Season/Weather Picture Nombre__________________________ Directions: 1) Write 4 Spanish sentences saying what the weather is generally AND sometimes like in each season. DO NOT REPEAT seasons. DO NOT REPEAT weather conditions. Use this as a model: En (season), generalmente* (weather) pero a veces**, (another weather). *generally ** but sometimes Ex) En el verano, generalmente hace calor pero a veces, hace fresco. 2) Take your sentences to your teacher for corrections. 3) Divide the back of this paper into 4 sections (see example). 4) Write one of your sentences at the top of each quadrant. 5) Illustrate your sentence IN COLOR. Be sure to include BOTH weather conditions for each season. Rubric: 4 No spelling or grammar mistakes 3 One spelling or grammar mistake All pictures are representative of weather/seasons Was on task whole time Drawings in color and effort is evident One picture does not represent weather/seasons Was asked to be on task once Drawings in color and effort is somewhat evident 2 Two spelling or grammar mistakes Two pictures do not represent weather/seasons Was asked to be on task twice Drawings are in color and effort is not evident Extremely neatstraight lines, nice handwriting Very neat Somewhat neat 1 Three spelling or grammar mistakes 0 Four or more spelling or grammar mistakes Three pictures do not represent weather/seasons Was asked to be on task three times No color in drawings and/or minimal effort put into drawings Sloppy Three + pictures do not represent weather/seasons Was asked to be on task more than three times No color in drawings and minimal effort put into drawings Very sloppy _______/ 20 points