Document name 2013 Interconnection-wide Plan Data and Assumptions Category ( ) Regional reliability standard ( ) Regional criteria ( ) Policy ( ) Guideline ( ) Report or other ( ) Charter Document date September 19, 2013 Adopted/approved by The WECC Board of Directors Date adopted/approved September 19, 2013 Custodian (entity responsible for maintenance and upkeep) TEPPC Stored/filed Physical location: Web URL: Previous name/number (if any) Status ( ) in effect ( ) usable, minor formatting/editing required ( ) modification needed ( ) superseded by _____________________ ( ) other _____________________________ ( ) obsolete/archived) (Page intentionally left blank) Page 2 of 121 2013 Interconnection-Wide Plan Data and Assumptions By WECC Staff Western Electricity Coordinating Council September 19, 2013 Page 3 of 121 2013 Interconnection-wide Plan Data and Assumptions Summary The assumptions and data used to create the Plan span numerous sources and categories such as loads, existing and incremental generation facilities, generation characteristics, and existing and incremental transmission facilities. Aside from these data and assumptions required to model the physical aspects of the Western Interconnection, WECC staff and stakeholders also develop assumptions and gather equally important data on policies, costs, reliability and environmental considerations. Below is a summary of the types of data and assumptions, including improvements, used to create the Plan. Loads and Demand-side Management – The base load forecasts for the next 10 years are obtained from WECC’s Loads and Resources Subcommittee (LRS) and then adjusted based on state-provided energy efficiency (EE) and other demand-reducing programs that are not already accounted for in the LRS forecasts. There are also a number of demand response (DR) adjustments made to the loads in various study cases. Generation additions and retirements – TEPPC uses LRS data submittals for data on generation additions and retirements, augmented by information in state and federal databases. Renewable Resource Profiles – TEPPC uses data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to create output profiles for VG generators (i.e., wind and solar) for use in the various studies. For the 10-year studies analyzed in the PCM, the profiles are created based on the amount of generation desired from a particular area. For the 20year studies analyzed using the LTPT, the data is used to populate the available generation and capacity factor information for the various generation development zones in the LTPT. Transmission Additions – For transmission addition assumptions TEPPC utilizes two sources of information. For local and lower-voltage additions, TEPPC uses transmission additions reported to WECC through the Planning Coordination Committee base case development process. For regional high-voltage additions, TEPPC uses the Subregional Coordination Group (SCG) 2022 Common Case Transmission Assumptions (CCTA) list. Transmission Project Information Portal – TEPPC maintains the portal that contains developer-provided information on major transmission projects within the Western Page 4 of 121 Interconnection. This allows TEPPC and stakeholder to understand the status of project development in the Western Interconnection. TEPPC uses these projects as proxies when transmission expansion needs are identified. Environmental and Cultural Data Consideration – This planning cycle, WECC has incorporated environmental and cultural data into the planning analyses. Through its Environmental Data Task Force (EDTF), WECC has developed an Environmental Risk Land Classification System that estimates the environmental and cultural sensitivity of the different area types using a four-category risk scale.1 The EDTF reviewed environmental and cultural datasets and used the risk classifications to create a seamless Environmental and Cultural Risk Classification Data Layer, which categorizes the entire Western Interconnection using the risk scale. The LTPT uses this data in its analysis. In the next planning cycle, this will provide critical input to the “line bending” work. Capital Costs –The capital cost calculation methodology and data, identified as a limitation in the 2011 Plan, was redesigned from the ground-up. TEPPC included improved generation capital costs estimates, as well as transmission capital cost estimates that break the costs down into transmission line and substation components and consider terrain and construction difficulty factors. Fuel Prices – Fuel prices for natural gas, coal, and nuclear were obtained from specialized price-forecasting services and approved by the Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TAS). Although some of the transmission planning studies resulted in significant increases in electric sector natural-gas usage, the impact to prices was not investigated – the Plan analyses did not include an investigation of gas-price elasticity or physical delivery issues. Generation cycling costs – WECC procured generation cycling costs but all PCM tools available at the time of study were not able to incorporate such costs into their model. Given modeling improvements made during this study cycle, generation cycling costs can be taken into consideration in the next. Flexibility reserves – WECC worked with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to develop flexibility reserve inputs that are included in the 2013 studies. EDTF, “Environmental Risk Classification System” (2012): mmendations_for_Transmission_Planning/Final_Recommendations_Report/Tables%20D-1%20to%20D4_Revised_2011_0725.pdf 1 Page 5 of 121 Contents Summary and Findings ................................................................................................... 4 Background ..................................................................................................................... 7 Loads and Demand-side Management (DSM) ................................................................ 7 Generation .................................................................................................................... 40 Transmission ................................................................................................................. 59 Fuel Prices .................................................................................................................... 69 Capital Costs ................................................................................................................. 77 Reliability ....................................................................................................................... 99 Environmental Data ..................................................................................................... 103 Appendix A: Hydro Data .............................................................................................. 110 Page 6 of 121 Background The biennial TEPPC study cycle requires WECC staff and stakeholders to develop model assumptions and datasets that describe two study horizons: 10-year and 20year. Studies in the 10-year planning horizon were performed in a production cost model for the year 2022 while studies in the 20-year planning horizon were analyzed in a capital expansion model—Long-term Planning Tool (LTPT)—for the 2032 study year. The assumptions and data presented in this section are fed into WECC’s aforementioned planning tools and models, which allow for the technical analysis upon which the Plan is based. As with all simulation-based studies, TEPPC study results reflect the input assumptions and underlying data used in the analysis. This section is a detailed explanation of the sources of data and assumptions used in the technical analysis that supports the Plan. The purpose is to describe the pedigree of the data and assumptions used in the Plan analysis in order to create a foundation of credibility, as well as providing those who wish to use this data the information necessary to locate, utilize and defend the information. The section is organized by type of data or assumption, and is further broken down by study horizon and other details related to that data or assumption. Assumptions are only provided for the 2022 Common Case and 2032 Reference Case as all other TEPPC studies use these cases as their starting points. Any assumption specific to a study other than the 2022 Common Case and 2032 Reference Case is outlined in that particular study’s individual write-up report. Loads and Demand-side Management (DSM) Load projections are a vital input to any transmission planning model. Load levels dictate how much and when generation is either dispatched or built, depending on the model. Although the input parameters for load in each study horizon are quite divergent, it is a key input assumption for both. Required Data The following are descriptions of the load data required for both the 10- and 20-year models. In both the 2032 Reference Case and 2022 Common Case, loads are defined by the topology presented in Figure 1, which represents the load areas used in the models. Page 7 of 121 Figure 1: Load Topology 10-Year For 10-year studies performed in the hourly production cost model environment, load is defined by specifying monthly peak (MW) and energy (MWh) for each of the TEPPC load bubbles in PROMOD. From there, PROMOD uses a historical or generic hourly load shape to create an 8,760-hour load profile for each load area. This 8,760-hour load profile is a defined load level, in MW, for each load area for every hour of the study year. This level of detail is necessary for the hourly production cost model to perform its optimization. For the 2022 studies, TEPPC used 2005 historic hourly load shapes by which to create the synthetic 2022 hourly profiles in PROMOD. Once the 2022 hourly load profile is created by PROMOD for each load area, it disaggregates the load to the busses within each Balancing Authority (BA), load bubble, based on the load distribution factors provided by the initial power flow (2020 HS1A) used to import that transmission topology into the dataset. This results in an hourly load for each load bus in the Western Interconnection. 20-Year As with much of the data used in the 20-year studies, the 2022 Common Case loads serve as the starting point assumption. However, the LTPT requires less granular load data since it is a capital expansion model, not an hourly production cost model. The LTPT requires the user to input an annual energy requirement for each TEPPC load Page 8 of 121 area. This value determines how many resources must be added to meet the system energy demand. It is also necessary to provide load demands for the TEPPC load areas for each of four system conditions: heavy summer, light fall, heavy winter, and light spring. For example, the user must specify that the load level in a particular Balancing Authority (BA) for the heavy summer system condition. For more information on system conditions and how these load inputs are used by the tool, see the LTPT section of the “Tools and Models” section. The demands and annual energy requirements used in the 2032 Reference Case are based on extending the assumptions used in the 2022 Common Case for an additional 10 years from 2022 to 2032. Energy Efficiency As energy efficiency (EE) programs become more prevalent in states throughout the West, it is necessary to ensure that this reduction in load, due to implementing more efficient technologies, is reflected in the TEPPC studies. 10-Year The 2022 Common Case load forecasts were developed by starting with the load forecasts submitted by BAs in response to WECC’s 2011 Loads and Resources Subcommittee (LRS) data request (henceforth referred to as the LRS load forecasts), which cover the period 2011-2021. The State-Provincial Steering Committee (SPSC) Demand-Side Management (DSM) Work Group determined – with extensive input from BA load forecasting staff and review by the TEPPC Data Work Group – the extent to which the LRS load forecasts fully capture the expected impact of existing EE policies and program plans implemented over the forecast period. To the extent that the forecasts were determined to not fully capture the expected EE policy impacts, they were adjusted downward accordingly, yielding the 2022 Common Case load forecast for the year 2021. This basic process is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. The 2021 forecasts were then extrapolated to 2022, the horizon year for TEPPC’s 10-year study during its 2011 study cycle, using the average annual growth rate over the 2010-2021 period. Page 9 of 121 Figure 2: Illustration of Energy Efficiency Adjustment for the TEPPC2022 Common Case Load Forecasts In developing projections of expected EE savings and the associated adjustments to the LRS load forecasts, two classes of EE policies were of primary interest: 1) customerfunded energy efficiency programs,2 and 2) federal minimum efficiency standards for appliances, lighting and other end-use equipment (henceforth referred to as “federal standards”). The DSM Work Group focused on these two classes of policies on the grounds that they were likely to be the most significant sources of policy-driven EE savings over the forecast period, and thereby ignored other EE policies and programs, such as state appliance efficiency standards, state building codes and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)-funded efficiency programs. This narrow focus is one among several “conservatisms” built into the analysis. In addition, the analysis focused on specific timeframes. For customer-funded efficiency programs, the analysis focused on the impact of programs implemented over the 20112021 period. It was assumed that the LRS load forecasts adequately captured residual savings from historical programs implemented prior to 2011, and therefore no further accounting was conducted for historical programs. For federal standards, the DSM Work Group focused specifically on standards adopted and updates to existing standards scheduled to occur through January 2013. This is another conservatism in 2 Customer-funded energy efficiency programs, also referred to as ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs, refer to the class of energy efficiency programs that are funded by utility ratepayers and administered either by the utility or by an independent program administrator. Page 10 of 121 the methodology, as the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is required to continue updating standards regularly after that date.3 Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs Customer-funded EE programs have been implemented in the United States for more than three decades and, in many states and regions, have accelerated rapidly in recent years as a result of new or increased policy support. The 2022 Common Case load forecasts are intended to fully reflect the expected savings from customer-funded programs implemented over the LRS load forecast period (2011-2021), given current policies and utility resource plans. As part of the 2011 LRS data request, BAs were asked to provide projections of the EE program savings incorporated into their LRS load forecast.4 Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (LBNL) reviewed these EE savings projections and, with input from the DSM Work Group participants and other state and regional EE experts, assessed the consistency of these savings projections with applicable statutory and regulatory policies, recent utility integrated resource plans and utility DSM program plans. LBNL then communicated with load forecasting staff at many of the individual BAs in order to: 1) clarify any ambiguities in the savings projections submitted through the LRS request; 2) discuss any apparent discrepancies between the submitted savings projection and what would be expected under current policies and program plans; and 3) confirm whether the 2011 LRS load forecasts fully accounted for the expected EE program savings. If the savings projection provided by a BA differed significantly from the expected amount, or if the load forecast did not fully account for the BA’s savings projection, then the LRS load forecast was adjusted downward accordingly. As shown in Table 1, such adjustments were made for 11 BAs. 3 The decision to focus only on scheduled updates through January 2013 was justified on the grounds that standards adopted at later dates would likely have minimal impacts on loads in 2022, given the lag between the conclusion of rulemakings and the date that standards go into effect, and given the pace of equipment stock turnover. If, however, adjustments were being made over a longer time horizon, such as for TEPPC’s 20-Year study, some consideration of continued updates to federal standards over time may be warranted in order to ensure that the forecasts reflect reasonable assumptions about the likely impacts of federal standards. 4 This was a new element in the LRS data request for 2011. Responses to this question, however, were not mandatory, and therefore not all BAs provided this data. Moreover, many BAs evidently did not interpret the question as intended, and therefore the submitted savings projections were of widely varying quality, requiring a significant amount of follow-up with BA staff. Page 11 of 121 Table 1: Adjustments to 2011 LRS Load Forecasts for Customer-Funded Efficiency Programs AVA CISO IPCO NWMT PACE & PACW PSCO PNM SRP Avista Corporation (AVA): The LRS load forecast only accounts for savings from existing efficiency programs, but not for any of the planned new programs within Avista’s most recent Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). As such, the forecast was adjusted downward based on the IRP savings projection for new efficiency programs. California Independent System Operator (CISO): The LRS load forecast accounts only for "committed" energy efficiency savings, and therefore excludes "uncommitted" savings associated with investor-owned utility (IOU) programs implemented after 2012, savings from publicly-owned utility (POU) programs implemented after 2010, and savings from other future changes to codes/standards. The forecast was therefore adjusted downward based on the sum of: (a) the incremental uncommitted savings assumed by the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) within the IOUs' long-term procurement proceeding and (b) the estimated savings from EE programs implemented by POUs within the CISO footprint, based on those utilities' most recent long-term EE savings targets. Idaho Power Company (IPCO): The LRS load forecast accounts for only existing programs in the IPCO 2011 IRP, but not for the projected savings from planned new programs identified within the IRP. The forecast was therefore adjusted downward based on the IRP savings projection for new efficiency programs. NorthWestern Energy (NWMT): The LRS load forecast accounts for a continuation of energy efficiency programs at NWMT’s historical rate of savings. The load forecast was therefore adjusted downward based on the difference between the utility’s planned savings level, as projected within its 2009 Electric Default Supply Procurement Plan, and the utility’s historical rate of savings. PacifiCorp East (PACE) and West (PACW): The LRS load forecast assumes a level of savings based on the target from PacifiCorp’s 2008 IRP Update rather than the updated efficiency targets in the utility’s 2011 IRP. Therefore, the PACE and PACW load forecasts were adjusted downward by an amount equal to the difference between the savings targets in the 2011 IRP and the 2008 IRP Update. Public Service Company of Colorado (PSCO): The LRS load forecast assumes a level of savings based on an earlier set of long-term savings targets established under Docket. 08-0560. The forecast was therefore adjusted downward slightly in order to account for the higher level of savings required under the updated savings goals adopted in March 2011 (Decision No. C11-0442). Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM): The LRS load forecast does not include any impacts from future energy efficiency programs, and was therefore adjusted downward based on the savings required of PNM to comply with New Mexico’s energy efficiency resource standard. Salt River Project (SRP): The LRS load forecast roughly accounts for the level of savings required to meet SRP’s Sustainable Portfolio Plan savings targets through 2017, but does not include any savings from programs implemented in subsequent Page 12 of 121 years. The load forecast was therefore adjusted downward to account for the expected savings needed to meet the Sustainable Portfolio Plan savings targets in 2018-2021. Tucson Electric Power Company (TEPC): The LRS load forecast partially accounts for the effects of planned customer-funded energy efficiency programs over the forecast period, but not at the level necessary to meet the Arizona Energy Efficiency TEPC Standard. As such, the load forecast was adjusted downward based on the additional amount of savings required of Tucson Electric and Unisource to comply with standard. Western Area Power Administration, Colorado-Missouri Region (WACM): The load forecast that Colorado Springs Utilities (CSU) provided to WAPA, which is then rolled up into the LRS load forecast for the WACM balancing authority, does not WACM account for the impacts of any future energy efficiency programs. As such, the WACM forecast was adjusted downward based on the energy efficiency savings projection provided by CSU. Federal Appliance, Lighting, and Equipment Standards The U.S. federal government establishes minimum efficiency standards for a wide variety of consumer appliances, lighting technologies and other end-use equipment. For most of these products, the DOE is responsible for setting the standard and is required to conduct periodic rulemakings to evaluate potential updates to the standard. For a number of other products, the U.S. Congress has instead established the initial minimum efficiency standard directly through legislation. A notable example is the federal standard for general service lamps enacted through the 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), which mandates a phase-out of traditional incandescent light bulbs. Figure 3 shows the projected total U.S. savings over time from federal standards adopted or updated through January 2013, based on analysis conducted by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and the Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP).5 The projected savings are separated into two components. 1. Savings from standards established prior to 2009 (some of which do not go into effect until some number of years afterward, such as the EISA lighting standard that began its phase-in in 2012). 5 Note that the ACEEE/ASAP study was conducted in 2009, and therefore the savings projections for standards adopted between then and January 2013 were based on assumptions about the standard level that DOE would adopt. Page 13 of 121 2. Savings from standards adopted or updated over the 2009-2013 timeframe (listed in Table 2) also includes a number of updates that had not yet occurred at the time of this analysis but that DOE had committed to update by January 2013. Figure 3: Projected Cumulative Savings from Federal Standards 6 As indicated in Figure 3, savings from the set of standards established prior to 2009, which represent the bulk of the total projected savings, accumulate over the 2010-2020 period at the same rate as over the 2000-2010 period. This growth in savings occurs as a result of stock turn-over as old, inefficient equipment is replaced with more-efficient models that comply with the existing federal standard. Additional savings from updates issued during 2009-2013 also accumulate over the 2010-2020 period and represent an acceleration in the rate of savings from federal standards relative to the historical growth rate. As described in Table 2, the fact that the 2009-2013 updates represent acceleration in savings is central to the DSM Work Group’s process of adjusting the LRS load forecasts to reflect the expected impact of federal standards. Derived from estimates reported in ACEEE/ASAPt, “KaBOOM: The Power of Appliance Standards Opportunities for New Federal Appliance and Equipment Standards” (July 2009). 