sheet Assessment : Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Journal entry Performance Based: Fact Fragment Frenzy practice Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: note taking sheet Summative: Journal entry Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: note taking sheet Summative: Journal entry Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative note taking sheet Summative: Journal entry Performance Based: note taking ability Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: note taking sheet Summative: Journal entry Performance Based: Homework: DLR Homework: DLR Homework: DLR Homework: DLR Homework: Resources and Reflective Notes: Grade Level 5th Subject Reading Teacher/Room: Elrod/Room 119 Week of: Unit Vocabulary: third person point of view, omniscient, first person point of view, biography, autobiography Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Common Core Lesson Planning Template Common Core Standard(s): ELACCGPS5RL10 ELACC5RF3, 4 ELACC5W4, 10 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RL1, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RL6, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 ELACC5W3,4, 10 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RL3, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H1 ELACC5RI6, 7,9, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 ELACC5W2,4 ,7, 8, 9, 10 EQ Question: Who was Benjamin Banneker? EQ Question: Why was it a great accomplishment for Benjamin Banneker’s family to buy their own land? EQ Question: What if Benjamin Banneker’s story were an autobiography rather than a biography? Whose point of view would the story have been told from? EQ Question: How are Benjamin Banneker and Lizbet (from Steal Away Home) alike and different? EQ Question: What Civil War topic are you an expert on? Mini Lesson: Preview & predict the book, What Are You Figuring Now?: A Story about Benjamin Banneker. Assign new guided reading groups and contracts for each group. Work: 1. Read. A & B: Ch. 1 independently C: small group ½ of Ch. 1 2. Civil War research topics paragraphs & illustrations 3. Unspoken publishing Contract Activities for Students to choose from: 1. Cereal box biographies 2. Bio cube ( Resources/interactives/cube _creator/ 3. Write a letter from Ben’s point of view 4. Prop report: students will choose props important to Ben’s life to write about & illustrate 5. Biography book report 6. Interactive timeline Mini Lesson: Read. 1. A & B: Ch. 2 independently C: finish reading Ch. 1 in small group 2. A & B differentiated comprehension questions C: Comprehension questions in group 3. Unspoken publishing Activating Strategies: Class discussion: Why was it a great accomplishment for Benjamin’s family to buy their own land? Students will be required to use evidence to support their reasons/opinions. Resource/Materials: Mini Lesson: Read. 1. A & B: Ch. 3 C: read Ch. 2 in small group 2. Finish rewriting scene from Ben’s point of view. 3. Unspoken publishing. 4. Benjamin Banneker Contracts Activating Strategies: Whose point of view is the story being told from? Quick rewrite of Benjamin telling Grandma Molly about going to the Quaker school from Ben’s point of view. Resource/Materials: Mini Lesson: Read. 1. A& B: ch. 4 C: read Ch. 3 in small group 2. Comprehension questions comparing & contrasting Ben & Lizbet (differentiated for complexity by group) 3. Unspoken publishing. 4. Ben Banneker contracts Activating Strategies: Venn diagram comparing Benjamin Banneker to Lizbet (from Steal Away Home) Resource/Materials: Mini Lesson: Students will present their topic to the class. Students will be provided a graphic organizer to record one fact they learned about each topic as each student presents. After students have presented their topic, paragraphs & illustrations will be strung together one by one to create a Civil War topic quilt. Ticket out the door: the most interesting fact you learned about the Civil War today. Activating Strategies: Incorporated reading & Social Studies Friday! Civil War topics paragraphs and illustrations due today. Resource/Materials: Common Core Lesson Planning Template ( resources/interactives/time line /index.html Activating Strategies: Display an origami crane. Tell students to make the crane just by looking at it. Use this as a springboard to discuss how Benjamin Banneker made a clock simply by looking at a watch. Also discuss his contributions to mathematics & astronomy. Resource/Materials: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Content/Process/Product: reading method/varied contract product assignments and amounts Grouping Strategy: Guided Reading groups Assessment: Contract products Content/Process/Product: reading