1. DATOS INFORMATIVOS: 1.1. Disciplina: Science 1.2. Profesor(s): Mr. Ken Gulfan 1.3. Especialidad: Science 1.4. Grados / Cursos: Fourth Grade 1.5. Horario: 3 hours a week 1.6. Correo electrónico:kenjitsu2@hotmail.com, kenjitsu2@gmail.com 2. OBJETIVO 2.1. Objectivo General Acquaint the student about the marvels of nature and the scientific processes. 3. DESCRIPCIÓN 3. 1. Importancia de la disciplina dentro de la malla curricular Provide the students with the basics about science, nature processes and scientific method. 3.2. Incidencia de la asignatura Students will know the basics of natural science and will use the scientific method in solving problems. 4. RESULTADOS DEL APRENDIZAJE 4. 1. Cognitivos (aprender) Students will know the scientific method and some processes in nature. 4. 2. Prácticos (hacer) Students draw natural processes and solve simple problems using the scientific method. 4. 3. Desarrollo personal (valores) Motivate the students to take care of natural resources and use scientific method to improve his/her life. CONTENIDOS: I PARCIAL 5.1.Temas/Problemas WHAT ARE TOOLS FOR INQUIRY? WHAT ARE INQUIRY SKILLS? 5.2.Estrategias Metodológicas WHAT IS THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD? HOW ARE LIVING THINGS CLASSIFIED? HOW ARE PLANTS AND FUNGI CLASSIFIED? Lecture Word power Projects Diagrams Presentations Lab practice Lecture Word power Projects Diagrams Presentations Lab practice Lecture Word power Projects Diagrams Presentations Lab practice Lecture Word power Projects Diagrams Presentations Lab practice Lecture Word power Projects Diagrams Presentations Lab practice 6. METODOLOGÍA: Lectures Presentations Word Power Discussions 5.3. Recursos 5.4.Tiempos •Notebook •Scissors •Glue •Text Book •Color Pencils •Active Board •Notebook •Scissors •Glue •Text Book •Color Pencils •Active Board •Notebook •Scissors •Glue •Text Book •Color Pencils •Active Board •Notebook •Scissors •Glue •Text Book •Color Pencils •Active Board •Notebook •Scissors •Glue •Text Book •Color Pencils •Active Board 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 7. SISTEMA DE EVALUACIÓN: (Instrumentos, modalidad) Model Albums Projects Lab Practice II Tests: I Test 30% II Test 30%