6 Page 14 of 121 Table 2: Federal Standards Expected to be Adopted over 2009-2013 Commercial Residential Product Battery chargers Central AC and heat pumps Clothes dryers Clothes washers External power suppliers Furnace fans Microwave ovens Refrigerators Room AC Water heaters Beverage vending machines Commercial clothes washers Fluorescent ballasts Fluorescent lamps Incandescent reflector lamps BR/exempted reflector lamps Liquid-immersed transformers Low volt. dry-type transformers Metal halide lamp fixtures Reach-in refrigerators & freezers Small electric motors Walk-in coolers & freezers Planned Final Rule Date* Jul-11 Jun-11 Jun-11 Dec-11 Jul-11 Jan-13 Mar-11 Dec-10 Jun-11 Mar-10 Aug-09 Jan-10 Jun-11 Jun-09 Jun-09 Jan-10 Jan-13 Jan-13 Jan-12 Jan-13 Feb-10 Jan-12 Compliance Date 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2016 2014 2013 2014 2013 2012 2013 2014 2012 2012 2013 2016 2016 2015 2016 2013 2015 * Planned final rule date, as of the time that the analysis for the 2022 Common Case was being conducted LBNL adjusted the LRS load forecasts to account for the expected impact of all federal standards adopted and all updates to existing standards scheduled to occur through January 2013. To do so, LBNL sought information from the load forecasting staff of individual BAs regarding the manner by which their forecasts model the impact of federal standards. Based on the information received, one of two potential standardized methods was used for most BAs to adjust the LRS load forecasts to account for the expected impact of federal standards (see Table 3 for a summary, and see Appendix A: Hydro Data for BA-specific details) Method 1: Many BAs indicated that their load forecasts do not explicitly model the impact of federal standards. The default assumption in these cases is that, by virtue of the underlying econometric models, these load forecasts implicitly extrapolate into the future the historical rate of savings from federal standards, and that they therefore fully capture the savings from pre-2009 federal standards, but do not capture any of the Page 15 of 121 expected savings from 2009-2013 standards. These load forecasts were therefore adjusted downward based on the projected savings from the 2009-2013 updates (the olive-colored wedge in Figure 3). For each BA, the expected savings from 2009-2013 standards was estimated from the state-level projections presented in Table 4, by prorating the state-level savings based on the portion of the statewide load within the BA; the LRS load forecast was then adjusted downward by that amount. Method 2: In other instances, BAs reported that their load forecasts were based on enduse models or included statistical adjustments that were able to capture the impact of specified federal standards. In practice, these load forecasts generally capture the impact of all federal standards adopted as of the date that the forecast was prepared, but do not model the impact of scheduled updates to federal standards. For these BAs, the load forecasts were assumed to capture both the impact of pre-2009 standards (as in Method 1) as well as the impact of standards adopted between 2009 and year-end 2010 (a portion of the olive-colored wedge in Figure 3). These load forecasts were therefore adjusted downward based on the expected impact of only those standards that had not yet been adopted at the time the forecasts were prepared but for which the DOE had scheduled an update by January 2013. For each BA, the expected savings from prospective standards scheduled for adoption by January 2013 was estimated from the state-level projections for “Prospective” standards presented in Table 4 by prorating the state-level savings based on the portion of the statewide load within the BA; the load forecast was then adjusted downward by this amount. For three other BAs (CISO, PACE, and PACW), neither Method 1 nor Method 2 was applied. The adjustments to the LRS load forecasts for these BAs addressed multiple EE policies simultaneously, including federal standards, and therefore no separate adjustment for federal standards was required. Specifically, in the case of CISO, the LRS load forecast was adjusted downward based on the California Energy Commission’s estimate of the “incremental uncommitted” savings associated with achievement of the state’s savings goals for the investor owned utilities (IOU). The incremental uncommitted savings was assumed to largely capture the impact of the 2009-2013 updates to federal standards, and therefore no separate adjustment was applied to the CISO forecast for federal standards. Similarly, for PACE and PACW, the adjustment made to the LRS load forecast was based on the savings projection in PacifiCorp’s IRP, and that savings projection (according to PacifiCorp staff) was inclusive of savings from future federal standards. For the remaining BAs, no adjustments to the LRS load forecasts were made for federal standards, though the reasons for this treatment vary. For the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and most of the NorthWestern public utility district BAs (PUD No. 1 of Chelan County (CHPD), PUD No. 1 of Douglas County (DOPD), PUD No. 2 of Grant County (GCPD), and City of Tacoma, Department of Public Utilities (TPWR)), the Page 16 of 121 LRS load forecasts were determined to be net of the NPCC’s conservation targets, and those targets were assumed to largely capture the savings from recent and future federal standards updates; therefore, no adjustment to the LRS load forecasts was made in these cases. For the three non-U.S. BAs (Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO), British Columbia Transmission Company (BCHA), and Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE)), no adjustment was made because these regions are not directly subject to U.S. federal efficiency standards (though provincial standards exist in BC7, and spillover in efficiency impacts from U.S. standards could occur across borders into all three regions). Finally, for the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), Lower Colorado Region (WALC) and the Upper Great Plains West (WAUW), no adjustments were made simply due to a lack of information about how the LRS load forecasts were prepared. Table 3: Approaches Used to Adjust LRS Forecasts to Account for the Impact of Federal Standards Adjustment Approach Balancing Authorities Method 1 APS, EPE, IID, IPC, NWMT, PGE, PNM, PSE, SCL, SMUD, SRP, TEP, TID Method 2 AVA, LADWP, NEVP, PSCO, SPP Federal standards impact included in broader adjustment CISO, PACE, PACW BPA, CHPD, DOPD, GCPD, TPWR: Impact of federal standards captured in LRS forecast No adjustment AESO, BCTC, CFE: U.S. federal standards not applicable WALC, WAUW: Insufficient information 7 Information was sought from BCTC to determine whether the load forecast submitted to WECC reflects the expected impact of provincial efficiency standards, but a response was not received within the required timeframe for this analysis. Page 17 of 121 Table 4: Projected Savings in 2021 from Federal Standard Updates Issued from 2009-20138 Energy Savings (GWh) State Already Adopted AZ CA CO ID MT NV NM OR UT WA WY TOTAL (2009-2010) 967 4,377 688 206 141 365 286 515 305 878 79 8,806 Peak Demand Savings (MW) Prospective (2011-Jan. 2013) Total Already Adopted (2009-2010) Prospective (2011-Jan. 2013) Total 1,395 6,183 1,051 314 221 592 421 764 466 1,315 129 12,851 2,362 10,560 1,739 520 362 956 707 1,279 771 2,193 208 21,657 304 966 126 40 26 104 62 94 63 158 14 1,956 475 1,472 191 60 39 159 95 143 96 242 24 2,998 778 2,438 317 100 65 263 158 237 159 400 38 4,954 Expected Energy Efficiency Savings The 2022 Common Case load forecasts are intended to reflect the expected impact of customer-funded EE programs and federal standards. The projected savings from these two sets of policies are summarized in Figure 4 (annual energy) and Figure 5 (annual peak demand), focusing specifically on the savings from customerfunded EE programs implemented over the 2011-2021 and the savings from new federal standards or updates to existing standards issued from January 2009 to January 2013. Savings are expressed in terms of the percentage reduction in 2021 loads for each BA and for the Western Interconnection as a whole. Note that for a number of BAs, the underlying policies or data sources do not distinguish between the savings from customer-funded programs and from federal standards, in which case the figures present only the combined impact (the green bars). As shown, the set of EE policies considered for the 2022 Common Case are expected to reduce Interconnection-wide annual energy requirements by roughly 10 percent in 2021, and aggregate non-coincident peak (NCP) demand by 12 percent. Naturally, the impacts vary considerably across individual BAs, reflecting differing degrees of Sources: DOE Technical Support Documentation accompanying adopted standards (for “Already Adopted” standards); ACEEE/ASAP "KaBOOM: The Power of Appliance Standards Opportunities for New Federal Appliance and Equipment Standards" (for “Prospective” standards with final rules scheduled by January 2013). 8 Page 18 of 121 underlying policy support as well as differences in customer mix, climate, end-uses and other factors. Figure 4: Expected Energy Efficiency Savings for 2022 Common Case: Annual Energy Figure 5: Expected Energy Efficiency Savings for 2022 Common Case: Non-Coincident Peak Page 19 of 121 20-Year Given that the 2032 Reference Case loads were grown from the 2022 Common Case loads, the EE assumptions in the 2022 Common Case are included in the 2032 Reference Case. However, based on this implementation, there were no assumptions made on any additional reduction in loads due to EE impacts in the 2022-2032 timeframe. Load Assumptions Data 10-Year To the extent that the LRS load forecasts submitted by the BAs were determined to not fully capture the expected impacts of current EE policies and program plans, they were adjusted downward accordingly. These adjustments are summarized in Figure 6 (annual energy) and Figure 7 (peak demand), in terms of the percentage of reduction to the annual energy and peak demand in 2021. As noted previously, adjustments were defined for the year 2021 as that was the terminal year of the LRS load forecasts; once the adjustments were made, the forecasts were then extrapolated out to 2022, the horizon year of TEPPC’s 10-Year study. As shown, no adjustments were made for 10 BAs (i.e., the 2022 Common Case load forecasts for those BAs are equal to the original LRS load forecasts submitted to WECC). The remaining 22 BA load forecasts were adjusted downward, at a minimum, to account for the expected acceleration in savings from federal standards. The magnitude of this individual adjustment ranges from roughly 1 to 3 percent of annual energy and 1 to 4 percent of NCP demand, depending on the extent to which the LRS load forecasts account for updates to federal standards scheduled to occur through January 2013. In addition, the forecasts for 11 BAs were adjusted downward to account for the expected impact of customer-funded efficiency programs. Those adjustments were quite sizeable in the case of several BAs where existing policies mandate substantial efficiency savings that are not fully captured within the LRS load forecasts. In aggregate, Interconnection-wide load in 2021 was adjusted downward by 3.2 percent for annual energy and 5.0 percent for peak demand. More than half of the overall Interconnection-wide adjustment consists of the adjustment to the CISO forecast, which, as noted previously in Table 1, did not account for a large portion of expected savings from efficiency programs and policies over the forecast period. Page 20 of 121 Figure 6: Adjustments to LRS Load Forecasts (Annual Energy) Figure 7: Adjustments to LRS Load Forecasts (Non-Coincident Peak) 2022 Common Case Load Forecasts The 2022 Common Case load forecasts are based on the LRS load forecasts submitted by each BA, adjusted downward in many cases to reflect the expected impact of current EE policies and program plans. Figure 8 and Figure 9 present the 2022 Common Case load forecasts for each BA in terms of its compound annual growth rate (CAGR) over the 2010-2022 period. The figures also show the impact of the EE adjustments in terms Page 21 of 121 of the associated reduction in CAGR for each BA. The total height of the stacked bars in Figure 8 and Figure 9 indicate the CAGR of the original LRS load forecasts. Across the entire Western Interconnection footprint, load growth in the 2022 Common Case occurs at a CAGR of 1.4 percent per year in terms of annual energy, and 1.3 percent per year in terms of aggregate NCP demand. The EE adjustments reduced the forecasted Interconnection-wide growth rate by 0.3 percent per year for annual energy and by 0.5 percent per year for aggregate NCP. As expected, growth rates vary considerably across BAs ranging from 0.3 to 4.0 percent per year for annual energy and from -0.2 to 4.0 percent per year for NCP demand. Variation in growth rates across BAs largely reflects differences in the original LRS load forecasts submitted by the BAs. However, the EE adjustments made by the DSM Work Group also differed across BAs, and therefore variation in the 2022 Common Case growth rates across BAs also reflects differences in the size of the EE adjustments. Of particular note, given its size, the growth rate for CISO was reduced from 1.5 to 0.8 percent per year for annual energy, and from 1.5 to 0.3 percent per year for peak demand. Figure 8: 2022 Common Case Load Forecast Growth Rates (Annual Energy, 2010-2022) Page 22 of 121 Figure 9: 2022 Common Case Load Forecast Growth Rates (Non-Coincident Peak, 2010-2022) As previously mentioned, these resulting forecasts for both peak demand and energy are used in conjunction with 2005 historical load shapes in deriving the 2022 load shapes for all the load areas in the TEPPC topology. Transmission losses are included in the load forecasts and TEPPC does not have information to separate losses from the load data. The 2022 Common Case load assumptions are presented in Table 5. Table 5: 2022 Common Case Loads Area Native Loads* - 2022 TEPPC Common Case Area Peak (MW) Energy (GWh) Area Peak (MW) Energy (GWh) AESO APS AVA BCTC BPA CFE CHPD DOPD EPE Far East GCPD IID 15,867 9,787 2,720 11,996 10,463 3,461 722 424 2,244 725 858 1,201 114,180 42,745 14,673 66,325 53,972 14,950 4,056 1,975 10,935 3,040 5,177 4,336 NEVP NWMT PACE_ID PACE_UT PACE_WY PACW PG&E_BAY PG&E_VLY PGN PNM PSC PSE 6,734 1,833 862 8,487 1,858 4,266 8,940 12,126 4,220 2,976 7,954 5,322 27,030 11,390 4,460 38,195 13,889 22,914 46,667 62,891 23,463 17,169 47,266 26,485 LDWP 8,200 31,499 SCE 22,311 109,736 Magic Vly 1,382 5,327 SCL 1,909 10,751 Area Peak (MW) Energy (GWh) SDGE SMUD SPP SRP TEP TIDC TPWR TREAS VLY WACM WALC WAUW 4,817 4,303 2,158 7,521 3,128 674 1,040 2,777 4,724 1,600 153 23,631 17,491 12,803 36,091 14,999 2,863 5,480 11,278 30,513 7,622 856 Interconnectionwide 172,082 999,120 * These loads are native loads only (pumping loads and pump storage pumping are excluded) Page 23 of 121 20-Year The 2022 Common Case loads were assumed as the starting point for the 2032 Reference Case loads. Area level growth rates from 2012-2022 were applied to 20222032 to get the final 2032 Reference Case loads. This resulted in a Western Interconnection-wide energy CAGR of 1.54 percent, and a Western Interconnectionwide peak CAGR of 1.41 percent.9 The 2032 Reference Case loads (annual peak and energy) are provided in Figure 10. Figure 10: 2032 Reference Case Loads 9 CAGRs specific to each TEPPC area were used, resulting in the above CAGRs in the Western Interconnection. Page 24 of 121 Demand Response Demand response is defined as being electric customer’s reduction in electricity usage, such that the reduction differs from the customer’s normal consumption patterns and is in response to price changes or incentive payments designed to lower electricity use at times of system stress or high market prices. With demand response programs becoming the norm in the Western Interconnection, TEPPC has taken major steps in recent study cycles to include demand response assumptions and impacts in studies. 10-Year The TEPPC 2022 Common Case non-firm load forecasts for 2022 were developed in a two-part approach. First, the maximum demand response (DR) resource capacity available for each WECC BA was developed by validating – and, if warranted, adjusting – the BAs 2021 non-firm load forecasts submitted to WECC’s LRS. Second, an hourly load modifying profile of non-interruptible DR resources was developed using a simulated dispatch of those DR resources for each WECC load zone. This section describes both parts of the approach. Developing DR Resource Quantities WECC requires that each BA submits, on an annual basis, a 10-year non-firm load forecast consisting of monthly non-firm load. These load forecasts are submitted as part of a broader data collection process administered by WECC’s LRS, and are herein referred to as the “LRS non-firm load forecasts.” Prior to the 2010 TEPPC study cycle, WECC directly used the LRS non-firm load forecasts as the TEPPC 2032 Reference Case load forecast. For the 2010 TEPPC study and again for the 2011 study cycle, however, the SPSC study request specifically recommended that the 2032 Reference Case non-firm load forecast be developed in a manner consistent with current demand response policies and utility resource plans.10 This required that the LRS non-firm load forecasts be validated and, if necessary, adjusted in order to bring them in line with current policies and resource plans. The 2022 Common Case relied specifically on the non-firm load forecasts submitted in response to WECC’s 2011 LRS data request, which cover the period 2011 to 2021 and are segmented into four program types: interruptible load, direct load control (DLC), critical peak pricing (CPP) with controls, and load as a capacity resource (i.e., demandside resources that can be committed for pre-specified load reductions under certain 10 For the 2010 TEPPC study, WECC staff modeled one scenario based directly on the LRS non-firm load forecasts; that scenario was termed the “base case” scenario, and then a second scenario, termed the “SPSC reference case,” which contained adjustments to the LRS data. In the 2011 study cycle, however, there was only a single Common Case, which followed the basic methodology used in the prior year for the SPSC reference case. Page 25 of 121 system conditions).11 These program types are consistent with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC’s) reporting requirements for dispatchable (i.e., controllable) DR resources. BAs could also voluntarily submit demand response program-specific information, breaking the major program type forecasts into individual demand response programs. This program-specific reporting was incorporated in the LRS data collection process for the first time in 2011. BAs forecasted ~6,303 MW of DR resources in 2021 across all four program types. These forecasts represent the maximum available DR capacity and are on a NCP basis. DLC programs accounted for the largest program type with ~2,633 MW (~42 percent of total DR resources) forecasted in 2021. The smallest program across all BAs was CPP with ~26 MW of maximum available resource. Table 6 summarizes the 2021 non-firm load forecasts by program type. Table 6: 2021 Non-Firm Load Forecast DR Program Type Interruptible DLC CPP Load as a capacity resource Total 2021 Forecast (MW; NCP) 2,335 2,633 26 1,309 6,303 We validated the non-firm load forecasts by comparing each BA’s forecast to utility IRPs, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) DR Survey results, and state regulatory filings. We then contacted BA and utility staff responsible for non-firm load forecasts to understand differences between the LRS non-firm load forecasts and what was included in the public validation sources. Preliminary adjustments were presented to the SPSC DSM Work Group and we received explicit approvals of recommended adjustments and, in some cases, instructive feedback from utility and state agency staff. Adjustments to the LRS non-firm load forecast were as follows: Arizona Public Service (APS) – We increased the interruptible load from 0 MW to 105 MW in 2021. This assumed the entire amount of 105 MW planned in the utility’s IRP and the ability for DR to contribute towards compliance with the Arizona Energy Efficiency Standard (EES). 11 The 2011 TEPPC Study used 2022 as its horizon. The LRS non-firm load forecasts were based on a 2021 horizon, so we assumed them to be constant to 2022 because DR capacity does not necessarily scale exactly with load. Also, drivers for DR capacity (e.g., program participation, incentive levels) were not likely to change significantly from one year to the next. Page 26 of 121 Imperial Irrigation District (IID) – We increased the interruptible load from 0 MW to ~10 MW in 2021 that was voluntarily reported as program-specific information. We confirmed with utility staff the interruptible DR program was not included in the non-firm load forecast submission. Northern CISO (NISO) – We increased the interruptible load from 46 MW to ~308 MW, increased the direct load control load from 175 MW to ~543 MW, increased the pricing program load from 0 MW to ~350 MW, and decreased load as a capacity resource load from 574 MW to ~305 MW in 2021. These adjustments were based on the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) 2020 Ex Ante forecast to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Long Term Transmission Plan (LTPP). Time-of-use and permanent load shift (PLS) programs were not included as a pricing program, as they are considered non-event based DR. PacifiCorp - East (PACE) – We increased the interruptible load from 252 MW to 281 MW in 2021. This reflected the amount of interruptible load in the utility’s 2011 IRP and was confirmed with utility staff. PacifiCorp - West (PACW) - We increased the interruptible load from 45 MW to 63 MW in 2021. This amount was recommended by utility staff. Portland General Electric Company (PGE) - We increased the direct load control load from 0 MW to 60 MW and increased the pricing program load from 0 MW to 20 MW in 2021. These amounts were forecasted by the utility in the 2010 FERC DR Survey. Puget Sound Energy (PSEI) – We increased the direct load control load from 0 MW to 144 MW in 2021. This reflected the amount of direct load control programs forecasted in the utility’s 2011 IRP. Southern CISO (SISO) - We increased the interruptible load from 694 MW to ~723 MW, increased the direct load control load from 736 MW to ~1,082 MW, increased the pricing program load from 27 MW to ~582 MW, and decreased the load as a capacity resource load form 751 MW to ~157 in 2021. These adjustments were based on the Southern California Edison (SCE) 2020 Ex Ante forecast to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Long Term Transmission Plan (LTPP). Real time pricing (RTP) programs were not included as a pricing program. Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) - We increased the pricing program load from 0 MW to 143 MW in 2021. This was based on the utility’s forecast of DR in the 2010 FERC DR Survey. Salt River Project (SRP) - We increased the pricing program load from 0 MW to 78 MW in 2021. This was based on the utility’s forecast of DR in the 2010 FERC DR Survey. Page 27 of 121 These adjustments to the 2021 non-firm load forecasts resulted in a net 1,660 MW or ~26 percent increase in the DR resource size, relative to the LRS non-firm load forecasts and reflects current demand response policies and program plans. The largest adjustments (1,048 MW or ~63 percent of the total adjustment) were made to the California IOU non-firm load forecasts, which account for ~51 percent of the adjusted 2021 non-firm load (~4,051 MW out of ~7,963 MW). Figure 11 summarizes the adjusted non-firm load forecasts for those BAs that were adjusted. Figure 11: 2021 BA adjusted non-firm load forecasts The 2021 Common Case non-firm load forecasts, after all adjustments to account for current DR policies and program plans, totaled ~7,963 MW of maximum available DR capacity. DLC programs comprised the largest share of this amount, with ~3,615 MW of maximum available resources. After accounting for more DR pricing programs, in particular among the California IOUs, the 2021 Common Case non-firm load forecast showed ~1,173 MW of maximum available pricing program capacity. Page 28 of 121 Table 7 summarizes 2021 Common Case non-firm load forecasts before and after adjustments. Page 29 of 121 Table 7: 2021 Common Case Non-Firm Load Forecast DR Program Type Interruptible DLC CPP Load as a capacity resource Total 2021 BA Forecast (MW; NCP) 2,335 2,633 26 1,309 6,303 2021 Adjusted Forecast (MW; NCP) 2,714 3,615 1,173 462 7,963 Among the BAs, those in California accounted for the largest share of DR resources in the 2022 Common Case with ~4,051 MW. The Southwest had ~ 2,387 MW of DR capacities and the Northwest had ~ 678 MW of DR capacities. There were several BAs that had no DR resources assumed in the 2022 Common Case (see Figure 12).12 See Considering environmental and cultural information in transmission planning will create results (transmission alternatives) that more effectively limit environmental and cultural risks and constraints that could affect transmission development. Transmission alternatives that take these risks and constraints into account result in more realistic potential transmission corridors, and also facilitate a more collaborative, stakeholderinclusion, and comprehensive transmission planning process. Further, considering environmental and cultural risks at the planning level would be expected to expedite the siting process when these factors are considered in greater detail. The use of environmental and cultural information in transmission planning puts these real-world considerations on par with demand, generation resources, energy policies, impacts on transmission reliability and other factors that have traditionally been considered in past planning cycles. 