The Great Depression - Learning Targets Notation example 1

The Great Depression - Learning Targets Notation example
1. Demonstrate the causes of the Great Depression and how it affected American society
1a. Analyze the cause and consequences of the stock market crash of 1929
1b. Evaluate Hoover’s response to the Great Depression and explain the reasons for the
deepening crisis in the period 1929-1933
1c. Evaluate the major causes of the Great Depression
2. Demonstrate understanding of how American Life changed during the depression years
2a. Explain the effects of the Great Depression and Dust Bowl on American farmers, tenants and
2b. Analyze the impact of the Great Depression on American families and gender roles
3. Demonstrate understanding of President Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal
3a. Contrast the background and leadership abilities of FDR with those of Hoover
3b. Contrast the ‘first’ and ‘second’ New Deals and evaluate the success of the relief, recovery
and reform measures associated with each
3c. Explain the impact of the New Deal on workers, families, business owners, farmers and
minority groups
4. Demonstrate understanding of opposition to the New Deal, the alternative program of its detractors and
the legacy of the ‘Roosevelt Revolution’
Learning Targets
Analyze the cause and
consequences of the stock
market crash of 1929
Evaluate Hoover’s response to
the Great Depression and explain
the reasons for the deepening
crisis in the period 1929-1933
Evaluate the major causes of the
Great Depression
Explain the effects of the Great
Depression and Dust Bowl on
American farmers, tenants and
Analyze the impact of the Great
 American Issues p368-370 (women forced to go to work,
Depression on American families
created competition and conflict, harmed many men’s sense of
and gender roles
Contrast the background and
 HH vs FDR handout (rugged individualism vs gov. assistance)
leadership abilities of FDR with
 American Issues p360-362 (only have to fear is fear itself,
those of Hoover
rulers of the exchange of mankind’s goods have failed…)
Contrast the ‘first’ and ‘second’
New Deals and evaluate the
success of the relief, recovery
and reform measures associated
with each
Explain the impact of the New
 American Issues p368-370 (women forced to go to work,
Deal on workers, families,
created competition and conflict, harmed many men’s sense of
business owners, farmers
Demonstrate understanding of
opposition to the New Deal, the
alternative program of its
detractors and the legacy of the
‘Roosevelt Revolution’