Common Core Lesson Planning Template Grade Level 5th Subject Language Arts/Writing Teacher/Room: K. Elrod/Room 119 Week of: November 11-15, 2013 Unit Vocabulary: Day 1 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI7, 9, 10 ELACC5L1, 2, 3 ELACC5W2, 3, 4, 10 Day 2 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5L1, 2, 3 ELACC5W2, 4, 10 Day 3 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5L1, 2, 3 ELACC5W2, 4, 10 Day 4 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI7, 9, 10 ELACC5L1, 2, 3 ELACC5W2, 4, 10 Day 5 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI7, 9, 10 ELACC5L1, 2, 3 ELACC5W2, 4, 10 EQ Question: How do I turn fact fragments into writing that makes sense? EQ Question: What is a preposition? What is an object of a preposition? What is a prepositional phrase? EQ Question: How do I close a paragraph so that it ends smoothly and flows into the next idea? EQ Question: How do I take notes from informational text without plagiarizing? EQ Question: How do I take notes from informational text without plagiarizing? Mini Lesson: Model drafting fact fragments into sentences using paragraph form from the note taking sheet. Divide students into 3 groups to finish the task for Section 2 on the Reconstruction note taking sheet. Purple group will draft independently. Blue group will draft with peer support in small cooperative groups. Green group will draft in small group with teacher support. Author’s Chair. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy L: Miscellaneous: 5th grade GA Writing Assessment narrative prompt: Stormy weather has caused the electricity to go out. You cannot use your TV, computer, refrigerator, lights, or anything else that runs on electricity. Write a story Mini Lesson: Preposition, objects of prepositions, and prepositional phrases. Students divided into 3 groups. Green group will play a preposition game called “Hands Down!” to practice/reinforce identifying prepositions. Blue group will go to a Preposition station to practice identifying prepositions, objects of preps, and prepositional phrases. Purple group will create a poster that explains what a preposition is, what an object of the prep is, and what a prep phrase is. Posters must also include definitions and examples. Students will present posters to the class. Early finishers will continue drafting part 2 of the Reconstruction era. Mini Lesson: Revisit closing sentences in informational writing. Model adding some whole group to student paragraphs. Students will be divided into 3 groups based on Monday’s drafting. Purple group will continue drafting independently or begin researching section 3 of the Reconstruction Era on the note-taking sheet. Blue group will draft in pairs. Green group will finish drafting section 2 with teacher support. Author’s Chair. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy B: Acrostic Vocabulary: Students will use the word preposition to provide examples of and/or explain what it is. Resource/Materials: LA journals, WW binders, Reconstruction era note- Mini Lesson: Prepositions brain pop to review. Students will work to gather information and write in fact fragments for the first 2 research questions for section 3 of the Reconstruction Era. Purple group will research independently and will use the internet to gather additional information from additional sources. Blue group will research independently. Green group will research in a small group with teacher support. Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy E: Quad Cluster: Students will be given the following words: aboard, about, above, and amazing. Students must explain why 3 of them go Mini Lesson: Prepositions Assessment Students will work to gather information and write in fact fragments for the final 2 research questions for section 3 of the Reconstruction era. Purple group will research independently and will use the internet to gather additional information from additional sources. Blue group will research independently and will be required to gather one fact from one additional resource using the internet. Green group will research in a small group with teacher support. Activating Strategies: Strategy C: Either…Or: I would rather be a Pilgrim or a Native American. Resource/Materials: Preposition assessment, LA Common Core Lesson Planning Template about one day without electricity. Students will be encouraged to write 2 pages in 30 minutes using narrative show-don’ttell writing strategies. Resource/Materials: LA Journals, WW binders, Reconstruction note-taking sheets, SS textbooks Preposition ticket out the door Activating Strategies: Journal Strategy D: Focused Free Writing: Thanksgiving From a Turkey’s point of view Resource/Materials: LA journals, WW binders, Reconstruction note-taking sheet, SS textbooks, Hands Down prep game board and cards copied, Prep station, Prep station recording sheets copied, Paper for posters, Crayons and colored pencils Differentiation: taking sheet, SS textbook together and 1 is different. Resource/Materials: LA journals, WW binders, Reconstruction era notetaking sheet, SS textbook, laptops journals, WW binders. Reconstruction era notetaking sheet, SS textbook, laptops Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Content/Process/Product: drafting independently, with peer support, or with teacher support Grouping Strategy: Task grouping Assessment: Student drafting from section 1 of Reconstruction notetaking sheet Content/Process/Product: preps, preps and objects of preps, preps, objects of preps & prep phrases/game, station, poster Grouping Strategy: Skill/Strategy Grouping Assessment: Preposition WS p. 39 completed in class last week Content/Process/Product: working independently, in pairs, or small group Grouping Strategy: Task grouping Assessment: Student drafting from Monday Content/Process/Product: additional research info. And sources/ grouping. Grouping Strategy: Task grouping Assessment: Groups have been determined from last Friday’s notetaking Content/Process/Product: additional research info. And sources/ grouping Grouping Strategy: task grouping Assessment: note-taking sheet from the previous day Assessment : Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: Student drafting Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative:: Prep ticket out the door Summative: Performance Based: game Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: student drafting Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: note taking sheet Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative:: Prepositions assessment Performance Based: note taking sheet Homework: Preposition WS Homework: DLR Homework: Preposition WS Homework: DLR Homework: Differentiation: performance, station recording sheet, posters Resources and Reflective Notes: Grade Level 5th Subject Reading Unit Vocabulary: Teacher/Room: Elrod/Room 119 Week of: Common Core Lesson Planning Template Day 1 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI2, 4, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 