12 WECC, through its Environmental Data Task Force (EDTF), has identified, collected, and processed geospatial information (data layers) on environmental and cultural resource for use in transmission planning. These data layers were identified by EDTF members and subject matter experts familiar with the current state of environmental data. The environmental and cultural data layers identified by the EDTF provide a basis for considering of these resources during transmission planning. WECC has aggregated these data layers into a seamless “Risk Classification Data Layer” that depicts environmental and cultural risks and constraints across the entire Western Interconnection; the Risk Classification Data Layer has been incorporated into the longterm planning tools. Page 30 of 121 Environmental Data Used Data Types Incorporating environmental and cultural data into the transmission planning process requires a clear understanding of what is considered “environmental and cultural data.” For the purposes of WECC data collection effort, “environmental and cultural data” included the following resource categories: Land (including visual resources) Wildlife Cultural Historical Archaeological Water Resources Transmission and rights-of-ways WECC’s environmental and cultural data collection effort focused on free, publicly available, data. However, to allow WECC to consider certain resource categories that were not available from free public sources, exceptions were made to allow fee-based and other non-public data, such as the inclusion of NatureServe’s Multi-Jurisdictional Data Base of Species Occurrence, which describes rare and Threatened/Endangered Species, and transmission line data. Data Sources Data layers considered for use in transmission planning were identified by EDTF members and subject matter experts. Identified data layers were collected and categorized into the following categories based on the original data source: Federal (including Canada) Data State/Provincial Data Non-Governmental Organization Data Vendors’ Data Cultural and Tribal Data These five categories were chosen as an easily identifiable, base-level categorization system to track and organize the large amounts of data being collected. Page 31 of 121 Federal Federal data originates from a federal agency in the United States or Canada and usually spatially represents multi-state or multi-provincial areas. Data from the following U.S. federal agencies was collected and catalogued: Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Emergency Management Agency Forest Service Geological Survey National Park Service National Resources Conservation Service State and Provincial State and provincial data originates from a state and provincial level agency or from a local government agency such as a county or city municipality. Only limited county and city data were collected because the data was often too fine of a scale for use in regional transmission planning. Data from the following state/provincial sources was collected and catalogued: Province of British Columbia AltaLIS (Province of Alberta) Cal-Atlas (California) Wyoming Game and Fish Department Colorado Division of Wildlife Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington State Department of Natural Resources Arizona Game and Fish Department Non-Governmental Organization For the purposes of data collection Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were defined as any organization that operates independently from the government and is not a data vendor (seller). This definition can include both for-profit and non-profit organizations, or data from other environmental documents. Data from the following NGOs was collected and catalogued: NatureServe Conservation Biology Institute West-Wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS Page 32 of 121 ConserveOnline National Audubon Society Western Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1 Report (Canada Only) Vendors Vendor data was defined as any for-profit company that is not government-related and is in the business of selling data or software even though the data received from the vendor may not have a fee associated with it. Data from the following vendors was collected and catalogued: Environmental Systems Research Institute Platts Cultural Resources Data Cultural resources data is comprised of features of archaeological, anthropological, historical, and tribal interest. Cultural resources data are typically collected from the State and provincial government agency (e.g., the state historic preservation offices). Cultural resources data sets are unique from most types of environmental data in that they: Contain information of a sensitive or protected nature; release of such data to the public could compromise the protection of resources; Are only released by the controlling government agency to authorized users; Are restricted for publication, distribution, and presentation; Are maintained in a variety of electronic formats that may or may not be manageable in a GIS. The list of preferred data available for transmission planning currently includes several sources of cultural data, including data for National Historic Trails and National Historic Monuments. In addition to these currently available data layers, WECC is in the process of working with state agencies to acquire additional relevant cultural resource data, including: The locations of known cultural sites The locations of cultural survey (inventory) areas Data Quality Following their identification and collection, WECC determined the quality of each environmental and cultural data layers using a two-step process. First, all data layers were examined using section 3.1 of the Data Quality Protocol. Data layers that passed the Data Quality Protocol were added to the EDTF Data Inventory, which details all the environmental and cultural data layers considered for use in transmission planning. Second, data layers in the EDTF Data Inventory, section 3.2, were reviewed by the Page 33 of 121 diverse stakeholder group that comprises the EDTF membership, and data found useful for transmission planning were identified as “preferred data” for use in regional transmission planning. Data Quality Protocol The purpose of the Data Quality Protocol is to provide data users and stakeholders a standardized, structured/step-wise protocol for performing a fitness-for-use (data quality) assessment of environmental and cultural data layers identified by WECC. Ultimately, the Data Quality Protocol is intended to assist the EDTF in assessing whether catalogued data layers should be considered “preferred data” (data that meets quality standards and is potentially useful to consider in regional transmission planning). Implementation of the Data Quality Protocol involves collaborations between GIS analysts and stakeholders and other subject matter experts. Preferred Data Sets Preferred data are those environmental and cultural data sets that stakeholders and subject matter experts determined are useful to inform transmission planning. In general, preferred data can be quantified and occur at a scale conducive to regional transmission planning. The current list of preferred data for transmission planning may change over time as new information becomes available (e.g., through routine data updates or the biennial open season process). Risk Classification System The EDTF stakeholders assigned Risk Classification Categories to each data layer identified as preferred. The EDTF’s Risk Classification System was developed to allow the categorization of risk to transmission development from various environmental and cultural features on the landscape. Because of the large area covered by the Western Interconnection, a basic four-point scale was used for categorization. Under this system, Risk Classification Category 1 represents the lowest risk and Risk Classification Category 4 represents the highest risk (i.e., areas were transmission development is precluded by law or regulation). The four-point Risk Classification System was based on the suitability criteria used in other studies, (i.e., Electric Power Research InstituteGeorgia Transmission Commission [EPRI-GTC] Overhead Electric Transmission Line Siting Methodology, Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative, and Arizona Renewable Resource and Transmission Identification Subcommittee), and professional judgment of stakeholders and subject matter experts. The EDTF stakeholder group agreed to this approach because it allowed an easily understandable, “planning level” method to aggregate risk and constraints from a variety of environmental and cultural features. The four Risk Classification Categories are described in detail below: Page 34 of 121 1.) Least Risk of Environmental or Cultural Resource Sensitivities and Constraints: Areas with minimal identified environmental or cultural resource constraints and with existing land uses or designations that are compatible with or encourage transmission development. These areas would present few or minimal environmental and cultural mitigation requirements and are least likely to result in project delays. 2.) Low to Moderate Risk of Environmental or Cultural Resource Sensitivities and Constraints: Areas where development may encounter one or more environmental or cultural resource sensitivities or constraints that would require low to moderate permit complexity or mitigation costs. This category also includes areas in the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) dataset that have an unknown land use designation or degree of restriction to transmission development. 3.) High Risk of Environmental or Cultural Resource Sensitivities and Constraints: Transmission development is likely to encounter one or more environmental or cultural resource sensitivities or constraints that will substantially increase permitting complexity and which could result in project delays and high mitigation costs. This category also includes areas identified as avoidance areas (based on environmental and cultural sensitivities) in Canada from the WREZ Phase 1 Report. 4.) Areas Currently Precluded by Law or Regulation: Areas where transmission development is currently precluded by federal, state, or provincial law, policy, or regulation, and areas identified as exclusion areas (based on environmental and cultural sensitivities) in Canada from the WREZ process. The Risk Classification System was applied to the preferred data based on reviews of applicable laws, regulations, policies as well as input from relevant subject matter experts and the stakeholders. The full justification for the Risk Classification assignments is available in the Environmental Recommendations for Transmission Planning Report (also Appendix D). The application of the Risk Classification to the preferred data was used to create a seamless, GIS-based Risk Classification Data Layer that depicts environmental and cultural risks and constraints across the entire Western Interconnection for use in WECC’s long-term planning tool. Limitations on Environmental and Cultural Data Data used by WECC to describe environmental and cultural features through the preferred data sets will change as new and updated information becomes available. To remain relevant, a regular process of data review and update for preferred data has been developed and is being implemented. Data providers are continuing to improve their existing data as well as adding new or previously unmapped data layers. Because of the large amount of data providers who supplied data for the analysis and the varied timelines of data updates by those providers, it is difficult to have the most current data Page 35 of 121 for all necessary layers simultaneously for analysis. Issues of data currency make it important to explicitly label products with “current as of” dates. WECC recognizes there is not currently data available for some of the environmental and cultural features that EDTF stakeholders and subject matter experts identified as having the potential to affect transmission development. Below are the primary data gaps identified for environmental and cultural information. Cultural Resources Data Currently, cultural geospatial data that is seamless across administrative boundaries is limited due to a variety of factors, including the sensitivity of the data for public release. WECC is working closely with several state historic preservation offices to determine an appropriate method and scale for acquiring and using the cultural resource location and inventory (survey) data they collect. The goal is to develop a process and product that respects the sensitivity of cultural data and the need to protect the locations of these irreplaceable resources from public release, while providing sufficient information to allow the consideration of cultural resources during regional transmission planning. Tribal and First Nations data can also be sensitive. Other than reservation lands and other legal boundaries, WECC has not been successful in identifying data for important Tribal and First Nations cultural resources and traditional use sites. Wildlife Data WECC has collected wildlife data from state, NGO and federal data sources. However, inconsistencies exist in naming conventions and the overall lack of seamlessness of wildlife data across jurisdictional boundaries. As data from the Western Governors’ Association state Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool program become available across the U.S. portion of the Western Interconnection, many of these issues should be addressed. Canadian Data Currently, the bulk of the dataset catalogue consists of U.S. data. While the existing seamless Risk Classification Data Layer contains information for Canada, additional and updated data are needed from the Canadian portions of WECC in British Columbia and Alberta. WECC is working to update and improve Canadian data by conducting concentrated data outreach with Canadian data stewards and stakeholders. Appendix A: Hydro Data for a table of DR resource capacities by BA and program type. Page 36 of 121 Figure 12: 2022 Common Case Non-Firm Load Forecast by BA Page 37 of 121 Figure 13 shows the DR resources expressed as a percent of 2021 peak demand (on an NCP basis). The 2022 Common Case peak demand was 191,678 MW in 2021 and non-firm load represents ~4.2 percent of peak demand. DR capacity as a percent of peak demand ranges from 0 percent for a number of BAs to ~8.2 percent (CISO). Figure 13: 2022 Common Case DR Resources as Percent of 2021 Peak Demand Hourly Shaping of DR Resource Availability LRS non-firm load forecasts are expressed as the available monthly DR capacity in the peak hour of each month. However, the availability of DR resources varies by month and hour for each BA and for some programs. It is important to capture the monthly and hourly availability in the modeling of DR resources in order to ensure DR programs typically used during system peak months and hours are not utilized at full availability in non-system-peak months and hours. The DR resource capacity was shaped to the hourly load profiles for each BA. The DR resources scaled with hourly load were assumed because the end-uses driving demand were also the end-uses that could respond to DR program signals. The hourly shaping factors represent the hourly load divided by the maximum annual load (i.e., annual peak) so that only one hour of the year had 100 percent DR resource availability. Figure 14 shows an example of this hourly shaping applied to the SCE load zone on its peak day in 2022. The hour ending 1600 is the annual peak and thus has 100 percent availability of the non-interruptible DR resources (~1,493 MW). The shaping factor and corresponding available DR resource changes on an hourly basis as the hourly load increases or decreases relative to the annual peak load. Page 38 of 121 Figure 14: Example Hourly Shaping Factor for SCE on 2022 Peak Day Simulated Dispatch of DR Resources The 10-year horizon studies conducted by TEPPC utilize a production cost model (PROMOD) to model the dispatch of generation resources in the Western Interconnection. Our objective of realistically modeling DR resources within the constraints of PROMOD led to the development of a modeling approach for economicbased DR programs in the 2010 and subsequent study cycles. This modeling approach employed a two-part methodology: 1) develop assumptions about the DR dispatch characteristics (e.g., expected hours of dispatch per year, resource availability); and 2) simulate dispatch of DR resources in a manner consistent with the dispatch characteristics. Developing DR Resource Dispatch Characteristics To develop DR resource characteristics, we reviewed regulatory filings and other publicly available information related to the DR programs operated by load serving entities in the Western Interconnection, focusing primarily on the California IOUs’ DR programs, which collectively represent more than 50 percent of the Interconnectionwide non-firm load in the 2022 Common Case. Based on this information, we developed DR dispatch characteristics with the following considerations for each of the LRS nonfirm load forecast program types (see Table 8): Interruptible load programs: We assumed that these programs are utilized primarily for reliability-based events and are therefore rarely dispatched under 1in-2 conditions (as the 2022 Common Case is intended to represent). The review of California IOUs’ DR program information showed that all California IOUs offer Page 39 of 121 a Base Interruptible Program (BIP) with similar program rules, and 2009 event data showed that these interruptible programs were rarely, if ever, dispatched. This is not surprising as the reliability-based events are infrequent. Ten hours of dispatch per year were assumed for the 2022 Common Case (i.e., 2 to 3 interruptions per year, of 2 to 6 hours per event), given that some of these resources may be dispatched occasionally in response to soft, non-reliabilitybased triggers (e.g., energy market conditions). DLC programs: It was assumed that DLC programs could be dispatched for both reliability and economic purposes. The California IOU 2009 event data for DLC resources confirmed that these resources were called on more frequently than “reliability class” DR resources. Utilities typically compensate participating customers with a reservation payment (i.e., a capacity-based bill credit) for the right to control their load, and therefore it was assumed that the utility would dispatch these DR resources for close to the maximum amount allowed under program rules, which was stipulated as 10 times per year, for four hours per event, or 40 hours per year. Pricing programs: It was assumed that pricing programs are dispatched for both reliability and economic purposes. Pricing program participants receive discounted rates during non-peak hours and, in order to maintain revenue neutrality, it was assumed that utilities would come close to maximizing the number of dispatch hours each year, even under 1-in-2 conditions. Therefore, 50 hours of dispatch (i.e., 10-12 peak events per year, at 4-6 hours per event) was assumed under 1-in-2 conditions, based on a review of the typical tariff program rules for pricing programs. Load as a capacity resource programs: DR capacity in this program type was reported only by CISO in its non-firm load forecasts. It was assumed that these programs are dispatched for both reliability and economic purposes. It was further assumed that participating customers receive a capacity-based reservation payment and that therefore the utility will also dispatch these DR resources relatively frequently, even during a 1-in-2 year, driven in part by the fact that many of these resources are performance-based contracts with Curtailment Service Providers (i.e., aggregators). There was an assumed 60 hours of dispatch (i.e., 15 dispatch events at 4 hours per event). These assumptions are based on a review of the program rules and operating history of the specific California aggregator managed programs. As a point of reference, PG&E dispatched its Capacity Bidding Programs (CBPs) 14 times in 2010 and Southern California Edison (SCE) dispatched its CBPs 25 times in 2010.13 13 Braithwait, S. and D. Hansen. Load Impact Evaluation: Aggregator Programs. Demand Response Measurement and Evaluation Committee (DRMEC) Spring Workshop. Presentation, April 26, 2011. Page 40 of 121 Therefore, it is believed that 60 hours of expected dispatch is a reasonable assumption. Table 8: 2022 Common Case Expected Dispatch Hours per Year DR Resource Class Interruptible Load Direct Load Control Pricing Load as a Capacity Resource Expected Dispatch Hours per Year 10 40 50 60 Consideration of Alternative Approaches for DR Dispatch DR programs are used by utilities for planning, operational and reliability purposes in different ways, and DR resources are dispatched in a manner distinct from supply-side resources. For example, DR programs are often subject to program rules limiting their operation to a maximum number of hours per year, and have restrictions on the minimum or maximum number of continuous hours of operation and on the frequency with which the customers can be curtailed. Production cost models such as PROMOD have limited functionality in terms of their ability to accurately model the dispatch and operation of DR programs. Several potential modeling approaches within PROMOD were tested and evaluated to simulate DR resource dispatch, each with advantages and disadvantages: High-cost combustion turbine (CT) generating unit: DR resources were modeled within PROMOD as a set of CT generation units. This is the method that WECC used for all DR resources prior to the 2010 study cycle. Under this approach, DR resources within each BA are represented as a proxy CT unit dispatched based on its merit order. The resource parameters (i.e., heat rate, fuel cost, and variable O&M costs) are tuned through an iterative process until the set of DR resources is dispatched for approximately the targeted number of hours per year. The disadvantages of this approach are, first, that the iterative tuning process cannot realistically be done for each BA individually, but rather only in an approximate manner across all DR resources within the Western Interconnection. Second, the approach is unable to realistically simulate other important features of DR program operation (e.g., limited number of hours per event or frequency of events). Peak-shaving hydroelectric (“hydro”) unit: DR resources were modeled as an energy-limited hydro resource by establishing a maximum energy output for each unit and setting the operating limits with respect to monthly dispatch assumptions. For example, an operating limit of zero would allow the DR resource to be dispatched over the entire month up to the set annual energy limit. Page 41 of 121 In exploring this option further, it proved unrealistic for DR resources because they were often utilized to the maximum energy potential early in the year and not utilized in later months when the DR was more likely to be dispatched by the utility (e.g., summer peaking