Information about the Department

Board of Studies
The Board of Studies is the governing academic committee of the Department. Under the
Senate of the University, it determines and co-ordinates all matters of academic policy and
practice. It consists of all full-time members of staff and up to thirteen student members,
including five graduates, three representing MA students, and two representing MPhil/PhD
students. One of the three MA students will represent international MA students. The Board
meets twice a term, in Weeks 1 and 9, on Wednesdays. It elects its own Chair, who holds
office for two years. Graduate members also attend Graduate Sub-Committee meetings,
normally held on the Wednesday of Week 7 each term.
Election of Graduate Members to the Board of Studies
Representatives are elected for one year, though may seek re-election if their registration
continues. The MA representatives would normally come from different programmes within
the Department.
The Secretary to the Board of Studies will announce the arrangements for nominations and
elections during the Autumn Term.
First Graduate Sub-Committee Meeting for new Wednesday of Week 7
First Board of Studies Meeting for new Wednesday of Week 9
What do Board of Studies Representatives do?
Student representatives are a valuable source of information and advice for the Board and its
subcommittees. You may offer your elected student representatives topics or questions to
raise at meetings of the Board or ask them to communicate with staff on your behalf. Student
representatives to the Board can be contacted through their emails or pigeon holes. Student
representatives may also hold surgeries where you can present your concerns.
As members of the Board, student representatives have access to unstarred minutes of the
Board and its sub-committees.
The Department supports student representatives by providing them with: a) space on the
Departmental noticeboard; b) an email list of all English Department students; c) limited
access to photocopier and stationery facilities to produce materials specifically for use in their
role as student representative.
Research student representatives who are still registered students in the autumn term
following their election should act as contacts for incoming graduate students at the start of
the academic year, and should make themselves known to students for this purpose.
The Department holds an annual Graduate Student Conference, normally during the Summer
Term, and students are fully responsible for its organisation. The graduate student
representatives take initial responsibility, following its inclusion on the agenda of the Autumn
Term meeting of the Graduate Sub-Committee.
Graduate Sub-Committee
This sub-committee of the Board of Studies consists of the Graduate Chair, the Head of
Department, the Chair of the Board of Studies, the Department’s representative on the
University Teaching Committee (when this is not the Graduate Chair), the directors of the
Departmental Research Schools, the MA convenors, and the graduate representatives. The
Graduate Studies Administrator is in attendance. It is called by the Graduate Chair to discuss
policy initiatives, examine issues raised by members, monitor staff-student relations and
recommend proposals to the Board of Studies. Meetings are normally held in Week 7 of each
term if business warrants.
From time to time it may be necessary for the Committee to meet without the student
members to consider reserved business as defined by the Board of Studies.
Graduate Schools
Graduate studies within the Department are organised into four distinct research schools: 1.
the Medieval School, which is associated with the Centre for Medieval Studies in the King’s
Manor; 2. the Renaissance School (16th and 17th century); 3. the Eighteenth Century and
Romantic School, which is associated with the Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies,
covering the “long” 18th Century (from 1688 to c 1850); and 4. the Modern School (from
1850 to the present).
All members of staff and all graduate students (MA, MPhil and PhD, part-time or full-time)
belong to at least one, and occasionally two, of these schools. Each Research School offers at
least one taught MA, and is responsible for organizing regular staff-student research seminars
and occasional conferences.
Each Research School has either one or two Directors appointed by the Board of Studies.
Departmental Office
The Department Graduate Studies Administrator is responsible for servicing graduate affairs.
In addition to providing administrative assistance to the Graduate Chair, he or she maintains
all graduate files, distributes departmental information (including publications, booklets and
broadsheets), and receives completed examinable essays and dissertations.
Head of Department: Complaints and Discipline Procedures
The Head of Department acts as final arbiter and court of appeal in matters involving
personal differences, complaints and discipline. All such matters relating to graduate studies
should, in the first instance, be transacted through the Graduate Chair, who will relay them to
the Head of Department where appropriate. A complaint about the Graduate Chair should be
made through the supervisor or convenor to the Head of Department.
Students have access to the Humanities Research Centre in the Berrick Saul Building. The
large postgraduate work area has bright and attractive spaces designed for hot desking, with
wifi throughout the building. Some secure locker cabinets may be available. Facilities also
include a printer/photocopier/scanner. There is a café area on the ground floor with vending
machines and a small kitchen.
Other photocopiers are available in the library. The Graduate Students' Association, based on
the first floor of Wentworth College, also offers a photocopying and faxing service for
postgraduates and has a CD Library which postgraduates can access. The Association runs
events and trips and can advise on welfare and academic matters. Email or
ring (32)2718.