DAF Document Metadata IG Charter Draft_2014

DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
March 09, 2015
1. Background, Definition and Purpose
In 2014 an IHE-Profile based Data Access Framework (DAF) whitepaper:
(http://www.ihe.net/uploadedFiles/Documents/PCC/IHE_PCC_White_Paper_DAF_Rev1.0_2014-0328.pdf) was published in a collaborative effort between the ONC S&I Frameworks Data Access
Framework Initiative and the IHE International Patient Care Coordination (PCC) Team. The scope of the
whitepaper describes a framework of IHE Integration Profiles and supporting standards that can support
modular queries, allowing for substitutions in a structured way to support greater levels of
interoperability between systems.
Specifically the scope of the white paper involved:
Development of a framework of profiles supporting data access that meets the
requirements for common data use cases supporting individual patient and
population health.
Description of a means by which IHE profiles can support multiple means of access
through a modular framework with substitutable components (profiles).
Identification of the gaps in the existing profiles to meet the use cases and
requirements outlined.
Identification of a roadmap for future development of IHE profiles to meet those
gaps which support emerging standards (e.g., HL7 FHIR).
The following aspects were not included in the scope of the white paper:
Harmonization of existing profiles
Development of new profiles
Development of implementation guides
The purpose of the current effort, the DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project, is to develop a
harmonized implementation guide to serve as a foundation for United States health information
exchange query programs that may also serve as a potential “cookbook” framework for implementation
guides in other countries and regions.
Key to understanding this project is the concept of a DAF “Document Metadata Based Access Query”.
Document Metadata based DAF Queries are created using the metadata associated with clinical
documents. The metadata associated with clinical documents is typically captured as part of clinical
workflows. Examples of metadata include:
 Type of the clinical documents (for e.g. Office Visit Summaries, Discharge
Summaries, Operative Notes, and History and Physical notes) used to record various
clinical encounters
 Patient identifier information such as patient id or medical record number
 Metadata such as time of creation, modification time, Practice Type, and other
ebRS/ebRIM based metadata
2. Scope
The scope of the project further constrains queries addressed to only specific groups of use cases.
DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
March 09, 2015
In scope use cases include:
 Local Data Access Framework (LDAF) which specifically outlines the standards and
profiles used to access data within a “healthcare” organization
 Targeted Data Access Framework (TDAF) which specifically outlines the standards
and profiles used to access data from an external “healthcare” organization
Out of scope use cases include:
 Federated Data Access Framework (FDAF)
Cross references:
 DAF Data element based access is being worked on by worked on by HL7 FHIR : In
this type of access queries are created using information that is part of the patient's
clinical record such as Demographics, Lab Results, Medication Reconciliation Data
(meds, allergies, problems), and Immunizations.
3. Approach / Joint Team – Roles
Completion of the work requires a close working collaboration among three organizations, all three of
which must come to consensus on the final product. The final product will be maintained by IHE USA as
an extension to IHE International Frameworks and Profiles. The roles and responsibilities of the three
institutions are portrayed in the following table:
ONC S&I Frameworks
Draft the US IG
Approve the US IG as an S&I
Frameworks deliverable
Facilitate US government
support for the IG
Participate in efforts to drive
acceptance of the IG across US
national projects and conformity
assessment efforts
IHE International PCC (Patient
Care Coordination) Domain
 Provide IHE standards and
process guidance
 Submit for public comment
 Review and apply
 Approve the IG as a valid
IHE USA Extension
 Submit for publication to
be ready for Connectathon
 Provide US realm
review of the IG
 Submit for public
 Publish the IG after
S&I Frameworks
 Facilitate testing of
the guide
 Test the IG in the
Joint Program
 Facilitate
deployment of the
IG in the US realm
 Maintain the IG
going forward
4. Intersecting Efforts
The following work, while carried out independently of the IG effort, may help inform the IG work.
These efforts are also potential collaborators in advancing global Data Access Framework simplification
and adoption:
 DAF Data Element Based Queries work being conducted by HL7
DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
March 09, 2015
 MHD (Mobile access to Health Documents) IHE International Profile development being
conducted by the IHE International ITI (IT Infrastructure) Domain Technical Committee
currently being tested in IHE USA Virtual Connectathon and New Directions venues
Aspirational goals beyond the development of the Implementation Guide include:
The ONC S&I Framework and IHE USA Collaboration seeks to achieve a single set of DAF
Document Metadata Based Query compliant standards across the US to drive
interoperability, and to simplify vendor requirements, as well as health delivery organization
solution selection and development. This harmonization will include:
o Collaboration with national specification and testing programs to achieve DAF
Document Metadata Based Query conformance, permitting well-identified
extensions to meet program needs:
 eHealth Exchange
 Carequality
 Commonwell
 EHR |HIE Interoperability Working Group (Joint Program)
 IHE USA Certification
o Collaboration with state and regional health information exchange organizations
and initiatives , and their respective specification and testing programs, to achieve
DAF Document Metadata Based Query conformance, permitting well-identified
extensions to meet program needs
o Collaboration / Convergence / Harmonization with HL7 FHIR development:
 DAF Data Element Based Queries – potential query format, access control
 FHIR documents (metadata about content) – worth discussing, open, SDI
unstructured, Consolidated CDA; this is how – not putting constraints
The Collaboration also seeks to foster implementation and harmonize existing health
information exchange implementations under the DAF framework through
o Implementation Guide testing
o Development of DAF bundle testing programs
o Development of DAF bundle conformance assessment programs
o Alignment of national programs
o Provision of metrics and incentives to encourage adoption
DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
March 09, 2015
5. Content Considerations in Developing the Implementation Guide
Special consideration for whitepaper development will be given to the following:
 Reference to / incorporation of specific requirements in federal regulations
 Taking care to appropriately constrain optionality and the use of related verbs such
as shall, should, may, etc.
 Privacy and security framework guidance
Addressing the above will be driven by resolving the items contained in the “Action items to be
addressed prior to IG publication” table reviewed in workgroup weekly meetings.
6. Timeline
Two timelines are provided given that the work is of a creative nature and it is not possible to see all the
potential barriers they need to be overcome on the way to publication of the IG:
a. Optimistic Approach
1. Complete deliverable IG
TOC and project charter
2. Complete draft IG
3. Approve draft IG for
public comment
4. Submit IG for public
 IHE International
5. Process and resolve
6. Approve IG
7. Publish IG
December 2014 – January
On-going – February 2015
PCC February F2F –
February 23 – 27 2015
March 2015
PCC April/May F2F
April 27 – May 01 2015
PCC April/May F2F –
April 27 – May 01 2015
June 2015
b. Fallback Approach
1. Complete deliverable IG
TOC and project charter
2. Build out draft IG
3. Update draft IG for public
3. Approve draft IG for
public comment
4. Submit IG for public
 IHE International
December 2014 – January
On-going – February 2015
PCC February F2F –
February 23 – 27 2015
PCC April/May F2F
April 27 – May 01 2015
May 2015
DAF Document Metadata Based Queries Project
5. Process and resolve
June / July Weekly
April 27 – May 01 2015
6. Approve IG
PCC July F2F –
July 20 – 24 2015
7. Publish IG
August 2015
March 09, 2015