months). Dispatchable transactions: This was initially a promising approach whereby DR could be modeled and dispatched by load and price. It was assumed that DR resources could be dispatched in this manner by adjusting a price-level to reach the desired dispatch assumptions. In effect, defining economic blocks of DR resources could build a DR supply stack to mimic the incrementally higher-cost DR resources. In testing this approach with varying size resources and pricelevels, however, it was determined that the DR would not dispatch realistically. The DR was dispatched at small amounts (often <1MW) and for thousands of hours per-year. Ultimately, none of the three aforementioned modeling options within PROMOD proved capable of realistically simulating the dispatch of DR resources. As a result, a technique was developed, instead, that involved developing hourly load modifying profiles of DR resources, thereby incorporating DR program operation into PROMOD via the hourly load data, rather than as a proxy generation unit.14 Demand Response Dispatch Tool To develop these hourly load modifying profiles, we created the LBNL DR Dispatch Tool (DRDT). The DRDT dispatches DR resources during high-price hours according to program constraints and resource availability. The tool requires three user-defined inputs: 1) maximum monthly DR capacity for each (non-interruptible) DR program type and BA; 2) hourly energy load for each BA; and 3) hourly PROMOD locational marginal prices (LMPs) for each BA from PROMOD runs without DR. These inputs were specific to the 2022 Common Case (i.e., 2022 Common Case hourly loads and LMPs). The DRDT then identifies the highest-average LMP consecutive-hour blocks for each BA and dispatches the DR resources in those hours. The amount of DR available to be dispatched in any given hour is based on the hourly shaped DR resource availability, as described previously. The DR load reductions in each hour are then deducted off of the load forecast and PROMOD re-runs using the modified (post-DR) hourly load forecast for each BA. Figure 15 shows the results of the simulated dispatch of non-interruptible DR resources and summarizes the results on a non-coincident annual peak demand reduction. The left axis and corresponding bars in the graphic show the annual peak reduction as a 14 We continued to model interruptible programs as a high-cost CT unit. Page 42 of 121 percent of annual peak demand, and the right axis and corresponding markers show the annual peak reduction as a MW amount. The results are reported here for each WECC load zone with some amount of DR capacity (the BAs without an annual peak reduction in the figure only had interruptible DR programs). The WECC load zones show annual peak reductions from non-interruptible DR programs at or below the non-interruptible DR resource capacity. This is due to both the hourly shaping that takes into account DR resource availability and the results of the simulated dispatch during consecutive highprice events. These results show a more realistic approach of modeling DR resources because the approach factors in typical program tariff rules (e.g., maximum and expected hours of dispatch per year), resource availability and system price as a dispatch trigger. Figure 15: Simulated Dispatch Results for 2022 Common Case Non-Interruptible DR Programs Page 43 of 121 20-Year WECC’s 20-year study relies on a capacity expansion model which seeks to build out generation capacity to meet peak demand on a seasonal basis within each WECC load zone. DR impacts are an input to the model and are specified in terms of a reduction in peak demand. Instead of the two-part approach used in the 2010 and 2011 TEPPC studies to develop load modifying profiles of DR, when it was first determined the DR resource capacity then simulated the dispatch of DR resources during high-price hours, a three-part approach was alternatively developed: 1) simulated the hourly dispatch of the DR resource levels assumed in the 2022 Common Case; 2) calculated the associated reduction in seasonal peak demand for 2022; and 3) extrapolated the 2022 seasonal peak demand reductions to 2032. This chapter describes the three-part approach. Developing the System Peak Demand Reductions in the 2032 Reference Case The 2032 Reference Case (20-year horizon) is an extrapolation of the 2022 Common Case (10-year horizon), and as such, the DR resource capacities in the 2022 Common Case were used as the starting place (see Chapter 2). The hourly loads for each WECC load zone from the 2022 Common Case were also used to calculate both the pre-DR seasonal peaks and to trigger dispatch of the DR resources. Simulated Hourly Dispatch LMPs could not be used as a trigger for the simulated dispatch of DR resources in the 2032 Reference Case because the 20-year study employed a capacity expansion modeling tool that did not rely on production costs. High-load periods were used instead of high-price periods as triggers for DR dispatch. This assumed that DR would be used in the capacity expansion tool to minimize load and therefore maximize the benefit of DR in deferring or avoiding generation expansion. The LBNL DRDT was utilized when using the 2022 Common Case DR resource capacities and hourly loads to produce an hourly profile of DR resources for each WECC load zone. The following assumptions were made about expected hours of dispatch for each of the DR program types: Interruptible load programs: The 2010 and 2011 TEPPC studies modeled interruptible load programs as a high-cost CT unit, adjusting unit operating parameters (e.g., fuel cost, heat rate) to achieve a desired number of hours of dispatch per year. For the 20-year study, interruptible load programs were included in the LBNL DRDT and a load modifying profile of interruptible load resources was created assuming 10 hours of dispatch per year (i.e., five events at two hours per event.) Page 44 of 121 Direct load control (DLC) programs: It was assumed that DLC programs were dispatched 40 hours per year (i.e., 10 events at four hours per event). Pricing programs: It was assumed that pricing programs were dispatch 50 hours per year (i.e., 10 events at five hours per event). Load as a capacity resource programs: It was assumed load as a capacity resource programs were dispatched 60 hours per year (i.e., 10 events at six hours per event). These assumptions about the expected hours of program utilization per year were the same as used in the 2022 Common Case, which were developed by reviewing actual historical dispatch in utility regulatory filings and DR program rules (see Chapter 2). The DR resource capacity was limited by its availability in any given hour to ensure DR programs typically used during system peak months and hours were not utilized at full availability in non-system-peak months and hours. This was the same hourly shaping approach in the 2011 TEPPC studies in which it was assumed that the size of the DR resource in each hour was proportional to the ratio of total load in each hour to the annual peak load. The operation of the DR resources was simulated using the 2022 Common Case hourly loads for each load zone and triggering the dispatch of DR based on the top-load days and contiguous hour periods within those days, representing the highest average hourly periods. For example, pricing programs were dispatched for 50 hours per year, and it was assumed that each dispatch event would be five hours in duration. Therefore, pricing programs were dispatched on the “10” days with the highest load over a contiguous five-hour period. This produced hourly load profiles of DR resources. 2022 System Condition Peak Demand Reductions The next step in the approach was to calculate the 2022 system condition peak demand reductions. To do this, the hourly load profiles of DR resources were subtracted from the 2022 Common Case hourly load forecast (i.e., “pre-DR”) to produce a 2022 hourly load forecast post-DR. The system condition peak demand was then calculated for each WECC load zone pre- and post-DR. The last step was to calculate the 2022 system condition peak demand impacts as the difference of the pre- and post-DR system condition peak demand. The system condition DR peak demand reduction is, therefore, equal to the difference between the system condition peaks with and without DR. Extrapolating System Condition Peak Demand Reductions to 2032 The last step in the approach was to extrapolate the 2022 quarterly peak demand impacts to 2032. Because the 2032 Reference Case was an extrapolation of the 2022 Common Case, the same compound annual growth rates (CAGRs) assumed for the Page 45 of 121 load forecasts was used for each WECC load zone to linearly extrapolate the 2022 system condition peak demand impacts to 2032. Results Table 9 shows the 2032 quarterly peak demand reductions for the 2032 Reference Case.15 The California load zones have the largest system condition peak demand reductions (PGE_BAY, PGE_VLY, SCE, and SDGE), which is expected given the large DR resource capacities for those BAs. On a quarterly basis, the results show third quarter 2032 with the highest frequency of peak-demand reductions and is consistent with those load zones where system peak demands fall in the third quarter. For those load zones that typically have system peaks occurring in the winter, peak demand reductions in the respective quarters (i.e., first and fourth quarters) were observed. On an annual peak-reduction basis, WECC load zones with DR resources in the 2032 Reference Case had annual peak reductions, on a non-coincident peak basis, ranging from 0 to ~7 percent (see Figure 16). Several load zones with sizeable DR resources may show no DR peak reduction or lower than expected DR peak reduction (e.g., PACW). In general, this is due a shift in the peak day within the quarter. Thus, although the percentage reduction in peak demand may be relatively large for an individual day when DR is dispatched, the percentage reduction in the quarterly peak demand may be much smaller if the peak demand is simply shifted to another day when DR was not dispatched. Table 9: 2032 Reference Case Quarterly Peak Demand Reductions WECC Load Zone AESO APS CHPD EPE FAR_EAST IID LDWP MAGIC_VLY NEVP PACE_ID PACE_UT PACE_WY PACW PGN 2032 Reference Case Quarterly Peak Demand Reduction (MW) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 97 0 0 91 0 0 138 0 29 0 0 16 0 60 71 0 0 54 64 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 193 0 0 67 94 0 0 0 254 0 0 33 24 0 0 0 598 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 65 0 91 0 0 67 15 See Technical Appendix, Table A-3 for 2022 and 2032 WECC Reference Case quarterly peak demand reductions by WECC load zone. Page 46 of 121 WECC Load Zone PGE_BAY PGE_VLY PNM PSCO PSE SCE SDGE SMUD SPPC SRP TEPC TREAS_VLY WACM 2032 Reference Case Quarterly Peak Demand Reduction (MW) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 0 396 334 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 133 0 150 0 0 157 0 0 1,763 0 0 305 309 0 0 0 279 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 214 0 0 0 56 0 0 0 151 0 0 1 1 0 Figure 16: 2032 Reference Case Annual Peak Reduction from DR (Non-Coincident Peak Basis) Page 47 of 121 WACM TREAS_VLY TEPC SRP SPPC SMUD SCE SDGE PSE PNM PSCO 0 PGE_VLY 0.00% PGN 300 PGE_BAY 1.00% PACW 600 PACE_WY 2.00% PACE_UT 900 NEVP 3.00% PACE_ID 1,200 MAGIC_VLY 4.00% IID 1,500 LDWP 5.00% FAR_EAST 1,800 EPE 6.00% CHPD 2,100 APS 7.00% Reference Case Annual Peak Demand Reduction (MW) Annual Peak Demand Reduction (MW) 2,400 AESO Reference Case Annual Peak Reduction (% Annual Peak) Annual Peak Reduction (% Annual Peak) 8.00% Generation Existing system generators, projects under construction, renewable resource additions that are required to meet statutory Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), and additional thermal generation needed to achieve a reasonable load/resource balance for subregions of the Western Interconnection are all included in TEPPC’s studies. Assumed operational characteristics (e.g., capacity factors, generation profiles, heat rates, ramp rates, maintenance schedules) for various generation types (e.g., gas, coal, wind, solar, geothermal) are provided by BAs, other organizations (such as National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for wind and solar characteristics), and other publicly available information sources. Existing Thermal Generation 10-Year The 2011 LRS data submittals served as the main source of data for existing thermal generation. In accordance with the LRS definitions for the 2011 data collection period, existing resources are those assumed to be online by December 31, 2010. In addition to the LRS data, resources and their capacities were identified via the SSG-WI16 2005 dataset, WECC power flow case, Energy Information Administration (EIA) data, Utility IRPs, CA PUC cases, and other databases provided by stakeholders. Stakeholder comments are included in the dataset to the extent possible. Note that in all TEPPC cases, thermal unit generating capacities are net of station service. 20-Year The 20-year study timeframe definition of an existing resource is any resource in operation on December 31, 2022 in the 2022 Common Case. Based on this, the assumptions that form the existing thermal generation in the 2032 Reference Case are the same assumptions and data that supplied generation information in the 2022 Common case. New/Incremental Thermal Generation 10-Year Incremental resources are resources expected to be in service between 2011 and 2022 (inclusively). This resource data was collected from the 2011 LRS data submittals, WECC power flow case, EIA data, utility IRPS, CA CPUC cases, and other databases 16 Seams Steering Group of the Western Interconnection Page 48 of 121 as needed. In some cases, supplemental data from utility IRPs was used to bridge the gap in meeting 2022 policy goals or planning margins. 20-Year The 2032 Reference Case started with the assumptions from the 2022 Common Case. Based on this, any generation that was new or existing in the 2022 Common Case was deemed existing for the purposes of the 20-year studies. From the 2022 starting point, the Long-term Planning Tool (LTPT) was used to select the remaining resources needed to serve loads, ensure reliability, and meet RPS requirements in the 2022-2032 timeframe. Based on this, no new or incremental generation was explicitly added to the 2032 Reference Case since one of the main purposes of the tool is to optimize this incremental generator build-out. Retired Thermal Generation For some of the study cases, some fossil resources are scarcely used or not dispatched at all. These resources are identified as retired or displaced in the results; however, the savings and costs associated with actually retiring these facilities are not reflected. In addition, some of the resources that are not retired in a scenario will require interim capital investment to continue operating given federal environmental regulations. These life-extension costs are not included in current assumptions. Improvements in the consideration and quantification of these savings and costs would enhance the next study cycle. For example, this information would allow a comparison of the lifeextension costs of an aging unit requiring retrofit with the potential stranded costs associated with early retirement of the unit. 10-Year Information derived from the LRS data submittals, utility IRP postings, and other sources was used to develop generation retirement schedules for the 2022 Common Case. Ongoing work to identify likely retirements will be important because some generation that is assumed to be available in models will likely be retired for economic or environmental reasons. Failure to capture these retirements may distort the system dispatch. California state policy, to comply with Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act, has set targets for the shutdown or repowering of several generation plants that utilize oncethrough-cooling (OTC). Stakeholders from California provided an implementation plan that was used in the 2022 Common Case. Table 10 provides a summary of the plan. A summary of the non-OTC retirements is provided in Table 11. Page 49 of 121 Table 10: California Once-through-cooling Compliance Plan Resource Name Type Alamitos 1-6 STM 2,010 Contra Costa6 STM 337 Contra Costa 7 STM El Segundo 3 El Segundo 4 El Segundo RP 2009 Group17 LSE18 Capacity SCE Capacity Added Year Added or Retired 2020 OTC - PG&E 337 2014 337 OTC - PG&E 337 2014 STM 335 OTC - SCE 335 2013 Replaced by NRG El Segundo Repower Project (see below) STM 335 OTC - SCE 335 2017 Not part of unit 1-3 repower, may be repowered separately later OTC + SCE 560 STM 945 OTC - SDGE 945 2017 Encina GT CT 15 OTC - SDGE 15 2017 CC OTC + SCE 1,000 2020 CT OTC + SCE 1,000 2020 Haynes 5 STM 341 Haynes 6 STM 341 Haynes GT 1-6 Huntington Beach 1 Huntington Beach 2 Huntington Beach 3 Huntington Beach 4 CT OTC - LDWP 341 OTC - LDWP 341 OTC + LDWP Replaced by Marsh Landing Project (see below) 2013 Encina 1-5 Generic CC (SCE) Generic CT (SCE) Comments 2,010 CC OTC - Capacity Retired 2013 2013 600 2012 See addition of Generic CC/CT (SCE) above. STM 226 OTC - SCE 226 2020 STM 226 OTC - SCE 226 2020 STM 225 OTC - SCE 225 2013 STM 227 OTC - SCE 227 2013 Mandalay 1-2 STM 430 OTC - SCE 430 2020 See addition of Generic CC/CT (SCE). Marsh Landing CC 2014 Replacing Contra Costa 6 & 7 OTC + PG&E 719 Morro Bay 3 STM 325 OTC - PG&E 325 2015 Morro Bay 4 STM 325 OTC - PG&E 325 2015 Moss Landing 1-2 CC PG&E 2017 Moss Landing 6 STM 754 OTC - PG&E 754 2017 Moss Landing 7 STM 756 OTC - PG&E 756 2017 Ormond Beach STM 1-2 1,516 1,516 2020 OTC - SCE Pittsburg 5 STM 312 OTC - PG&E 312 2017 Pittsburg 6 STM 317 OTC - PG&E 312 2017 Redondo Beach 5-8 STM 1,343 1,343 2020 OTC - SCE See Walnut Creek; retired early to transfer air permits to WC. considering retrofit of existing units also considering retrofit; assume retirement See Generic CC/CT (SCE). “OTC -“ represents retirements due to OTC implementation. “OTC +” represents generator additions or retrofits intended to replace retired OTC generators. 17 18 Load serving entity Page 50 of 121 Resource Name Scattergood 3 Type STM Scattergood CC CC 2009 Group17 LSE18 Capacity 445 OTC - LDWP Capacity Retired Capacity Added 445 OTC + LDWP Year Added or Retired Comments 2016 509 2016 Table 11: Generation Retirements (>100 MW) Province/State Unit Name Capacity (MW) Retirement Year Battle River 3,4 296 2013 Alberta HR Milner 143 2021 Sundance 3 353 2021 19 British Columbia Burrard Thermal 1-6 904 2014 Coolwater 1,2 145 2015 Kearny 1-3 136 2013 California Mandalay 3 130 2020 Pittsburg 7 682 2017 see OTC list for other OTC related retirements Arapaho 3,4 154 2013 Cherokee 1,2 217 2012 Colorado Cherokee 3,4 505 2016 Valmont 5 178 2017 Zuni 1,2 115 2013 Fort Churchhill 1,2 234 2021 Reid Gardner 1-3 330 2020 Nevada Sunrise 1,2 149 2020 Tracy 1,2 141 2015 Four Corners 1-3 560 2021 New Mexico Rio Grande 6,7 93 2017 Oregon Boardman 1 510 2020 Texas (EPE) Newman 1-3 247 2019 Centralia 1 728 2020 Fredonia 1,2 208 2019 Washington Fredrickson 1,2 149 2016 Whitehorn 1,2 149 2016 19 Burrard Thermal is subject to regulation that will restrict its use to generating under emergency conditions only once certain system reinforcements are completed. The 2022 PC1 Common Case assumes these reinforcements will occur by 2014. Page 51 of 121 20-Year Since the 2032 Reference Case generation assumptions were based on those generators in service at the end of the 2022 Common Case study year, the OTCretirements and other generator retirements reflected in Table 10 are included in the 20year studies. One shortcoming on the 2032 Reference Case resource assumptions is that additional OTC retirements occurring within the 2022-2032 period were not considered. Any retirement assumptions between the 10- and the 20-year timeframes would have to be explicitly designated in the study criteria of a 20-year case study. Existing Renewable Generation 10-Year The generation additions for the 2022 Common Case were selected from resources proposed in utility IRPs, BA submittals to the LRS, and where Western Renewable Energy Zone (WREZ) resource screening results indicated a need. 20-Year Existing renewable generation for the 20-year study cases is taken directly from the 2022 Common Case. These assumptions serve as the starting point for the 20-year studies. New/Incremental Renewable Generation 10-Year RPS Gap Generation: The Technical Advisory Subcommittee (TAS) Studies Work Group (SWG) determined the required RPS generation for each state to meet the respective state RPS requirements in 2022. Where there were insufficient renewable resources specified from the existing and incremental generation, generic RPS resources were added based on input obtained from utility IRPs, feedback collected from utility resource planners, and by using the WREZ Peer Analysis Tool20. WGA, “WREZ Peer Analysis Tool”: 3Awrez-transmission-model-page&Itemid=81 20 Page 52 of 121 20-Year All of the 20-year study cases completed to support this Plan include significant additions of variable resources, primarily wind and solar. The model assumes that natural gas resources would be the default flexibility resource to ensure reliability when variable resources are not available. While there are a number of measures that may reduce the cost of integrating variable generation, and perhaps provide sufficient reliability without relying on natural gas resources, these measures were not included in this study cycle and will be considered in future study cycles. Renewable Resource Profiles 10-Year and 20-Year Solar and wind generation are modeled as fixed-shape resources in TEPPC’s 10-year production cost model. This means that solar and wind generation is forced into the model as must-take generation because these units have no production cost. The software user must explicitly specify this fixed hourly profile when modeling wind and solar. NREL, as part of the Western Wind Dataset effort, created hourly solar and wind mesoscale shapes for roughly 30,000 sites throughout the Western Interconnection. Each NREL profile in the Western Wind Dataset represents a small generation site (2 km by 2 km) and the historical resource availability in that small region. The original data is based on extensive meteorological modeling efforts that result in wind speed or irradiance (in the case of solar) data for the specific region that can then be converted to power output. TEPPC profiles capture a much larger region and are used to represent a shape that would be more characteristic of an average generation site in that area. Solar and wind profiles used in the TEPPC datasets are created by aggregating NREL profiles. Instead of representing a single 2 km by 2 km grid, the aggregated TEPPC shapes represent a much larger area. This methodology was adopted for two key reasons: 1) Aggregating NREL profiles to represent regionally based profiles is the most efficient way to accurately assign generators within that region a specific, yet accurate, shape. TEPPC could attempt to develop a profile for each individual generator in the dataset, but this would require a substantial amount of time and effort. Because of this, TEPPC creates aggregated regional profiles that are assigned to plants within that region. 