UDL Adding integers stations-1-hoayeck

Adding integers: Stations
Date: ____________
Period: ____________
Station 1
Directions: With your partner, go to portaportal.com and under the Integers Block click on Integer
Addition Chips link. Click USER at the bottom of the page and enter the following problems. Click
CONTINUE after each step.
Activity 1
Enter each set of numbers and write your answers on the corresponding line.
a) 4 + -4 = _______________
b) -2 + 2 = _______________
c) 6 + -6 = _______________
d) Analyze the numbers. What pattern do you see? __________________________
Activity 2 – (Same Signs)
Enter each set of numbers and write your answers on the corresponding line.
a) 4 + 3 = _______________
c) -3 + -4 = __________________
b) 5 + 2 = _______________
d) -2 + -5 = __________________
e) Can you tell if a sum will be positive or negative just by looking at the problem? If so,
how? _______________________________________________________________
f) Write a rule to tell someone how to add numbers with the same signs.
a. Rule_______________________________________
Activity 3 – (Different Signs)
Enter each set of numbers and write your answers on the corresponding line.
a) 4 + -3 = _______________
b) -5 + 2 = _______________
c) -1 + 6 = _______________
d) 6 + -2 = _______________
e) Can you tell if a sum will be positive or negative just by looking at the problem? If so,
how? _______________________________________________________________
f) Write a rule to tell someone how to add numbers with different signs.
a. Rule________________________________________
Station 2
Directions: With your partner, use the number line and chips to solve each scenario. Write and
solve the math problem for each question.
1) Place the chip on 5 on the number line. Now, translate the chip 3 spaces to the right.
a) Create a math problem of this situation.
a. Math problem: ___________________________
b) Final answer: _______________
2) Place the chip on -2 in the number line. Now, translate the chip 6 spaces to the right.
a) Create a math problem of this situation.
a. Math problem: ___________________________
b) Final answer: _______________
3) Place the chip on 10 on the number line. Now, translate the chip 7 spaces to the left.
a) Create a math problem of this situation.
a. Math problem: _____________________________
b) Final answer: _______________
4) Place the chip on -1 in the number line. Now, translate the chip 4 spaces to the left.
a) Create a math problem of this situation.
a. Math problem: ______________________________
b) Final answer: _______________
What do you think is a rule for adding integers?
Rule: _____________________________________________________________