COURSE SYLLABUS Department of Educational Psychology University of Houston EPSY 6325 Instructor: Theories of Counseling Section 12694 Consuelo Arbona, Ph.D. Fall 2013 Room: 15 Office FH 410 Tel. 713-743-9814 When possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic accommodations to students who request and require them. Please call ext.35400 for more assistance EPSY 6325 is a required course in the Counseling masters program. EPSY 6325 is a pre-requisite for several other courses such as EPSY 6335 Group Counseling, EPSY 6391 Counseling Lab, and EPSY 7393 practicum. This course meets the following standards: the Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas (ExCet), Field 152-School Counselors: Domain I Understanding StudentsCompetencies ; Domain II Planning and Implementing the Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program; and, Domain III Collaboration, Consultation and Professionalism. In addition, this course is designed to satisfy an academic requirement for the Licensed Professional Counselor Act in Texas. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE EPSY 6325 provides an overview of major psychological theories and techniques used in counseling relationships. The course covers the theory part of the content examined in Section 3 Helping Relations of the NCE exam and the program’s comprehensive exam (Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination; CPCE). The courses EPSY 6391 Intro Lab and EPSY 6375 Family Counseling also include information related to Section 3 of the NCE and CPCE examinations. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE In collaboration with each other, students will learn the concepts of the major theories of personality and behavior change and will understand how these concepts are applied in counseling relationships. Students are expected to carry forth the experiences in this course by assuming leadership roles in the provision of counseling services to diverse populations in their practicum sites and, upon graduation from the program, in their respective professional positions. 1 In this course students will demonstrate knowledge regarding: 1. The concepts that characterize each of the major psychological and personality theories applied to counseling and psychotherapy. 2. Counseling interventions associated with each theory covered in class. 3. The application of major constructs and interventions associated with each theory to conceptualize hypothetical clients presented in case studies. REQUIREMENTS Attendance to class lectures, view of therapy tapes and participation in class discussions are essential components of this course. These activities are designed to help students integrate the material covered in the course. This integration is a key element in the process of translating theory into practice in actual counseling encounters. Reading all assigned materials before class is necessary for students to get the most out of the lectures. In-class exams must be taken on the day and time specified in the syllabus. MATERIALS Corey. G. (2013) Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. (Edtion 9th or earlier). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. TXT Corey, G. (2013/2009). Case approach to counseling and psychotherapy. (8th edition or earlier). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole CSBK Arbona - Outline Case Conceptualization (found in web site) 2 Instructor’s web site: 1. Please visit the web site indicated above to obtain materials for the class including: syllabus, reading assignments, study guides for in-class tests, power point presentations used in class and instructions for final take-home exam. 2. Once you open the web site, click the Courses tab, and then the EPSY 6325 tab. In order to access the course materials you need to have a CITE Lab username and password. 3. To obtain a CITE Lab username and password visit and click on the Create/Reset Your Account link. Students must be enrolled in a College of Education course during the present semester in order to be able to create an account. 4. Students having trouble obtaining a CITE username and password please visit the CITE Lab in Farish Hall 3rd floor. COURSE PRODUCTS and GRADING Exam I Exam II Class attendance/participation Final Take Home Exam 30% 30% 10% 30% Total 100% Objectives 1 and 2 Objectives 1 and 2 Objectives 1, 2 and 3 Objectives 1, 2 and 3 Study guides for the three in-class exams and instructions for the take-home exam are posted in the instructor’s web page. The case study for the take-home exam will be distributed in class. Grades for the Take Home Exam will be based upon: a. Quality of writing (sentence structure, paragraph organization) b. Accuracy of presentation/application of theoretical concepts of the two main theories used: Conceptualization of the case Description of goals and interventions consistent with each theory c. Breadth and depth of understanding demonstrated by your reactions, commentary, and critique o Take Home Exam should be typed and double-spaced in 12 type font. o Staple the papers do not bound them. o Only write your People Soft number on the paper, not your name. 3 Schedule Fall 13 Date Class # Topic Readings Introduction Video Stan 1: initial Session TXT Chap 1 2 Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Video: Ruth 1 and 2 Relationship/Goals TXT Chapter 4 up to Jung’s Perspective CSBK Chapter 1 including Ruth’s case 11 3 Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Video: Stan Psych D therapy Resistance/Transf CSBK Chapter 2 (Psychoanalytic) 18 4 25 Oct. 2 5 Object Relations Video: Richard/Strupp Adler’s Theory Video: Ruth #5 Resistance; #10 Transference Stan Adlerian: Early recollections 6 Roger’s Person Centered Video: Rogers - Gloria TXT Chapter 4 Jung’s Perspective to end Outline Case Conceptualization pp. 1-7 CSBK Chap 3 (Adlerian) TXT Chapter 5 (Adlerian) Outline Case Conceptualization pp. 8-10 TXT Chap 7 (Person Centered) CSBK Chapter 5 (Person-Centered) Outline Case Conceptualization pp. 10-11 9 7 Case Study Conceptualization/ Exam Review Video Rogers: Kathy EXAM 1 PsychoD-Object Relations, Adler, Rogers Existential, Gestalt Video: Stan (immediacy- Rog) Exist (death/mng) Pearls- Gloria Gestalt/Behavioral Video:Stan Gest. Dream work; Ruth #7empty ch Ellis- Gloria Behavioral/Cognitive Behavioral Video: Stan 7 beh rhrsl/assertive/8 faulty belf. Beck: Richard Post-Modern Apps-Solution Focused Brief Th. Feminist Approach Video: Stan- Solution Focused Therapy Case Study Conceptualization: Exam Review Video: Lazarus Kathy Aug 28 Sept 4 16 1 8 23 9 30 10 Nov. 6 11 13 12 20 13 Group Discussion Handout: Kathy TXT Chapter 6 CSBK Chapter 4 (Existential) TXT Chap 8 (Gestalt) Outline Case Conceptualization pp. 11-13 CSBK Chapter 6 Gestalt)\ TXT Chapter 9 (Behavior); CSBK Chapter 7 (Behavior) TXT Chapter 10 (Cog Behavioral); CSBK Chapter 8 (Cog Behavioral) Outline Case Conceptualization pp. 13-15 TXT Chap 13 ( only pp 397-410 & 424-27) TXT Chaps 12 CSBK Chaps. 10 & 11 Group Discussion Handout: Kathy Thanksgiving Holiday 27 Dec. 4 Dec 11 14 Exam 2 Existential, Gestalt Behavioral/Cog Beh. Post-Modernist/Feminist approaches Printed-- on my box by 3:00 P.M. Take Home Exam Due 4