2) Aggregating NREL profiles into a representative TEPPC profile captures the appropriate amount of geographic diversity that is supplied by the resources. Page 53 of 121 Simply taking a single NREL profile and assigning it to a large capacity of resources would result in a shape with overstated variability. A number of NREL profiles - identified through the site selection process - needed to represent the approximate capacity of wind/solar in a given geographic vicinity are aggregated to produce a single TEPPC profile. Enough NREL profiles need to be selected to fulfill the required amount of resource capacity for the site being modeled. For example, to model a 300-MW plant in the TEPPC dataset, 300 MW worth of NREL solar or wind profiles would need to be gathered and aggregated. All plants within the same geographic vicinity are then applied the same (per unit) aggregate shape that gets scaled according to the individual plant’s capacity, as previously described. This method more accurately depicts the output of an actual wind or solar site, compared to the alternative option which uses a generic shape. The process for creating solar and wind aggregate shapes is the same for both TEPPC solar and wind profiles. TEPPC does not monitor low-voltage transmission and focuses on interregional flows. Only the total output from the region is important. For this reason, the aggregated TEPPC profile for a region is analytically equivalent to creating an individual shape for each generator in that region. Figure 17 shows an example of the TEPPC site selection process. This is the process that normally selects the NREL profiles that are to be aggregated into a representative TEPPC profile. In this process, groupings of NREL profiles are taken in each geographic region that is being modeled. These profiles are then filtered and the highest capacity resources are selected first. This process ensures that the variability of generation in each geographic region is preserved and a profile is created to represent that region. Page 54 of 121 Figure 17: TEPPC site selection process of NREL wind and solar profiles TEPPC wind and solar sites are created to reflect actual, planned or future sites in each region. The profiles, where applicable, are created corresponding to the WREZ hubs and are named according to the nearby WREZ hub21. Wind: Hourly wind shapes used to model all wind resources were supplied by 3TIER and the NREL as part of the Western Wind Dataset. Profiles used for the 2022 dataset reflect the recent three-day seams issue fix applied to the Western Wind Dataset. The wind shapes used in the TEPPC dataset were derived using historical weather from 2005. Each NREL profile is created by NREL to represent a 30 MW wind site. For example a 1,500 MW plant would then require 50 NREL profiles to form an aggregate shape. Wind is treated as a fixed input to the model. Table 12 shows capacity factors for each TEPPC wind profile used in the 2022 Common Case and 2032 Reference Case. Capacity factors will vary with the availability of wind resources in each region. The TEPPC aggregate profiles are meant to reflect that variability. 21 Google Maps (2013): Page 55 of 121 Table 12: TEPPC capacity factors of wind profiles Solar: Solar production profiles (from 2005) were generated by NREL as part of the profiles created for the Western Wind and Solar Integration Phase II Study. This data was derived by NREL using 2005 solar irradiance data using a .81 derate factor to account for inverter losses and panel age. Unlike the NREL wind profiles, the solar profiles do not have the standard capacity of 30 MW. The solar profiles are created using irradiance data in a geographic region making it impossible to standardize the size of each potential solar site. TEPPC solar profiles are created in the exact same way as wind profiles. The following solar technologies are reflected in the NREL solar data used for TEPPC profiles: Concentrated Solar Power (CSP): o CSP with no storage with a solar multiplier = 1 o CSP with 6 hours storage o Note – Solar output values greater than the profile nameplates are found in the CSP profiles. According to NREL, CSP plants consume energy overnight and have peak consumption right before they start producing energy each morning. Values greater than nameplate capacity are possible due to thermal inertia in the system. Photovoltaic (PV): o Rooftop PV modeled as a fixed tilt of 20˚ (non-optimal) o Large scale single axis tracking o Large scale fixed tilt with an optimum angle for the latitude of the plant Page 56 of 121 For each year of solar data provided, 10-minute profiles are provided along with hourly average profiles. To this point, TEPPC has only used the hourly average solar profiles. Table 13 shows capacity factors for each TEPPC solar profile used in the 2022 Common Case and 2032 Reference Case. Capacity factors will vary with the availability of wind resources in each region. The TEPPC aggregate profiles are meant to reflect that variability. Table 13: TEPPC capacity factors of solar profiles Distributed Generation Distributed generation (DG) is a growing resource in the Western Interconnection and all indications point toward its future growth. Gaining a better understanding and ability to project DG levels is important to accurately reflecting potential resources. For example, in the case of CA, the current projections for PV DG may underestimate future levels of DG in that state in light of its goal of deploying 12,000 MW of DG. Current efforts to include DG in the 10-and 20-year work can be improved in the next study cycle. For example, the levelized cost of DG does not take into consideration consumer choice because the LCOE does not include certain key value and cost drivers that are important for consumer selection. The creation of a tool that can capture DG policy targets and reflect consumer choice will greatly improve how DG is projected Page 57 of 121 Hydro Generation Hydro generation is a significant resource in the Western Interconnection. In the 2022 Common Case, and all other PCM studies performed by TEPPC, hydro generation is modeled using a variety of methods that attempt to capture the unique operating characteristics of the resource. A mixture of fixed historical time series, proportional load following (PLF) algorithms, and a hydrothermal co-optimization (HTC) technique were used to model hydro generation in these 10-year planning studies. Hydro dispatchability constraints due to environmental or other operational factors (e.g., irrigation water deliveries, flood control, environmental release) were captured in the model using minimum and maximum operating levels, monthly energy limits, monthly load proportionality constants (K values), and monthly hydrothermal co-optimization fractions (p factors), when applicable. In all regions, plants were categorized as large (> 10 MW capacity) or small (< 10 MW capacity). The exception to this was in California, where a category of 10 MW < Nameplate Capacity < 30 MW was designated for RPS. Plants smaller than 10 MW capacity were rolled up and modeled as a PLF K=0 large plant. The roll-up designation is outlined in the region sections that follow. Table 14 summarizes the number of plants in each category by region. Table 14: Plant Modeling Method Summary by Region # Plants >10 MW (CA >30 MW) # Plants 10<MW<30 (RPS, CA Only) HD PLF HTC # Plants <10 MW (Small Plant Rollups, PLF K=0) Region States Included HD PLF HTC Northwest (NW) Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana west of the Continental Divide 30 78 18 NA NA NA 83 California (CA) California 36 2 30 26 19 2 74 East Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana east of the Continental Divide, Utah, Wyoming 21 26 4 NA NA NA 72 Alberta 5 0 4 NA NA NA British Columbia 0 2 6 NA NA NA Page 58 of 121 Small plants are provided as a large plant rollup from Alberta data source Small plants are provided as a large plant rollup from BC data source In Figure 18, an Interconnection-wide monthly hydro energy summary is depicted, with breakouts by model type. Figure 19 shows the percentage of the total 2022 hydro energy for each model type. Figure 18: Interconnection-wide Monthly Energy Summary by Model Type Page 59 of 121 Figure 19: Interconnection-wide Hydro Modeling Energy Distribution (% Total Hydro Energy) The next two figures summarize the regional hydro energy for the 2022 Common Case. Figure 20 shows the monthly hydro energy for each region, while Figure 21 displays the total hydro energy for 2022 for each region. Figure 20: Monthly Energy by Region for 2022 Common Case Page 60 of 121 Figure 21: Regional Total 2022 Hydro Energy for 2022 Common Case Assumptions and data sources for the hydro generation modeling in the 2022 Common Case are summarized by region. Northwest Federal and Non-Federal, Mid C Non-federal, and PacifiCorp The PLF/HTC modeling methods were used to model the majority of NW hydro generation in the 2022 Common Case dataset. Plant modeling assumptions are shown in Table 15.PLF constants were obtained by regressing historical data and loads for federal projects, or were supplied by plant operators for non-federal projects. For Grand Coulee, The Dalles, Chief Joseph, and John Day, average K values were calculated using data years 1999, 2001 to 2003, and 2005 to 2010. Monthly average generation values for both HTC and PLF plants came from the EIA 906/920 data for 2005. Smaller plants were modeled using estimated PLF constants and EIA 906/920 generation values. Plants determined to not follow load historically were modeled using historical hourly shapes. These included Bonneville, McNary, the lower Snake River, and federal storage plants. Historical data came from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Northwestern Division website for the same years as the EIA data. Wanapum, Priest Rapids and Rock Island data came from the BPA PI system with concurrence from Grant County and Chelan County PUDs. For Swift 1, Yale, Boyle, Toketee, Lemolo 1 and Merwin generators, 2005 historic data received from PacifiCorp was used. Clearwater 1 and 2 and Slide Creek K values were calculated for 2004 to 2006 and averaged. Plants with nameplate capacities of less than 10 MW were rolled up into state “plants” with summed monthly EIA averages; these state “plants” were modeled using PLF K=0 (flat monthly generation). Page 61 of 121 Table 15: NW Hydro-generation Modeling Method Summary Plant Modeling Method HD PLF PLF K=0 (Flat) HTC Total Capacity (MW) 10,808 2,261 1,938 17,621 32,628 % of Total Capacity 33.12% 6.93% 5.94% 54.01% Net Hydro Energy (GWh) 36,505 8,214 7,593 66,040 118,352 % of Total NW Hydro Energy 30.84% 6.94% 6.42% 55.80% California The California hydro data is from the CISO PI dataset that was aggregated to the river system. Plant modeling assumptions are shown in Table 16. “Historical” individual plant data was then disaggregated proportionally to EIA 906/920 monthly generation values. A combination of historical shapes, PLF and HTC were used to model California hydro generation. For the few plants not in CISO’s PI system, PLF or HTC modeling using EIA 906/920 data for 2005 were used. California small hydro was disaggregated from the conventional hydro to more accurately track its contribution to RPS requirements (this includes plants between 10- and 30-MW capacity). Plants with nameplate capacities of less than 10 MW were rolled up into operating area “plants” with summed monthly EIA averages; these area “plants” were modeled using PLF K=0 (flat monthly generation), and contributed toward RPS. Table 16: California Hydro-generation Modeling Method Summary Plant Modeling Method HD PLF K=0 (Flat) HTC Total Capacity (MW) 5,985 705 3,584 10,274 % of Total Capacity 58.26% 6.86% 34.89% Net Hydro Energy (GWh) 21,552 2,351 15,398 39,302 % of Total CA Hydro Energy 54.84% 5.98% 39.18% East WAPA plants were modeled using 2005 historical hourly hydro data, with the exception of Hoover, Blue Mesa, and Yellowtail, which used PLF/HTC. Non-federal plants were modeled using PLF based on EIA 906/920 data for 2005. Plants with nameplate capacities of less than 10 MW were rolled up into state “plants” with summed monthly EIA averages; these state “plants” were modeled using PLF K=0 (flat monthly generation). Plant modeling assumptions are shown in Page 62 of 121 Table 17. Page 63 of 121 Table 17: East Hydro-generation Modeling Method Summary Plant Modeling Method HD PLF PLF K=0 (Flat) HTC Total Capacity (MW) 2,678 88 629 2,416 5,810 % of Total Capacity 46.09% 1.51% 10.82% 41.59% Net Hydro Energy (GWh) 7,002 176 2,837 4,359 14,374 % of Total East Hydro Energy 48.71% 1.23% 19.74% 30.32% Canada BC Hydro generation data are determined by BC Hydro’s Generalized Optimization Model using a 2022 load forecast and average inflows (1968 water conditions). The analysis included Revelstoke 5 and Mica Units 5 and 6. The Generalized Optimization Model results were used to calculate PLF constants for use by the HTC modeling method for the G.M. Shrum, Peace Canyon, Site C, Revelstoke, Mica, and small plants. The Arrow Plant and IPP (Independent Power Projects) rollup are modeled with no flexibility (PLF, K=0). AESO provided 2005 data that was used as historical data for some plants and to calculate PLF/HTC constants for Bighorn, Bow River aggregate, and Brazeau plants. The historical monthly averages were used as the model energy inputs for the PLF/HTC plants. Plant modeling assumptions are shown in Table 18 and Table 19. Table 18: BC Hydro-generation Modeling Method Summary Plant Modeling Method HD PLF K=0 (Flat) HTC Total Capacity (MW) 0 4,370 13,676 18,046 % of Total Capacity 0.00% 24.22% 75.78% Net Hydro Energy (GWh) 0 21,181 56,214 77,395 % of Total BC Hydro Energy 0.00% 27.37% 72.63% Table 19: Alberta Hydro-generation Modeling Method Summary Plant Modeling Method HD PLF K=0 (Flat) HTC Total Capacity (MW) 85 100 811 996 % of Total Capacity 8.53% 10.04% 81.43% Net Hydro Energy (GWh) 291 569 2,010 2,871 % of Total Alberta Hydro Energy 10.13% 19.84% 70.03% Additional hydro data is available in the Appendix – Hydro Data section at the end of this report. Page 64 of 121 Generation Characteristics The more granular nature of the 10-year studies requires more detailed generation characteristics than what is used for the 20-year studies performed in the LTPT. The following sections have more thorough descriptions of the 10-year data. Thermal Unit Operational Information 10-Year: Thermal unit commitment is modeled in the 10-year studies by way of the hourly production cost model optimization. Data requirements for unit commitment include capacity information, planned and forced outage assumptions, heat rate curves, ramp rates, minimum up/down times, start-up costs, and non-fuel variable O&M costs. Thermal units are broken into categories on the basis of fuel type, technology type, vintage, and capacities. A set of assumptions is developed for each generator category, with more detailed data included for gas-fired units. There was an effort to improve and validate the thermal data during 2011. The primary focus was on unit heat rates, capacities, startup costs, variable O&M rates, and capacity factors. Data updates included data review by the Data Work Group (DWG), and data changes from submittals and observations by TEPPC stakeholders, including implementation of the cycling cost data provided by Intertek/APTECH. The updated data is a mixture of unit and category level data designed to avoid the use of confidential data. 20-Year: Detailed thermal unit operation information is not required for the 20-year studies as the dispatch that results from operational parameters of a particular resource is a study assumption, not a study result. In other words, the 20-year studies assume a typical dispatch for a given resource, while the 10-year studies use operational data and optimization to determine what that dispatch might be. Thermal Forced and Scheduled Outages 10-Year: Sources such as the NERC Generating Availability Data Systems database were used to develop forced and planned maintenance outage rates. The forced outage rates are used by the production cost model to force units off-line using Monte Carlo or other probabilistic techniques. The scheduled maintenance requirements (annual hours) were used to derive scheduled maintenance outages for each subregion within the Western Interconnection. 20-Year: Page 65 of 121 There is no explicit planned maintenance or schedule maintenance input data for the 20-year studies. However, to the extent that unit capacity factors assumed in the model reflect those down-times, the outages would be reflected in the 20year studies. Thermal Heat Rates 10-Year: The unit heat rates are derived from public data sources unless the generator owners/operators have provided actual heat rate data for use in the TEPPC public database. Generic heat rates are applied to units where data is not available. The non-combined cycle heat rates used in the TEPPC database were derived from the heat rates in the SSG-WI dataset and the heat rates provided by NewEnergy Associates (NewEnergy used Environmental Protection Agency Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) data to construct the heat rate curves). Both sets of heat rate curves were used because both heat rate datasets were deficient in one way or another. The TEPPC incremental heat rates for some units were abnormally low and the SSG-WI average heat rates at the minimum capacity for some units were unusually small. Since the deficiencies in the datasets did not overlap, by combining the two heat rate datasets the deficiencies in both datasets were fixed, resulting in a composite dataset that is much better than either original dataset alone. The plant level heat rates for the combined cycle (CC) plants were derived previously using the operations data from the CEMS databases. In cases of insufficient data, generic rates were used. CC plants are currently modeled at an aggregated level (i.e., steam generator aggregated with associated combustion turbine generator(s)). This is a common practice where specific unit level heat rate data is not publicly available. The steam generators in CC plants use the exhaust heat from one or more combustion turbines to produce steam that then turns the turbine generator. Since the CEMS data is only provided for units that produce emissions, the heat rate data for CC plants is more difficult to derive. Also, the multiple operating configurations make CC plants more difficult to model as the heat rate changes with each configuration. 20-Year: Thermal heat rates are not used in the 20-year studies. Thermal Start-up costs, Minimum Up/Down Time, Ramp Rates 10-Year: Page 66 of 121 Start-up costs were updated with data provided by Intertek/APTECH, and include fuel, O&M and other costs to reach a point of synchronization. The minimum up and down times and ramp rates are based on average values reported by a few SSG-WI participants with subsequent updates from New Energy and the Modeling Work Group (MWG). A detailed explanation of the work can be found in the Appendix. 20-Year: The LTPT is not an hourly model thus it does not require generator characteristics that relate to the hourly dispatch of generators such as start-up costs, up/down times, and ramp rates. Page 67 of 121 Transmission Along with generation and load, the assumed transmission infrastructure in any transmission planning study will drive the result. If too much transmission is included in the study, congestion and production costs will be understated. The opposite holds true if the future network happens to be less expanded than what is assumed in the study – congestion and production costs will be overstated. Furthermore, transmission is often one of the most time-intensive and technical assumptions that go into planning studies. Topology Assumptions 10- and 20-Year Topology: The area topology approximately matches the Balancing Authorities, with exceptions to accommodate variations in load types and shapes as follows. The CISO is split into PG&E Bay, PG&E Valley, SCE, and SDG&E bubbles. The IPCO footprint is divided into three bubbles (Far East, Magic Valley, and Treasure Valley). The PACE load is divided by state with loads in Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming. With these changes, the 2020 topology includes a total of 39 bubbles, as shown in Figure 22. Page 68 of 121 Figure 22: TEPPC Load Areas Legend AESO Alberta Electric System Operator APS Arizona Public Service AVA Avista BCH British Columbia Hydro BPA Bonneville Power Administration CFE Comision Federal de Electricidad CHPD Chelan Co PUD DCPD Douglas Co PUD EPE El Paso Electric Far East Far East (Idaho Power) GCPD Grant Co PUD IID Imperial Irrigation District LDWP Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power Magic Vly Magic Valley (Idaho Power) NEVP Nevada Power NWMT Northwestern Montana PACW PacifiCorp West PACE ID PacifiCorp East – Idaho PACE UT PacifiCorp East – Utah PACE WY PacifiCorp East -- Wyoming PG&E Bay Pacific Gas & Electric Bay Area PG&E VLY Pacific Gas & Electric Valley Area PGN Portland Gen Electric PNM Public Service New Mexico PSC Public Service Colorado (Xcel) PSE Puget Sound Energy SCE Southern California Edison SCL Seattle City Light SDGE San Diego Gas & Electric SMUD Sacramento Municipal District SPP Sierra Pacific Power SRP Salt River Project TEP Tucson Electric Power TIDC Turlock Irrigation District TPWR Tacoma Power TreasVly Treasure Valley (Idaho Power) WACM Western Area Power Admin Colorado/Missouri WALC Western Area Power Admin Lower Colorado WAUW Western Area Power Admin Upper Missouri Existing Transmission System Network For the purposes of this discussion, the existing transmission system network is defined as the topology and engineering assumptions that were originally imported into the model. 10-Year The existing transmission network, including the associated electrical characteristics and operational limitations, came from WECC’s Technical Studies Subcommittee approved 2020 HS1a power flow case. The Technical Studies Subcommittee manages a central database of technical information about the Western Interconnection transmission system and performs reliability studies. TEPPC uses these cases as a starting point from which to build its own assumed transmission systems. The power flow is supplemented by a series of transmission additions and removals specified by the 2022 Common Case Transmission Assumptions (CCTA). Page 69 of 121 In some instances, incremental generation added to the case had specific integration transmission associated with it. In cases where this detail was provided (mainly in the CISO), the transmission needed for integration was added to the case. 20-Year Since the 2032 Reference case operates in a model (LTPT) that focuses on deciding what transmission to build in the 2022-2032 timeframe, the Reference Case starts with the full set of transmission assumptions in the 2022 Common Case. This detailed transmission system is reduced through a “network reduction” process in order to simplify the system, while maintaining its electrical properties. This reduced network is more manageable for the transmission optimization performed in the LTPT. Incremental Transmission Facilities 10-Year The TEPPC 2022 Common Case transmission network is comprised of two main components: the 2020 HS1A power flow and the Subregional Planning Group (SPG) Coordination Group (SCG) 2022 CCTA. Existing, as well as future, transmission additions are brought into the model via the TEPPC-approved 2020 HS1A power flow. The power flow is supplemented by the SCG’s 2022 CCTA, a list of regionally significant transmission projects that have a high probability of being in service by 2022. Regionally significant transmission in the 2020 HS1A power flow that is not on the CCTA list is removed from the Common Case. Projects on the 2022 CCTA that are not in the 2020 HS1A power flow are added to the case. Although the CCTA projects did not result from TEPPC analysis, they reflect major projects that have advanced the farthest through the SPG’s respective planning processes, and are those most likely to be built by 2020. These projects are included as input assumptions in the Expected Future case. Additional projects beyond the CCTA were studied in the 2022 studies via expansion cases where specific transmission projects were added to the model in conjunction with certain resource and/or scenario assumptions. These expansion case projects were not assumed in the 2022 Common Case. The purpose, process, and projects on the CCTA are explained in the SCG 2022 CCTA Report.22 The projects included in the SCG 2022 CCTA are shown in the map in Figure 23. 22 SCG, “CCTA Report”: Page 70 of 121 Figure 23: 2022 Common Case Transmission Assumptions Page 71 of 121 20-Year Incremental transmission is determined by the LTPT model. The LTPT model has the option to add any combination of ~1,000 candidate transmission lines made up of 230kV, 345-kV, and 500-kV single and double circuits. This “candidate transmission” connects 2022 Common Case buses, TEPPC area hubs, WREZ hubs and natural gas market hubs. Capital Costs for transmission additions is provided by TEPPC’s transmission capital cost tool, which included transmission and substation costs. Capital costs are described in a later section in this document. Candidate transmission lines between “hubs” are shown in Figure 24. Figure 24: LTPT Candidate Transmission Page 72 of 121 Transmission Losses 10-Year Since the load forecasts already include transmission losses, the AC losses are considered in the dispatch but not realized as additional load. In the current version of PROMOD, the DC losses do produce additional load, which appears to penalize flows on the DC lines. ABB Ventyx continues to work to improve the loss modeling within PROMOD. In the meantime, nomograms are employed where applicable to force flows onto the IPP DC line and other DC expansion projects. 