i-Ready Reports (November 13, 2104)

Ready Diagnostic i-Ready Diagnostic Standard Reports
Quantile® Performance
(math only)
Standards Performance
This tab within the Student Profile Report for mathematics shows a student’s Quantile®
score. Available for students who are chronologically in grades K–8.
This K–12 report evaluates how students are performing against CCSS and includes
point-of-use links to the aligned standard(s) for ready reference.
This K–8 report allows educators to check whether students are on track for end-ofyear expectations without waiting for the next full diagnostic assessment. It informs
teacher-led refinement of instruction. Progress monitoring provides information about
how much growth a student should be making and whether or not that student is on
track to attain that level.
This K–12 report informs decisions about which students to place into intervention. It
groups students into three tiers that align graphically to the Class Profile Report. In the
Detail by Student section, teachers and administrators can sort and view details such as
overall scale score, grade-level placement, tier, and teacher.
Helping teachers quickly and effectively group students by specific needs, this K–12
report uses diagnostic results to inform class instructional decisions. Its graphical
presentation enables educators to quickly analyze students’ varying average scale
scores as well as their grade-level placement by domain.
This report shows teachers how to group students so those struggling with the same
skills can get the most out of small-group instruction. It affords educators flexibility in
categorizing students and targeting efficient and effective remediation. Teachers can
drill down to see instructional priorities specifically designed for each profile.
Additionally, this report provides Tools for Instruction lesson plans based on the skills in
which each profile is deficient. These tools guide teachers in “what to know” about
each topic, as well as ways to teach it and its connections to standards. Available for
students in grades K–8.
For students who have taken two or more diagnostic assessments, the Student Growth
Reports are available. Viewable on-screen online, these reports are available at the
district and school levels and growth targets may be set at the school or district level.
These reports allow educators to track student growth between assessments, show
what good growth is and whether each school and grade met targets (or are on track to
meet targets), measure progress toward yearly growth targets across the school or
district (or drill down to grades or even specific classes), and show educators where to
allocate more resources for more intensive intervention. Available for students in
grades K–8.
This report shows each student’s position (percentile rank) relative to a group of
students in the same grade who took the test at the same time of year. Available for
students who are chronologically in grades 2-8.
This K–12 report helps administrators determine the domain-specific instructional
needs of students in each grade in their school. Available at the district and school level.
The K–12 Performance by Grade and Class Report measures gains at a single school by
grade and class.
This K–12 report measures gains across the school or district to monitor progress. The
District Performance Report shows the percentage of students who are on or above
grade level performance in each grade within the entire district and at each school.
Additionally, educators may easily identify how many students are performing either
one grade or two or more grades below level. The report also includes information such
as average scale scores for each grade level and the number of students assessed.
This K–12 report helps teachers communicate student performance to parents. A
Parent Letter that explains this report is provided in English and Spanish.
Progress Monitoring
Intervention Screener
Class Profile Report
Instructional Grouping
Student Growth
Class Norms
Needs Analysis by
Performance by
District Performance
Parent Report
Source: Curriculum Associates Proposal to Kent School District, May 2014.