method/varied contract product assignments and amounts/varied question complexity Grouping Strategy: Guided Reading groups Assessment: Comprehension questions Content/Process/Product: reading method/varied contract product assignments & amounts Grouping Strategy: Guided Reading groups Assessment: Point of View rewrites Content/Process/Product: reading method/varied contract product assignments & amounts/varied question complexity Grouping Strategy: Guided Reading Groups Assessment Comprehension Questions Content/Process/Product: varied Civil War topics/varied writing amount requirements Grouping Strategy: previous writing assessments Assessment: Civil War research topics paragraphs Assessment : Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: Contract prodcuts Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Comprehension questions Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: Point of View rewrites Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Comprehension questions Performance Based : Venn diagram Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based Civil War research topics paragraphs: Homework: Civil War research paragraphs & illustrations (due Friday) Resources and Reflective Notes: Homework: Homework: Homework: Homework: Grade Level 5th Subject Social Studies Teacher/Room: Elrod/Room 119 Unit Vocabulary: Confederates, Union, Anaconda Plan, Battle of Shiloh Week of: Common Core Lesson Planning Template Day 1 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H1 Day 2 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H1 Day 3 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H1 Day 4 Common Core Standard(s): SS5H1 Day 5 Common Core Standard(s): EQ Question: How did the challenges of wartime divide the nation? EQ Question: What were the Confederacy’s strengths and weaknesses? EQ Question: What were the Union’s strengths and weaknesses? EQ Question: What were the major battles and events that occurred at the beginning of the Civil War? EQ Question: What Civil War topic are you an expert on? Mini Lesson: Read & discuss text p. 39. Discuss using the following questions: 1. If you had lived near Manassas in 1861, how would you have felt before the fighting started? 2. How do you think people felt when they realized the war would not be over quickly? Activating Strategies: Interesting fact: The North called the war the War of the Rebellion & the South called it the War Between the State or the War for Independence Resource/Materials: Social Studies textbook Differentiation: Content/Process/Product: Grouping Strategy: Assessment class discussion Assessment: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: class discussion Common Core Lesson Planning Template Mini Lesson: Read & discuss SS text p. 40. Students copy chart in their own words into SS notebook. Activating Strategies: Survey prior knowledge about essential question. Resource/Materials: SS text, SS notebook Mini Lesson: Read & discuss text p. 41. Students copy chart in their own words into SS notebook. Activating Strategies: Survey prior knowledge while comparing to South. Resource/Materials: SS text, SS notebook Mini Lesson: Incorporated reading & Social Studies Friday! Please see above. Activating Strategies: Differentiation: Mini Lesson: Jigsaw read text pp 42-43. Ones will read Anaconda Plan & decide what’s the important thing. Twos will read South’s Strategy & decide what’s the important thing. Threes will read Battle of Shiloh & decide what’s the important thing. Reconvene as a class, ones will share, twos will share, & threes will share. Students will record the important thing for each topic in SS notebook. Activating Strategies: Divide class into 3 groups. Resource/Materials: SS text, SS notebook Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Content/Process/Product: Grouping Strategy: Assessment: Content/Process/Product: Grouping Strategy: whole group Assessment: Confederate strengths & weaknesses in own words Content/Process/Product: Grouping Strategy: Whole group Assessment: Union strengths & weaknesses in own words Content/Process/Product: Grouping Strategy: Jigsaw cooperative groups Assessment: The Important Thing Content/Process/Product: Grouping Strategy: Assessment Assessment : Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: Confederate Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based Union strengths & weaknesses in own words: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative The Important Thing: Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: strengths & weaknesses in own words Resource/Materials: Differentiation: Common Core Lesson Planning Template Homework: Resources and Reflective Notes: Homework: Homework: Homework: Homework: