Associative Property of Addition The way addends are grouped does not change the sum. Associative Property of Multiplication The way factors are grouped does not change the product. Commutative Property of Addition If the order of addends is changed, the sum remains the same. Commutative Property of Multiplication If the order of factors is changed, the product remains the same. Distributive Property Multiplying a sum by a number is the same as multiplying each addend by the number and then adding the products. Identity Property of One The product of any number and 1 is that number. Identity Property of Zero The sum of any number and 0 is that number. Order of Operations The process for evaluating expressions; first perform the operation in parentheses, clear the exponents, perform all the multiplication and division, and then perform all the addition and subtraction. 6 +5 =5+6 3+2+9=2+9+3 4+2–1=2+4–1 12 + 4 + 81 = 4 + 12 + 81 a+b+c+d=c+a+b+d 4x5=5x4 7x9x3=9x7x3 b· c· a=c·b·a 12 + (5 + 3) = (12 + 5) + 3 (24 + 2) + (36 + 3) = 24 + (2 + 36) + 3 x + (y + z) = (x + y) + x 15 + (2 + 3 + 5) = 15 + (2 + 3) =5 10 x 1 = 10 237 x 1 = 237 1 x 5,478 = 5,478 nx1=n 498 + 0 = 498 0 + 56.07 = 56.07 14 x 31 = (14 x 30) + (14 x 1) 6 x 56 = 6 x (50 + 6) = (6 x 50) + (6 x 6) 7 x 12 = (7x 10) + (7 x 2) 147 x 22 = 147 x (20 + 2) = (147 x 20) + (147 X 2) Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally 36 ÷ (7 + 5) x 32 285 + 6 ÷ (4 - 2) = 285 + 6 ÷ 2 63 – 9÷ 32 52 – (40 ÷ 4) ÷ 2 Create an example of your own for the Distributive Property. Create an example of your own for the Associative Property of Multiplication. Create an example of your own for the Associative Property of Addition. Create an example of your own for a Commutative Property. Create an example of your own for the Order of Operations.