20-Year Since the load forecasts already include transmission losses, the losses are considered in the dispatch but not realized as additional load. Loss models will continue to be refined in the LTPT for future study cycles, consistent with that of the 10-year planning processes and models. Hurdle Rates A hurdle rate represents a transfer “tariff” that are commonly used in production cost models to represent market friction and to better represent the inherently conservative nature of actual operating practices. 10-Year The limitations of the production cost model, as utilized by TEPPC, include the inability to capture the effects of transactions made under long-term contracts, the impacts of scheduling rules on system dispatch, and the inherently conservative nature of actual operating practices. The TEPPC studies compensate for the limitations to some extent by applying hurdle rates that bring interchange solutions closer to reality. These transfer “tariffs” are designed to act as “hurdle” rates for region-to-region transfers and model the economic realities of costs for transporting power over long distances. The objective is to improve the economic dispatch and resulting power flows across the eight pools modeled in the PROMOD production simulations. Regional transfer hurdle rates are included in the 2022 Common Case. The rates listed in Page 73 of 121 Figure 25 were carried over from the 2020 studies. The values were derived from the assumed wheeling rates applied in the SSG-WI 2008 Base Case and are fully incorporated into PROMOD’s economic dispatch algorithm. The Alberta rates are designed to model the AESO market and the position within the AESO supply stack in which imports fall. Page 74 of 121 Figure 25: 2022 Common Case Hurdle Rates Study Year 2022 Forward Reverse Region Connections $/MWh $/MWh Alberta British Columbia $0.00 $48.00 Alberta NWPP $0.00 $48.00 AZNMNV RMPP $5.40 $2.60 BASIN AZNMNV $5.40 $2.60 BASIN CALIF_N $5.40 $3.00 BASIN CALIF_S $2.30 $2.30 BASIN NWPP $5.40 $2.70 BASIN RMPP $5.40 $2.70 British Columbia NWPP $4.70 $2.80 CALIF_N CALIF_S $0.00 $0.00 CALIF_N NWPP $5.90 $6.10 CALIF_S AZNMNV $2.60 $2.60 NWPP CALIF_S $5.90 $7.70 NWPP RMPP $7.30 $2.80 20-Year Since the LTPT does not perform and economic dispatch, hurdle rates are not applicable and are not represented in the modeling. Path Ratings 10-Year To develop assumption for WECC path ratings in the 2022 Common Case, TAS SWG started with the 2011 WECC Path Rating Catalog and applied modifications to capture operating limits for a number of key paths and to capture rating changes due to the transmission additions as part of the CCTA. Path 1: The Alberta - BC limits were decreased from 1,200 MW West to East to 720 MW, and from 1,000 MW East to West to 700 MW to reflect operational limits. Path 3: The Northwest to BC limit was increased from 2,000 MW South to North to 3,000 MW to reflect the inclusion of the Path 3 Upgrade project in the 2022 dataset. Path 6: The West of Hatwai limit was increased from 4,277 MW East to West to 4,800 MW due to the inclusion of the Path 8 upgrade in the 2022 dataset (western portion only). Page 75 of 121 Path 14: The Idaho to Northwest limits increased from 1,200 MW West to East to 2,250 MW, and from 2,400 MW East to West to 3,400 MW to reflect the inclusion of the Hemingway-Boardman project in the 2022 dataset. Path 17: The Borah West limit was increased from 2,557 MW East to West to 4,450 MW to account for Gateway West Phase 1. Path 19: The Bridger West limit was increased from 2,200 MW East to West to 4,100 MW to account for Gateway West Phase 1. Path 20: The Path C limits were increased from 1,600 MW North to South to 2,250 MW, and from 1,250 MW South to North to 2,250 MW to reflect the inclusion of the Energy Gateway West project in the 2022 dataset. Path 23: The Four Corners limits (both 345 to 500 kV and 500 to 345 kV) were increased from 840 MW to 1,000 MW because the path owner informed TEPPC that a higher rating transformer would be in place by 2022. Path 35: The TOT 2C limits were increased from 300 MW North to South to 600 MW, and from 300 MW South to North to 580 MW to reflect the addition of the second Sigurd – Red Butte 345-kV line in the 2022 dataset. Path 37: The TOT 4A limit was increased from 937 MW Northeast to Southwest to 2,175 MW to reflect the Post-Gateway rating/definition. Path 42: The IID to SCE limit was increased from 600 MW East to West to 1,500 MW to account for the Path 42 upgrade. Path 71: The South of Allston limit was increased to 4,100 MW due to the inclusion of the I-5 Corridor Reinforcement project in the 2022 dataset. Path 78: The TOT 2B1 limit was increased from 560 MW North to South to 600 MW in accordance with the phase 3 path rating resulting from the addition of the Gateway projects in the 2022 dataset. Page 76 of 121 The changes listed above, along with the established 2011 Path Ratings, resulted in the final assumptions for path ratings that went into the 2022 Common Case. These assumptions are summarized in Figure 26. Figure 26: List of Major Paths in 2022 Common Case Page 77 of 121 A number of the WECC paths included in the model are depicted in the map in Figure 27. Figure 27: Map of WECC Paths 20-Year While the rating of underlying branches that comprise paths are enforced, the WECC path ratings themselves are not constrained at fixed levels, but rather are allowed to increase as needed under different future scenario conditions. In other words, the LTPT does not enforce WECC path ratings at fixed transmission transfer capabilities (TTC), but rather determines where the TTC may need to increase by optimally adding transmission expansions under different future scenario conditions. Transmission Outages 10- and 20-Year - Transmission forced outages are not modeled in both study horizons. This is because transmission maintenance outages typically occur during off-peak usage, which has a low impact on production costs. Furthermore, forced transmission outages occur infrequently and given that these are not power flow reliability studies; there is not a need to consider them. Page 78 of 121 Fuel Prices 10-Year Gas Prices The base or median Henry Hub price was assumed to be $5.43/MMBtu (2012 dollars) for the 2022 Common Case. Aside from the gas sensitivity studies (-25 percent for low and +75 percent for high), this price was held constant throughout the TEPPC studies. The NW Power and Conservation Council’s (NWPCC’s) methodology (Sixth Power Plan) for using implicit basis differentials to derive the area burner tip prices was used to develop the area prices provided in. These prices are further broken out by TEPPC load area in The differentials are implicit in that the NWPCC forecasts burner tip prices describe pricing for various areas of the Western Interconnection using econometric equations. The differentials adopted by the DWG were also backed out by comparing the burner tip prices with the major trading hub forecasts. The TEPPC burner tip prices will differ from those used in the Sixth Power Plan because the DWG uses a different origination price (Henry Hub) than the value used for the NWPCC Sixth Power Plan. For intra California transportation rates, the TEPPC values are consistent with the California Energy Commission (CEC) values using utility tariffs. Gas prices by subregion are provided in Figure 28. Figure 28: 2022 Common Case Gas Prices by Subregion Henry Hub: Delivery Area PNW East E. MT N. CA N. NV AB UT WY PNW West S. ID BC CO S. CA AZ NM S. NV 5.4313 Basis AECO Rockies AECO AECO AECO Rockies Rockies Sumas Rockies AECO Rockies Permian San Juan Permian Permian Basis Spread from Henry Hub -0.78 -1.22 -0.78 -0.78 -0.78 -1.22 -1.22 -0.62 -1.22 -0.78 -1.22 -0.45 -0.76 -0.45 -0.45 Page 79 of 121 Inferred Differential $0.16 $2.79 $0.37 $1.75 -$0.25 $0.56 $0.49 $0.55 $1.82 $0.25 $0.53 $0.13 $0.93 $0.67 $0.22 Delivered Cost $4.82 $7.00 $5.02 $6.40 $4.41 $4.77 $4.70 $5.36 $6.03 $4.90 $4.74 $5.12 $5.60 $5.65 $5.20 Table 20: 2022 Common Case Gas Prices by Area Table 21: 2022 Common Case Gas Prices by Area 20-Year Gas Prices Fuel prices modeled within the LTPT for the 2032 study year were obtained from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) 2012 Annual Energy Outlook (AEO2012) projections. Since the AEO2012 projections were presented in 2010 dollars, the fuel prices were adjusted to 2012 dollars using the same annual inflation rates as those modeled in the common case, resulting in an effective 2012 over 2010 multiplier of Page 80 of 121 1.048099. All fuel price assumptions for the 2032 Reference Case can be found in Table 22. Delivery price differentials were modeled within the LTPT on a state-by-state basis and extrapolated from the data found within “Table E1” of the EIA State Energy Data Systems (SEDS). Table 23 and Table 24 provide the state multipliers for each fuel. For natural gas, the projected Henry Hub price was used as a basis and all transportation differentials were relative to Henry hub. For all other fuels, the US average price was used as a basis. Since no projections for biomass or uranium were found in the AEO2012, a 2 percent price escalation, as obtained from the Energy + Environmental Economics (E3)/TEPPC capital cost tool, was used to project 2032 prices for biomass and uranium from the 2010 US price basis contained within the AEO2012. Table 22: 2032 Reference Case Fuel Prices Fuel Reference Prices Fuel Price ($/Mmbtu) Escalation (%) Bio 5.37 2.00 Coal 2.84 0.90 Gas 6.90 1.40 Geothermal 0.00 Solar 0.00 Uranium 0.97 2.00 Waste 5.37 2.00 Water 0.00 Wind 0.00 Wood 5.37 2.00 Table 23: 2032 Reference Case Delivery Multipliers Fuel State/Province Delivery Price Differential Multipliers State/Province Bio Coal Gas Geothermal Solar Uranium Alberta 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Arizona 4.57 0.75 0.94 1.00 1.00 0.26 British Columbia 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 California 1.27 1.21 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.23 Colorado 1.77 0.66 0.90 1.00 1.00 0.28 Idaho 0.71 0.97 1.01 1.00 1.00 0.26 Montana 3.17 0.59 1.13 1.00 1.00 0.26 Mexico 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 New Mexico 1.06 0.85 0.89 1.00 1.00 0.25 Page 81 of 121 Nevada Oregon Texas Utah Washington 1.40 1.24 1.45 1.45 1.34 1.01 0.71 0.76 0.71 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.71 0.85 1.22 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.26 1.00 0.26 1.00 0.26 Wyoming 1.58 0.54 0.82 1.00 1.00 1.00 Table 24: 2032 Reference Case Delivery Multipliers (cont.) Fuel State/Province Delivery Price Differential Multipliers State/Province Waste Water Wind Wood Alberta 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Arizona 4.57 1.00 1.00 4.57 British Columbia 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 California 1.27 1.00 1.00 1.27 Colorado 1.77 1.00 1.00 1.77 Idaho 0.71 1.00 1.00 0.71 Montana 3.17 1.00 1.00 3.17 Mexico 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 New Mexico 1.06 1.00 1.00 1.06 Nevada 1.40 1.00 1.00 1.40 Oregon 1.24 1.00 1.00 1.24 Texas 1.45 1.00 1.00 1.45 Utah 1.45 1.00 1.00 1.45 Washington 1.34 1.00 1.00 1.34 Wyoming 1.58 1.00 1.00 1.58 Page 82 of 121 10-Year Coal Prices The coal price forecast was derived from the NWPCC’s locational coal price forecast. The assume prices for coal are provided in Figure 29. Figure 29: 2022 Common Case Coal Prices 2022 Coal Price Forecast (in 2012$/MMBtu) Area Price Area Price Area AESO $1.48 NEVP $1.48 SCL APS $1.52 NWMT $1.10 SDG&E AVA $1.56 PACE_ID $1.14 SMUD BCTC $1.79 PACE_UT $0.98 SPP BPA $1.76 PACE_WY $0.89 SRP CFE $1.52 PACW $1.76 TEP DOPD $1.76 PG&E_BAY $1.74 TIDC EPE $1.37 PG&E_VLY $1.74 TPWR FAR EAST $1.14 PGN $1.76 TREAS VLY GCPD $1.76 PNM $1.37 WACM IID $1.52 PSC $1.18 WALC LDWP $0.98 PSE $1.76 WAUW MACIG VLY $1.14 SCE $1.74 Price $1.76 $1.74 $1.74 $1.48 $1.52 $1.52 $1.74 $1.76 $1.14 $1.18 $1.52 $1.10 20-Year Coal Prices All 2032 fuel assumptions are presented in the natural gas section. Other Fuels 10-Year The prices for other fuels are based on assumptions used by the CEC and the NWPCC. These assumed prices are provided in Figure 30. Figure 30: 2022 Common Case “Other” Fuel Prices Other Fuels (in 2012$/MMBtu) Fuel Price Biomass – Black Liquor $0.00 Biomass – Landfill Gas $1.57 Biomass – Other $2.43 Biomass – Solid Waste -$1.00 Biomass – Wood Residue $1.68 Oil – H $20.96 Fuel Oil – L Petroleum Coke Refuse Uranium Waste Heat Price $22.93 $7.27 $4.84 $0.73 $1.22 20-Year All 2032 fuel assumptions are presented in the natural gas section. Page 83 of 121 RPS Assumptions A number of states and provinces in the Western Interconnection have state RPS or goals, as shown in Figure 31. TEPPC models all enacted state policy so it is a key goal of the Common Case and Reference Case to represent RPS-compliant futures. Figure 31: States/Provinces with RPS Requirement or Goal Note: BC’s goal is not shown as it is not modeled in the TEPPC process, as the majority of the requirement is made up of hydro energy 10-Year The process for identifying state RPS requirements, then selecting resources for that state is broken out into the following steps: 1. Split BA loads out by state o Eight BAs cover two or more states o Splits by state provided via FERC Form 1 or from BAs directly 2. Adjust state loads for transmission plus distribution losses o Assumed to be 7 percent for California, 6 percent for the rest of the Western Interconnection 3. Identify shares of state loads supplied by IOUs, publics, coops, federal, and others using EIA data 4. Multiply load by RPS percent based on provider type 5. Adjust for special provisions (e.g., set asides and multipliers) Page 84 of 121 This process establishes the RPS requirement for each state. From there, the renewable generation data previously described is assigned to each state, thus ensuring that each state meets their required RPS. If a state is deficient, hypothetical “gap” resources are added via the WREZ tool to ensure compliance. RPS percentage requirements are provided in Figure 32. Figure 32: RPS Requirements Page 85 of 121 A detailed breakdown of the RPS assumptions is provided in Figure 33. Figure 33: RPS Assumptions 20-Year The 2032 Reference Case also adheres to enacted RPS requirements. However, the assumption is quite different in that the generators are not inputs to the model rather than outputs. The RPS requirement is a modeling goal the LTPT selects resources (based on LCOE) to meet this requirement in the most cost effective manner possible. The 2032 RPS requirements are developed in a similar manner to that described for the Common Case. Page 86 of 121 Capital Costs Capital costs are not a direct input into the TEPPC modeling process; however, capital costs for added generation and transmission, which can be substantial, are included in Plan. Using the updated capital cost tool,23 TEPPC has identified estimated capital costs associated with incremental generation and transmission. The following discussion of capital costs describe the methods, assumptions, and data use to create the generation and transmission capital cost tools. A description of the capital cost tools and their application to the 10- and 20-year analyses can be found in the Tools and Models section. Capital Costs for Transmission Transmission capital cost estimates were developed for transmission line costs and substation costs using a bottom-up approach, detailing the component and land costs and then adjusting these to take into consideration potential cost variations such as location, terrain, and additional components. Transmission line capital costs Transmission line capital cost estimates were developed based on the cost of equipment and the cost of land. Capital cost estimates were developed for the following seven voltage classes: 230-kV Single Circuit 230-kV Double Circuit 345-kV Single Circuit 345-kV Double Circuit 500-kV Single Circuit 500-kV Double Circuit 500-kV DC Bi-Pole To develop the equipment costs, a baseline transmission cost per mile was established for each voltage class. Information for the baseline cost came from the 2008 WREZ project. From there assumptions were made about conductor type, tower structure, and line length to develop the baseline transmission cost. Then, in order to account for variations in costs, cost multipliers were developed for conductor type, tower structure, WECC, “Transmission Capital Cost Tool”: 23 WECC, “Generation Capital Cost Tool”: Page 87 of 121 line length, terrain, and re-conductoring. Cost assumptions for the cost multipliers came from knowledge held by WECC and its contractors. Equipment Capital Costs Conductor Type: Conductor type is an important cost consideration because conductor selection affects the cost of the entire project. Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) conductor is the most common conductor type in Western Interconnection, and is the type assumed in the baseline cost. Cost multipliers were quantified for ACSR as well as for Aluminum Conductor Steel Supported, and High Tensile Low Sag conductors. Tower Structure: Tubular and lattice-style tower structures are used throughout the Western Interconnection, depending on the characteristics of the transmission line, location and terrain. Tubular structure was assumed for 230-kV line baseline costs, while lattice-style structure was assumed for all other voltages. Capital cost multipliers were quantified for costs associated with each type of structure. Line Length: Line length affects the cost-per-mile of transmission line. Typically, the cost-per-mile of transmission line decreases as the line gets longer because design and engineering costs are non-linear. The baseline cost assumed a line length greater than 10 miles. Line length multipliers were quantified for lines greater than 10 miles, 3-to-10 miles, and less than 3 miles long. Terrain: Terrain is a substantial factor in total transmission line costs. Cost multipliers were developed for nine different terrain types: 1) desert; 2) scrub/flat; 3) farmland; 4) forested; 5) rolling hill (2-8 percent slope); 6) mountain (>8 percent slope); 7) wetland; 8) suburban; and 9) urban. Data on terrain cost multipliers was gathered from PG&E, SCE, SDG&E and the WREZ project. Re-Conductoring: In areas where there are existing transmission lines, it may be necessary or more cost-effective to re-conductor existing transmission rather than to build a new line. Therefore, it was important to develop cost considerations for reconductoring. For the purposes of developing capital cost estimates, re-conductoring was defined as replacing an existing conductor to increase ampacity, with no upgrade of poles or insulators. Page 88 of 121 Table 25 summarizes the cost multipliers applied to the baseline cost estimate for transmission line equipment. Table 25: Transmission Line Equipment Cost Multipliers Equipment Base Cost 230-kV Single Circuit $927,0 00 Conductor ACSR 1.00 ACSS 1.08 HTLS 3.60 Structure Lattice 0.90 Tubular Steel 1.00 Length > 10 miles 1.00 3-10 miles 1.20 < 3 miles 1.50 New v. Re-Conductoring New 1.00 Re-conductor 0.35 Terrain Desert 1.05 Scrub / Flat 1.00 Farmland 1.00 Forested 2.25 Rolling Hill (2-8% 1.40 slope) Mountain (>8% 1.75 slope) Wetland 1.20 Suburban 1.27 Urban 1.59 230-kV Double Circuit $1,484,0 00 345-kV 345-kV Single Double Circuit Circuit $1,298,0 $2,077,0 00 00 Cost Multipliers 500-kV Single Circuit $1,854,0 00 500-kV Double Circuit $2,967,0 00 500-kV HVDC Bi-Pole $1,484,0 00 1.00 1.08 3.60 1.00 1.08 3.60 1.00 1.08 3.60 1.00 1.08 3.60 1.00 1.08 3.60 1.00 1.08 3.60 0.90 1.00 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.30 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.00 0.45 1.00 0.45 1.00 0.55 1.00 0.55 1.00 0.65 1.00 0.55 1.05 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.05 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.05 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.05 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.05 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.05 1.00 1.00 2.25 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.20 1.27 1.59 1.20 1.27 1.59 1.20 1.27 1.59 1.20 1.27 1.59 1.20 1.27 1.59 1.20 1.27 1.59 Land / Right-of-Way Costs Land capital costs for transmission were developed as a product of acre-per-mile right of way width estimates (Table 26) and per-acre right of way costs (Table 27) for each voltage class. Right-of-way width estimate information came from several sources: FERC and NERC documents, individual utility estimates, and actual project right-of-way widths from existing and proposed projects throughout the Western Interconnection. Page 89 of 121 Right-of-way costs were developed using information from the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Linear Right of Way Schedule for Year 2015.24 Table 26: Right of Way Width Estimates 230-kV Single Circuit Acres/Mile 15.14 230-kV Double Circuit 18.17 345-kV Single Circuit 21.20 345-kV Double Circuit 24.23 500-kV Single Circuit 24.23 500-kV Double Circuit 30.29 500-kV HVDC Bipole 24.23 Table 27: BLM Land Rental and Land Capital Costs by Zone BLM Zone Number Land Rental Cost ($/Acre) Land Capital Cost ($/Acre) 1 $9 $ 85 2 $ 17 $ 171 3 $ 34 $ 341 4 $ 52 $ 512 5 $ 69 $ 683 6 $ 103 $ 1,024 7 $ 172 $ 1,707 8 $ 345 $ 3,414 9 $ 690 $ 6,828 10 $ 1,035 $ 10,242 11 $ 1,724 $ 17,071 12 $ 3,449 $ 34,141 24 The values in the BLM Schedule are rental values, which were converted to capital costs. For more information [link to B&V report]. The BLM schedule identifies twelve cost zones, based on counties. Page 90 of 121 Calculating Capital costs for Transmission Lines Transmission line capital costs can be calculated by inputting the information shown in the tables above into the following formula: (Base Transmission Cost) x (Conductor Multiplier) x (Structure Multiplier) x (Re-conductor Multiplier) x (Terrain Multiplier) + (ROW Acres/Mile) x (Land Cost/Acre) Subtotal x (# of Miles) = Total Transmission Line Cost Substation Capital Costs Substations represent a substantial capital cost element for incremental transmission, and, depending on how many substation facilities are needed to connect the transmission to the existing grid, the costs can vary greatly. Substation capital costs were estimated by establishing a base substation cost (e.g., land, fencing, control building) and then adding major equipment costs for line/transformer positions, transformers, reactive components, and high voltage direct current (HVDC) converter stations. No multipliers were developed for terrain type or location. Base costs were developed for 230-kV, 345-kV, and 500-kV facilities. Line Position: A line position is defined as a transmission line entering or exiting and terminating at the substation, (i.e., one transmission line looping into a substation requires two line positions). All of these require circuit breakers and switches for isolation of equipment. The two most common configurations of isolation equipment are the ring bus and breaker-and-a-half (BAAH). Cost multiplier estimates were developed for both configurations. The estimated costs are shown in Table 28. Transformers: Transformers are necessary when a voltage change is required, such as when voltage must be decreased to deliver electricity to load. Transformers vary by voltage, as well as by current carrying capability, and transformer costs vary substantially based on variables such as copper commodity prices and freight. Cost multipliers for transformers include foundation and oil containment costs. Table 28 summarizes transformer cost multipliers. Reactive components: Reactive components are necessary on transmission systems that require reactive support for voltage maintenance. In general, transmission networks can absorb changes in voltage; however, reactive power support is sometimes needed to maintain grid reliability. The amount of reactive support, and the speed with which the support needs to be transferred to the grid, will determine what type of reactive component is required at the substation. To develop costs for reactive components Page 91 of 121 three key reactive components were identified: 1) Shunt Reactor, 2) Series Capacitor, and 3) Static VAR Compensator (SVC). Shunt Reactors reduce voltages due to highline charging on lightly loaded transmission networks. Series Capacitors do the exact opposite, i.e., increase voltage. Static VAR Compensators can both reduce and increase voltage.25 Capital costs for reactive components are summarized in Table 28. Table 28: Substation Capital Cost Summary Equipment 230-kV Substation 345-kV Substation 500-kV Substation Base Cost (New Substation) $1,648,000 $2,060,000 $2,472,000 Cost Per Line/XFMR Position $1,442,000 $2,163,000 $2,884,000 Ring Bus Multiplier 1 1 1 Breaker and a Half Multiplier 1.5 1.5 1.5 115-/230-kV XFMR $7,000 - - 115-/345-kV XFMR - $10,000 - 115-/500-kV XFMR - - $10,000 138-/230-kV XFMR $7,000 - - 138-/345-kV XFMR - $10,000 - 138-/500-kV XFMR - - $10,000 $10,000 - Transformer Cost ($/MVA) 230-/345-kV XFMR 230-/500-kV XFMR $11,000 - $11,000 345-/500-kV XFMR - $13,000 $13,000 Shunt Reactor ($/MVAR) $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Series Capacitor ($/MVAR) $30,000 $10,000 $10,000 SVC Cost ($/MVAR) $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 Reactive Components HVDC converter stations are not a typical component of every substation; however, the capital costs associated with HVDC converter stations is substantial and should be considered in cases where HVDC transmission is being considered. 