Answers 1. ACommutative Property of Addition 2. Ca straight stick 3

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Generation Date: 09/07/2010
Generated By: Bob Osborne
Number Properties
1. What property is shown below?
A. Commutative Property of Addition
B. Commutative Property of Multiplication
C. Associative Property of Addition
D. Associative Property of Multiplication
Lines, Line Segments, & Points
2. Which of the following would best model a line segment?
A. a penny
B. a straight tree growing
C. a straight stick
D. parking lot
Triangles & Quadrilaterals
What kind of triangle is this?
A. equiangular triangle
B. equilateral triangle
C. right triangle
D. isosceles triangle
Pretest - Math
4. What fraction is shown in the model below?
B. /2
C. 2/10
D. 1/10
Number Properties
5. Which operations are commutative?
A. division and subtraction
B. multiplication and division
C. addition and subtraction
D. multiplication and addition
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. D
1. An operation is commutative if you can change the order of the numbers involved
without changing the result.
2. A line segment would best be modeled by a straight stick. It has two "endpoints".
3. A triangle that contains a right angle is called a right triangle.
5. An operation is commutative if changing the order of the numbers involved does not
change the result. Multiplication and addition are commutative because of the following:
10 × 2 = 2 × 10
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