DAF Document Metadata IG Charter Draft Outline_2014 12 14

DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
Proposed Charter Outline
Dec 14, 2014
1. Background, Definition and Purpose
a. Background – A Data Access Framework using IHE Profiles Whitepaper <link>
b. Definition - What is Document Metadata based access? Document Metadata based DAF
Queries are created using the metadata associated with clinical documents. The
metadata associated with clinical documents is typically captured as part of clinical
workflows. Examples of metadata include:
i. Type of the clinical documents (for e.g. Office Visit Summaries, Discharge
Summaries, Operative Notes, History and Physical notes) used to record various
clinical encounters.
ii. Patient identifier information such as patient id or medical record number.
iii. Metadata such as time of creation, modification time, Practice Type, and other
ebRS/ebRIM based metadata
c. Purpose – For the United States, create an implementation guide for the Document
Metadata based DAF Queries covered in the “A Data Access Framework using IHE
Profiles Whitepaper” published in 2014 taking into account updates and expansions of
IHE profiles
2. Scope
a. In scope
i. Local Data Access Framework (LDAF) which specifically outlines the standards
and profiles used to access data within a “healthcare” organization
ii. Targeted Data Access Framework (TDAF) which specifically outlines the
standards and profiles used to access data from an external “healthcare”
b. Not in scope
i. Direct
ii. Federated Data Access Framework (FDAF)
iii. DAF Data element based access: Queries are created using information that is
part of the patient's clinical record. Such as Demographics, Lab Results,
Medication Reconciliation Data (meds, allergies, problems), Immunizations
c. Potential harmonization
i. Collaboration with national testing programs:
1. eHealth Exchange
2. Carequality
3. Commonwell
4. EHR |HIE Interoperability Working Group
5. IHE USA Certification
ii. Convergence with HL7 FHIR Data Element Based Queries
1. FHIR documents
3. Approach / Joint Team - Roles
a. ONC S&I Frameworks - Draft
b. IHE International PCC (Patient Care Coordination) Domain – Guide and Ballot
c. IHE USA – Ballot, Publish, “Test”
4. Potential Intersecting Efforts
a. DAF Data Element Based Queries
b. MHD IHE International Profile
c. IHE International DAF Cookbook customizable by country or region
Tentative and Preliminary
- For Discussion Purposes Only
HIMSS Confidential
DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
Proposed Charter Outline
Dec 14, 2014
5. Content Considerations in Developing the Implementation Guide
a. Incorporation of specific requirements in federal regulations
b. Taking care in terms of optionality and use of verbs – shall, should, may, etc.
c. Privacy and security framework guidance
6. Timeline
a. Optimistic Approach
1. Complete deliverable IG
TOC and project charter
2. Complete draft IG
3. Approve draft IG for
public comment
4. Submit IG for public
 IHE International
5. Process and resolve
6. Approve IG
7. Publish IG
December 2014 – January
On-going – February 2015
PCC February F2F –
February 23 – 27 2015
March 2015
PCC April/May F2F
April 27 – May 01 2015
PCC April/May F2F –
April 27 – May 01 2015
June 2015
b. Fallback Approach
1. Complete deliverable IG
TOC and project charter
2. Build out draft IG
3. Update draft IG for public
3. Approve draft IG for
public comment
4. Submit IG for public
 IHE International
5. Process and resolve
6. Approve IG
7. Publish IG
December 2014 – January
On-going – February 2015
PCC February F2F –
February 23 – 27 2015
PCC April/May F2F
April 27 – May 01 2015
May 2015
June / July Weekly
April 27 – May 01 2015
PCC July F2F –
July 20 – 24 2015
August 2015
7. Chronology
a. Work in process <link>
b. Chronology <link>
Tentative and Preliminary
- For Discussion Purposes Only
HIMSS Confidential