Day 2 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI2, 4, 8, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 Day 3 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI2, 3, 4, 8, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 Day 4 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI2, 4, 8 ELACC5RF3, 4 Day 5 Common Core Standard(s): ELACC5RI1, 2, 4, 8, 10 ELACC5RF3, 4 EQ Question: What do you know about the U.S. expansion into the western territories during and after the Civil War? What is a glossary? EQ Question: EQ Question: EQ Question: Why would people risk their lives and take such difficult journeys to settle in the west? What do we use a table of contents for? Who would win the race? Who would build a railroad that extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean first: the Central Pacific Railroad or the Union Pacific Railroad? Who would win the race? Who would build a railroad that extended from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean first: the Central Pacific Railroad or the Union Pacific Railroad? EQ Question: Do you think Thomas Durant of the Central Pacific was an intelligent man? How can you tell? Why are insets and sidebars included in non-fiction or informational text? Why are maps sometimes included in informational text? What information can be gotten from captions and labels in informational text? Mini Lesson: Review maps (non-fiction text feature). Look at map on page 7. Students will continue working and reading through the text based on pacing and assignments on contracts. Students will revisit their KWL chart to add learned information. All students will summarize by answering a question given to them in an envelope at the beginning of the class. Students will place their answer inside the envelope and hang on the parking lot. (The Envelope, Please) Activating Strategies: Turn and talk: Who would win the race? Who would build a railroad that extended from the Atlantic Ocean to Mini Lesson: Review captions and labels (non-fiction text feature.) Students will continue working and reading through the text based on pacing and assignments on contracts. Students will revisit their KWL chart to add learned information. Students will go to the after reading portion of their anticipation guide to respond to the 5 statements to summarize their reading for the day. Activating Strategies: Anticipation guide: Provide students with 5 statements about the book, The Transcontinental Railroad. Students will also have 2 response columns. Students will fill in the before reading Mini Lesson: Assign new guided reading groups based on fluency and comprehension on previous book. Preview informational book The Transcontinental Railroad. Book will be read as a preview to upcoming SS unit on settling the western territories. Review glossary (nonfiction text feature). Students complete vocabulary maps for the following words: agonizingly, ballast, discrimination, efficient, engineers, foremen, infamous, ties. Vocabulary maps differentiated. Activating Strategies: KWL about settling the western territories in the U.S. beginning with 1870’s (post- Mini Lesson: Review table of contents (non-fiction text feature) Assign The Transcontinental Railroad reading and assignment contracts varied by guided reading groups. Students will revisit their KWL chart to add learned information. Purple groups will draft a summary using fact fragments from the text to summarize the day’s reading. Blue groups will complete a relay summary of the day’s reading assignment (Each student adds a sentence to the summary.) Green group will complete a 3-2-1 on the day’s reading (3 things I learned, 2 people who were important in building the Transcontinental RR, and 1 Mini Lesson: Review insets and sidebars (non-fiction text features). Look at p. 17 of the Transcontinental Railroad. Students will continue working and reading through the text based on pacing and assignments on contracts. Students will revisit their KWL chart to add learned information. Differentiated comprehension checks. Purple= analyze and prove. Blue= compare and draw conclusions. Green= draw, recall, and infer. Activating Strategies: Quick write: Do you think Thomas Durant of the Central Pacific was an intelligent man? How can you tell? (Students should use evidence from the text.) Purple should have 4 Common Core Lesson Planning Template Civil War) Resource/Materials: The Transcontinental Railroad book copies, differentiated vocabulary maps question they have.) Activating Strategies: Admit/Entrance Ticket: Why would people risk their lives and take such difficult journeys to settle in the west? Resource/Materials: The Transcontinental Railroad book copies, contracts, admit/entrance tickets Differentiation: the Pacific Ocean first: the Central Pacific Railroad or the Union Pacific Railroad? Resource/Materials: The Transcontinental Railroad book copies, contracts, differentiated envelope questions response. Anticipation guides will be varied based on where each type of group is in the reading material. Resource/Materials: Differentiated anticipation guides based on group pacing, The Transcontinental Railroad book copies, contracts examples of evidence, blue should have 3 examples of evidence, and green 2 examples of evidence. Resource/Materials: The Transcontinental Railroad book copies, contracts, differentiated comprehension questions Differentiation: Differentiation: Differentiation: Content/Process/Product: differentiated Vocabulary maps Grouping Strategy: Guided reading groups Assessment: Previous book’s comprehension and fluency results Content/Process/Product: contract pacing and assignments/summaries: written, relay, or 3-2-1 Grouping Strategy: guided reading groups Assessment: Previous book’s comprehension and fluency results Content/Process/Product: contract pacing and assignments/ envelope questions Grouping Strategy: Guided reading groups Assessment: Previous book’s comprehension and fluency results Content/Process/Product :contract pacing and assignments/ anticipation guides Grouping Strategy: Guided reading groups Assessment: Previous book’s comprehension and fluency results Content/Process/Product: contract pacing and assignments/ differentiated comprehension questions Grouping Strategy: guided reading groups Assessment: Previous book’s comprehension and fluency results Assessment : Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Assessment: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative:: Vocabulary map, KWL charts Summative: Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: KWL charts Summative: Performance Based: differentiated Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: KWL charts Summative:: envelope questions Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative: Summative: Performance Based: Pre-Test: Post-Test: Formative:: KWL charts Summative: Comprehension questions Performance Based: Homework: Homework: Homework: Homework: Homework: Differentiation: Resources and Reflective Notes: summaries