25 Information on industry costs for SVCs came from HydroOne, Arizona Public Serve Company, and the Peer Review Group. Page 92 of 121 Table 29 shows the typical capital costs for a 500-kV converter station. The cost of a HVDC converter station is in addition to the substation capital costs identified above. Page 93 of 121 Table 29: HVDC Converter Station Costs HVDC 500-kV Converter Station MW Rating Cost Components Converter Terminal (including DC switching station equipment) Reactive Support (synchronous condensers, SVCs, etc.) AC Switchyard Total Cost 3,000 MW $275,000,000 $150,000,000 $20,000,000 $445,000,000 Calculating Substation Capital Costs The following formula is used to calculate substation capital costs: + + + + + + Substation Base Cost (Line/XFMR Position Base Cost) x (# of Line/XFMR Positions) x (RB or BAAH Multiplier) (XFMR Cost/MVA) x (XFMR MVA Rating) x (# of XFMRs) (SVC Cost/MVAR) x (# MVARs) (Series Cap. Cost/MVAR) x (# MVARs) (Shunt Reactor Cost/MVAR) x (# MVARs) (HVDC Converter Station Cost) Total Individual Substation Cost Allowance for Funds Used During Construction (AFUDC) and Overhead Costs Transmission and substation costs are given as “overnight” costs (i.e., the cost if the project could be engineered, procured and constructed overnight without financing or overhead costs). To address these additional costs, AFUDC and overhead costs were estimated and can be added to the transmission and substation costs to produce realistic total project cost estimates. In general, AFUDC is defined as the cost of debt and equity funds used to finance construction projects; overhead is defined as the miscellaneous costs required to maintain an organization but are not directly tied to a specific project (e.g., administrative costs, legal costs, internal management costs). AFUDC and overhead costs are usually estimated as a percentage of transmission and substation costs. TEPPC used an AFUDC value of 7.5 percent and overhead costs of 10 percent, for a total of 17.5 percent. The total project cost can be calculated using the following formula: Total Project Cost = (Transmission Capital Cost + Substation Capital Cost) x (AFUDC + Overhead) Page 94 of 121 Capital Costs for Generation In order to determine future incremental generation costs for the 10- and 20-year analyses, TEPPC uses a generation capital cost tool (generation tool). The generation tool provides estimated levelized costs for each generation technology considered in the 2013 study program (see Table 30). Assumptions for future capital and fixed O&M costs were developed and input into the annualized resource cost calculators in the tool. The following discussion lays out the methods, assumptions, and data used to develop the generation tool. A detailed description of the generation tool can be found in the found in the Tools and Models section. Generation technology types and associated costs (see Table 28) were approved by TEPPC. This list has been vetted through extensive stakeholder review. As technologies change, so too will the contents of this list. The quality and completeness of this list, as with all WECC planning models, are reliant upon stakeholder participation and review. Table 30: Generation Technologies Included in Capital Cost Analysis Technologies Biogas Biomass Coal CHP Gas CCGT Gas CT Geothermal Hydro Subtypes Landfill Other PC IGCC w/ CCS Small (<5 MW) Large (>5MW) Basic, Wet Cooled Advanced, Wet Cooled Basic, Dry Cooled Advanced, Dry Cooled Aero derivative Frame Large Small Upgrade Nuclear Solar PV Residential Rooftop Commercial Rooftop Distributed Utility (Fixed Tilt) Distributed Utility (Tracking) Large Utility (Fixed Tilt) Large Utility (Tracking) Solar Thermal No Storage Six-Hour Storage Wind Onshore Page 95 of 121 Offshore Capital and Fixed O&M Costs Future capital cost and fixed O&M cost estimates were developed in a two-step approach. First, present-day capital costs were developed through a literature review of NREL work, National Energy Technology Laboratory work, EIA data, IRPs, and actual data on installed cost of generation technologies.26 Then, future costs were extrapolated from present-day costs using one of two methods, depending on the type of technology, mature or emerging. (All capital costs are expressed in 2010 dollars.) For mature technologies (e.g., coal, gas, hydro) it was assumed that capital costs remain stable in real terms over time, so the present-day estimated capital and fixed O&M costs were used for future costs. Table 31 shows the assumed future capital and fixed O&M costs for the mature generation technologies considered in TEPPC’s analysis. Table 31: Assumed Capital and Fixed O&M Costs for Mature Technologies Technology Capital Cost ($/kW) Coal Pulverized $3,600 IGCC w/ CCS $8,000 Combined Heat & Power27 Small (<5 MW) $3,700 Large (>5 MW) $1,600 Gas – Combined Cycle Gas Turbine28 Basic, Wet Cooled $1,100 Advanced, Wet Cooled $1,200 Basic, Dry Cooled + $75 Advanced, Dry Cooled + $75 Gas – Combustion Turbine Aero derivative $1,150 Frame $800 Fixed O&M ($/kW-yr) $30 $60 $0 $0 $10 $10 $12 $6 26 A full list of the sources considered in the literature review is available in Section 8.2 of the report prepared for WECC by E3. See “Cost and Performance Review of Generation Technologies”, Energy & Environmental Economics, October 23, 2012, available at <<insert link from website>> 27 Small CHP is presumed to be used primarily to meet on-site loads but may export to the grid if the relative thermal load is large enough; large CHP is presumed to be developed to export substantial amounts of electricity to the grid while serving a large thermal load. 28 Combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) technologies include both basic and advanced designs. Basic CCGTs typically utilize two F-class combustion turbines (CT), whereas advanced CCGTs typically employ one G- or H-class CT. The default assumption is that both designs use wet cooling, but the heat rate penalty, incremental cost increase, for dry cooling are provided. Page 96 of 121 Nuclear Biogas Landfill Other Biomass Geothermal Hydro Large Small Upgrade $7,500 $70 $2,750 $5,500 $4,250 $5,800 $130 $165 $155 $150 $3,000 $3,500 $1,500 $30 $30 $23 It was assumed that capital and fixed O&M costs for emerging technologies (e.g., wind, solar PV, and solar thermal) decline over time, so a cost reduction potential was developed for each technology, using one of two approaches. For emerging technologies in the commercial phase with some installed global capacity, forwardlooking learning curves were used to quantify estimated future capital costs. Learning curves describe a commonly observed empirical relationship between the cumulative experience in the production of a resource and the cost to produce it. A learning rate, expressed as the percentage reduction in cost that accompanies a double in cumulative production experience, can be established through an evaluation of historically observed capital cost trends for a specific technology.29 The learning rate for a specific technology, together with information on that technology’s forecasted global installed capacity, create the learning curve for that technology. Learning curves for emerging generation technology capture the trend that the costs of emerging technologies often drop rapidly as production scales up.30 For nascent emerging technologies with a very small installed global capacity whose commercialization is just beginning, it is not possible to rely on a learning rate that is well supported by the available literature. In these cases forecasted cost reductions can be established through a survey of projected point estimates of future costs, using the same types of sources used to evaluate present-day costs, including utility IRPs, engineering assessments of potential cost reductions, and consulting reports. Present-day and future capital and O&M costs are provided for three emerging generation technologies: 1) solar PV, 2) solar thermal, and 3) wind. Table 32 shows the 29 Learning curves are most often expressed as the percentage reduction in cost that accompanies a doubling in cumulative production experience, a metric known as the learning rate. A key parameter needed to establish a future learning curve for a specific technology is a forecast of global installed capacity. Where a consensus learning rate for a specific technology has been established, that rate can be applied; however, in cases where no consensus rate exists, a review of literature on historically observed capital cost trends can be conducted to determine an approximate learning rate. 30 In addition, learning curves capture the trend that capital costs remain stable for mature technologies. Page 97 of 121 assumed present-day capital and O&M costs for six types of solar PV technology. The values in the table include a conversion factor to convert the DC nameplate rating to AC rated output. The projected capital cost reduction for solar PV technologies was determined using learning curves and applying separate learning rates to photovoltaic modules and balance-of-systems (BOS) components.31 Figure 34 shows the learning curves developed for the modules and BOS components, as well as the projected capital cost reductions. This approach results in a 26 percent reduction in solar PV capital costs relative to 2012 levels by 2022, and a 34 percent reduction by 2032. Table 32: Assumed Present-Day Capital and Fixed O&M Costs for Solar PV Technologies Technology Residential Rooftop Commercial Rooftop Small Utility Scale (fixed tilt) Large Utility Scale (fixed tilt) Small Utility Scale (single-axis tracking) Large Utility Scale (single-axis tracking) 31 Capital Cost ($/kW)32 $5,300 $4,500 $2,825 $2,400 Fixed O&M ($/kWyr) $65 $55 $50 $50 Capacity (kW) <10 10-1,000 1-20 100 $3,225 $50 1-20 $2,800 $50 100 Point to more complete description of the method in the E3 paper Section 4.5.3. Capital costs shown for solar PV technologies are expressed relative to the system’s DC nameplate rating. However, TEPPC’s modeling requires the capital cost inputs expressed relative to the system’s AC rated output. The values in Table 32 are converted from DC to an AC basis assuming an inverter efficiency of 85 percent. 32 Page 98 of 121 Figure 34: Projected Capital Cost Reductions for Solar PV Based on Learning Curves Solar PV Capital Cost Index (% of 2012 Capital Costs) 120% 100% 80% 82% 74% 69% 66% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2012 Blended Index 2017 2022 Modules Index 2027 2032 BOS Index Present-day and future capital and O&M costs for solar thermal technology are comprised of estimated costs for parabolic trough and power tower technologies. Parabolic trough thermal solar technology is used predominantly; however, commercial interest in power tower solar thermal technology is growing. Table 33 gives the assumed present-day costs for solar thermal technology with and without storage. Neither present-day costs nor cost reduction estimates separate out specific costs for trough and tower technologies. Table 33: Assumed Present-Day Capital and Fixed O&M Costs for Solar Thermal Technology Technology Capital Cost ($/kW) Fixed O&M ($/kW-yr) Solar Thermal with storage33 $7,100 $60 Solar Thermal without storage $4,900 $60 Solar thermal generation technologies are in a very early stage of commercialization, so cost trajectories for solar thermal technology were created by surveying engineering studies and IRPs for point estimates. Figure 35 and Figure 36 compare the point estimates with the assumed future costs for solar thermal with and without storage. The 33 Costs were estimated using information on parabolic trough systems with six-hour storage from CPUC, Black & Veatch, NREL, and APS; and a tower system with nine hours of storage described by Sandia. Page 99 of 121 estimated cost reduction potential for solar thermal technology in the short-term (five years) is 15 percent, and 30 percent in the long term (20 years). Figure 35: Comparison of Assumed Costs and Point Estimates for Solar Thermal with 6-hour Storage Assumed Trough Tower All-In Capital Cost (2010 $/kW) $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $2010 2015 2020 2025 Installation Vintage Page 100 of 121 2030 2035 Figure 36: Comparison of Assumed Costs and Point Estimates for Solar Thermal without Storage Assumed Trough Tower All-In Capital Cost (2010 $/kW) $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $2010 2015 2020 2025 Installation Vintage 2030 2035 Wind technologies include onshore wind (a mature technology) and offshore wind (emerging). Assumed present-day costs are shown in Table 34. The learning curve approach was applied to determine appropriate cost reductions, shown in Figure 37. Table 34: Assumed Present-Day Capital and Fixed O&M Costs for Wind Technology Technology Capital Cost ($/kW) Fixed O&M ($/kW-yr) Onshore wind $2,000 $60 Offshore wind $6,000 $100 Page 101 of 121 Figure 37: Projected Capital Cost Reductions for Wind Based on Learning Curves In addition to capital costs, the effect that potential performance improvements might have on solar and wind costs was evaluated. Wind performance improvements have the potential to reduce capital costs and increase plant capacity factors. For this reason, wind turbine improvements were included in the 20-year study. Improvements were not included in the 10-year study due to the complexity involved with adding capacity factor improvements for all plants across 8,760 hours of the year. No performance improvements were included for both solar PV or solar thermal technologies. Solar performance improvements might have some effect on plant costs but not on plant capacity factors. All capital and fixed O&M costs represent the U.S. average costs for new generation. Regional multipliers were developed to account for regional differences in costs. Statespecific construction cost indices were developed using information from the cost indices in the US Army Corps Civil Works Construction Cost Indexing System (CWCCIS).34 The input costs for the CWCCIS are approximately 37 percent labor, 37 percent materials, and 26 percent equipment. Assuming that 100 percent of labor costs and 50 percent of material costs are variable by region, the information from the CWCCIS, variable cost indices were created. The indices were applied to technologyspecific regional adjustment assumptions on the relative contribution of labor, materials, 34 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) (2011), Civil Works Construction Cost Index System (CWCCIS), Department of the Armey, Washington DC. Page 102 of 121 and equipment. Table 35 shows the resulting technology-specific regional multipliers, which are applied only to capital costs. A separate multiplier is applied to fixed O&M costs. Colorado Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Texas Utah Washington Wyoming 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 CFE 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.96 0.95 0.96 0.98 0.97 British Columbia 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 California Biogas Biomass CHP Coal – PC Coal – IGCC Gas CCGT Gas CT Geothermal Hydro–Large Hydro–Small Nuclear Solar PV Solar Thermal Wind Fixed O&M Arizona State/ Province Alberta Table 35: Technology-Specific Regional Multipliers 1.11 1.17 1.08 1.11 1.10 1.08 1.19 1.11 1.18 1.21 1.20 1.07 1.13 0.94 0.91 0.96 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.90 0.94 0.90 0.88 0.89 0.96 0.93 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.90 0.99 0.99 0.97 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.97 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.97 0.99 0.98 1.05 1.08 1.03 1.05 1.04 1.03 1.08 1.05 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.03 1.06 0.97 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.98 0.98 0.95 0.97 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.96 1.04 1.07 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.07 1.04 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.03 1.05 0.92 0.88 0.94 0.92 0.93 0.94 0.87 0.92 0.87 0.85 0.86 0.95 0.91 0.97 0.95 0.98 0.97 0.97 0.98 0.95 0.97 0.85 0.94 0.95 0.98 0.96 1.04 1.07 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.07 1.04 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.03 1.05 0.94 0.91 0.96 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.90 0.94 0.90 0.88 0.89 0.96 0.93 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.07 0.96 0.99 0.98 0.99 1.03 0.98 1.03 0.95 0.98 1.03 0.96 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.13 0.93 0.99 0.96 0.98 1.06 0.96 1.05 0.91 0.96 1.05 0.93 Table 36 shows the final capital cost inputs to the 10-year and 20-year studies. Table 36: Capital Cost Inputs to the 10-Year and 20-Year Studies Technology Biogas Biomass Coal CHP Gas CCGT Subtype Landfill Other PC IGCC w/ CCS Small (<5 MW) Large (>5MW) Basic, Wet Cooled Advanced, Wet Cooled Basic, Dry Cooled Present-Day Capital Cost ($/kW) Input Cost for 10- Input Cost for 20Year Study ($/kW) Year Study ($/kW) $2,750 $5,500 $4,250 $3,600 $8,000 $3,700 $1,600 $1,100 $2,750 $5,500 $4,250 $3,600 $8,000 $3,700 $1,600 $1,100 $2,750 $5,500 $4,250 $3,600 $8,000 $3,700 $1,600 $1,100 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,175 $1,175 $1,175 Page 103 of 121 Technology Gas CT Subtype Advanced, Dry Cooled Aero derivative Frame Geothermal Hydro Large Small Upgrade Nuclear Solar PV Residential Rooftop Commercial Rooftop Distributed Utility (Fixed Tilt) Distributed Utility (Tracking) Large Utility (Fixed Tilt) Large Utility (Tracking) Solar No Storage Thermal Six Hour Storage Wind Onshore Offshore Present-Day Capital Cost ($/kW) Input Cost for 10- Input Cost for 20Year Study ($/kW) Year Study ($/kW) $1,275 $1,275 $1,275 $1,150 $800 $5,500 $3,000 $3,500 $1,500 $7,500 $6,250 $1,150 $800 $5,500 $3,000 $3,500 $1,500 $7,500 $5,480 $1,150 $800 $5,500 $3,000 $3,500 $1,500 $7,500 $4,340 $5,250 $4,600 $3,650 $3,325 $2,910 $2,310 $3,800 $3,330 $2,640 $2,850 $2,500 $1,980 $3,300 $2,890 $2,290 $4,900 $7,100 $2,000 $6,000 $4,460 $6,460 $1,950 $5,850 $3,675 $5,325 $1,830 $5,490 Levelization of Costs Because the 10- and 20-year studies are “snapshot” analyses – that is, they evaluate the infrastructure requirements and operations of the grid during a single year in the future – the capital costs must be translated into levelized annual costs. The generation tool has four models that calculate magnitude of the costs that would be borne by ratepayers to fund a project’s construction, on an annual basis. There are three cash flow models each representing project financing costs assuming the project is funded by an IPP, IOU or POU. The fourth model is a simple algebraic levelized cost calculator that was developed for inclusion in the LTPT. Several assumptions were included in the development of the four annualization tools. These are discussed below. Weighted average cost of capital (WACC): The WACC assumptions used in each of the cash flow models are as follows: IPP project WACC is 8.25 percent; IOU project WACC Page 104 of 121 is 7.31 percent; and POU WACC is 6.30 percent. For the IOU- and POU-financed projects, whose capital costs are recovered through the rate base, a fixed utility capital structure was assumed. POU projects differ from IOU projects in that they are exempt from income tax and entirely debt-financed. Capital Recovery Factor (CFR): A simplified approach to annualizing the capital and fixed O&M costs was required in order to integrate into the LTPT. To accomplish this, WECC staff used the CFR calculation developed by NREL.35 The approach approximates the cash flows calculated by the cash-flow models. Financing Lifetime: The financing lifetime of a plant is an assumption of the period over which the costs of the plant would be recovered and passed on to ratepayers. Table 37 shows the default financing entity and assumed financing lifetime for some resource types. Table 37: Assumed Financing Entities and Lifetimes for Generation Technologies Technology Default Financing Entity Assumed Financing Lifetime Biogas IPP 20 yrs. Biomass IPP 20 yrs. Coal – PC IOU 40 yrs. Coal – IGCC IOU 40 yrs. CHP IPP 20 yrs. Gas – CCGT IPP 20 yrs. Gas – CT IPP 20 yrs. Geothermal IPP 20 yrs. Hydro – Large IOU 40 yrs. Hydro - Small IPP 20 yrs. Nuclear IOU 40 yrs. Solar Thermal IPP 20 yrs. Solar PV IPP 20 yrs. Wind IPP 20 yrs. Federal tax policies: Assumptions about three major federal tax incentives—accelerated depreciation, Production Tax Credit (PTC), and Investment Tax Credit (ITC)—were included in the annualization calculation. 35 For more information on the approach visit Short, W., et al. (1995) A Manual for the Economic Evaluation of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies, NREL, Golden, CO (Short, 1995) Page 105 of 121 Table 38 summarizes the eligibility of each generation technology for these tax credits or tax benefits. For the 10-year Common Case, the impacts of current PTC and ITC (30 percent) were included for levelized resource costs for applicable resources. For the 20year Reference Case, PTC impacts were not included and ITC impacts were included at 10 percent. Page 106 of 121 Table 38: Federal Generation Tax Policy Summary Technology Accelerated Depreciation PTC ITC Biogas $11 10 yrs. Biomass $22 10 yrs. Coal – PC 20 yrs. Coal – IGCC 20 yrs. CHP 10 yrs. Gas – CCGT 20 yrs. Gas – CT 20 yrs. Geothermal $22 5 yrs. Hydro – Large $11 20 yrs. Hydro - Small $11 20 yrs. Nuclear 20 yrs. Solar Thermal 30% 5 yrs. Solar PV 30% 5 yrs. Wind $22 5 yrs. Property Tax and insurance: Fixed O&M costs for biogas, biomass, geothermal, solar thermal, solar PV and wind include property tax and insurance. For all other technologies, the annual property tax is calculated at one percent of the plant’s remaining value; annual insurance is calculated as one half percent of the initial capital cost and escalates at two and a half percent per year. Capital cost vintages: A single vintage of capital costs was applied to all projects of a specific type in both the 10- and 20-year studies. Based on an assumption that renewable development will happen early in the 10-year cycle due to the expiration of tax incentives, all 2022 resource costs are based on the capital costs of a plant installed in 2015. For resources added after 2022 (20-year study), the assumed capital cost vintage is 2027. Table 39 shows the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) calculated by both the cash flow models and the simple calculation for each generation resources. The cash flow-derived LCOE is used in the 10-year analysis. It was calculated using the cash flow model that corresponds to the default financing entity listed in Table 37 for each technology. The LCOE derived from the simple calculation is used in the 20-year analysis. Table 39: Summary of LCOE from cash flow and simple analyses Technology Biogas Biomass Subtype Landfill Other LCOE - Cash Flow ($/MWh) 2015 vintage $91.79 $113.04 $89.20 Page 107 of 121 LCOE - Simple 2027 vintage ($/MWh) ($/kW-yr) $97.50 $116.32 $107.34 $652.38 $761.18 $794.95 Technology Coal CHP Gas CCGT Gas CT Geothermal Hydro Nuclear Solar PV Solar Thermal Wind Subtype PC IGCC w/ CCS Small (<5 MW) Large (>5MW) Basic, Wet Cooled Advanced, Wet Cooled Basic, Dry Cooled Advanced, Dry Cooled Aero derivative Frame Large Small Upgrade Residential Rooftop Commercial Rooftop Distributed Utility (Fixed Tilt) Distributed Utility (Tracking) Large Utility (Fixed Tilt) Large Utility (Tracking) No Storage Six Hour Storage Onshore Offshore LCOE - Cash Flow ($/MWh) $90.32 2015 vintage $184.86 LCOE - Simple 2027 vintage $206.89 $93.95 $87.46 $87.03 $90.64 $90.22 $106.63 $108.82 $106.24 $106.42 $196.17 $49.99 $160.19 $267.27 $224.79 $122.57 $71.89 $144.32 $168.13 $83.24 $81.96 $81.09 $84.78 $83.92 $101.73 $105.14 $133.97 $87.68 $164.53 $46.70 $121.83 $295.00 $248.08 $134.26 $507.28 $1,012.43 $681.83 $559.78 $600.66 $593.33 $621.06 $613.74 $749.44 $777.29 $824.02 $290.47 $417.99 $155.41 $835.70 $482.59 $405.84 $274.54 $117.22 $128.80 $305.52 $109.14 $105.05 $161.63 $153.47 $61.25 $195.42 $119.11 $115.05 $183.44 $175.76 $81.82 $209.39 $243.57 $272.91 $420.13 $575.06 $247.61 $685.09 10-Year Capital costs are not modeled in the 2022 TEPPC datasets; however, TEPPC used the capital cost tool to calculate the applicable capital costs of incremental generation and transmission for comparison purposes.36 20-Year Capital costs are critical to the 20-year study process. The LTPT requires capital costs to perform the generation optimization function done by the SCDT and the transmission expansion done by the NXT. For each future scenario to be studied, the LTPT selects and optimized set of generation resources based on their capital cost. The LTPT then 36 Data for the capital cost tool and in this report was gathered by Black & Veatch and E3 from publicly available resources. Page 108 of 121 applies incremental transmission, the capital costs of which are then added to the appropriate generation. The result is a recalculation of the incremental generation cost that includes grid costs. Based on these new generation costs, the LTPT optimizes the generation again, and the process repeats until the LTPT reaches convergence. For a detailed description, see the Tools and Models section. Reliability Reserve Margins 10-Year The reserve assumptions used for the 2010 TEPPC 2020 studies have reserves modeled at the subregional level. The data includes four percent reserves (three percent for spinning and one percent for contingency) for each of the eight regions, which approximates 50 percent of the WECC reserve requirement (after forced outages) – 7 percent for thermal and five percent for hydro. Reserves are enforced during the dispatch phase of the model and units may be backed down at times to meet reserves. 