NORTH SCHUYLKILL JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ASHLAND, PENNSYLVANIA ACTION VERB: An action verb shows motion, work, or movement. EXAMPLES: The girls WORKED on their history projects. Our buddies ATE pizza and then PUKED. Her parents don’t LIKE loud music. Many babies SLEEP a lot. ACTIVITY: IDENTIFICATION DIRECTIONS: Color the nouns green and the action verbs red. “NA” is an option. 1 Ms. Warcola and Austin Christ sang the tenor part. 2 Dylan Clark forgot to number his paper from one to ten. 3 When she and Breanna painted the living room, tension hung in the air. 4 When Adam cruised Shenandoah, he saw a red wolf. 5 Cheyenne Picklo is happy with your choice: a fetal pig. 6 Please extinguish the light when Mr. Misiewicz starts the movie. 7 Lauren recalls that “Fuzzy Bunny” played at the "formal." 8 A dog, cat, and a mouse discussed the best type of transportation, with Dave Wiley. 9 Tamara mentioned that Candice had won the award: a new I-pod. 10 When Brother Trilli was little, he owned a Jeep. 11 When Evan was ten, he bought a huge, red wagon for his sister, Sylvia. 12 Jamie Lee’s computer works very slowly. 13 After Briana Shields had witnessed the damage from the storm, she began sobbing. 14 Tigger, Pooh, and Johnny R. shop at K-mart, for many useful items: paper, pencils, crayons, and Frosted Flakes. 15 During the first semester, Brittany Morgan will be our line leader. ACTIVITY: IDENTIFICATION DIRECTIONS: Cite the action verb from this song. "The Bumble Bee Tuna Song" Yum, yum, Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee Tuna… I love Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee Tuna. Yum, yum, Bumble Bee, Bumble Bee Tuna, another sandwich made with Bumble Bee. Bumble Bee! DESCANT: YUM YUM, BUMB BUMB…… ACTIVITY: APPLICATION DIRECTIONS: Change each action verb to another verb, a form of the present tense. The bear went over the mountain. The bear went over the mountain. The bear went over the mountain to see the fetal pig. The fetal pig lay there. The fetal pig lay there. The fetal pig lay there with its tongue hanging out. We all began to laugh. We all began to laugh. We all began to laugh when we saw the fetal pig. ACTIVITY: APPLICATION DIRECTIONS: Write ten sentences, each with at least one action verb. 1 ___________________________________________________ 2 ___________________________________________________ 3 ___________________________________________________ 4 ___________________________________________________ 5 ___________________________________________________ 6 ___________________________________________________ 7 ___________________________________________________ 8 ___________________________________________________ 9 ___________________________________________________ 10 ___________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: ILLUSTRATION DIRECTIONS: Write one of your sentences in letters of at least one inch. Illustrate the constructions via a drawing of at least five inches wide/high. Color the drawing, with at least four separate crayons. Be thoughtful, expressive, and creative. Good luck! ACTIVITY: CUT AND PASTE DIRECTIONS: Cut out and paste five examples of action verbs onto a separate sheet. AVOID THESE LINKING VERB CONSTRUCTIONS: There is… There are… These are… Those are… Here is… Here are… It is…. (QUIZ) EXAMPLES: There is no reason why Abigail can’t talk. BECOMES Abigail can talk. Here is my money on the table. BECOMES My money is lying on the table. It is a known fact that you like snow. BECOMES You like snow. These are my best friends sitting in the room. BECOMES My best friends sit in the room. DIRECTIONS: Remove the linking verb constructions from the following sentences. Write full constructions. Good luck! 1 It is a shame that Ms. Milefsky can’t visit Florida this winter. ______________________________________________ 2 It is my belief that Mr. Mazeika doesn’t like writing essays. ______________________________________________ 3 There are five of the Martins who like liver and onions. ______________________________________________ 4 There are seven post offices that open at nine in that city. ______________________________________________ 5 There are no substantial reasons that support Ms. Lorah’s case. ______________________________________________ 6 These are the children who passed the test. ______________________________________________ 7 Those are the cars that work from time to time. ______________________________________________ 8 Here is the radio that Brother Korn bought last week. ______________________________________________ 9 These are my best friends that work in New York City. ______________________________________________ 10 It is clear that Mr.Klitsch plays football well. ______________________________________________ 11 These are the discs that you can use this morning. ______________________________________________ 12 There are many patients who dislike the new wing. ______________________________________________ 13 Here are the many stores that Kaitlyn Houser may visit on her tour. ______________________________________________ 14 There is no way that I can sleep in that pig sty. ______________________________________________ 15 Is there any way to reach Philadelphia from here? ______________________________________________ LINKING VERB: A linking verb joins a subject with a word that identifies or describes it. A linking verb involves no action. (1.5.8.F) EXAMPLES: I AM a boy who likes contact sports. Our enemies will BE our friends. We ARE they. WAS it she whom you selected? THESE CONSTRUCTIONS OFTEN FUNCTION AS LINKING VERBS: Forms of “to be” is, are, was, were, (could) be, (would) be,(could have) been, (should have) been, (might have) been (QUIZ) Other Possible/Occasional appear become feel grow remain seem sound taste (QUIZ) ACTIVITY: IDENTIFICATION DIRECTIONS: Identify all nouns with “N” and all linking verbs with “LV.” You may need to use the “NA” designation. 