20-Year Planning reserves are not explicitly modeled within the LTPT as an optimization goal, but rather determined as a solution result. The system reserve value is determined by comparing the generation capacity available for peak load demand after optimization of energy and system peak goals with the peak load demand. Over the course of performing the long term studies, it was discovered that ample system reserve was generally available after satisfying the energy goals (see the study write-ups). The reserve model within the LTPT will be refined for future study cycles by applying what we have learned during this study cycle, consistent with 10-year planning processes. Flexibility Reserves 10-Year In addition to the load-based reserve requirement, a new reserve component was implemented to model the balancing needed for variable generation. The flexibility reserve is calculated using 10-minute wind and solar data, and then aggregated to an hourly addition to the operating reserve discussed above. This hourly flexibility reserve requirement is in addition to the 4 percent of daily peak load requirement that the model caries as on operating reserve, as shown in Figure 38. Page 109 of 121 Figure 38: Composite Reserve Requirement An example of the composite reserve requirement, shown on an hourly basis, is provided in Figure 39. The chart is for the California South region during a two day block of time in the summer. As shown, the flex reserve portion of the composite reserve requirement varies with the solar and wind penetration. Figure 39: Hourly Reserve Example Page 110 of 121 Flex reserve requirements are calculated for every hour of the year. The result of these calculations are presented in Figure 40, where the composite hourly reserve requirement is provided (by subregion) for every hour of the 2022 Common Case. As shown, California North and California South both have reserve requirements that exceed 18 percent of load in certain hours. This means that large penetrations of renewables are on the system and could conceivably drop off at any moment, thus necessitating a large operating reserve. Figure 41 shows the same data, sorted in duration format. Figure 40: Composite Hourly Reserve Requirements by Subregion Page 111 of 121 Figure 41: Subregion Reserve Requirement - Duration Plot 20-Year Flexibility reserves are not accounted for or modeled in the LTPT. Page 112 of 121 Environmental Data Considering environmental and cultural information in transmission planning will create results (transmission alternatives) that more effectively limit environmental and cultural risks and constraints that could affect transmission development. Transmission alternatives that take these risks and constraints into account result in more realistic potential transmission corridors, and also facilitate a more collaborative, stakeholderinclusion, and comprehensive transmission planning process. Further, considering environmental and cultural risks at the planning level would be expected to expedite the siting process when these factors are considered in greater detail. The use of environmental and cultural information in transmission planning puts these real-world considerations on par with demand, generation resources, energy policies, impacts on transmission reliability and other factors that have traditionally been considered in past planning cycles. WECC, through its Environmental Data Task Force (EDTF), has identified, collected, and processed geospatial information (data layers) on environmental and cultural resource for use in transmission planning. These data layers were identified by EDTF members and subject matter experts familiar with the current state of environmental data. The environmental and cultural data layers identified by the EDTF provide a basis for considering of these resources during transmission planning. WECC has aggregated these data layers into a seamless “Risk Classification Data Layer” that depicts environmental and cultural risks and constraints across the entire Western Interconnection; the Risk Classification Data Layer has been incorporated into the longterm planning tools. Environmental Data Used Data Types Incorporating environmental and cultural data into the transmission planning process requires a clear understanding of what is considered “environmental and cultural data.” For the purposes of WECC data collection effort, “environmental and cultural data” included the following resource categories: Land (including visual resources) Wildlife Cultural Historical Archaeological Water Resources Transmission and rights-of-ways Page 113 of 121 WECC’s environmental and cultural data collection effort focused on free, publicly available, data. However, to allow WECC to consider certain resource categories that were not available from free public sources, exceptions were made to allow fee-based and other non-public data, such as the inclusion of NatureServe’s Multi-Jurisdictional Data Base of Species Occurrence, which describes rare and Threatened/Endangered Species, and transmission line data.37 Data Sources Data layers considered for use in transmission planning were identified by EDTF members and subject matter experts. Identified data layers were collected and categorized into the following categories based on the original data source: Federal (including Canada) Data State/Provincial Data Non-Governmental Organization Data Vendors’ Data Cultural and Tribal Data These five categories were chosen as an easily identifiable, base-level categorization system to track and organize the large amounts of data being collected. Federal Federal data originates from a federal agency in the United States or Canada and usually spatially represents multi-state or multi-provincial areas. Data from the following U.S. federal agencies was collected and catalogued: Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service Federal Emergency Management Agency Forest Service Geological Survey National Park Service National Resources Conservation Service State and Provincial State and provincial data originates from a state and provincial level agency or from a local government agency such as a county or city municipality. Only limited county and 37 Free publicly available transmission line data does not exist. Data used by WECC came from Platts ( Page 114 of 121 city data were collected because the data was often too fine of a scale for use in regional transmission planning. Data from the following state/provincial sources was collected and catalogued: Province of British Columbia AltaLIS (Province of Alberta) Cal-Atlas (California) Wyoming Game and Fish Department Colorado Division of Wildlife Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington State Department of Natural Resources Arizona Game and Fish Department Non-Governmental Organization For the purposes of data collection Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) were defined as any organization that operates independently from the government and is not a data vendor (seller). This definition can include both for-profit and non-profit organizations, or data from other environmental documents. Data from the following NGOs was collected and catalogued: NatureServe Conservation Biology Institute West-Wide Energy Corridor Programmatic EIS ConserveOnline National Audubon Society Western Renewable Energy Zones Phase 1 Report (Canada Only) Vendors Vendor data was defined as any for-profit company that is not government-related and is in the business of selling data or software even though the data received from the vendor may not have a fee associated with it. Data from the following vendors was collected and catalogued: Environmental Systems Research Institute Platts Cultural Resources Data Cultural resources data is comprised of features of archaeological, anthropological, historical, and tribal interest. Cultural resources data are typically collected from the State and provincial government agency (e.g., the state historic preservation offices). Cultural resources data sets are unique from most types of environmental data in that they: Page 115 of 121 Contain information of a sensitive or protected nature; release of such data to the public could compromise the protection of resources; Are only released by the controlling government agency to authorized users; Are restricted for publication, distribution, and presentation; Are maintained in a variety of electronic formats that may or may not be manageable in a GIS. The list of preferred data available for transmission planning currently includes several sources of cultural data, including data for National Historic Trails and National Historic Monuments. In addition to these currently available data layers, WECC is in the process of working with state agencies to acquire additional relevant cultural resource data, including: The locations of known cultural sites The locations of cultural survey (inventory) areas Data Quality Following their identification and collection, WECC determined the quality of each environmental and cultural data layers using a two-step process. First, all data layers were examined using section 3.1 of the Data Quality Protocol. Data layers that passed the Data Quality Protocol were added to the EDTF Data Inventory38, which details all the environmental and cultural data layers considered for use in transmission planning. Second, data layers in the EDTF Data Inventory, section 3.2, were reviewed by the diverse stakeholder group that comprises the EDTF membership, and data found useful for transmission planning were identified as “preferred data” for use in regional transmission planning. Data Quality Protocol The purpose of the Data Quality Protocol39 is to provide data users and stakeholders a standardized, structured/step-wise protocol for performing a fitness-for-use (data quality) assessment of environmental and cultural data layers identified by WECC. Ultimately, the Data Quality Protocol is intended to assist the EDTF in assessing whether catalogued data layers should be considered “preferred data” (data that meets quality standards and is potentially useful to consider in regional transmission planning). Implementation of the Data Quality Protocol involves collaborations between GIS analysts and stakeholders and other subject matter experts. 38 EDTF, Data Inventory: 39 EDTF, Data Quality Protocol: Page 116 of 121 Preferred Data Sets Preferred data are those environmental and cultural data sets that stakeholders and subject matter experts determined are useful to inform transmission planning. In general, preferred data can be quantified and occur at a scale conducive to regional transmission planning. The current list of preferred data40 for transmission planning may change over time as new information becomes available (e.g., through routine data updates or the biennial open season process). Risk Classification System The EDTF stakeholders assigned Risk Classification Categories to each data layer identified as preferred. The EDTF’s Risk Classification System was developed to allow the categorization of risk to transmission development from various environmental and cultural features on the landscape. Because of the large area covered by the Western Interconnection, a basic four-point scale was used for categorization. Under this system, Risk Classification Category 1 represents the lowest risk and Risk Classification Category 4 represents the highest risk (i.e., areas were transmission development is precluded by law or regulation). The four-point Risk Classification System was based on the suitability criteria used in other studies, (i.e., Electric Power Research InstituteGeorgia Transmission Commission [EPRI-GTC] Overhead Electric Transmission Line Siting Methodology41, Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative42, and Arizona Renewable Resource and Transmission Identification Subcommittee 43), and professional judgment of stakeholders and subject matter experts. The EDTF stakeholder group agreed to this approach because it allowed an easily understandable, “planning level” method to aggregate risk and constraints from a variety of environmental and cultural features. The four Risk Classification Categories are described in detail below: 1.) Least Risk of Environmental or Cultural Resource Sensitivities and Constraints: Areas with minimal identified environmental or cultural resource constraints and with existing land uses or designations that are compatible with or encourage transmission 40 EDTF, Data Inventory: Electric Power Research Institute-Georgia Transmission Commission, “EPRI-GTC Overhead Electric Transmission Line Siting Methodology” (February 2006): 41 Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative, “Phase 1B Final Report” (January 2009): 42 Arizona Renewable Resource and Transmission Identification Subcommittee, “Final Report”: 43 Page 117 of 121 development. These areas would present few or minimal environmental and cultural mitigation requirements and are least likely to result in project delays. 2.) Low to Moderate Risk of Environmental or Cultural Resource Sensitivities and Constraints: Areas where development may encounter one or more environmental or cultural resource sensitivities or constraints that would require low to moderate permit complexity or mitigation costs. This category also includes areas in the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) dataset that have an unknown land use designation or degree of restriction to transmission development. 3.) High Risk of Environmental or Cultural Resource Sensitivities and Constraints: Transmission development is likely to encounter one or more environmental or cultural resource sensitivities or constraints that will substantially increase permitting complexity and which could result in project delays and high mitigation costs. This category also includes areas identified as avoidance areas (based on environmental and cultural sensitivities) in Canada from the WREZ Phase 1 Report44. 4.) Areas Currently Precluded by Law or Regulation: Areas where transmission development is currently precluded by federal, state, or provincial law, policy, or regulation, and areas identified as exclusion areas (based on environmental and cultural sensitivities) in Canada from the WREZ process. The Risk Classification System was applied to the preferred data based on reviews of applicable laws, regulations, policies as well as input from relevant subject matter experts and the stakeholders. The full justification for the Risk Classification assignments is available in the Environmental Recommendations for Transmission Planning Report45 (also Appendix D). The application of the Risk Classification to the preferred data was used to create a seamless, GIS-based Risk Classification Data Layer that depicts environmental and cultural risks and constraints across the entire Western Interconnection for use in WECC’s long-term planning tool. Limitations on Environmental and Cultural Data Data used by WECC to describe environmental and cultural features through the preferred data sets will change as new and updated information becomes available. To remain relevant, a regular process of data review and update for preferred data has been developed and is being implemented. Data providers are continuing to improve Western Governors’ Association, “Western Renewable Energy Zones - Phase 1 Report” (June 2009): 44 WECC, “Environmental Recommendations for Transmission Planning”, (May 6, 2011): ion_Planning.pdf 45 Page 118 of 121 their existing data as well as adding new or previously unmapped data layers. Because of the large amount of data providers who supplied data for the analysis and the varied timelines of data updates by those providers, it is difficult to have the most current data for all necessary layers simultaneously for analysis. Issues of data currency make it important to explicitly label products with “current as of” dates. WECC recognizes there is not currently data available for some of the environmental and cultural features that EDTF stakeholders and subject matter experts identified as having the potential to affect transmission development. Below are the primary data gaps identified for environmental and cultural information. Cultural Resources Data Currently, cultural geospatial data that is seamless across administrative boundaries is limited due to a variety of factors, including the sensitivity of the data for public release. WECC is working closely with several state historic preservation offices to determine an appropriate method and scale for acquiring and using the cultural resource location and inventory (survey) data they collect. The goal is to develop a process and product that respects the sensitivity of cultural data and the need to protect the locations of these irreplaceable resources from public release, while providing sufficient information to allow the consideration of cultural resources during regional transmission planning. Tribal and First Nations data can also be sensitive. Other than reservation lands and other legal boundaries, WECC has not been successful in identifying data for important Tribal and First Nations cultural resources and traditional use sites. Wildlife Data WECC has collected wildlife data from state, NGO and federal data sources. However, inconsistencies exist in naming conventions and the overall lack of seamlessness of wildlife data across jurisdictional boundaries. As data from the Western Governors’ Association state Crucial Habitat Assessment Tool program become available across the U.S. portion of the Western Interconnection, many of these issues should be addressed. Canadian Data Currently, the bulk of the dataset catalogue consists of U.S. data. While the existing seamless Risk Classification Data Layer contains information for Canada, additional and updated data are needed from the Canadian portions of WECC in British Columbia and Alberta. WECC is working to update and improve Canadian data by conducting concentrated data outreach with Canadian data stewards and stakeholders. Page 119 of 121 Appendix A: Hydro Data Northwest Monthly Hydro Energy Model Type Net Jan (MWh) Net Feb (MWh) Net Mar (MWh) Net Apr (MWh) Net May (MWh) Net Jun (MWh) Net Jul (MWh) Net Aug (MWh) Net Sep (MWh) Net Oct (MWh) Net Nov (MWh) Net Dec (MWh) HD 3296130 2751293 2849190 2988179 4496427 3623152 2918105 2605933 2265705 2439842 2962553 3308635 PLF 772784 613794 596074 642522 886513 781561 749151 640505 547975 576476 682568 724186 PLF K=0 565145 454549 446125 620949 903762 896270 826312 696704 521988 507613 565531 587718 HTC 5966807 5415016 5266361 4590316 6876082 6866154 6584136 5196928 3766430 4710420 5260755 5541062 Total 10600866 9234652 9157750 8841966 13162784 12167137 11077704 9140070 7102098 8234351 9471407 10161601 California Monthly Hydro Energy HD 1049811 1200660 1580895 1829247 2684502 2732327 2596800 2013813 1524696 1330445 1265316 1743867 PLF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLF K=0 169070 167790 183090 203788 267000 250081 244905 210303 166825 163699 162441 162249 HTC 1021973 979346 1321334 1539393 1954744 1800356 1613657 1410880 1065646 897122 702798 1091014 Total 2240854 2347796 3085319 3572428 4906246 4782764 4455362 3634996 2757167 2391266 2130555 2997130 East Monthly Hydro Energy HD 517695 457784 561638 521789 677658 810376 830235 716156 494936 437216 413022 563372 PLF 13493 11929 12473 13336 19139 18115 18482 15856 13487 14035 12353 13477 PLF K=0 246432 214724 219808 231066 305432 302329 287418 227429 191769 195135 197777 218131 HTC 190493 172144 214681 497807 475744 498394 535282 403570 315095 330339 453680 271665 Total 968113 856581 1008600 1263998 1477973 1629214 1671417 1363011 1015287 976725 1076832 1066645 British Columbia Monthly Hydro Energy HD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLF K=0 1,430,778 995,016 1,186,734 1,275,877 2,204,981 2,498,568 2,677,247 2,261,320 1,856,198 1,703,579 1,571,774 1,519,228 HTC 6,529,619 5,419,326 5,408,477 3,363,302 3,333,432 3,298,617 3,862,729 4,348,720 4,188,403 5,047,461 5,330,881 6,083,217 Total 7960397 6414342 6595211 4639179 5538413 5797185 6539976 6610040 6044601 6751040 6902655 7602445 Alberta Monthly Hydro Energy HD 4141 7385 4174 6161 49484 36775 52564 44217 31704 26667 19660 7952 PLF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PLF K=0 41703 40894 48849 50732 61898 62784 49221 40946 35849 42221 44265 50122 HTC 141870 124597 133494 122955 152106 292007 254118 165077 161593 161263 150125 151256 Total 187714 172876 186517 179848 263488 391566 355903 250240 229146 230151 214050 209330 Interconnection-wide Monthly Hydro Energy HD 4867777 4417122 49958967 5345376 7908071 7202630 6397704 5380119 4317041 4234170 4660551 5623826 PLF 786277 625723 608547 655858 905652 799676 767633 656361 561462 590511 694921 737663 PLF K=0 2453128 1872973 2084606 2382412 3743073 4010032 4085103 3436702 2772629 2612247 2541788 2537448 HTC 13850762 12110429 12344347 10113773 12792108 12755528 12849922 11525175 9497167 11146605 11898239 13138214 Total 21957944 19026247 20033397 18497419 25348904 24767866 24100362 20998357 17148299 18583533 19795499 22037151 Page 120 of 121 Model Type Capacity (MW) HD PLF PLF K=0 HTC Total 10808 2261 1938 17621 32628 HD PLF PLF K=0 HTC Total 5985 0 705 3584 10274 HD PLF PLF K=0 HTC Total 2678 88 629 2416 5810 HD PLF PLF K=0 HTC Total 0 0 4370 13676 18046 HD PLF PLF K=0 HTC Total 85 0 100 811 996 HD PLF PLF K=0 HTC Total 19556 2349 7741 38109 67755 % of Region Net Generation Capacity (GWh) Northwest 33.12% 36505 6.93% 8214 5.94% 7593 54.01% 66040 118352 California 58.26% 21552 0.00% 0 6.86% 2351 34.89% 15398 39302 East 46.09% 7002 1.51% 176 10.82% 2837 41.59% 4359 14374 British Columbia 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 24.22% 21181 75.78% 56214 77395 Alberta 8.53% 291 0.00% 0 10.04% 569 81.43% 2010 2871 WECC Total 28.86% 65350 3.47% 8390 11.42% 34532 56.25% 144022 252295 Page 121 of 121 % of Region Net Generation 30.84% 6.94% 6.42% 55.80% 54.84% 0.00% 5.98% 39.18% 48.71% 1.23% 19.74% 30.32% 0.00% 0.00% 27.37% 72.63% 10.13% 0.00% 19.84% 70.03% 25.90% 3.33% 13.69% 57.08%