1 You are she---the best student in the whole school. 2 I feel lousy. 3 Were you happy with the white Twix bar? 4 The criminal could not have been Perdita. 5 Our neighbors like growing cucumbers and string beans. 6 The surprise visitor may be Oprah! 7 All of us would like to be Munchkins. 8 The speaker was Justin Heaton. 9 There is our lost dog, Fido. 10 We should have been more ambitious. ACTIVITY: CREATION DIRECTIONS: Create ten sentences----each with a linking verb construction. 1 ________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________ 5 ________________________________________________ 6 ________________________________________________ 7 ________________________________________________ 8 ________________________________________________ 9 ________________________________________________ 10 ________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: MANIPULATION DIRECTIONS: Revise each sentence by avoiding linking verbs. Write full constructions. Record the number of words per each original sentence on the "O" line. Record the number of words per each revised sentence on the "R" line. 1 There is no way I can find that mega mall. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 2 Here is my money lying on the kitchen table. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 3 It is a known fact that kids like to do lots of homework. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 4 Here are my questions that I will be handing to you. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 5 There are many places that accept credit cards. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 6 It is clear that work isn’t liked by you. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 7 There is no way that the money I owe you can be repaid by me to you. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 8 There is a “cool” dog that has a black tongue. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 9 Here are several of the languages that are spoken by me: French, Portuguese, Italian, and the primary language of America. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 10 There is no one in this room, on this planet, who knows how to scare a dweeb. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 11 There is no reason why we shouldn’t attend that folk festival. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 12 There is the spot where we used to ride our bikes. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 13 These are the ten reasons I have to support my being late. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 14 It is uncertain if we are going to buy that purple house. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 15 It is prudent to watch the weather forecast when the weather is going to be inclement. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 16 It was she who stole the last butterscotch cake. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 17 There is going to be a killer frost in the Ringtown Valley this evening. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 18 Dolly, Polly, and Molly noted that there is no one who will be monitoring the “social” this evening. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 19 There will be several kids who are learners at our school—who will be painting windows. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ 20 It is important not to ignore any of the directions. ___________________________________________________ O ______ R ______ ILLUSTRATION: CREATING A POSTER DIRECTIONS: Develop a poster that calls for the extinction of at least ten linking verbs. Cite those verbs in two-inch letters. Also, provide color and graphics. The graphics should measure at least five by five inches. ACTVITY: DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN ACTION AND LINKING VERBS DIRECTIONS: Designate each verb as an action verb or linking verb. 1 You seem happy today. 2 I smell good. 3 I smell well. 4 I feel good. 5 Brittany Darker noted that a ghost had appeared on Centre Street last Sunday before sunrise. 6 The ghost appeared pale probably because he feared light. 7 Arianna tasted the pickled pig feet. 8 She said that they taste sour. 9 Peter Pan and Tinkerbell grew tired of the music. 10 I grew string beans and corn for the family. 11 You sound rather hoarse. 12 The choirmaster sounded the anthem on the carillon. 13 Be happy with what you have. 14 You look satisfied with the snake skin. 15 You looked at the cash register and began to bawl. AUXILIARY VERB: An auxiliary verb helps the main verb. (QUIZ) Examples: I WAS helping the carnival workers. (One word) They HAD earned ten dollars by noon. (One) By noon, he WILL HAVE finished the essay. (Two) I WILL HAVE BEEN running for hours. (Three) (1.5.8.F) ACTIVITY: IDENTIFICATION DIRECTIONS: Color each auxiliary verb with a red crayon. Color each main verb with a green crayon. 1 While Tyler Briel was speaking, the crowd began to cheer. 2 The girl who is running the race belongs to the nerd herd. 3 Can you help Paul Dittman with his cleaning? 4 You and Cullen may go to the store this afternoon. 5 Many Dixons have seen that black bear from Tuscarora. 6 Has Kelsey seen Paul? 7 Our enemies, Mike and Ike, are fighting with each other. 8 Megan Jones could not have predicted those circumstances. 9 Brother Kimsel should know our plans. 10 Brianna and Nicole will be addressing the crowd. ACTIVITY: CREATION DIRECTIONS: Create ten sentences----each with at least one auxiliary verb. 1 ________________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________________ 3 ________________________________________________ 4 ________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________ 6 ________________________________________________ 7 ________________________________________________ 8 ________________________________________________ 9 ________________________________________________ 10 ________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: MANIPULATION DIRECTIONS: Change each auxiliary verb to some form of the past tense--adjusting other elements as necessary. “NA” may be an option. Write full constructions. EXAMPLES: I will run in the race. BECOMES I was running in the race. They have seen our mud pies. BECOMES They had seen our mud pies. 1 I will be running in a race on Friday. __________________________________________________ 2 That reader is being a real goof. __________________________________________________ 3 I have never seen a dweeb before today. __________________________________________________ 4 You will have swum that whole pond by noon. __________________________________________________ 5 The Wienermobile will be spotted by Carly J. Gregas. __________________________________________________ 6 Nicolette likes eating banana splits at Friendly’s. __________________________________________________ 7 Laci and Miranda have never visited China. __________________________________________________ 8 Kiss is often greeted by adoring fans. 9 I have loved pickled tongue and fried cow brains. __________________________________________________ 10 The food is often criticized by the family. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: MANIPULATION DIRECTIONS: Change each verb construction to simple present tense. Make any necessary changes. EXAMPLES: EXAMPLES: I was seeing the bear sitting on the lawn chair. I see the bear sitting on the lawn chair. You are always complaining about the lousy food. You always complain about the lousy food. He did do the work that the teacher requested. He does the work the teacher requests. 1 Mitchell Roshannon and Ms. Berry had written their names on the blackboard. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 2 You had driven to New York and Connecticut last month before the storm. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 3 Ping-pong and Pong-ping are singing the counter harmony. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 4 Zitt and Igor will be tired by the time the show begins. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 5 I had left for vacation with my best friends: Pongo, Perdita, and Cruella. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 6 Dayla and Devin were eating fluffburgers in Girardville. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 7 You will go to Knoebels or Dorney Park this evening. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 8 During the picnic, Gene and Danielle had fried bleenies for five hours. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 9 Before noon, I had seen a dweeb, a nerd, and a weirdo at the bat festival. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 10 I do know how to illustrate the old "snot rocket." ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ PADDED EXPRESSIONS----ELIMINATING THEM ILLUSTRATIONS: There are many people who are singing our praises. Many people SING our praises. It is annoying me that you are complaining all the time. Your complaining ANNOYS me. Here are the kids that are always talking. These kids always TALK. These are the cars that are liked by me. I LIKE these cars. DIRECTIONS: Eliminate padded expressions from the following sentences; use simple present tense. Write full constructions. 1 There are many consumers who are complaining about oil prices. ________________________________________________________ 2 It was a great day that I experienced at the races. ________________________________________________________ 3 It was my dream to speak with Oprah or Ms. Spears. ________________________________________________________ 4 These were the books that I was using during my research. ________________________________________________________ 5 These were the houses that were owned by me. ________________________________________________________ 6 There were many holidays that were celebrated by the Waller family. ________________________________________________________ 7 It will be a subject that I have to study---English. ________________________________________________________ 8 It was a fact that I do do my work. ________________________________________________________ 9 There was a girl who was living in a mansion. ________________________________________________________ 10 It is playing on my mind that you don't pay taxes. ________________________________________________________ 11 These are the books that were left by you on the table. ________________________________________________________ 12 It is important that the work is done by you. ________________________________________________________ 13 It was done by some ratfink from New York. ________________________________________________________ 14 These hamburgers will have been eaten by Brother Barnes. ________________________________________________________ 15 It is with delight that I tell you about your grade. ________________________________________________________ 16 There will be kids who will do nothing. ________________________________________________________ 17 There is a poster that will be created by Ms. Vangieson. ________________________________________________________ 18 It is obvious that you are always complaining about us. ________________________________________________________ 19 Tiffany Smith paints several landscapes . ________________________________________________________ 20 There are many kids who have fallen in love during our class. ________________________________________________________